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- from time import sleep
- import os
- import httplib, urllib
- import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
- import subprocess
- import datetime
- import MySQLdb
- import socket
- import fcntl
- import struct
- GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)
- GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
- #GPIO.setup(23, GPIO.IN)
- # setup variables
- count = 0
- up = False
- down = False
- command = ""
- filename = ""
- index = 0
- camera_pause = "500"
- command2=""
- db=MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="root", passwd="raspberry", db="admin_pidoorbell")
- cur=db.cursor()
- hostname = socket.gethostname()
- address= socket.gethostbyname("%s.local" % hostname)
- #def restart():
- #print("Restarting... ")
- #command2="sudo reboot"
- #print(command2)
- #os.system(command2)
- def takepic(imageName):
- print("click")
- command = "sudo raspistill -o " + imageName
- print(command)
- os.system(command)
- def PushOver(title,message,url):
- application_token = "a9XubHhzgngExwtdAqvea3gm2ZhRUh"
- user_token = "udSYHEqdgJ2kFz3UpdZLBkjAeXWuj6"
- # Start your connection with the Pushover API server
- conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection("")
- # Send a POST request in urlencoded json
- conn.request("POST", "/1/messages.json",
- urllib.urlencode({
- "token": application_token,
- "user": user_token,
- "title": title,
- "message": message,
- "url": url,
- }), { "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" })
- # Listen for any error messages or other responses
- conn.getresponse()
- # Application specific variables
- # PushOver('Doorbell','Started','')
- print 'Doorbell Server Started\r'
- while True:
- if (GPIO.input(18) == False):
- print 'Button Pushed!\r'
- #os.system('mpg321 -g 100 /home/pi/Ringtones/doorbell1.mp3 &')
- now =
- timeString = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S")
- print("request received" + timeString)
- filename = timeString + '.jpg'
- takepic(filename)
- #query="INSERT INTO images (id,url,date) VALUES (NULL," + filename + ",NULL)"
- cur.execute("INSERT INTO images (id,url,date) VALUES (NULL,'" + filename + "',NULL)")
- print("s-a inserat")
- cur.execute("SELECT * FROM images")
- #for reading in cur.fetchall():
- # print str(reading[0])+" "+str(reading[1])+" "+\
- # str(reading[2])
- PushOver('PiDoorBell','Ding Dong! Someone is ringing at your door!','http://' + address + '/' + filename)
- print("pushed over!And filename= "+filename)
- #print query
- up = GPIO.input(18)
- count = count +1
- sleep(.1)
- #if (GPIO.input(23)==False):
- #restart()
- # this is never hit, but should be here to indicate if you plan on leaving the main loop
- print "done"
- sleep(0.2);
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