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- /* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */
- #include <amxmodx>
- #include <amxmisc>
- #include <colorchat>
- #define PLUGIN "Rank Go"
- #define VERSION "1.0"
- #define AUTHOR "pornhub"
- #define SilverII 200
- #define SilverIII 400
- #define SilverIV 800
- #define SilverE 1200
- #define SilverEM 1600
- #define GNI 2000
- #define GNII 2600
- #define GNIII 3200
- #define GNM 3600
- #define MGI 4200
- #define MGII 4800
- #define MGE 5400
- #define DMG 6200
- #define LE 7000
- #define LEM 8000
- #define SMFC 9000
- #define TGE 10000
- new KILLS[33];
- new File[128];
- public plugin_init() {
- register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
- register_clcmd ( "say", "hook_say" );
- register_event ( "DeathMsg", "eDeath", "a" );
- new DataDir[64]
- get_datadir(DataDir, 63)
- format(File, 127, "%s/CsGoRank.dat", DataDir)
- }
- public hook_say ( e_Index )
- {
- static s_Said[ 192 ];
- read_args ( s_Said, charsmax ( s_Said ) );
- if ( equal ( s_Said, "" ) || equal (s_Said, " " ))
- return 1;
- remove_quotes ( s_Said );
- new chatreply[192]
- parse(s_Said, chatreply, 191)
- if (!chatreply[0])
- {
- return 1;
- }
- static s_Name[ 32 ];
- get_user_name ( e_Index, s_Name, 31 );
- if ( get_user_flags(e_Index) & ADMIN_KICK )
- {
- if ( KILLS[e_Index] < SilverII )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Silver I^1]^3%s^1:^4%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( SilverII <= KILLS[e_Index] < SilverIII )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Silver II^1]^3%s^1:^4%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( SilverIII <= KILLS[e_Index] < SilverIV )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Silver III^1]^3%s^1:^4%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( SilverIV <= KILLS[e_Index] < SilverE )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Silver IV^1]^3%s^1:^4%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( SilverE <= KILLS[e_Index] < SilverEM )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Silver Elite^1]^3%s^1:^4%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( SilverEM <= KILLS[e_Index] < GNI )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Silver Elite Master^1]^3%s^1:^4%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( GNI <= KILLS[e_Index] < GNII )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Gold Nova I^1]^3%s^1:^4%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( GNII <= KILLS[e_Index] < GNIII )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Gold Nova II^1]^3%s^1:^4%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( GNIII <= KILLS[e_Index] < GNM )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Gold Nova III^1]^3%s^1:^4%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( GNM <= KILLS[e_Index] < MGI )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Gold Nova Master^1]^3%s^1:^4%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( MGI <= KILLS[e_Index] < MGII )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Master Guardian I^1]^3%s^1:^4%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( MGII <= KILLS[e_Index] < MGE )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Master Guardian II^1]^3%s^1:^4%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( MGE <= KILLS[e_Index] < DMG )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Master Guardian Elite^1]^3%s^1:^4%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( DMG <= KILLS[e_Index] < LE )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Distinguished Master Guardian^1]^3%s^1:^4%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( LE <= KILLS[e_Index] < LEM )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Legendary Eagle^1]^3%s^1:^4%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( LEM <= KILLS[e_Index] < SMFC )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Legendary Eagle Master^1]^3%s^1:^4%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( SMFC <= KILLS[e_Index] < TGE )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Supreme Master First Class^1]^3%s^1:^4%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( TGE <= KILLS[e_Index] )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4The Global Elite^1]^3%s^1:^4%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ( KILLS[e_Index] < SilverII )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Silver I^1]^3%s^4:^1%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( SilverII <= KILLS[e_Index] < SilverIII )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Silver II^1]^3%s^4:^1%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( SilverIII <= KILLS[e_Index] < SilverIV )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Silver III^1]^3%s^4:^1%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( SilverIV <= KILLS[e_Index] < SilverE )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Silver IV^1]^3%s^4:^1%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( SilverE <= KILLS[e_Index] < SilverEM )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Silver Elite^1]^3%s^4:^1%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( SilverEM <= KILLS[e_Index] < GNI )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Silver Elite Master^1]^3%s^4:^1%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( GNI <= KILLS[e_Index] < GNII )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Gold Nova I^1]^3%s^4:^1%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( GNII <= KILLS[e_Index] < GNIII )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Gold Nova II^1]^3%s^4:^1%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( GNIII <= KILLS[e_Index] < GNM )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Gold Nova III^1]^3%s^4:^1%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( GNM <= KILLS[e_Index] < MGI )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Gold Nova Master^1]^3%s^4:^1%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( MGI <= KILLS[e_Index] < MGII )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Master Guardian I^1]^3%s^4:^1%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( MGII <= KILLS[e_Index] < MGE )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Master Guardian II^1]^3%s^4:^1%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( MGE <= KILLS[e_Index] < DMG )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Master Guardian Elite^1]^3%s^4:^1%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( DMG <= KILLS[e_Index] < LE )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Distinguished Master Guardian^1]^3%s^4:^1%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( LE <= KILLS[e_Index] < LEM )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Legendary Eagle^1]^3%s^4:^1%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( LEM <= KILLS[e_Index] < SMFC )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Legendary Eagle Master^1]^3%s^4:^1%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( SMFC <= KILLS[e_Index] < TGE )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4Supreme Master First Class^1]^3%s^4:^1%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- else if ( TGE <= KILLS[e_Index] )
- {
- ColorChat ( 0, TEAM_COLOR, "^1[^4The Global Elite^1]^3%s^4:^1%s", s_Name, s_Said );
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- public eDeath ( )
- {
- new iKiller = read_data ( 1 );
- new iVictim = read_data ( 2 );
- new weapon [ 32 ];
- read_data ( 4, weapon, sizeof ( weapon ) -1 );
- if ( iKiller == iVictim )
- {
- return 1;
- }
- if ( is_user_alive(iKiller) && is_user_connected(iKiller) )
- {
- KILLS[iKiller]++;
- SaveSts(iKiller);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- public client_connect(id)
- {
- LoadSts ( id );
- }
- public client_disconnect ( id )
- {
- SaveSts ( id );
- }
- public SaveSts(id) {
- new Name[32];
- get_user_name(id, Name, 31);
- static Data[1024]
- formatex(Data, sizeof(Data) - 1, "^"%i^"", KILLS[id])
- new Save[512]
- format(Save, 511, "^"%s^" %s", Name, Data )
- new Line[128], Linie, IsPlayer = false, Arg1[32]
- new FileOpen = fopen(File, "rt")
- while(!feof(FileOpen)) {
- fgets(FileOpen, Line, 127)
- trim(Line)
- parse(Line, Arg1, 31)
- if (equali(Arg1, Name)) {
- write_file(File, Save, Linie)
- IsPlayer = true
- break
- }
- Linie++
- }
- fclose(FileOpen)
- if (!IsPlayer) {
- write_file(File, Save, -1)
- }
- }
- public LoadSts(id) {
- new Name[32];
- get_user_name(id, Name, 31);
- new Line[128], IsPlayer = false, Arg1[32], Arg2[32];
- new FileOpen = fopen(File, "rt")
- while(!feof(FileOpen)) {
- fgets(FileOpen, Line, 127)
- trim(Line)
- parse(Line, Arg1, 31, Arg2, 31)
- if (equali(Arg1, Name)) {
- KILLS[id] = str_to_num(Arg2)
- IsPlayer = true
- break
- }
- }
- fclose(FileOpen)
- if (!IsPlayer) {
- KILLS[id] = 0;
- }
- }
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