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- local term = require("term")
- local drawing = require("drawing")
- local component = require("component")
- local event = require("event")
- local keyboard = require("keyboard")
- local shell = require("shell")
- local gpu = component.gpu
- function clamp(num, min, max)
- if (num > max) then
- return max
- elseif (num < min) then
- return min
- else
- return num
- end
- end
- --Complementary function
- function hasItem(table, item)
- for i = 0, #table-1 do
- for j = 0, #table[0]-1 do
- if table[i][j] == item then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function revealCell(x, y, PlayGrid)
- local combinations = {
- [0] = {y = y - 1, x = x, condition = (y - 1 > -1)},
- [1] = {y = y - 1, x = x + 1, condition = (y - 1 > -1) and (x + 1 < PlayGrid.playFieldSize.x)},
- [2] = {y = y, x = x + 1, condition = (x + 1 < PlayGrid.playFieldSize.x)},
- [3] = {y = y + 1, x = x + 1, condition = (y + 1 < PlayGrid.playFieldSize.y) and (x + 1 < PlayGrid.playFieldSize.x)},
- [4] = {y = y + 1, x = x, condition = (y + 1 < PlayGrid.playFieldSize.y)},
- [5] = {y = y + 1, x = x - 1, condition = (y + 1 < PlayGrid.playFieldSize.y) and (x - 1 > -1)},
- [6] = {y = y, x = x - 1, condition = (x - 1 > -1)},
- [7] = {y = y - 1, x = x - 1, condition = (y - 1 > -1) and (x - 1 > -1)},
- }
- if PlayGrid.revealedGrid[y][x] == "r" then
- return
- end
- if PlayGrid.values[y][x] == "M" then
- PlayGrid.revealedGrid[y][x] = "r"
- PlayGrid.gameOver = true
- return
- elseif PlayGrid.values[y][x] == "0" then
- PlayGrid.revealedGrid[y][x] = "r"
- PlayGrid.unrevealedAmount = PlayGrid.unrevealedAmount - 1
- for i=0,#combinations do
- if combinations[i].condition then
- if PlayGrid.values[combinations[i].y][combinations[i].x] ~= "M" and PlayGrid.revealedGrid[combinations[i].y][combinations[i].x] ~= "r" then
- PlayGrid.revealedGrid[combinations[i].y][combinations[i].x] = "t"
- drawing.drawPlayField(PlayGrid)
- end
- end
- end
- else
- PlayGrid.revealedGrid[y][x] = "r"
- PlayGrid.unrevealedAmount = PlayGrid.unrevealedAmount - 1
- end
- end
- --Event handlers
- function nullEvent()
- --Do nothing
- end
- local eventHandler = setmetatable({}, {__index = function() return nullEvent end})
- function eventHandler.touch(PlayGrid, screenAddress, x, y, button, playerName)
- local clickWithOffset = {x = x - PlayGrid.offset.x, y = y - PlayGrid.offset.y}
- local isClickInPlayFieldBounds = (clickWithOffset.x >= 0 and clickWithOffset.x < PlayGrid.playFieldSize.x) and (clickWithOffset.y >= 0 and clickWithOffset.y < PlayGrid.playFieldSize.y)
- if isClickInPlayFieldBounds then
- if keyboard.isAltDown() then
- if PlayGrid.revealedGrid[clickWithOffset.y][clickWithOffset.x] == "r" then
- return
- end
- if PlayGrid.revealedGrid[clickWithOffset.y][clickWithOffset.x] == "f" then
- PlayGrid.revealedGrid[clickWithOffset.y][clickWithOffset.x] = "u"
- PlayGrid.flagedAmount = PlayGrid.flagedAmount - 1
- else
- PlayGrid.revealedGrid[clickWithOffset.y][clickWithOffset.x] = "f"
- PlayGrid.flagedAmount = PlayGrid.flagedAmount + 1
- end
- return
- end
- revealCell(clickWithOffset.x, clickWithOffset.y, PlayGrid)
- while hasItem(PlayGrid.revealedGrid, "t") do
- for i = 0, #PlayGrid.revealedGrid-1 do
- for j = 0, #PlayGrid.revealedGrid[0]-1 do
- if PlayGrid.revealedGrid[i][j] == "t" then
- revealCell(j, i, PlayGrid)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function handleEvent(PlayGrid, eventID, ...)
- if (eventID) then
- eventHandler[eventID](PlayGrid, ...)
- end
- end
- gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF)
- --Init
- local PlayGrid = {values = {}, revealedGrid = {}, playFieldSize = {x = 0, y = 0}, offset = {x = 0, y = 0}, mineAmount = 0, unrevealedAmount = 0,
- flagedAmount = 0, gameOver = false, gameWon = false, cheater = false }
- local arguments_as_a_table = {...}
- if arguments_as_a_table[1] == "cheater" then
- PlayGrid.cheater = true
- end
- --Player input on difficulty
- term.clear()
- term.setCursor(1, 1)
- print("MINESWEEPER")
- print("Enter difficulty [1][2][3]: ")
- local input = tostring(
- term.clear()
- if input == "1\n" then
- PlayGrid.playFieldSize.x, PlayGrid.playFieldSize.y = 9, 9
- PlayGrid.mineAmount = 10
- elseif input == "2\n" then
- PlayGrid.playFieldSize.x, PlayGrid.playFieldSize.y = 16, 16
- PlayGrid.mineAmount = 40
- elseif input == "3\n" then
- PlayGrid.playFieldSize.x, PlayGrid.playFieldSize.y = 30, 16
- PlayGrid.mineAmount = 99
- else
- term.clear()
- term.write("Wrong difficulty!")
- return
- end
- PlayGrid.unrevealedAmount = PlayGrid.playFieldSize.x * PlayGrid.playFieldSize.y
- --Global variables
- local termSize = {}
- termSize.width, termSize.height = component.gpu.getViewport()
- PlayGrid.offset.x, PlayGrid.offset.y = math.ceil(termSize.width / 2 - PlayGrid.playFieldSize.x / 2), math.ceil(termSize.height / 2 - PlayGrid.playFieldSize.y / 2)
- --Initializing play playGrid
- for y = 0, PlayGrid.playFieldSize.y - 1 do
- PlayGrid.values[y] = {}
- for x = 0, PlayGrid.playFieldSize.x - 1 do
- PlayGrid.values[y][x] = "0"
- end
- end
- --Population the grid with mines
- math.randomseed(os.time())
- local tempMineAmount = PlayGrid.mineAmount
- while tempMineAmount > 0 do
- local xMine = math.floor(math.random() * PlayGrid.playFieldSize.x)
- local yMine = math.floor(math.random() * PlayGrid.playFieldSize.y)
- if PlayGrid.values[yMine][xMine] ~= "M" then
- PlayGrid.values[yMine][xMine] = "M"
- tempMineAmount = tempMineAmount - 1
- end
- end
- --Populating the playgrid with mine counts
- for y = 0, PlayGrid.playFieldSize.y - 1 do
- for x = 0, PlayGrid.playFieldSize.x - 1 do
- if PlayGrid.values[y][x] ~= "M" then
- local combinations = {
- [0] = {y = y - 1, x = x, condition = (y - 1 > -1)},
- [1] = {y = y - 1, x = x + 1, condition = (y - 1 > -1) and (x + 1 < PlayGrid.playFieldSize.x)},
- [2] = {y = y, x = x + 1, condition = (x + 1 < PlayGrid.playFieldSize.x)},
- [3] = {y = y + 1, x = x + 1, condition = (y + 1 < PlayGrid.playFieldSize.y) and (x + 1 < PlayGrid.playFieldSize.x)},
- [4] = {y = y + 1, x = x, condition = (y + 1 < PlayGrid.playFieldSize.y)},
- [5] = {y = y + 1, x = x - 1, condition = (y + 1 < PlayGrid.playFieldSize.y) and (x - 1 > -1)},
- [6] = {y = y, x = x - 1, condition = (x - 1 > -1)},
- [7] = {y = y - 1, x = x - 1, condition = (y - 1 > -1) and (x - 1 > -1)},
- }
- local tempMineAmount = 0
- for i=0,#combinations do
- if combinations[i].condition then
- if PlayGrid.values[combinations[i].y][combinations[i].x] == "M" then
- tempMineAmount = tempMineAmount + 1
- end
- end
- end
- PlayGrid.values[y][x] = tostring(tempMineAmount)
- end
- end
- end
- --Creating the reavealed-unrevealed playgrid
- for y = 0, PlayGrid.playFieldSize.y - 1 do
- PlayGrid.revealedGrid[y] = {}
- for x = 0, PlayGrid.playFieldSize.x - 1 do
- PlayGrid.revealedGrid[y][x] = "u"
- end
- end
- while not PlayGrid.gameOver do
- drawing.drawPlayField(PlayGrid)
- handleEvent(PlayGrid, event.pull())
- term.setCursor(1, 1)
- -- term.write(PlayGrid.unrevealedAmount .. "\n") Debug
- -- term.write(PlayGrid.flagedAmount .. "\n")
- if PlayGrid.unrevealedAmount == PlayGrid.mineAmount and PlayGrid.flagedAmount == PlayGrid.mineAmount then
- PlayGrid.gameWon = true
- break
- end
- end
- gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursor(1, 1)
- if PlayGrid.gameWon then
- term.write("Game Won!\n")
- elseif PlayGrid.gameOver then
- term.write("Game Over!\n")
- end
- term.write("Restart? [y/n]\n")
- input =
- if input == "y\n" then
- shell.execute("/home/MineSweeper/MineSweeper.lua")
- elseif input == "cheater\n" then
- shell.execute("/home/MineSweeper/MineSweeper.lua cheater")
- else
- term.clear()
- end
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