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- --[[
- __ _ ____ __ __
- / /___ _(_) / /_ ________ ____ _/ /__/ /_ ____ __ ___ __
- __ / / __ `/ / / __ \/ ___/ _ \/ __ `/ //_/ __ \/ __ `/ |/_/ |/_/
- / /_/ / /_/ / / / /_/ / / / __/ /_/ / ,< / / / / /_/ /> <_> <
- \____/\__,_/_/_/_.___/_/ \___/\__,_/_/|_/_/ /_/\__,_/_/|_/_/|_| v5.0-beta
- By 3dsboy08
- ]]
- do
- if game.PlaceId ~= 606849621 then return end
- local function trick() return 'asd' end
- if not is_synapse_function(trick) then while true do end end
- local LocalPlayer = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- if not LocalPlayer.Character or LocalPlayer.Character.Parent == nil then
- LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Wait()
- end
- end
- local Utils = {}
- do
- local Camera = game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
- local Character = Player.Character
- local NewCharEvent ="BindableEvent")
- function Utils.ConvertTable(Table, KeyValue)
- local Result = {}
- if KeyValue then
- for I,V in pairs(Table) do
- Result[#Result + 1] =
- {
- ["Key"] = I,
- ["Value"] = V
- }
- end
- else
- for I,V in pairs(Table) do
- Result[#Result + 1] = V
- end
- end
- return Result
- end
- function Utils.GetDistance(From, To)
- local Point1
- local Point2
- if typeof(From) == 'Vector3' then
- Point1 = From
- elseif typeof(From) == 'Instance' and From:IsA'BasePart' then
- Point1 = From.Position
- else
- Point1 =
- end
- if typeof(To) == 'Vector3' then
- Point2 = To
- elseif typeof(To) == 'Instance' and To:IsA'BasePart' then
- Point2 = To.Position
- elseif To == nil then
- Point2 = Camera.CFrame.p
- else
- Point2 =
- end
- return (Point1 - Point2).magnitude
- end
- function Utils.GetNearestPlayer(Radius, TeamCheck, Friendly, CrimCheck, Blacklist)
- if not Radius then Radius = 10000 end
- local Nearest
- local Closest = Radius
- for i, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v ~= Player and v.Character ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart' then
- local ShouldContinue = true
- if TeamCheck and v.TeamColor == Player.TeamColor then
- ShouldContinue = false
- end
- if CrimCheck and tostring(v.Team) == "Prisoner" then
- ShouldContinue = false
- end
- if Blacklist then
- for I2,V2 in pairs(Blacklist) do
- if I2.Name == v.Name and V2 then
- ShouldContinue = false
- end
- end
- end
- if Friendly then
- if v.TeamColor == Player.TeamColor then
- ShouldContinue = true
- else
- ShouldContinue = false
- end
- end
- if ShouldContinue then
- local Distance = Utils.GetDistance(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart)
- if Distance < Closest then
- Closest = Distance
- Nearest = v
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return Nearest
- end
- function Utils.GetPlayer()
- return Player
- end
- function Utils.GetCharacter()
- return Character
- end
- function Utils.NewCharacter(Func)
- NewCharEvent.Event:Connect(Func)
- end
- function Utils.ResolveVehicle(Player)
- local Name = Player.Name
- for I,V in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").Vehicles:GetChildren()) do
- local Seat = V:FindFirstChild("Seat")
- if Seat then
- local PlayerName = Seat:FindFirstChild("PlayerName")
- if PlayerName and PlayerName.Value == Name then return V end
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- function Utils.Split(str, sep)
- local result = {}
- local regex = ("([^%s]+)"):format(sep)
- for each in str:gmatch(regex) do
- table.insert(result, each)
- end
- return result
- end
- Player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(NewChar)
- Character = NewChar
- NewCharEvent:Fire(NewChar)
- end)
- end
- local AutoUpdate = {}
- do
- AutoUpdate.Keys = {}
- local PreKeys =
- {
- ["[STR_ENCRYPT]Main"] =
- {
- ["[STR_ENCRYPT]Arrest"] = 5,
- ["[STR_ENCRYPT]Eject"] = 9,
- ["[STR_ENCRYPT]Teleport"] = 24
- },
- ["[STR_ENCRYPT]Bullet"] =
- {
- ["[STR_ENCRYPT]Damage"] = 2
- },
- ["[STR_ENCRYPT]Basic"] =
- {
- ["[STR_ENCRYPT]Taser"] = 3
- },
- ["[STR_ENCRYPT]ItemSystem"] =
- {
- ["[STR_ENCRYPT]Bullet"] = 3
- },
- ["[STR_ENCRYPT]Paraglide"] =
- {
- ["[STR_ENCRYPT]Parachute"] = 2,
- ["[STR_ENCRYPT]ExitParachute"] = 3
- }
- }
- --[[local FindKeys =
- {
- ["Main"] =
- {
- ["s0puogdx"] = true,
- ["a65ghrl1"] = true,
- ["nv98vwuf"] = true,
- ["en393jpx"] = true
- },
- ["Bullet"] =
- {
- ["s98o4vw0"] = true
- },
- ["Basic"] =
- {
- ["nodnfe3d"] = true
- },
- ["ItemSystem"] =
- {
- ["of6hq0km"] = true,
- ["oxhesrb1"] = true
- },
- ["Paraglide"] =
- {
- ["roo8qard"] = true,
- ["en393jpx"] = true
- }
- }]]
- local Scripts =
- {
- ["[STR_ENCRYPT]Main"] = decompile(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.LocalScript),
- ["[STR_ENCRYPT]Bullet"] = decompile(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Game.Bullets),
- ["[STR_ENCRYPT]Basic"] = decompile(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Game.ItemModule.Basic),
- ["[STR_ENCRYPT]ItemSystem"] = decompile(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Module.ItemSystem),
- ["[STR_ENCRYPT]Paraglide"] = decompile(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Game.Paraglide)
- }
- local function Deobfuscate(Key)
- local DeobfusFunc = loadstring([[
- local function FireServer(Key)
- return Key
- end
- return ]] .. Key)
- local function CreateProxy()
- local RT = newproxy(true)
- getmetatable(RT).__index = function(T, K)
- return CreateProxy()
- end
- return RT
- end
- local Env = {}
- setmetatable(Env,
- {
- __index = function(T, K)
- return CreateProxy()
- end
- })
- setfenv(DeobfusFunc, Env)
- return DeobfusFunc()
- end
- for I,V in pairs(Scripts) do
- local Index = 1
- for ObfusKey in V:gmatch([[FireServer%b()]]) do
- local Key = Deobfuscate(ObfusKey)
- Index = Index + 1;
- for Name, TargetIndex in pairs(PreKeys[I]) do
- if rawequal(Index, TargetIndex) then
- AutoUpdate.Keys[Name] = Key
- end
- end
- --[[for Name, _ in pairs(FindKeys[I]) do
- if rawequal(Key, Name) then
- print("Found key: " .. Key .. ", Index: " .. Index .. ", in Script: " .. I)
- end
- end]]
- end
- end
- if not AutoUpdate.Keys.Arrest then
- local Hint ="Hint", workspace)
- Hint.Text = "Failed to load JailbreakHaxx. Make sure you installed the Java JDK and try again!"
- wait(5)
- Hint:Destroy()
- return
- end
- local RemoteName = Scripts["Main"]:match'(%w+):FireServer%(.-, %w+.Name%)';
- local FSName
- for I,V in pairs(debug.getregistry()) do
- if typeof(V) == 'function' then
- local Suc, Res = pcall(debug.getupvalues, V)
- if Suc then
- if Res[RemoteName] and typeof(Res[RemoteName]) == 'table' and Res[RemoteName].FireServer then
- Remote = Res[RemoteName]
- for R, _ in pairs(debug.getupvalues(Remote.FireServer)) do
- FSName = R
- end
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local RMatch = ('%w+ = true\n%s+:FS:%((.-), "NoClip StrafingNoPhysics", false%)'):gsub(':FS:', FSName)
- AutoUpdate.Keys.AntiCheat = Deobfuscate(Scripts["Main"]:match(RMatch))
- AutoUpdate.Keys.ClientTable = Utils.Split(Scripts["Main"]:match('UserInputType.Touch%sthen[^.]+%s1[^.]+%.[^.]+%('):match('function%s[^.]+%.[^.]+%('):match('%s[^.]+%.[^()]+'):gsub('%s', ''), '.')[1]
- end
- local Remote = {}
- do
- local FireServer ="RemoteEvent").FireServer
- local NameCall = getfenv()[("[STR_ENCRYPT]gbmt")]()[("[STR_ENCRYPT]__namecall")] --anti-skid protection
- if type(NameCall) ~= "function" or is_synapse_function(NameCall) or islclosure(NameCall) or #debug.getupvalues(NameCall) ~= 0 then while true do end end
- local FireFunc
- local Event
- local EventList
- local RuntimeKeys = {}
- local ReverseRuntimeKeys = {}
- local EventHooks = {}
- function Remote.FireServer(Key, ...)
- if Key == "[STR_ENCRYPT]Damage" then
- FireFunc(AutoUpdate.Keys[Key], ...) --todo: WTF?
- end
- local RealKey = RuntimeKeys[AutoUpdate.Keys[Key]]
- NameCall(Event(), RealKey, ..., "[STR_ENCRYPT]FireServer")
- end
- function Remote.FireServerRaw(Key, ...)
- local RealKey = RuntimeKeys[Key]
- NameCall(Event(), RealKey, ..., "[STR_ENCRYPT]FireServer")
- end
- function Remote.AddHook(Key, Func)
- EventHooks[AutoUpdate.Keys[Key]] = Func
- end
- local FireServerHook = newcclosure(function(TEvent, Key, ...)
- if EventHooks[ReverseRuntimeKeys[Key]] then EventHooks[ReverseRuntimeKeys[Key]](...) end
- if ReverseRuntimeKeys[Key] == AutoUpdate.Keys.AntiCheat then return end
- return FireServer(TEvent, Key, ...)
- end)
- --Setup hooks into Jailbreak scripts
- local BreakLoop = false
- for I,V in pairs(getreg()) do
- if BreakLoop then break end
- if type(V) == "function" and islclosure(V) then
- for I2,V2 in pairs(debug.getupvalues(V)) do
- if type(V2) == "table" and rawget(V2, "FireServer") then
- --Grab JB event handlers (retarded code)
- FireFunc = Utils.ConvertTable(debug.getupvalues(rawget(V2, "FireServer")))[1]
- local Upvals = Utils.ConvertTable(debug.getupvalues(Utils.ConvertTable(debug.getupvalues(rawget(V2, "FireServer")))[1]), true)
- local EventIdx
- local RuntimeKeysIdx
- local UpvalsIdx
- for I,V in pairs(Upvals) do
- if type(Upvals[I].Value) == "function" then
- if islclosure(Upvals[I].Value) then
- EventIdx = I
- else
- UpvalsIdx = I
- end
- elseif type(Upvals[I].Value) == "table" then
- RuntimeKeysIdx = I
- end
- end
- Event = Upvals[EventIdx].Value
- EventList = Utils.ConvertTable(debug.getupvalues(Event))[1]
- RuntimeKeys = Upvals[RuntimeKeysIdx].Value
- for I3,V3 in pairs(RuntimeKeys) do
- ReverseRuntimeKeys[V3] = I3
- end
- debug.setupvalue(Utils.ConvertTable(debug.getupvalues(rawget(V2, "FireServer")))[1], Upvals[UpvalsIdx].Key, FireServerHook)
- BreakLoop = true
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Remote.Event = Event
- Remote.EventList = EventList
- end
- local Settings = {}
- do
- local RealSettings = {}
- local RealSavedSettings = {}
- function Settings.Set(Key, Val)
- RealSettings[Key] = Val
- end
- function Settings.Get(Key)
- return RealSettings[Key]
- end
- function Settings.SetSaved(Key, Val)
- RealSavedSettings[Key] = Val
- end
- function Settings.GetSaved(Key)
- return RealSavedSettings[Key]
- end
- --Save settings
- local Suc, Res = pcall(function()
- return game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(readfile("jbhaxx_settings.bin"))
- end)
- if Suc and type(Res) == "table" then
- for I,V in pairs(Res) do
- Settings.SetSaved(I, V)
- end
- end
- if not Settings.GetSaved("WalkSpeed") then
- Settings.SetSaved("WalkSpeed", 50)
- end
- if not Settings.GetSaved("JumpPower") then
- Settings.SetSaved("JumpPower", 100)
- end
- if not Settings.GetSaved("Active") then
- Settings.SetSaved("Active", {})
- end
- if not Settings.GetSaved("KeyBinds") then
- Settings.SetSaved("KeyBinds", {})
- end
- spawn(function()
- while wait(10) do
- writefile("jbhaxx_settings.bin", game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(RealSavedSettings))
- end
- end)
- end
- local Bypass = {}
- do
- function Bypass.Teleport(...)
- local Trigger = false
- if not Settings.Get("WalkSpeedEnabled") and not Settings.Get("JumpPowerEnabled") then
- Settings.Set("WalkSpeedEnabled", true)
- Trigger = true
- wait(1)
- end
- local HRP = Utils.GetCharacter().HumanoidRootPart
- HRP.CFrame =
- if Trigger then
- wait(1)
- Settings.Set("WalkSpeedEnabled", false)
- end
- return
- end
- function Bypass.WalkSpeed(Disable)
- if Disable then
- Utils.GetCharacter():WaitForChild'Humanoid'.WalkSpeed = 16
- else
- Utils.GetCharacter():WaitForChild'Humanoid'.WalkSpeed = Settings.GetSaved("WalkSpeed")
- end
- end
- function Bypass.JumpPower(Disable)
- if Disable then
- Utils.GetCharacter():WaitForChild'Humanoid'.JumpPower = 50
- else
- Utils.GetCharacter():WaitForChild'Humanoid'.JumpPower = Settings.GetSaved("JumpPower")
- end
- end
- function Bypass.Damage(Player)
- Remote.FireServer("Damage", Player.Character.Head.Position,, 0, 0), Player.Character.Head)
- end
- function Bypass.Taser(Player)
- Remote.FireServer("Taser", Player.Name, Player.Character.Head, Player.Character.Head.Position)
- end
- function Bypass.Arrest(Player)
- Remote.FireServer("Arrest", Player.Name)
- end
- function Bypass.Eject(Car)
- Remote.FireServer("Eject", Car)
- end
- Utils.NewCharacter(function()
- Bypass.WalkSpeed(not Settings.Get("WalkSpeedEnabled"))
- Bypass.JumpPower(not Settings.Get("JumpPowerEnabled"))
- end)
- --Metatable hook
- loadstring([[
- local MT = getrawmetatable(game)
- local OldNewIndex = MT.__newindex
- setreadonly(MT, false)
- MT.__newindex = newcclosure(function(T, K, V)
- if checkcaller() then return OldNewIndex(T, K, V) end
- if K == "WalkSpeed" then return end
- if K == "JumpPower" then return end
- return OldNewIndex(T, K, V)
- end)
- setreadonly(MT, true)
- ]])()
- --Disable ragdoll + nitro checks
- local BreakLoop = false
- local RagdollTable
- local ClientTable
- local SetNitro
- local KnowArrest
- for I,V in pairs(getreg()) do
- if BreakLoop then break end
- if type(V) == "function" and islclosure(V) then
- for I2,V2 in pairs(debug.getupvalues(V)) do
- if type(V2) == "table" and rawget(V2, "LastVehicleExit") then
- RagdollTable = V2
- BreakLoop = true
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- BreakLoop = false
- for I,V in pairs(getreg()) do
- if BreakLoop then break end
- if type(V) == "function" and islclosure(V) and not is_synapse_function(V) then
- for I2,V2 in pairs(debug.getupvalues(V)) do
- if I2 == AutoUpdate.Keys.ClientTable then
- ClientTable = V2
- BreakLoop = true
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for I,V in pairs(ClientTable) do
- if type(V) == "function" and not is_synapse_function(V) then
- for I2,V2 in pairs(debug.getconstants(V)) do
- if V2 == "%d/%d Fuel" then
- SetNitro = V
- end
- if V2 == "%s Cash" then
- KnowArrest = I
- end
- end
- end
- end
- RagdollTable.LastVehicleExit = nil
- setmetatable(RagdollTable,
- {
- __index = function(T, K)
- if K == "LastVehicleExit" then
- return tick() + 10
- end
- return rawget(RagdollTable, K)
- end,
- __newindex = function(T, K, V)
- if K == "LastVehicleExit" then
- rawset(RagdollTable, "LastVehicleExit", nil)
- return
- end
- return rawset(RagdollTable, K, V)
- end
- })
- local CurrentlyArresting = false
- local CurrentlyKilling = false
- local ArrestComplete = false
- local FirstArrest = true
- local ArrestBlacklist = {}
- local TpAuraBlacklist = {}
- for I,V in pairs(Remote.EventList) do
- V.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(Key, ...)
- local Args = {...}
- if CurrentlyArresting and Key == KnowArrest and Args[2] == "Arrest" then
- ArrestComplete = true
- end
- end)
- end
- game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(function()
- if Settings.Get("InfNitro") then
- SetNitro(300, 300)
- end
- local Char = Utils.GetCharacter()
- if Settings.Get("WalkSpeedEnabled") or Settings.Get("JumpPowerEnabled") then
- Remote.FireServer("Parachute")
- if Char:FindFirstChild("Parachute") then
- Char.Parachute:Destroy()
- end
- else
- Remote.FireServer("ExitParachute")
- end
- if Settings.Get("NoClip") then
- Char.Humanoid:ChangeState(11)
- end
- if Settings.Get("AutoArrest") and tostring(Utils.GetPlayer().Team) == "Police" then
- local Near = Utils.GetNearestPlayer(10000, true, false, true, ArrestBlacklist)
- if Near and not CurrentlyArresting then
- CurrentlyArresting = true
- spawn(function()
- ArrestBlacklist[Near] = true
- local Event
- Event = Near:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Team"):Connect(function()
- ArrestBlacklist[Near] = false
- Event:Disconnect()
- end)
- if not FirstArrest then
- if Utils.GetDistance(Char.HumanoidRootPart, Near.Character.HumanoidRootPart) > 150 then
- game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification",
- {
- Title = "JBHaxx AutoArrest",
- Text = "AutoArrest is waiting for the next arrest slot to be open. Please be patient.",
- Duration = 30
- })
- wait(30)
- else
- game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification",
- {
- Title = "JBHaxx AutoArrest",
- Text = "AutoArrest is waiting for the next arrest slot to be open. Please be patient.",
- Duration = 5
- })
- wait(5)
- end
- else
- FirstArrest = false
- end
- if not ArrestBlacklist[Near] then
- CurrentlyArresting = false
- ArrestComplete = false
- end
- local Pos = Near.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.p
- Bypass.Teleport(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z)
- wait(3)
- while tostring(Near.Team) == "Criminal" and not ArrestComplete and Settings.Get("AutoArrest") do
- local Resolve = Utils.ResolveVehicle(Near)
- if Resolve then
- Bypass.Eject(Resolve)
- end
- Bypass.Taser(Near)
- Bypass.Arrest(Near)
- Utils.GetCharacter().HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Near.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame -, 0, 0)
- wait(3)
- end
- CurrentlyArresting = false
- ArrestComplete = false
- end)
- end
- end
- if Settings.Get("TpAura") then
- local Near = Utils.GetNearestPlayer(10000, true, false, true, TpAuraBlacklist)
- if Near and not CurrentlyKilling then
- CurrentlyKilling = true
- spawn(function()
- TpAuraBlacklist[Near] = true
- local Event
- Event = Near.CharacterAdded:Connect(function()
- TpAuraBlacklist[Near] = false
- Event:Disconnect()
- end)
- local Pos = Near.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.p
- Bypass.Teleport(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z)
- wait(0.2)
- while Near.Character.Humanoid.Health ~= 0 and Settings.Get("TpAura") do
- Bypass.Damage(Near)
- Utils.GetCharacter().HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Near.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame -, 0, 0)
- wait()
- end
- CurrentlyKilling = false
- end)
- end
- end
- if Settings.Get("KillAura") then
- local Near = Utils.GetNearestPlayer(100, true, false, true)
- if Near then
- Bypass.Damage(Near)
- end
- end
- end)
- Remote.AddHook("Bullet", function()
- if Settings.Get("TriggerBot") then
- local Near = Utils.GetNearestPlayer(100, true, false, true)
- if Near then
- Bypass.Damage(Near)
- end
- end
- end)
- local Mouse = Utils.GetPlayer():GetMouse()
- Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
- if Settings.Get("ClickTeleport") then
- local V3 = Mouse.Hit.p +, 2, 0)
- Bypass.Teleport(V3.x, V3.y, V3.z)
- end
- end)
- end
- local UI = {}
- do
- local Render = loadstring(game:HttpGet("[STR_ENCRYPT]", true))()
- loadstring(game:HttpGet("[STR_ENCRYPT]", true))()
- local ESPLib = shared.uESP
- ESPLib.Enabled = false
- ESPLib.Settings.DrawTracers = false
- local RenderSettings =
- {
- ['Theme'] =
- {
- ['Main'] = Color3.fromRGB(171, 71, 188),
- ['Background'] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0),
- ['TextColor'] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
- },
- ['WindowCount'] = -1,
- ['Draggable'] = true,
- ['Keybind'] = Enum.KeyCode.RightShift
- }
- local Menu = Render.CreateMenu(RenderSettings)
- local MenuOptions = Menu.MenuOptions
- local CombatMenu = MenuOptions.CreateWindow("Combat")
- local MovementMenu = MenuOptions.CreateWindow("Movement")
- local RenderMenu = MenuOptions.CreateWindow("Render")
- local TeleportsMenu = MenuOptions.CreateWindow("Teleports")
- local UtilityMenu = MenuOptions.CreateWindow("Utility")
- local SettingsMenu = MenuOptions.CreateWindow("Settings")
- local TpAura = CombatMenu.Add("toggle", "TpAura")
- local KillAura = CombatMenu.Add("toggle", "KillAura")
- local TriggerBot = CombatMenu.Add("toggle", "Trigger Bot")
- local AutoArrest = CombatMenu.Add("toggle", "Auto Arrest")
- local InfAmmo = CombatMenu.Add("clickable", "Infinite Ammo")
- local MachinePistol = CombatMenu.Add("clickable", "Machine Pistol")
- local Speed = MovementMenu.Add("toggle", "Speed")
- local SuperJump = MovementMenu.Add("toggle", "Super Jump")
- local NoClip = MovementMenu.Add("toggle", "NoClip")
- local ClickTeleport = MovementMenu.Add("toggle", "Click Teleport")
- local ESP = RenderMenu.Add("toggle", "ESP")
- local Tracers = RenderMenu.Add("toggle", "Tracers")
- local CrimBase = TeleportsMenu.Add("clickable", "Criminal Base")
- local DonutShop = TeleportsMenu.Add("clickable", "Donut Shop")
- local Jail = TeleportsMenu.Add("clickable", "Jail")
- local Jewelry = TeleportsMenu.Add("clickable", "Jewelry")
- local Bank = TeleportsMenu.Add("clickable", "Bank")
- local GasStation = TeleportsMenu.Add("clickable", "Gas Station")
- local Museum = TeleportsMenu.Add("clickable", "Museum")
- local InfNitro = UtilityMenu.Add("toggle", "Infinite Nitro")
- local SpeedPlus = SettingsMenu.Add("clickable", "Speed +")
- local SpeedMinus = SettingsMenu.Add("clickable", "Speed -")
- local SuperJumpPlus = SettingsMenu.Add("clickable", "Super Jump +")
- local SuperJumpMinus = SettingsMenu.Add("clickable", "Super Jump -")
- local DisableBlur = SettingsMenu.Add("toggle", "Disable Blur")
- CrimBase.Callback = function()
- Bypass.Teleport(-226, 18, 1590)
- end
- DonutShop.Callback = function()
- Bypass.Teleport(268, 18, -1760)
- end
- Jail.Callback = function()
- Bypass.Teleport(-1133, 18, -1355)
- end
- Jewelry.Callback = function()
- Bypass.Teleport(142, 18, 1365)
- end
- Bank.Callback = function()
- Bypass.Teleport(10, 18, 784)
- end
- GasStation.Callback = function()
- Bypass.Teleport(-1583, 18, 724)
- end
- Museum.Callback = function()
- Bypass.Teleport(1158, 102, 1272)
- end
- InfNitro.Callback = function(Type, Name, Value)
- Settings.Set("InfNitro", Value)
- end
- DisableBlur.Callback = function(Type, Name, Value)
- Menu.SetBlur(not Value)
- end
- Speed.Callback = function(Type, Name, Value)
- Bypass.WalkSpeed(not Value)
- Settings.Set("WalkSpeedEnabled", Value)
- end
- SuperJump.Callback = function(Type, Name, Value)
- Bypass.JumpPower(not Value)
- Settings.Set("JumpPowerEnabled", Value)
- end
- NoClip.Callback = function(Type, Name, Value)
- Settings.Set("NoClip", Value)
- end
- ClickTeleport.Callback = function(Type, Name, Value)
- Settings.Set("ClickTeleport", Value)
- end
- AutoArrest.Callback = function(Type, Name, Value)
- Settings.Set("AutoArrest", Value)
- end
- TpAura.Callback = function(Type, Name, Value)
- Settings.Set("TpAura", Value)
- end
- KillAura.Callback = function(Type, Name, Value)
- Settings.Set("KillAura", Value)
- end
- TriggerBot.Callback = function(Type, Name, Value)
- Settings.Set("TriggerBot", Value)
- end
- ESP.Callback = function(Type, Name, Value)
- ESPLib.Enabled = Value
- end
- Tracers.Callback = function(Type, Name, Value)
- ESPLib.Settings.DrawTracers = Value
- end
- InfAmmo.Callback = function()
- for I,V in pairs(getreg()) do
- if type(V) == "function" and islclosure(V) then
- for I2,V2 in pairs(debug.getupvalues(V)) do
- if type(V2) == "table" and rawget(V2, "AmmoCurrent") then
- V2.AmmoCurrent = math.huge
- end
- if type(V2) == "table" and rawget(V2, "Pistol") then
- for I3,V3 in pairs(V2) do
- if rawget(V3, "FireFreq") then
- V3.MagSize = math.huge
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- MachinePistol.Callback = function()
- for I,V in pairs(getreg()) do
- if type(V) == "function" and islclosure(V) then
- for I2,V2 in pairs(debug.getupvalues(V)) do
- if type(V2) == "table" and rawget(V2, "Pistol") then
- for I3,V3 in pairs(V2) do
- if rawget(V3, "FireFreq") then
- V3.FireFreq = math.huge
- V3.CamShakeMagnitude = 1
- V3.FireAuto = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- SpeedPlus.Callback = function()
- Settings.SetSaved("WalkSpeed", Settings.GetSaved("WalkSpeed") + 20)
- if Settings.Get("WalkSpeedEnabled") then
- Bypass.WalkSpeed()
- end
- end
- SpeedMinus.Callback = function()
- if (0 > Settings.GetSaved("WalkSpeed") - 20) then return end
- Settings.SetSaved("WalkSpeed", Settings.GetSaved("WalkSpeed") - 20)
- if Settings.Get("WalkSpeedEnabled") then
- Bypass.WalkSpeed()
- end
- end
- SuperJumpPlus.Callback = function()
- Settings.SetSaved("JumpPower", Settings.GetSaved("JumpPower") + 20)
- if Settings.Get("JumpPowerEnabled") then
- Bypass.JumpPower()
- end
- end
- SuperJumpMinus.Callback = function()
- if (0 > Settings.GetSaved("JumpPower") - 20) then return end
- Settings.SetSaved("JumpPower", Settings.GetSaved("JumpPower") - 20)
- if Settings.Get("JumpPowerEnabled") then
- Bypass.JumpPower()
- end
- end
- for I,V in pairs(Settings.GetSaved("Active")) do
- if V then
- Menu.EmulateToggle(I)
- end
- end
- for I,V in pairs(Settings.GetSaved("KeyBinds")) do
- Menu.EmulateKeyBind(I, Enum.KeyCode[V])
- end
- spawn(function()
- while wait(5) do
- local RealKeyBinds = {}
- for I,V in pairs(Menu.GetKeyBinds()) do
- RealKeyBinds[I] = V["Key"].Name
- end
- Settings.SetSaved("KeyBinds", RealKeyBinds)
- Settings.SetSaved("Active", Menu.GetActive())
- end
- end)
- end
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