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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use List::AllUtils qw(firstidx pairwise);
- $/ = ''; # read in paragraph mode
- # definition of vetor sum
- sub vec_sum ($$) { my ($v, $w) = @_; return ([pairwise {$a + $b} @$v, @$w]) }
- # directions in widdershins order from facing East
- my @dirs = ([0,1], [1,0], [0,-1], [-1,0]);
- # Slurp input, break up command list
- my @input = map { [split "\n"] } <>;
- my @cmds = ($input[1][0] =~ m#(\d+|[LR])#g);
- # ASSUME: Net has a specific layout, top line is 3 faces wide
- my @grid = $input[0]->@*;
- my $size = length($input[0][0]) / 3;
- # Assumed Layout:
- # .WB
- # .R.
- # GY.
- # O..
- my %sides = ( 'white' => [0,1], 'blue' => [0,2], 'red' => [1,1],
- 'yellow' => [2,1], 'green' => [2,0], 'orange' => [3,0] );
- # Magnify by size to get the net coord of upper left
- %sides = map { $_ => [map {$_ * $size} $sides{$_}->@*] } keys %sides;
- # Grab the cube face data out of the grid (and convert to list).
- # Add sentinels to right and bottom edges.
- my %cube;
- foreach my $side (keys %sides) {
- my @p = $sides{$side}->@*;
- $cube{$side} = [ map {
- [split( //, substr($grid[$_], $p[1], $size) . '*' )]
- } ($p[0] .. $p[0] + $size - 1)
- ];
- push( $cube{$side}->@*, [split(//, '*' x ($size + 1))] );
- }
- # Table for wrapping around the cube:
- # Array index is starting dir, facing is resulting dir on target side.
- my %wrap;
- $wrap{white}[0] = { side => 'blue', facing => 0 };
- $wrap{white}[1] = { side => 'red', facing => 1 };
- $wrap{white}[2] = { side => 'green', facing => 0 };
- $wrap{white}[3] = { side => 'orange', facing => 0 };
- $wrap{red}[0] = { side => 'blue', facing => 3 };
- $wrap{red}[1] = { side => 'yellow', facing => 1 };
- $wrap{red}[2] = { side => 'green', facing => 1 };
- $wrap{red}[3] = { side => 'white', facing => 3 };
- $wrap{blue}[0] = { side => 'yellow', facing => 2 };
- $wrap{blue}[1] = { side => 'red', facing => 2 };
- $wrap{blue}[2] = { side => 'white', facing => 2 };
- $wrap{blue}[3] = { side => 'orange', facing => 3 };
- $wrap{yellow}[0] = { side => 'blue', facing => 2 };
- $wrap{yellow}[1] = { side => 'orange', facing => 2 };
- $wrap{yellow}[2] = { side => 'green', facing => 2 };
- $wrap{yellow}[3] = { side => 'red', facing => 3 };
- $wrap{orange}[0] = { side => 'yellow', facing => 3 };
- $wrap{orange}[1] = { side => 'blue', facing => 1 };
- $wrap{orange}[2] = { side => 'white', facing => 1 };
- $wrap{orange}[3] = { side => 'green', facing => 3 };
- $wrap{green}[0] = { side => 'yellow', facing => 0 };
- $wrap{green}[1] = { side => 'orange', facing => 1 };
- $wrap{green}[2] = { side => 'white', facing => 0 };
- $wrap{green}[3] = { side => 'red', facing => 0 };
- # Returns the (side, dir, pos) resulting plus a boolean if we hit a wall.
- sub wrap_side {
- my ($side, $dir, $pos) = @_;
- my $new_side = $wrap{$side}[$dir]{side};
- my $new_dir = $wrap{$side}[$dir]{facing};
- # Only one coord value is important, the other is either -1 or $side
- # Because of dir order, parity tells us which of y or x we want.
- my $idx = $pos->[$dir % 2];
- # When going between 0 and 2 facing, the edge flips
- if ($dir % 2 == 0 && $new_dir % 2 == 0 && $dir != $new_dir) {
- $idx = $size - $idx - 1;
- }
- # $new_pos similarly has one coord as 0 or $size-1, the other
- # being set to the index value, based on the direction parity.
- my $new_pos = ($new_dir <= 1) ? [0,0] : [$size-1,$size-1];
- $new_pos->[$new_dir % 2] = $idx;
- # Check if wrapping immediately hit a wall, back out, and report
- if ($cube{$new_side}[$new_pos->[0]][$new_pos->[1]] eq '#') {
- return ($side, $dir, $pos, 1);
- } else {
- return ($new_side, $new_dir, $new_pos, 0);
- }
- }
- #
- # Mainline
- #
- my $side = 'white';
- my $pos = [0, firstidx {$_ eq '.'} $cube{$side}[0]->@*];
- my $face = 0;
- foreach my $cmd (@cmds) {
- if ($cmd eq 'R') {
- $face = ($face + 1) % 4;
- } elsif ($cmd eq 'L') {
- $face = ($face + 3) % 4;
- } else {
- # Step cmd number of times
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $cmd; $i++) {
- my $next = vec_sum( $pos, $dirs[$face] );
- if ($cube{$side}[$next->[0]][$next->[1]] eq '.') { # good, step
- $pos = $next;
- } elsif ($cube{$side}[$next->[0]][$next->[1]] eq '#') { # wall, stop
- last;
- } else { # we hit a '*' sentinel
- my $wall;
- ($side, $face, $next, $wall) = &wrap_side( $side, $face, $pos );
- last if ($wall); # wall, don't set and stop moving
- $pos = $next; # good, step ahead
- }
- }
- }
- }
- print "Side: $side, facing: $face, pos: ($pos->[0], $pos->[1])\n";
- my $net = vec_sum( $sides{$side}, $pos );
- print "Part 2: ", 1000 * ($net->[0] + 1) + 4 * ($net->[1] + 1) + $face, "\n";
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