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- ## This file is a template remove the .template to use the file
- libraries: # This is called out once within the config.yml file
- Filmek: # Ide a saját elnevezésed jön a Plexből, és nem a mappa vagy megosztás neve. Nálam pl. Filmek
- remove_overlays: false # Set this to true to remove all overlays
- collection_files:
- - default: basic # This is a file within Kometa's defaults folder
- - default: imdb # This is a file within Kometa's defaults folder
- # see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
- overlay_files:
- - default: ribbon # This is a file within Kometa's defaults folder
- # see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
- Sorozatok: # Ide a saját elnevezésed jön a Plexből, és nem a mappa vagy megosztás neve. Nálam pl. Sorozatok
- remove_overlays: false # Set this to true to remove all overlays
- collection_files:
- - default: basic # This is a file within Kometa's defaults folder
- - default: imdb # This is a file within Kometa's defaults folder
- # see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
- overlay_files:
- - default: ribbon # This is a file within Kometa's defaults folder
- # see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
- playlist_files:
- - default: playlist # This is a file within Kometa's defaults folder
- template_variables:
- libraries: Filmek, Sorozatok # list of libraries that you want the Kometa Defaults playlists to look at
- # see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
- settings:
- cache: true
- cache_expiration: 30
- asset_directory: config/assets # ezt a mappát a config mappában létre kell hozni!!!
- missing_path: config/missing # ezt a mappát is a config mappában létre kell hozni!!!
- asset_folders: true
- asset_depth: 0
- create_asset_folders: true
- prioritize_assets: true
- dimensional_asset_rename: false
- download_url_assets: true
- show_missing_season_assets: false
- show_missing_episode_assets: false
- show_asset_not_needed: false
- sync_mode: sync
- minimum_items: 5
- default_collection_order:
- delete_below_minimum: true
- delete_not_scheduled: false
- run_again_delay: 0
- missing_only_released: false
- only_filter_missing: false
- show_unmanaged: true
- show_filtered: false
- show_options: false
- show_missing: false
- show_missing_assets: true
- save_report: true
- tvdb_language: hun
- ignore_ids:
- ignore_imdb_ids:
- item_refresh_delay: 0
- playlist_sync_to_user: all
- playlist_exclude_user:
- playlist_report: false
- verify_ssl: false
- custom_repo:
- check_nightly: false
- show_unconfigured: true
- playlist_exclude_users:
- run_order: # recommened run order keep operations first
- - operations
- - metadata
- - collections
- - overlays
- overlay_artwork_filetype: png
- overlay_artwork_quality: 75
- plex: # Can be individually specified per library as well; REQUIRED for the script to run
- url: # ide a saját Plexed IP-címe kell!
- token: x..................N
- timeout: 60
- clean_bundles: true
- empty_trash: true
- optimize: true
- db_cache: 1024
- verify_ssl: false
- tmdb: # Enélkül NEM FUT ez az egész mindenség
- apikey: d..............................7
- language: hu
- region: HU # ISO 3166-1 Code of the User Region for use with Other TMDb Builders
- cache_expiration: 60
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