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- local _jstr = [[
- local base = _G
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Module declaration
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Public functions
- -- Private functions
- local decode_scanArray
- local decode_scanComment
- local decode_scanConstant
- local decode_scanNumber
- local decode_scanObject
- local decode_scanString
- local decode_scanWhitespace
- local encodeString
- local isArray
- local isEncodable
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --- Encodes an arbitrary Lua object / variable.
- -- @param v The Lua object / variable to be JSON encoded.
- -- @return String containing the JSON encoding in internal Lua string format (i.e. not unicode)
- function encode (v)
- -- Handle nil values
- if v==nil then
- return "null"
- end
- local vtype = base.type(v)
- -- Handle strings
- if vtype=='string' then
- return '"' .. encodeString(v) .. '"' -- Need to handle encoding in string
- end
- -- Handle booleans
- if vtype=='number' or vtype=='boolean' then
- return base.tostring(v)
- end
- -- Handle tables
- if vtype=='table' then
- local rval = {}
- -- Consider arrays separately
- local bArray, maxCount = isArray(v)
- if bArray then
- for i = 1,maxCount do
- table.insert(rval, encode(v[i]))
- end
- else -- An object, not an array
- for i,j in base.pairs(v) do
- if isEncodable(i) and isEncodable(j) then
- table.insert(rval, '"' .. encodeString(i) .. '":' .. encode(j))
- end
- end
- end
- if bArray then
- return '[' .. table.concat(rval,',') ..']'
- else
- return '{' .. table.concat(rval,',') .. '}'
- end
- end
- -- Handle null values
- if vtype=='function' and v==null then
- return 'null'
- end
- base.assert(false,'encode attempt to encode unsupported type ' .. vtype .. ':' .. base.tostring(v))
- end
- --- Decodes a JSON string and returns the decoded value as a Lua data structure / value.
- -- @param s The string to scan.
- -- @param [startPos] Optional starting position where the JSON string is located. Defaults to 1.
- -- @param Lua object, number The object that was scanned, as a Lua table / string / number / boolean or nil,
- -- and the position of the first character after
- -- the scanned JSON object.
- function decode(s, startPos)
- startPos = startPos and startPos or 1
- startPos = decode_scanWhitespace(s,startPos)
- base.assert(startPos<=string.len(s), 'Unterminated JSON encoded object found at position in [' .. s .. ']')
- local curChar = string.sub(s,startPos,startPos)
- -- Object
- if curChar=='{' then
- return decode_scanObject(s,startPos)
- end
- -- Array
- if curChar=='[' then
- return decode_scanArray(s,startPos)
- end
- -- Number
- if string.find("+-0123456789.e", curChar, 1, true) then
- return decode_scanNumber(s,startPos)
- end
- -- String
- if curChar=='"' or curChar=="'" then
- return decode_scanString(s,startPos)
- end
- if string.sub(s,startPos,startPos+1)=='/*' then
- return decode(s, decode_scanComment(s,startPos))
- end
- -- Otherwise, it must be a constant
- return decode_scanConstant(s,startPos)
- end
- --- The null function allows one to specify a null value in an associative array (which is otherwise
- -- discarded if you set the value with 'nil' in Lua. Simply set t = { first=json.null }
- function null()
- return null -- so json.null() will also return null ;-)
- end
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Internal, PRIVATE functions.
- -- Following a Python-like convention, I have prefixed all these 'PRIVATE'
- -- functions with an underscore.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --- Scans an array from JSON into a Lua object
- -- startPos begins at the start of the array.
- -- Returns the array and the next starting position
- -- @param s The string being scanned.
- -- @param startPos The starting position for the scan.
- -- @return table, int The scanned array as a table, and the position of the next character to scan.
- function decode_scanArray(s,startPos)
- local array = {} -- The return value
- local stringLen = string.len(s)
- base.assert(string.sub(s,startPos,startPos)=='[','decode_scanArray called but array does not start at position ' .. startPos .. ' in string:\n'..s )
- startPos = startPos + 1
- -- Infinite loop for array elements
- repeat
- startPos = decode_scanWhitespace(s,startPos)
- base.assert(startPos<=stringLen,'JSON String ended unexpectedly scanning array.')
- local curChar = string.sub(s,startPos,startPos)
- if (curChar==']') then
- return array, startPos+1
- end
- if (curChar==',') then
- startPos = decode_scanWhitespace(s,startPos+1)
- end
- base.assert(startPos<=stringLen, 'JSON String ended unexpectedly scanning array.')
- object, startPos = decode(s,startPos)
- table.insert(array,object)
- until false
- end
- --- Scans a comment and discards the comment.
- -- Returns the position of the next character following the comment.
- -- @param string s The JSON string to scan.
- -- @param int startPos The starting position of the comment
- function decode_scanComment(s, startPos)
- base.assert( string.sub(s,startPos,startPos+1)=='/*', "decode_scanComment called but comment does not start at position " .. startPos)
- local endPos = string.find(s,'*/',startPos+2)
- base.assert(endPos~=nil, "Unterminated comment in string at " .. startPos)
- return endPos+2
- end
- --- Scans for given constants: true, false or null
- -- Returns the appropriate Lua type, and the position of the next character to read.
- -- @param s The string being scanned.
- -- @param startPos The position in the string at which to start scanning.
- -- @return object, int The object (true, false or nil) and the position at which the next character should be
- -- scanned.
- function decode_scanConstant(s, startPos)
- local consts = { ["true"] = true, ["false"] = false, ["null"] = nil }
- local constNames = {"true","false","null"}
- for i,k in base.pairs(constNames) do
- --print ("[" .. string.sub(s,startPos, startPos + string.len(k) -1) .."]", k)
- if string.sub(s,startPos, startPos + string.len(k) -1 )==k then
- return consts[k], startPos + string.len(k)
- end
- end
- base.assert(nil, 'Failed to scan constant from string ' .. s .. ' at starting position ' .. startPos)
- end
- --- Scans a number from the JSON encoded string.
- -- (in fact, also is able to scan numeric +- eqns, which is not
- -- in the JSON spec.)
- -- Returns the number, and the position of the next character
- -- after the number.
- -- @param s The string being scanned.
- -- @param startPos The position at which to start scanning.
- -- @return number, int The extracted number and the position of the next character to scan.
- function decode_scanNumber(s,startPos)
- local endPos = startPos+1
- local stringLen = string.len(s)
- local acceptableChars = "+-0123456789.e"
- while (string.find(acceptableChars, string.sub(s,endPos,endPos), 1, true)
- and endPos<=stringLen
- ) do
- endPos = endPos + 1
- end
- local stringValue = 'return ' .. string.sub(s,startPos, endPos-1)
- local stringEval = base.loadstring(stringValue)
- base.assert(stringEval, 'Failed to scan number [ ' .. stringValue .. '] in JSON string at position ' .. startPos .. ' : ' .. endPos)
- return stringEval(), endPos
- end
- --- Scans a JSON object into a Lua object.
- -- startPos begins at the start of the object.
- -- Returns the object and the next starting position.
- -- @param s The string being scanned.
- -- @param startPos The starting position of the scan.
- -- @return table, int The scanned object as a table and the position of the next character to scan.
- function decode_scanObject(s,startPos)
- local object = {}
- local stringLen = string.len(s)
- local key, value
- base.assert(string.sub(s,startPos,startPos)=='{','decode_scanObject called but object does not start at position ' .. startPos .. ' in string:\n' .. s)
- startPos = startPos + 1
- repeat
- startPos = decode_scanWhitespace(s,startPos)
- base.assert(startPos<=stringLen, 'JSON string ended unexpectedly while scanning object.')
- local curChar = string.sub(s,startPos,startPos)
- if (curChar=='}') then
- return object,startPos+1
- end
- if (curChar==',') then
- startPos = decode_scanWhitespace(s,startPos+1)
- end
- base.assert(startPos<=stringLen, 'JSON string ended unexpectedly scanning object.')
- -- Scan the key
- key, startPos = decode(s,startPos)
- base.assert(startPos<=stringLen, 'JSON string ended unexpectedly searching for value of key ' .. key)
- startPos = decode_scanWhitespace(s,startPos)
- base.assert(startPos<=stringLen, 'JSON string ended unexpectedly searching for value of key ' .. key)
- base.assert(string.sub(s,startPos,startPos)==':','JSON object key-value assignment mal-formed at ' .. startPos)
- startPos = decode_scanWhitespace(s,startPos+1)
- base.assert(startPos<=stringLen, 'JSON string ended unexpectedly searching for value of key ' .. key)
- value, startPos = decode(s,startPos)
- object[key]=value
- until false -- infinite loop while key-value pairs are found
- end
- --- Scans a JSON string from the opening inverted comma or single quote to the
- -- end of the string.
- -- Returns the string extracted as a Lua string,
- -- and the position of the next non-string character
- -- (after the closing inverted comma or single quote).
- -- @param s The string being scanned.
- -- @param startPos The starting position of the scan.
- -- @return string, int The extracted string as a Lua string, and the next character to parse.
- function decode_scanString(s,startPos)
- base.assert(startPos, 'decode_scanString(..) called without start position')
- local startChar = string.sub(s,startPos,startPos)
- base.assert(startChar=="'" or startChar=='"','decode_scanString called for a non-string')
- local escaped = false
- local endPos = startPos + 1
- local bEnded = false
- local stringLen = string.len(s)
- repeat
- local curChar = string.sub(s,endPos,endPos)
- -- Character escaping is only used to escape the string delimiters
- if not escaped then
- if curChar=='\\' then
- escaped = true
- else
- bEnded = curChar==startChar
- end
- else
- -- If we're escaped, we accept the current character come what may
- escaped = false
- end
- endPos = endPos + 1
- base.assert(endPos <= stringLen+1, "String decoding failed: unterminated string at position " .. endPos)
- until bEnded
- local stringValue = 'return ' .. string.sub(s, startPos, endPos-1)
- local stringEval = base.loadstring(stringValue)
- base.assert(stringEval, 'Failed to load string [ ' .. stringValue .. '] in JSON4Lua.decode_scanString at position ' .. startPos .. ' : ' .. endPos)
- return stringEval(), endPos
- end
- --- Scans a JSON string skipping all whitespace from the current start position.
- -- Returns the position of the first non-whitespace character, or nil if the whole end of string is reached.
- -- @param s The string being scanned
- -- @param startPos The starting position where we should begin removing whitespace.
- -- @return int The first position where non-whitespace was encountered, or string.len(s)+1 if the end of string
- -- was reached.
- function decode_scanWhitespace(s,startPos)
- local whitespace=" \n\r\t"
- local stringLen = string.len(s)
- while ( string.find(whitespace, string.sub(s,startPos,startPos), 1, true) and startPos <= stringLen) do
- startPos = startPos + 1
- end
- return startPos
- end
- --- Encodes a string to be JSON-compatible.
- -- This just involves back-quoting inverted commas, back-quotes and newlines, I think ;-)
- -- @param s The string to return as a JSON encoded (i.e. backquoted string)
- -- @return The string appropriately escaped.
- function encodeString(s)
- s = string.gsub(s,'\\','\\\\')
- s = string.gsub(s,'"','\\"')
- s = string.gsub(s,"'","\\'")
- s = string.gsub(s,'\n','\\n')
- s = string.gsub(s,'\t','\\t')
- return s
- end
- -- Determines whether the given Lua type is an array or a table / dictionary.
- -- We consider any table an array if it has indexes 1..n for its n items, and no
- -- other data in the table.
- -- I think this method is currently a little 'flaky', but can't think of a good way around it yet...
- -- @param t The table to evaluate as an array
- -- @return boolean, number True if the table can be represented as an array, false otherwise. If true,
- -- the second returned value is the maximum
- -- number of indexed elements in the array.
- function isArray(t)
- -- Next we count all the elements, ensuring that any non-indexed elements are not-encodable
- -- (with the possible exception of 'n')
- local maxIndex = 0
- for k,v in base.pairs(t) do
- if (base.type(k)=='number' and math.floor(k)==k and 1<=k) then -- k,v is an indexed pair
- if (not isEncodable(v)) then return false end -- All array elements must be encodable
- maxIndex = math.max(maxIndex,k)
- else
- if (k=='n') then
- if v ~= table.getn(t) then return false end -- False if n does not hold the number of elements
- else -- Else of (k=='n')
- if isEncodable(v) then return false end
- end -- End of (k~='n')
- end -- End of k,v not an indexed pair
- end -- End of loop across all pairs
- return true, maxIndex
- end
- --- Determines whether the given Lua object / table / variable can be JSON encoded. The only
- -- types that are JSON encodable are: string, boolean, number, nil, table and json.null.
- -- In this implementation, all other types are ignored.
- -- @param o The object to examine.
- -- @return boolean True if the object should be JSON encoded, false if it should be ignored.
- function isEncodable(o)
- local t = base.type(o)
- return (t=='string' or t=='boolean' or t=='number' or t=='nil' or t=='table') or (t=='function' and o==null)
- end
- ]]
- local _api = [[
- local function contains(table, element)
- for _, value in pairs(table) do
- if value == element then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local apiURL = ""
- local function checkHTTP()
- if http then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- local function requireHTTP()
- if checkHTTP() then
- return true
- else
- error("The 'http' API is not enabled!")
- end
- end
- function doRequest(command, subcommand, values)
- values = values or {}
- requireHTTP()
- local url = apiURL .. "?command=" .. command .."&subcommand=" .. subcommand
- for k, v in pairs(values) do
- url = url .. "&" .. k .. "=" .. v
- end
- local request = http.get(url)
- if request then
- local response = request.readAll()
- request.close()
- if response == "<h2>The server is too busy at the moment.</h2><p>Please reload this page few seconds later.</p>" then
- error("Server is too busy at the moment.")
- end
- return textutils.unserialize(response)
- end
- return nil
- end
- function getAllApplications()
- return doRequest('application', 'all')
- end
- function getTopCharts()
- return doRequest('application', 'topcharts')
- end
- function getApplicationsInCategory(name)
- return doRequest('application', 'category', {name = name})
- end
- function getFeaturedApplications()
- return doRequest('application', 'featured')
- end
- function getApplication(id)
- return doRequest('application', 'get', {id = id})
- end
- function getCategories(id)
- return doRequest('application', 'categories')
- end
- function addApplication(username, password, serializeddata, name, description, sdescription, category)
- return doRequest('application', 'add', {username = username, password = password, serializeddata = serializeddata, name = name, description = description, sdescription = sdescription, category = category})
- end
- function addChangeLogToApplication(id, username, password, changelog, version)
- return doRequest('application', 'addchangelog', {id = id, username = username, password = password, changelog = changelog, version = version})
- end
- function downloadApplication(id)
- return doRequest('application', 'download', {id = id})
- end
- function searchApplications(name)
- return doRequest('application', 'search', {name = name})
- end
- function getAllNews()
- return doRequest('news', 'all')
- end
- function getNews(id)
- return doRequest('news', 'get', {id = id})
- end
- function getInstalledApplications(id)
- return doRequest('computer', 'get', {id = id})
- end
- local function resolve( _sPath )
- local sStartChar = string.sub( _sPath, 1, 1 )
- if sStartChar == "/" or sStartChar == "\\" then
- return fs.combine( "", _sPath )
- else
- return fs.combine( sDir, _sPath )
- end
- end
- function saveApplicationIcon(id, path)
- local app = getApplication(id)
- local icon = app.icon
- local _fs = fs
- if OneOS then
- _fs = OneOS.FS
- end
- local h =, 'w')
- h.write(icon)
- h.close()
- end
- --Downloads and installs an application
- --id = the id of the application
- --path = the path is the name of the folder/file it'll be copied too
- --removeSpaces = removes spaces from the name (useful if its being run from the shell)
- --alwaysFolder = be default if there is only one file it will save it as a single file, if true files will always be placed in a folder
- --fullPath = if true the given path will not be changed, if false the program name will be appended
- function installApplication(id, path, removeSpaces, alwaysFolder, fullPath)
- local package = downloadApplication(id)
- if type(package) ~= 'string' or #package == 0 then
- error('The application did not download correctly or is empty. Try again.')
- end
- local pack = JSON.decode(package)
- if pack then
- local _fs = fs
- if OneOS then
- _fs = OneOS.FS
- end
- local function makeFile(_path,_content)
- sleep(0)
- local,"w")
- file.write(_content)
- file.close()
- end
- local function makeFolder(_path,_content)
- _fs.makeDir(_path)
- for k,v in pairs(_content) do
- if type(v)=="table" then
- makeFolder(_path.."/"..k,v)
- else
- makeFile(_path.."/"..k,v)
- end
- end
- end
- local app = getApplication(id)
- local appName = app['name']
- local keyCount = 0
- for k, v in pairs(pack) do
- keyCount = keyCount + 1
- end
- if removeSpaces then
- appName = appName:gsub(" ", "")
- end
- local location = path..'/'
- if not fullPath then
- location = location .. appName
- end
- if keyCount == 1 and not alwaysFolder then
- makeFile(location, pack['startup'])
- else
- makeFolder(location, pack)
- location = location .. '/startup'
- end
- return location
- else
- error('The application appears to be corrupt. Try downloading it again.')
- end
- end
- function registerComputer(realid, username, password)
- return doRequest('computer', 'register', {realid = realid, username = username, password = password})
- end
- function getAllComments(type, id)
- return doRequest('comment', 'get', {ctype = type, ctypeid = id})
- end
- function getComment(id)
- return doRequest('comment', 'get', {id = id})
- end
- function deleteComment(id, username, password)
- return doRequest('comment', 'delete', {id = id, username = username, password = password})
- end
- function addComments()
- return doRequest('comment', 'get', {id = id})
- end
- function getUser()
- return doRequest('user', 'get', {id = id})
- end
- function registerUser(username, password, email, mcusername)
- return doRequest('user', 'register', {username = username, password = password, email = email, mcusername = mcusername})
- end
- function testConnection()
- local ok = false
- parallel.waitForAny(function()
- if http and http.get(apiURL) then
- ok = true
- end
- end,function()
- sleep(10)
- end)
- return ok
- end
- ]]
- local function loadJSON()
- local sName = 'JSON'
- local tEnv = {}
- setmetatable( tEnv, { __index = _G } )
- local fnAPI, err = loadstring(_jstr)
- if fnAPI then
- setfenv( fnAPI, tEnv )
- fnAPI()
- else
- printError( err )
- return false
- end
- local tAPI = {}
- for k,v in pairs( tEnv ) do
- tAPI[k] = v
- end
- _G[sName] = tAPI
- return true
- end
- local function loadAPI()
- local sName = 'api'
- local tEnv = {}
- setmetatable( tEnv, { __index = _G } )
- local fnAPI, err = loadstring(_api)
- if fnAPI then
- setfenv( fnAPI, tEnv )
- fnAPI()
- else
- printError( err )
- return false
- end
- local tAPI = {}
- for k,v in pairs( tEnv ) do
- tAPI[k] = v
- end
- _G[sName] = tAPI
- return true
- end
- local tArgs = {...}
- loadJSON()
- loadAPI()
- Settings = {
- InstallLocation = '/', --if you have a folder you'd like programs to be installed to (for an OS) change this (e.g. /Programs/)
- AlwaysFolder = false, --when false if there is only one file it will save it as a single file, if true files will always be placed in a folder
- }
- local isMenuVisible = false
- local currentPage = ''
- local listItems = {}
- local isRunning = true
- local currentScroll = 0
- local maxScroll = 0
- local pageHeight = 0
- local searchBox = nil
- local featuredBannerTimer = nil
- Values = {
- ToolbarHeight = 2,
- }
- Current = {
- CursorBlink = false,
- CursorPos = {},
- CursorColour =
- }
- local function split(str, sep)
- local sep, fields = sep or ":", {}
- local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep)
- str:gsub(pattern, function(c) fields[#fields+1] = c end)
- return fields
- end
- --This is my drawing API, is is pretty much identical to what drives PearOS.
- local _w, _h = term.getSize()
- Drawing = {
- Screen = {
- Width = _w,
- Height = _h
- },
- DrawCharacters = function (x, y, characters, textColour,bgColour)
- Drawing.WriteStringToBuffer(x, y, characters, textColour, bgColour)
- end,
- DrawBlankArea = function (x, y, w, h, colour)
- Drawing.DrawArea (x, y, w, h, " ", 1, colour)
- end,
- DrawArea = function (x, y, w, h, character, textColour, bgColour)
- --width must be greater than 1, other wise we get a stack overflow
- if w < 0 then
- w = w * -1
- elseif w == 0 then
- w = 1
- end
- for ix = 1, w do
- local currX = x + ix - 1
- for iy = 1, h do
- local currY = y + iy - 1
- Drawing.WriteToBuffer(currX, currY, character, textColour, bgColour)
- end
- end
- end,
- LoadImage = function(str)
- local image = {
- text = {},
- textcol = {}
- }
- local tLines = split(str, '\n')
- for num, sLine in ipairs(tLines) do
- table.insert(image, num, {})
- table.insert(image.text, num, {})
- table.insert(image.textcol, num, {})
- --As we're no longer 1-1, we keep track of what index to write to
- local writeIndex = 1
- --Tells us if we've hit a 30 or 31 (BG and FG respectively)- next char specifies the curr colour
- local bgNext, fgNext = false, false
- --The current background and foreground colours
- local currBG, currFG = nil,nil
- for i=1,#sLine do
- local nextChar = string.sub(sLine, i, i)
- if nextChar:byte() == 30 then
- bgNext = true
- elseif nextChar:byte() == 31 then
- fgNext = true
- elseif bgNext then
- currBG = Drawing.GetColour(nextChar)
- bgNext = false
- elseif fgNext then
- currFG = Drawing.GetColour(nextChar)
- fgNext = false
- else
- if nextChar ~= " " and currFG == nil then
- currFG = colours.white
- end
- image[num][writeIndex] = currBG
- image.textcol[num][writeIndex] = currFG
- image.text[num][writeIndex] = nextChar
- writeIndex = writeIndex + 1
- end
- end
- num = num+1
- end
- return image
- end,
- DrawImage = function(_x,_y,tImage, w, h)
- if tImage then
- for y = 1, h do
- if not tImage[y] then
- break
- end
- for x = 1, w do
- if not tImage[y][x] then
- break
- end
- local bgColour = tImage[y][x]
- local textColour = tImage.textcol[y][x] or colours.white
- local char = tImage.text[y][x]
- Drawing.WriteToBuffer(x+_x-1, y+_y-1, char, textColour, bgColour)
- end
- end
- elseif w and h then
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(_x, _y, w, h, colours.lightGrey)
- end
- end,
- DrawCharactersCenter = function(x, y, w, h, characters, textColour,bgColour)
- w = w or Drawing.Screen.Width
- h = h or Drawing.Screen.Height
- x = x or math.floor((w - #characters) / 2)
- y = y or math.floor(h / 2)
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x, y, characters, textColour, bgColour)
- end,
- GetColour = function(hex)
- local value = tonumber(hex, 16)
- if not value then return nil end
- value = math.pow(2,value)
- return value
- end,
- Clear = function (_colour)
- _colour = _colour or
- Drawing.ClearBuffer()
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(1, 1, Drawing.Screen.Width, Drawing.Screen.Height, _colour)
- end,
- Buffer = {},
- BackBuffer = {},
- DrawBuffer = function()
- for y,row in pairs(Drawing.Buffer) do
- for x,pixel in pairs(row) do
- local shouldDraw = true
- local hasBackBuffer = true
- if Drawing.BackBuffer[y] == nil or Drawing.BackBuffer[y][x] == nil or #Drawing.BackBuffer[y][x] ~= 3 then
- hasBackBuffer = false
- end
- if hasBackBuffer and Drawing.BackBuffer[y][x][1] == Drawing.Buffer[y][x][1] and Drawing.BackBuffer[y][x][2] == Drawing.Buffer[y][x][2] and Drawing.BackBuffer[y][x][3] == Drawing.Buffer[y][x][3] then
- shouldDraw = false
- end
- if shouldDraw then
- term.setBackgroundColour(pixel[3])
- term.setTextColour(pixel[2])
- term.setCursorPos(x, y)
- term.write(pixel[1])
- end
- end
- end
- Drawing.BackBuffer = Drawing.Buffer
- Drawing.Buffer = {}
- end,
- ClearBuffer = function()
- Drawing.Buffer = {}
- end,
- Offset = {
- X = 0,
- Y = 0,
- },
- SetOffset = function(x, y)
- Drawing.Offset.X = x
- Drawing.Offset.Y = y
- end,
- ClearOffset = function()
- Drawing.Offset = {
- X = 0,
- Y = 0,
- }
- end,
- WriteStringToBuffer = function (x, y, characters, textColour,bgColour)
- for i = 1, #tostring(characters) do
- local character = tostring(characters):sub(i,i)
- Drawing.WriteToBuffer(x + i - 1, y, character, textColour, bgColour)
- end
- end,
- WriteToBuffer = function(x, y, character, textColour,bgColour)
- x = x + Drawing.Offset.X
- y = y + Drawing.Offset.Y
- Drawing.Buffer[y] = Drawing.Buffer[y] or {}
- Drawing.Buffer[y][x] = {character, textColour, bgColour}
- end
- }
- SearchPage = {
- X = 0,
- Y = 0,
- Width = 0,
- Height = 3,
- Text = "",
- Placeholder = "Search...",
- CursorPos = 1,
- Draw = function(self)
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(self.X+1, self.Y+1, self.Width-6, self.Height, colours.grey)
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(self.X, self.Y, self.Width-6, self.Height, colours.white)
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(self.X + self.Width - 5 + 1, self.Y + 1, 6, self.Height, colours.grey)
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(self.X + self.Width - 5, self.Y, 6, self.Height,
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(self.X + self.Width - 3, self.Y + 1, "GO", colours.white,
- RegisterClick(self.X + self.Width - 5, self.Y, 6, self.Height, function()
- ChangePage('Search Results', self.Text)
- end)
- if self.Text == "" then
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(self.X+1, self.Y+1, self.Placeholder, colours.lightGrey, colours.white)
- else
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(self.X+1, self.Y+1, self.Text,, colours.white)
- end
- Current.CursorBlink = true
- Current.CursorPos = {self.X+self.CursorPos, self.Y+3}
- Current.CursorColour =
- end,
- Initialise = function(self)
- local new = {} -- the new instance
- setmetatable( new, {__index = self} )
- new.Y = math.floor((Drawing.Screen.Height - 1 - new.Height) / 2)
- new.X = 2
- new.Width = Drawing.Screen.Width - 4
- return new
- end
- }
- ListItem = {
- X = 0,
- Y = 0,
- XMargin = 1,
- YMargin = 1,
- Width = 0,
- Height = 6,
- AppID = 0,
- Title = '',
- Author = '',
- Rating = 0,
- Description = {},
- Icon = {},
- Downloads = 0,
- Category = '?',
- Version = 1,
- Type = 0, --0 = app list item, 1 = more info, 2 category
- CalculateWrapping = function(self, text)
- local numberOfLines = false
- if self.Type == 0 then
- numberOfLines = 2
- end
- local textWidth = self.Width - 8
- local lines = {''}
- for word, space in text:gmatch('(%S+)(%s*)') do
- local temp = lines[#lines] .. word .. space:gsub('\n','')
- if #temp > textWidth then
- table.insert(lines, '')
- end
- if space:find('\n') then
- lines[#lines] = lines[#lines] .. word
- space = space:gsub('\n', function()
- table.insert(lines, '')
- return ''
- end)
- else
- lines[#lines] = lines[#lines] .. word .. space
- end
- end
- if not numberOfLines then
- return lines
- else
- local _lines = {}
- for i, v in ipairs(lines) do
- _lines[i] = v
- if i >= numberOfLines then
- return _lines
- end
- end
- return _lines
- end
- end,
- Draw = function(self)
- if self.Y + Drawing.Offset.Y >= Drawing.Screen.Height + 1 or self.Y + Drawing.Offset.Y + self.Height <= 1 then
- return
- end
- --register clicks
- --install
- local installPos = 1
- if self.Type == 1 then
- installPos = 2
- end
- RegisterClick(self.Width - 7, self.Y + Drawing.Offset.Y + installPos - 1, 9, 1, function()
- Load("Installing App", function()
- api.installApplication(tonumber(self.AppID), Settings.InstallLocation..'/', true, Settings.AlwaysFolder)
- --api.saveApplicationIcon(tonumber(self.AppID), Settings.InstallLocation..'/'..self.Title.."/icon")
- end)
- Load("Application Installed!", function()
- sleep(1)
- end)
- end)
- --more info
- if self.Type == 0 then
- RegisterClick(self.X, self.Y + Drawing.Offset.Y, self.Width, self.Height, function()
- ChangePage('more-info',self.AppID)
- end)
- elseif self.Type == 2 then
- RegisterClick(self.X, self.Y + Drawing.Offset.Y, self.Width, self.Height, function()
- ChangePage('Category Items',self.Title)
- end)
- end
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(self.X+1, self.Y+1, self.Width, self.Height, colours.grey)
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(self.X, self.Y, self.Width, self.Height, colours.white)
- --Drawing.DrawBlankArea(self.X+1, self.Y+1, 6, 4,
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(self.X + 8, self.Y + 1, self.Title,, colours.white)
- if self.Type ~= 2 then
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(self.X + 8, self.Y + 2, "by "..self.Author, colours.grey, colours.white)
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(self.Width - 8, self.Y + installPos - 1, " Install ", colours.white,
- end
- Drawing.DrawImage(self.X+1, self.Y+1, self.Icon, 4, 3)
- if self.Type == 1 then
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(self.X, self.Y + 6, "Category", colours.grey, colours.white)
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(math.ceil(self.X+(8-#self.Category)/2), self.Y + 7, self.Category, colours.grey, colours.white)
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(self.X+1, self.Y + 9, "Dwnlds", colours.grey, colours.white)
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(math.ceil(self.X+(8-#tostring(self.Downloads))/2), self.Y + 10, tostring(self.Downloads), colours.grey, colours.white)
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(self.X+1, self.Y + 12, "Version", colours.grey, colours.white)
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(math.ceil(self.X+(8-#tostring(self.Version))/2), self.Y + 13, tostring(self.Version), colours.grey, colours.white)
- end
- if self.Type ~= 2 then
- --draw the rating
- local starColour = colours.yellow
- local halfColour = colours.lightGrey
- local emptyColour = colours.lightGrey
- local sX = self.X + 8 + #("by "..self.Author) + 1
- local sY = self.Y + 2
- local s1C = emptyColour
- local s1S = " "
- local s2C = emptyColour
- local s2S = " "
- local s3C = emptyColour
- local s3S = " "
- local s4C = emptyColour
- local s4S = " "
- local s5C = emptyColour
- local s5S = " "
- if self.Rating >= .5 then
- s1C = halfColour
- s1S = "#"
- end
- if self.Rating >= 1 then
- s1C = starColour
- s1S = " "
- end
- if self.Rating >= 1.5 then
- s2C = halfColour
- s2S = "#"
- end
- if self.Rating >= 2 then
- s2C = starColour
- s2S = " "
- end
- if self.Rating >= 2.5 then
- s3C = halfColour
- s3S = "#"
- end
- if self.Rating >= 3 then
- s3C = starColour
- s3S = " "
- end
- if self.Rating >= 3.5 then
- s4C = halfColour
- s4S = "#"
- end
- if self.Rating >= 4 then
- s4C = starColour
- s4S = " "
- end
- if self.Rating >= 4.5 then
- s5C = halfColour
- s5S = "#"
- end
- if self.Rating == 5 then
- s5C = starColour
- s5S = " "
- end
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(sX, sY, s1S, starColour, s1C)
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(sX + 2, sY, s2S, starColour, s2C)
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(sX + 4, sY, s3S, starColour, s3C)
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(sX + 6, sY, s4S, starColour, s4C)
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(sX + 8, sY, s5S, starColour, s5C)
- end
- local descPos = 2
- if self.Type == 1 then
- descPos = 3
- elseif self.Type == 2 then
- descPos = 1
- end
- for _,line in ipairs(self.Description) do
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(self.X + 8, self.Y + descPos + _, line, colours.lightGrey, colours.white)
- end
- end,
- Initialise = function(self, y, appid, title, icon, description, author, rating, version, category, downloads, Type)
- Type = Type or 0
- local new = {} -- the new instance
- setmetatable( new, {__index = self} )
- new.Y = y
- new.Type = Type
- new:UpdateSize()
- new.AppID = appid
- new.Title = title
- new.Icon = Drawing.LoadImage(icon)
- new.Icon[5] = nil
- new.Description = new:CalculateWrapping(description)
- new.Author = author
- new.Rating = rating
- new.Version = version
- new.Category = category
- new.Downloads = downloads
- return new
- end,
- UpdateSize = function(self)
- self.X = self.XMargin + 1
- self.Width = Drawing.Screen.Width - 2 * self.XMargin - 2
- if self.Type == 1 then
- self.Height = 15
- end
- end,
- }
- Clicks = {
- }
- function RegisterClick(x, y, width, height, action)
- table.insert(Clicks,{
- X = x,
- Y = y,
- Width = width,
- Height = height,
- Action = action
- })
- end
- function Load(title, func)
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(1, 1, Drawing.Screen.Width+1, Drawing.Screen.Height+1, colours.lightGrey)
- Drawing.DrawCharactersCenter(nil, Drawing.Screen.Height/2, nil, nil, title, colours.white, colours.lightGrey)
- isLoading = true
- parallel.waitForAny(function()
- func()
- isLoading = false
- end, DisplayLoader)
- end
- function DisplayLoader()
- local maxStep = 100 -- about 10 seconds, timeout
- local currStep = 0
- local loadStep = 0
- while isLoading do
- local Y = Drawing.Screen.Height/2 + 2
- local cX = Drawing.Screen.Width/2
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(cX-3, Y, ' ',, colours.grey)
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(cX-1, Y, ' ',, colours.grey)
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(cX+1, Y, ' ',, colours.grey)
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(cX+3, Y, ' ',, colours.grey)
- if loadStep ~= -1 then
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(cX-3 + (loadStep * 2), Y, ' ',, colours.white)
- end
- loadStep = loadStep + 1
- if loadStep >= 4 then
- loadStep = -1
- end
- currStep = currStep + 1
- if currStep >= maxStep then
- isLoading = false
- error('Load timeout. Check your internet connection and try again. The server may also be down, try again in 10 minutes.')
- end
- Drawing.DrawBuffer()
- sleep(0.15)
- end
- end
- function ChangePage(title, arg)
- ClearCurrentPage()
- if title == 'Top Charts' then
- LoadList(api.getTopCharts)
- elseif title == 'Search Results' then
- LoadList(function() return api.searchApplications(arg) end)
- elseif title == "Featured" then
- LoadFeatured()
- elseif title == "Categories" then
- LoadCategories()
- elseif title == "more-info" then
- LoadAboutApp(arg)
- elseif title == "Search" then
- LoadSearch()
- elseif title == "Category Items" then
- LoadList(function() return api.getApplicationsInCategory(arg) end)
- end
- currentPage = title
- maxScroll = getMaxScroll()
- end
- function LoadAboutApp(id)
- Load("Loading Application", function()
- --ClearCurrentPage()
- local app = api.getApplication(id)
- local item = ListItem:Initialise(1,,, app.icon, app.description, app.user.username, app.stars, app.version, app.category, app.downloads, 1)
- table.insert(listItems, item)
- end)
- end
- function LoadFeatured()
- Load("Loading", function()
- local tApps = api.getFeaturedApplications()
- --all items
- for i, app in ipairs(tApps) do
- local item = ListItem:Initialise(1+(i-1)*(ListItem.Height + 2),
-,, app.icon, app.description,
- app.user.username, app.stars, app.version,
- app.category, app.downloads)
- table.insert(listItems, item)
- end
- end)
- end
- function LoadCategories()
- Load("Loading", function()
- local tApps = api.getCategories()
- local i = 1
- for name, category in pairs(tApps) do
- local item = ListItem:Initialise(1+(i-1)*(ListItem.Height + 2),
- 0, name, category.icon, category.description, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 2)
- table.insert(listItems, item)
- i = i + 1
- end
- end)
- end
- function LoadSearch(id)
- local item = SearchPage:Initialise()
- searchBox = item
- --featuredBannerTimer = os.startTimer(5)
- table.insert(listItems, item)
- end
- function ClearCurrentPage()
- --listItems = {}
- for i,v in ipairs(listItems) do listItems[i]=nil end
- currentScroll = 0
- searchBox = nil
- featuredBannerTimer = nil
- Current.CursorBlink = false
- Draw()
- end
- function LoadList(func)
- Load("Loading", function()
- local tApps = func()
- if tApps == nil then
- error('Can not connect to the App Store server.')
- elseif type(tApps) ~= 'table' then
- error('The server is too busy. Try again in a few minutes.')
- end
- for i, app in ipairs(tApps) do
- local item = ListItem:Initialise(1+(i-1)*(ListItem.Height + 2),
-,, app.icon, app.description,
- app.user.username, app.stars, app.version,
- app.category, app.downloads)
- table.insert(listItems, item)
- end
- end)
- end
- function Draw()
- Clicks = {}
- Drawing.Clear(colours.lightGrey)
- DrawList()
- DrawToolbar()
- --DrawScrollbar()
- Drawing.DrawBuffer()
- if Current.CursorPos and Current.CursorPos[1] and Current.CursorPos[2] then
- term.setCursorPos(unpack(Current.CursorPos))
- end
- term.setTextColour(Current.CursorColour)
- term.setCursorBlink(Current.CursorBlink)
- end
- function DrawList()
- Drawing.SetOffset(0, -currentScroll + 2)
- for i, v in ipairs(listItems) do
- v:Draw()
- end
- Drawing.ClearOffset()
- if getMaxScroll() ~= 0 then
- DrawScrollBar(Drawing.Screen.Width, currentScroll, getMaxScroll())
- end
- end
- --[[
- function DrawScrollbar()
- local scrollBarHeight = Drawing.Screen.Height - 1
- local scrollBarPosition = 0
- if pageHeight > 0 and maxScroll > 0 then
- scrollBarHeight = (Drawing.Screen.Height / pageHeight) * (Drawing.Screen.Height - 1)
- scrollBarPosition = (currentScroll / pageHeight) * (Drawing.Screen.Height - 1)
- end
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(Drawing.Screen.Width, scrollBarPosition + 2, 1, scrollBarHeight,
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(Drawing.Screen.Width, scrollBarPosition + 2, "-",,colours.white)
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(Drawing.Screen.Width-1, 2, "+",,colours.white)
- --Drawing.DrawBuffer()
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(51, 2, 1, 18,
- end
- ]]--
- function DrawScrollBar(x, current, max)
- local fullHeight = Drawing.Screen.Height - 3
- local barHeight = (fullHeight - max)
- if barHeight < 5 then
- barHeight = 5
- end
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, 4, 1, fullHeight, colours.grey)
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, 4+current, 1, barHeight, colours.lightGrey)
- end
- function DrawToolbar()
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(1, 1, Drawing.Screen.Width, 1, colours.white)
- local items = {
- {
- active = false,
- title = "Featured"
- },
- {
- active = false,
- title = "Top Charts"
- },
- {
- active = false,
- title = "Categories"
- },
- {
- active = false,
- title = "Search"
- }
- }
- local itemsLength = 0
- local itemsString = ""
- for i, v in ipairs(items) do
- itemsLength = itemsLength + #v.title + 3
- itemsString = itemsString .. v.title .. " | "
- end
- itemsLength = itemsLength - 3
- local itemX = (Drawing.Screen.Width - itemsLength) / 2
- for i, v in ipairs(items) do
- local border = " | "
- if i == #items then
- border = ""
- end
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(itemX, 1, v.title .. border,, colours.white)
- RegisterClick(itemX-1, 1, #v.title + 2, 1, function()
- ChangePage(v.title)
- end)
- itemX = itemX + #(v.title .. border)
- end
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(Drawing.Screen.Width, 1, "X", colours.white,
- RegisterClick(Drawing.Screen.Width, 1, 1, 1, function()
- if OneOS then
- OneOS.Close()
- end
- isRunning = false
- term.setBackgroundColour(
- term.setTextColour(colours.white)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- print = _print
- print('Thanks for using the App Store!')
- print('(c) oeed 2013 - 2014')
- end)
- end
- function getMaxScroll()
- local totalHeight = 0
- for i, v in ipairs(listItems) do
- totalHeight = totalHeight + v.Height + 2
- end
- local s = totalHeight - Drawing.Screen.Height + 2
- if s < 0 then
- s = 0
- end
- pageHeight = totalHeight
- return s
- end
- function setScroll(iScroll)
- maxScroll = getMaxScroll()
- currentScroll = iScroll
- if currentScroll < 0 then
- currentScroll = 0
- elseif currentScroll > maxScroll then
- currentScroll = maxScroll
- end
- end
- function EventHandler()
- while isRunning do
- local event, arg, x, y = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "mouse_scroll" then
- setScroll(currentScroll + (arg * 3))
- Draw()
- elseif event == "timer" then
- if arg == featuredBannerTimer and currentPage == 'Featured' then
- --featuredBannerTimer = os.startTimer(5)
- listItems[1]:NextPage()
- Draw()
- end
- elseif event == "char" then
- if currentPage == 'Search' then
- searchBox.Text = searchBox.Text .. arg
- searchBox.CursorPos = searchBox.CursorPos + 1
- Draw()
- end
- elseif event == "key" then
- if arg == keys.down then
- setScroll(currentScroll + 3)
- Draw()
- elseif arg == keys.up then
- setScroll(currentScroll - 3)
- Draw()
- end
- if arg == keys.backspace and currentPage == 'Search' then
- searchBox.Text = string.sub(searchBox.Text,0,#searchBox.Text-1)
- searchBox.CursorPos = searchBox.CursorPos - 1
- if searchBox.CursorPos < 1 then
- searchBox.CursorPos = 1
- end
- Draw()
- elseif arg == keys.enter and currentPage == 'Search' then
- ChangePage('Search Results', searchBox.Text)
- Draw()
- end
- elseif event == "mouse_click" then
- local clicked = false
- for i = 1, #Clicks do
- local v = Clicks[(#Clicks - i) + 1]
- if not clicked and x >= v.X and (v.X + v.Width) > x and y >= v.Y and (v.Y + v.Height) > y then
- clicked = true
- local iMV = isMenuVisible
- v:Action()
- if iMV == isMenuVisible then
- isMenuVisible = false
- end
- Draw()
- end
- end
- if not clicked then
- isMenuVisible = false
- Draw()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function TidyPath(path)
- if fs.exists(path) and fs.isDir(path) then
- path = path .. '/'
- end
- path, n = path:gsub("//", "/")
- while n > 0 do
- path, n = path:gsub("//", "/")
- end
- return path
- end
- function Initialise()
- if tArgs and tArgs[1] then
- if tArgs[1] == 'install' and tArgs[2] and tonumber(tArgs[2]) then
- print('Connecting...')
- if api.testConnection() then
- print('Downloading program...')
- local path = tArgs[3] or shell.dir()
- local location = api.installApplication(tonumber(tArgs[2]), path, true)
- if location then
- print('Program installed!')
- print("Type '"..TidyPath(location).."' to run it.")
- else
- printError('Download failed. Check the ID and try again.')
- end
- else
- printError('Could not connect to the App Store.')
- printError('Check your connection and try again.')
- end
- elseif tArgs[1] == 'submit' and tArgs[2] and fs.exists(shell.resolve(tArgs[2])) then
- print('Packaging...')
- local pkg = Package(shell.resolve(tArgs[2]))
- if pkg then
- print('Connecting...')
- if api.testConnection() then
- print('Uploading...')
- local str = JSON.encode(pkg)
- str = str:gsub("\\'","'")
- local h ='',
- "file="..textutils.urlEncode(str));
- if h then
- local id = h.readAll()
- if id:sub(1,2) == 'OK' then
- print('Your program has been uploaded.')
- print('It\'s unique ID is: '
- print('Go to and select "In Game" as the upload option and enter the above code.')
- else
- printError('The server rejected the file. Try again or PM oeed. ('..h.getResponseCode()..' error)')
- end
- else
- printError('Could not submit file.')
- end
- else
- printError('Could not connect to the App Store.')
- printError('Check your connection and try again.')
- end
- end
- else
- print('Useage: appstore install <app id> <path (optional)>')
- print('Or: appstore submit <path>')
- end
- else
- Load('Connecting', api.testConnection)
- ChangePage('Top Charts')
- Draw()
- EventHandler()
- end
- end
- function addFile(package, path, name)
- if name == '.DS_Store' or shell.resolve(path) == shell.resolve(shell.getRunningProgram()) then
- return package
- end
- local h =, 'r')
- if not h then
- error('Failed reading file: '..path)
- end
- package[name] = h.readAll()
- h.close()
- return package
- end
- function addFolder(package, path, master)
- local subPkg = {}
- if path:sub(1,4) == '/rom' then
- return package
- end
- for i, v in ipairs(fs.list(path)) do
- if fs.isDir(path..'/'..v) then
- subPkg = addFolder(subPkg, path..'/'..v)
- else
- subPkg = addFile(subPkg, path..'/'..v, v)
- end
- end
- if master then
- package = subPkg
- else
- package[fs.getName(path)] = subPkg
- end
- return package
- end
- function Package(path)
- local pkg = {}
- if fs.isDir(path) then
- pkg = addFolder(pkg, path, true)
- else
- pkg = addFile(pkg, path, 'startup')
- end
- if not pkg['startup'] then
- print('You must have a file named startup in your program. This is the file used to start the program.')
- else
- return pkg
- end
- end
- if term.isColor and term.isColor() then
- local httpTest = nil
- if http then
- httpTest = true-- http.get('')
- end
- if httpTest == nil then
- print = _print
- term.setBackgroundColor(colours.grey)
- term.setTextColor(colours.white)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(3, 3)
- print("Could not connect to the App Store server!\n\n")
- term.setTextColor(colours.white)
- print("Try the following steps:")
- term.setTextColor(colours.lightGrey)
- print(' - Ensure you have enabled the HTTP API')
- print(' - Check your internet connection is working')
- print(' - Retrying again in 10 minutes')
- print(' - Get assistance on the forum page')
- print()
- print()
- print()
- term.setTextColor(colours.white)
- print(" Click anywhere to exit...")
- os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
- OneOS.Close()
- else
- -- Run main function
- local _, err = pcall(Initialise)
- if err then
- print = _print
- term.setBackgroundColor(colours.lightGrey)
- term.setTextColor(colours.white)
- term.clear()
- term.setBackgroundColor(colours.grey)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 2)
- term.clearLine()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 3)
- term.clearLine()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 4)
- term.clearLine()
- term.setCursorPos(3, 3)
- print("The ComputerCraft App Store has crashed!\n\n")
- term.setBackgroundColour(colours.lightGrey)
- print("Try repeating what you just did, if this is the second time you've seen this message go to")
- term.setTextColour(
- print("\n")
- term.setTextColour(colours.white)
- print("The error was:")
- term.setTextColour(
- print(" " .. tostring(err) .. "\n\n")
- term.setTextColour(colours.white)
- print(" Click anywhere to exit...")
- os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
- if OneOS then
- OneOS.Close()
- end
- term.setTextColour(colours.white)
- term.setBackgroundColour(
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- end
- end
- else
- print('The App Store requires an Advanced (gold) Computer!')
- end
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