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- import sys
- from struct import pack
- from io import BytesIO
- from ctypes import *
- from winappdbg import Debug, EventHandler
- import pefile
- from capstone import *
- from capstone.x86 import *
- from unicorn import *
- from unicorn.x86_const import *
- from keystone import *
- md = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_64)
- md.detail = True
- global target_pe
- global mem_pages
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def align_data(data, blocksize):
- r = data
- rm = len( r ) % blocksize
- if rm != 0:
- r += (blocksize - rm) * b'\x00'
- return r
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def align_int(integer, blocksize):
- r = integer
- rm = r % blocksize
- if rm != 0:
- r += (blocksize - rm)
- return r
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def image_import_descriptor(OriginalFirstThunk, Name, FirstThunk):
- """
- +00 DWORD OriginalFirstThunk
- +04 DWORD TimeDateStamp
- +08 DWORD ForwarderChain
- +12 DWORD Name
- +16 DWORD FirstThunk
- """
- return pack('<LLLLL', OriginalFirstThunk, 0, 0, Name, FirstThunk)
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def image_import_by_name(hint, name):
- """
- +00 WORD Hint
- +02 BYTE Name
- """
- return pack('<H', hint) + name.encode() + b'\0'
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def image_thunk_data(imageimportbyname_rva, x64, lastthunk=True):
- if x64:
- r = pack('<Q', imageimportbyname_rva )
- if lastthunk:
- r += pack('<Q', 0 )
- else:
- r = pack('<L', imageimportbyname_rva )
- if lastthunk:
- r += pack('<L', 0 )
- return r
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def build_image_import_by_name(names, base=0):
- funcrva = []
- r = b''
- for i, name in enumerate(names):
- funcrva.append( len( r ) )
- r += image_import_by_name(i, name)
- return funcrva, r
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def build_image_thunk_data(offsets, x64, base=0):
- r = b''
- offd = dict()
- for i in range(len(offsets)):
- r += image_thunk_data(base + offsets[i], x64, bool(i==len(offsets)-1))
- return r
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def section_header(roff, rsize, voff, vsize, name=b'.h4x'):
- """
- +00 BYTE name[8]
- +08 DWORD virtualsize
- +12 DWORD virtualaddress
- +16 DWORD rawsize
- +20 DWORD rawaddress
- +24 DWORD relocaddress
- +28 DWORD linenumbers
- +32 WORD nrofrelocs
- +34 WORD nroflinenumbers
- +36 DWORD characteristics
- """
- return name.ljust(8, b'\x00') + pack('<LLLLLLHHL', vsize, voff, rsize, roff, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xC0000040)
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def rebuild_import_table(file_data, impt):
- # collect some pe info from the file for later
- pe = pefile.PE(data=file_data, fast_load=True)
- is64bits = bool(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.Magic == 0x20b)
- nrofsections = pe.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections
- secalignment = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SectionAlignment
- filealignment = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.FileAlignment
- sizeofheaders = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfHeaders
- lastsecoffset = pe.sections[nrofsections-1].__file_offset__
- lastsection = pe.sections[nrofsections-1]
- lastviraddr = lastsection.VirtualAddress + lastsection.Misc_VirtualSize
- sizeofimage = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfImage
- pe.close()
- imp_tbl = b''
- imp_disc = b''
- rvas = dict()
- for dllname in impt:
- importbyname_offsets, importbyname_data = build_image_import_by_name(impt[dllname])
- thunk_data = build_image_thunk_data(importbyname_offsets, is64bits, sizeofimage + len(imp_tbl) + len(dllname) + 1)
- name_rva = len(imp_tbl)
- imp_tbl += dllname.encode() + b'\x00'
- imp_tbl += importbyname_data
- imp_tbl = align_data(imp_tbl, 8)
- firstthunk_rva = sizeofimage + len(imp_tbl)
- imp_tbl += thunk_data
- rvas[dllname] = dict()
- for i, funcname in enumerate(impt[dllname]):
- rvas[dllname][funcname] = firstthunk_rva + (i * 8)
- imp_disc += image_import_descriptor( firstthunk_rva, sizeofimage + name_rva, firstthunk_rva )
- imp_disc += image_import_descriptor( 0, 0, 0 )
- imp_tbl = align_data(imp_tbl, 4)
- import_dir_rva = sizeofimage + len(imp_tbl)
- imp_tbl += imp_disc
- newsec_data = align_data(imp_tbl, filealignment)
- newsec_rawsize = len(newsec_data)
- # get the alignd virtual offset and size
- newsec_viraddr = align_int(lastviraddr, secalignment)
- newsec_virsize = align_int(newsec_rawsize, secalignment)
- newsec_rawaddr = len(file_data)
- # create a section header
- newsec_header = section_header(newsec_rawaddr, newsec_rawsize, newsec_viraddr, newsec_virsize)
- # contruct the new pe file
- new_pe = file_data[:lastsecoffset + SECTION_HEADER_SIZE]
- new_pe += newsec_header
- new_pe += (sizeofheaders - len(new_pe)) * b'\x00'
- new_pe += file_data[sizeofheaders:]
- new_pe += newsec_data
- # parse the pe of the rebuild data
- pe = pefile.PE(data=new_pe, fast_load=True)
- # increase nr of sections
- pe.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections += 1
- # update the imagesize
- pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfImage = newsec_viraddr + newsec_virsize
- # update the data_dir[imports] rva and size
- # since this is removed from the header we reset its values if set
- if pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DATA_DIRECTORY[ bound_imorts_dir ].VirtualAddress != 0:
- pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DATA_DIRECTORY[ bound_imorts_dir ].VirtualAddress = 0
- pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DATA_DIRECTORY[ bound_imorts_dir ].Size = 0
- # write to new file
- return pe.write(), rvas
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def hook_code64(uc, address, size, user_data):
- code = uc.mem_read(address, size)
- insn = disassemble(code, 0)
- print_insn(insn)
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def emu(pe, offsets, imports, tracecode=False):
- imp = dict()
- imgbase = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase
- imgsize = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfImage
- esp = 0x1000000
- mu = Uc(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_64)
- mu.mem_map(imgbase, imgsize)
- mu.mem_map(esp, 2 * 1024 * 1024)
- mu.mem_write(imgbase, bytes(pe.__data__))
- mu.mem_write(esp, int(2 * 1024 * 1024) * b'\0')
- if tracecode: mu.hook_add(UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code64)
- for offset, vm_eip in offsets:
- mu.reg_write(UC_X86_REG_ESP, esp + int(1 * 1024 * 1024))
- try:
- mu.emu_start(imgbase + (vm_eip + 0x1000), imgbase + imgsize)
- except UcError as e:
- rip = mu.reg_read(UC_X86_REG_RIP)
- if rip in imports:
- print('0x%016x => %s' % (offset, imports[rip]))
- imp[offset] = imports[rip]
- else:
- print(f'0x{rip:016x} not found')
- return imp
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def print_insn(insn):
- print("0x%016x: %s %s" % (insn.address, insn.mnemonic.ljust(5, ' '), insn.op_str))
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def disassemble(code, ep, maxinslen=12):
- for insn in md.disasm(code[ep:ep+maxinslen], ep):
- return insn
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def call_ins_in_range(code, minaddress, maxaddress):
- ep = 0
- codelen = len(code)
- addresses = list()
- while ep < codelen:
- insn = disassemble(code, ep)
- if insn and insn.size == 5 and == X86_INS_CALL \
- and insn.operands[0].type == X86_OP_IMM:
- addr = insn.operands[0].imm & 0xffffffff
- if addr >= minaddress and addr <= maxaddress:
- addresses.append( (ep, addr) )
- ep += 1
- return addresses
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def dump_fix(img, oep=None):
- pe = pefile.PE(data=img, fast_load=True)
- sectionAlignment = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SectionAlignment
- for section in pe.sections:
- section.PointerToRawData = section.VirtualAddress
- vsize = align_int(section.Misc_VirtualSize, sectionAlignment)
- # section.SizeOfRawData = section.Misc_VirtualSize
- section.SizeOfRawData = vsize
- section.Misc_VirtualSize = vsize
- if oep:
- pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint = oep
- # disable aslr for now, we need to do a reloc correction actualy
- pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DllCharacteristics ^= 0x40
- return pe.write()
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def analyse_vmp_api_stub(code, address):
- vmp_api = list()
- while True:
- insn = disassemble(code, address)
- if in [X86_INS_PUSH, X86_INS_POP]:
- vmp_api.append(insn)
- elif in [X86_INS_LEA, X86_INS_MOV] and (insn.operands[0].type == X86_OP_MEM or insn.operands[1].type == X86_OP_MEM):
- vmp_api.append(insn)
- elif == X86_INS_XCHG and insn.operands[0].type != insn.operands[1].type:
- vmp_api.append(insn)
- elif == X86_INS_RET:
- vmp_api.append(insn)
- break
- if == X86_INS_JMP:
- address = insn.operands[0].imm
- else:
- address += insn.size
- return vmp_api
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def action_callback_page_access( event ):
- global target_pe
- process = event.get_process()
- thread = event.get_thread()
- context = thread.get_context()
- img_base = process.get_image_base()
- rip = context['Rip']
- # we need this rip range filter, because we keep hiting a vmp section first...?!
- if rip >= img_base + target_pe.sections[0].VirtualAddress \
- and rip <= img_base + target_pe.sections[0].VirtualAddress + target_pe.sections[0].Misc_VirtualSize:
- print(f'page_access: OEP => 0x{rip:016x} - 0x{rip-img_base:016x}')
- event.debug.erase_all_breakpoints()
- img_pe = dump_fix( img_base, target_pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfImage ), rip-img_base)
- pe = pefile.PE(data=img_pe, fast_load=True)
- pe.parse_data_directories(directories=[pefile.DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT']])
- # grab the imported dll names from the import table
- implookup = dict()
- for entry in pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT:
- dllname = entry.dll.decode()
- mod = process.get_module_by_name(dllname)
- pedll = pefile.PE('c:\\windows\\system32\\' + dllname, fast_load=True)
- pedll.parse_data_directories(directories=[pefile.DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT']])
- print(f'--> {dllname}')
- for exp in pedll.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT.symbols:
- if == None:
- continue
- addr = mod.resolve( )
- if addr not in implookup:
- implookup[addr] = (dllname,
- pedll.close()
- # locate call's into the vmp section
- code_section_data = pe.sections[0].get_data()
- vm_section = pe.sections[4]
- calltos = call_ins_in_range(
- code_section_data,
- vm_section.VirtualAddress,
- vm_section.VirtualAddress + vm_section.Misc_VirtualSize
- )
- print('got %d vmp_api call(s)' % len(calltos))
- # emulate the vmp api stubs
- call2imp = emu(pe, calltos, implookup)
- pe.close()
- # filter imports for iat rebuilding
- imptbl = dict()
- for callfrom in call2imp:
- dll, func = call2imp[callfrom]
- if dll not in imptbl:
- imptbl[dll] = list()
- if func not in imptbl[dll]:
- imptbl[dll].append( func )
- # rebuild import table
- img_pe, iat_rvas = rebuild_import_table(img_pe, imptbl)
- # patch vmp call instructions
- fio = BytesIO(img_pe)
- ks = Ks(KS_ARCH_X86, KS_MODE_64)
- for cfrom, cto in calltos:
- vmpapi = analyse_vmp_api_stub(img_pe, cto + 0x1000)
- if vmpapi[2].id == X86_INS_LEA and vmpapi[2].operands[1].type == X86_OP_MEM and vmpapi[2].operands[1].mem.disp == 1:
- """
- 0x00000000000fd9eb: push rax
- 0x00000000000fd9f7: mov rax, qword ptr [rsp + 8]
- 0x0000000000242ad2: lea rax, [rax + 1]
- 0x00000000001b7986: mov qword ptr [rsp + 8], rax
- 0x00000000001b7992: lea rax, [rip - 0x1af489]
- 0x0000000000173257: mov rax, qword ptr [rax + 0xd5f69]
- 0x000000000017325e: lea rax, [rax + 0x7fde623c]
- 0x000000000023dff5: xchg qword ptr [rsp], rax
- 0x0000000000256c24: ret
- """
- dllname, funcname = call2imp[cfrom]
- encoding, count = ks.asm('call qword ptr[0x%016x]' % (iat_rvas[dllname][funcname] - 0x1000 - cfrom))
- cfrom + 0x1000 )
- fio.write( bytes(encoding) )
- elif vmpapi[0].id == X86_INS_POP and vmpapi[-1].size == 1:
- """
- 0x000000000020c562: pop rbx
- 0x000000000020bcda: xchg qword ptr [rsp], rbx
- 0x00000000000fcc27: push rbx
- 0x00000000000fcc28: lea rbx, [rip - 0xf30ea]
- 0x0000000000162a3c: mov rbx, qword ptr [rbx + 0x261566]
- 0x00000000000e2e6f: lea rbx, [rbx + 0x19bd2ee5]
- 0x00000000000e2e76: xchg qword ptr [rsp], rbx
- 0x0000000000259b32: ret
- """
- dllname, funcname = call2imp[cfrom]
- encoding, count = ks.asm('call qword ptr[0x%016x]' % (iat_rvas[dllname][funcname] - 0x1000 - (cfrom - 1)))
- (cfrom - 1) + 0x1000 )
- fio.write( bytes(encoding) )
- elif vmpapi[0].id == X86_INS_POP and vmpapi[-1].size == 3:
- """
- 0x0000000000199b18: pop rbp
- 0x0000000000287e2e: xchg qword ptr [rsp], rbp
- 0x000000000016eeff: push rbp
- 0x000000000016ef04: lea rbp, [rip - 0x167a8b]
- 0x00000000002735e8: mov rbp, qword ptr [rbp + 0x10440d]
- 0x00000000000fcc15: lea rbp, [rbp + 0x1c97310c]
- 0x00000000001885a6: xchg qword ptr [rsp], rbp
- 0x0000000000150cb8: ret 8
- """
- dllname, funcname = call2imp[cfrom]
- # print(f'pop_call_ret8: 0x{img_base+0x1000+cfrom:016x} -> {funcname}')
- encoding, count = ks.asm('jmp qword ptr[0x%016x]' % (iat_rvas[dllname][funcname] - 0x1000 - (cfrom - 2)))
- (cfrom - 2) + 0x1000 )
- fio.write( bytes(encoding) )
- elif vmpapi[0].id == X86_INS_PUSH and vmpapi[-1].size == 3:
- """
- 0x0000000000149386: push rsi
- 0x000000000014938a: lea rsi, [rip - 0x144344]
- 0x00000000001bfe00: mov rsi, qword ptr [rsi + 0x12b866]
- 0x0000000000224a7c: lea rsi, [rsi + 0x95a4b96]
- 0x00000000001f6ad4: xchg qword ptr [rsp], rsi
- 0x00000000001f6ad8: ret 8
- """
- dllname, funcname = call2imp[cfrom]
- # print(f'push_call_ret8: 0x{img_base+0x1000+cfrom:016x} -> {funcname}')
- dist = 1 if img_pe[(cfrom-1)+0x1000] == 0x48 else 0
- encoding, count = ks.asm('jmp qword ptr[0x%016x]' % (iat_rvas[dllname][funcname] - 0x1000 - (cfrom - dist)))
- (cfrom - dist) + 0x1000 )
- fio.write( bytes(encoding) )
- else:
- print(f'unknown!!!! 0x{img_base+0x1000+cfrom:016x}')
- with open('dump.exe', 'wb') as fout:
- fout.write( )
- print('PE image dumped')
- print('Done')
- exit(1)
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def action_callback_NtProtectVirtualMemory( event ):
- global target_pe
- global mem_pages
- process = event.get_process()
- thread = event.get_thread()
- context = thread.get_context()
- img_base = process.get_image_base()
- img_size = target_pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfImage
- address = process.read_qword(context['Rdx'])
- size = process.read_qword(context['R8'])
- mode = context['R9']
- if address >= img_base and address <= img_base + img_size:
- print(f'NtProtectVirtualMemory: address=0x{address:016x} size=0x{size:016x} prot={mode:x}')
- if address not in mem_pages:
- mem_pages.append( address )
- elif len(mem_pages) > 1 and address == mem_pages[-1]:
- # memory bp on the .text(0) section
- event.debug.erase_all_breakpoints()
- pid = process.get_pid()
- pages = (align_int(target_pe.sections[0].Misc_VirtualSize, 4096) // 4096)
- print(f'page_breakpoint: address=0x{img_base + target_pe.sections[0].VirtualAddress:016x} pages={pages} size=0x{pages*4096:x}')
- event.debug.define_page_breakpoint(
- pid,
- img_base + target_pe.sections[0].VirtualAddress,
- pages=pages,
- action=action_callback_page_access)
- event.debug.enable_page_breakpoint(pid, img_base + target_pe.sections[0].VirtualAddress)
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class MyEventHandler( EventHandler ):
- def load_dll( self, event ):
- module = event.get_module()
- if module.match_name('ntdll.dll'):
- # set HWBP on ntdll.NtProtectVirtualMemory
- address = module.resolve( 'NtProtectVirtualMemory' )
- tid = event.get_thread().get_tid()
- event.debug.define_hardware_breakpoint(
- tid,
- address,
- triggerFlag=Debug.BP_BREAK_ON_EXECUTION,
- sizeFlag=Debug.BP_WATCH_BYTE,
- action=action_callback_NtProtectVirtualMemory)
- event.debug.enable_hardware_breakpoint(tid, address)
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def debugger( argv ):
- global target_pe
- global mem_pages
- target_pe = pefile.PE(argv[0], fast_load=True)
- mem_pages = list()
- with Debug( MyEventHandler(), bKillOnExit = True ) as debug:
- debug.execv( argv )
- debug.loop()
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- debugger( sys.argv[1:] )
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