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- """
- Pyperclip
- A cross-platform clipboard module for Python, with copy & paste functions for plain text.
- By Al Sweigart
- BSD License
- Usage:
- import pyperclip
- pyperclip.copy('The text to be copied to the clipboard.')
- spam = pyperclip.paste()
- if not pyperclip.is_available():
- print("Copy functionality unavailable!")
- On Windows, no additional modules are needed.
- On Mac, the pyobjc module is used, falling back to the pbcopy and pbpaste cli
- commands. (These commands should come with OS X.).
- On Linux, install xclip or xsel via package manager. For example, in Debian:
- sudo apt-get install xclip
- sudo apt-get install xsel
- Otherwise on Linux, you will need the gtk or PyQt5/PyQt4 modules installed.
- gtk and PyQt4 modules are not available for Python 3,
- and this module does not work with PyGObject yet.
- Note: There seem sto be a way to get gtk on Python 3, according to:
- Cygwin is currently not supported.
- Security Note: This module runs programs with these names:
- - which
- - where
- - pbcopy
- - pbpaste
- - xclip
- - xsel
- - klipper
- - qdbus
- A malicious user could rename or add programs with these names, tricking
- Pyperclip into running them with whatever permissions the Python process has.
- """
- __version__ = '1.6.0'
- import contextlib
- import ctypes
- import os
- import platform
- import subprocess
- import sys
- import time
- import warnings
- from ctypes import c_size_t, sizeof, c_wchar_p, get_errno, c_wchar
- # `import PyQt4` sys.exit()s if DISPLAY is not in the environment.
- # Thus, we need to detect the presence of $DISPLAY manually
- # and not load PyQt4 if it is absent.
- HAS_DISPLAY = os.getenv("DISPLAY", False)
- EXCEPT_MSG = """
- Pyperclip could not find a copy/paste mechanism for your system.
- For more information, please visit """
- PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
- STR_OR_UNICODE = unicode if PY2 else str
- ENCODING = 'utf-8'
- # The "which" unix command finds where a command is.
- if platform.system() == 'Windows':
- WHICH_CMD = 'where'
- else:
- WHICH_CMD = 'which'
- def _executable_exists(name):
- return[WHICH_CMD, name],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) == 0
- # Exceptions
- class PyperclipException(RuntimeError):
- pass
- class PyperclipWindowsException(PyperclipException):
- def __init__(self, message):
- message += " (%s)" % ctypes.WinError()
- super(PyperclipWindowsException, self).__init__(message)
- def init_osx_pbcopy_clipboard():
- def copy_osx_pbcopy(text):
- p = subprocess.Popen(['pbcopy', 'w'],
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
- p.communicate(input=text.encode(ENCODING))
- def paste_osx_pbcopy():
- p = subprocess.Popen(['pbpaste', 'r'],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
- stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
- return stdout.decode(ENCODING)
- return copy_osx_pbcopy, paste_osx_pbcopy
- def init_osx_pyobjc_clipboard():
- def copy_osx_pyobjc(text):
- '''Copy string argument to clipboard'''
- newStr = Foundation.NSString.stringWithString_(text).nsstring()
- newData = newStr.dataUsingEncoding_(Foundation.NSUTF8StringEncoding)
- board = AppKit.NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard()
- board.declareTypes_owner_([AppKit.NSStringPboardType], None)
- board.setData_forType_(newData, AppKit.NSStringPboardType)
- def paste_osx_pyobjc():
- "Returns contents of clipboard"
- board = AppKit.NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard()
- content = board.stringForType_(AppKit.NSStringPboardType)
- return content
- return copy_osx_pyobjc, paste_osx_pyobjc
- def init_gtk_clipboard():
- global gtk
- import gtk
- def copy_gtk(text):
- global cb
- cb = gtk.Clipboard()
- cb.set_text(text)
- def paste_gtk():
- clipboardContents = gtk.Clipboard().wait_for_text()
- # for python 2, returns None if the clipboard is blank.
- if clipboardContents is None:
- return ''
- else:
- return clipboardContents
- return copy_gtk, paste_gtk
- def init_qt_clipboard():
- global QApplication
- # $DISPLAY should exist
- # Try to import from qtpy, but if that fails try PyQt5 then PyQt4
- try:
- from qtpy.QtWidgets import QApplication
- except:
- try:
- from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication
- except:
- from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication
- app = QApplication.instance()
- if app is None:
- app = QApplication([])
- def copy_qt(text):
- cb = app.clipboard()
- cb.setText(text)
- def paste_qt():
- cb = app.clipboard()
- return STR_OR_UNICODE(cb.text())
- return copy_qt, paste_qt
- def init_xclip_clipboard():
- def copy_xclip(text, primary=False):
- if primary:
- p = subprocess.Popen(['xclip', '-selection', selection],
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
- p.communicate(input=text.encode(ENCODING))
- def paste_xclip(primary=False):
- if primary:
- p = subprocess.Popen(['xclip', '-selection', selection, '-o'],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
- close_fds=True)
- stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
- # Intentionally ignore extraneous output on stderr when clipboard is empty
- return stdout.decode(ENCODING)
- return copy_xclip, paste_xclip
- def init_xsel_clipboard():
- def copy_xsel(text, primary=False):
- selection_flag = DEFAULT_SELECTION
- if primary:
- selection_flag = PRIMARY_SELECTION
- p = subprocess.Popen(['xsel', selection_flag, '-i'],
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
- p.communicate(input=text.encode(ENCODING))
- def paste_xsel(primary=False):
- selection_flag = DEFAULT_SELECTION
- if primary:
- selection_flag = PRIMARY_SELECTION
- p = subprocess.Popen(['xsel', selection_flag, '-o'],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
- stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
- return stdout.decode(ENCODING)
- return copy_xsel, paste_xsel
- def init_klipper_clipboard():
- def copy_klipper(text):
- p = subprocess.Popen(
- ['qdbus', 'org.kde.klipper', '/klipper', 'setClipboardContents',
- text.encode(ENCODING)],
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
- p.communicate(input=None)
- def paste_klipper():
- p = subprocess.Popen(
- ['qdbus', 'org.kde.klipper', '/klipper', 'getClipboardContents'],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
- stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
- # Workaround for
- # TODO:
- clipboardContents = stdout.decode(ENCODING)
- # even if blank, Klipper will append a newline at the end
- assert len(clipboardContents) > 0
- # make sure that newline is there
- assert clipboardContents.endswith('\n')
- if clipboardContents.endswith('\n'):
- clipboardContents = clipboardContents[:-1]
- return clipboardContents
- return copy_klipper, paste_klipper
- def init_dev_clipboard_clipboard():
- def copy_dev_clipboard(text):
- if text == '':
- warnings.warn('Pyperclip cannot copy a blank string to the clipboard on Cygwin. This is effectively a no-op.')
- if '\r' in text:
- warnings.warn('Pyperclip cannot handle \\r characters on Cygwin.')
- fo = open('/dev/clipboard', 'wt')
- fo.write(text)
- fo.close()
- def paste_dev_clipboard():
- fo = open('/dev/clipboard', 'rt')
- content =
- fo.close()
- return content
- return copy_dev_clipboard, paste_dev_clipboard
- def init_no_clipboard():
- class ClipboardUnavailable(object):
- def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- raise PyperclipException(EXCEPT_MSG)
- if PY2:
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return False
- else:
- def __bool__(self):
- return False
- return ClipboardUnavailable(), ClipboardUnavailable()
- # Windows-related clipboard functions:
- class CheckedCall(object):
- def __init__(self, f):
- super(CheckedCall, self).__setattr__("f", f)
- def __call__(self, *args):
- ret = self.f(*args)
- if not ret and get_errno():
- raise PyperclipWindowsException("Error calling " + self.f.__name__)
- return ret
- def __setattr__(self, key, value):
- setattr(self.f, key, value)
- def init_windows_clipboard():
- from ctypes.wintypes import (HGLOBAL, LPVOID, DWORD, LPCSTR, INT, HWND,
- windll = ctypes.windll
- msvcrt = ctypes.CDLL('msvcrt')
- safeCreateWindowExA = CheckedCall(windll.user32.CreateWindowExA)
- safeCreateWindowExA.argtypes = [DWORD, LPCSTR, LPCSTR, DWORD, INT, INT,
- safeCreateWindowExA.restype = HWND
- safeDestroyWindow = CheckedCall(windll.user32.DestroyWindow)
- safeDestroyWindow.argtypes = [HWND]
- safeDestroyWindow.restype = BOOL
- OpenClipboard = windll.user32.OpenClipboard
- OpenClipboard.argtypes = [HWND]
- OpenClipboard.restype = BOOL
- safeCloseClipboard = CheckedCall(windll.user32.CloseClipboard)
- safeCloseClipboard.argtypes = []
- safeCloseClipboard.restype = BOOL
- safeEmptyClipboard = CheckedCall(windll.user32.EmptyClipboard)
- safeEmptyClipboard.argtypes = []
- safeEmptyClipboard.restype = BOOL
- safeGetClipboardData = CheckedCall(windll.user32.GetClipboardData)
- safeGetClipboardData.argtypes = [UINT]
- safeGetClipboardData.restype = HANDLE
- safeSetClipboardData = CheckedCall(windll.user32.SetClipboardData)
- safeSetClipboardData.argtypes = [UINT, HANDLE]
- safeSetClipboardData.restype = HANDLE
- safeGlobalAlloc = CheckedCall(windll.kernel32.GlobalAlloc)
- safeGlobalAlloc.argtypes = [UINT, c_size_t]
- safeGlobalAlloc.restype = HGLOBAL
- safeGlobalLock = CheckedCall(windll.kernel32.GlobalLock)
- safeGlobalLock.argtypes = [HGLOBAL]
- safeGlobalLock.restype = LPVOID
- safeGlobalUnlock = CheckedCall(windll.kernel32.GlobalUnlock)
- safeGlobalUnlock.argtypes = [HGLOBAL]
- safeGlobalUnlock.restype = BOOL
- wcslen = CheckedCall(msvcrt.wcslen)
- wcslen.argtypes = [c_wchar_p]
- wcslen.restype = UINT
- GMEM_MOVEABLE = 0x0002
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def window():
- """
- Context that provides a valid Windows hwnd.
- """
- # we really just need the hwnd, so setting "STATIC"
- # as predefined lpClass is just fine.
- hwnd = safeCreateWindowExA(0, b"STATIC", None, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- None, None, None, None)
- try:
- yield hwnd
- finally:
- safeDestroyWindow(hwnd)
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def clipboard(hwnd):
- """
- Context manager that opens the clipboard and prevents
- other applications from modifying the clipboard content.
- """
- # We may not get the clipboard handle immediately because
- # some other application is accessing it (?)
- # We try for at least 500ms to get the clipboard.
- t = time.time() + 0.5
- success = False
- while time.time() < t:
- success = OpenClipboard(hwnd)
- if success:
- break
- time.sleep(0.01)
- if not success:
- raise PyperclipWindowsException("Error calling OpenClipboard")
- try:
- yield
- finally:
- safeCloseClipboard()
- def copy_windows(text):
- # This function is heavily based on
- #
- with window() as hwnd:
- #
- # If an application calls OpenClipboard with hwnd set to NULL,
- # EmptyClipboard sets the clipboard owner to NULL;
- # this causes SetClipboardData to fail.
- # => We need a valid hwnd to copy something.
- with clipboard(hwnd):
- safeEmptyClipboard()
- if text:
- #
- # If the hMem parameter identifies a memory object,
- # the object must have been allocated using the
- # function with the GMEM_MOVEABLE flag.
- count = wcslen(text) + 1
- handle = safeGlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE,
- count * sizeof(c_wchar))
- locked_handle = safeGlobalLock(handle)
- ctypes.memmove(c_wchar_p(locked_handle), c_wchar_p(text), count * sizeof(c_wchar))
- safeGlobalUnlock(handle)
- safeSetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, handle)
- def paste_windows():
- with clipboard(None):
- handle = safeGetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT)
- if not handle:
- # GetClipboardData may return NULL with errno == NO_ERROR
- # if the clipboard is empty.
- # (Also, it may return a handle to an empty buffer,
- # but technically that's not empty)
- return ""
- return c_wchar_p(handle).value
- return copy_windows, paste_windows
- # Automatic detection of clipboard mechanisms and importing is done in deteremine_clipboard():
- def determine_clipboard():
- '''
- Determine the OS/platform and set the copy() and paste() functions
- accordingly.
- '''
- global Foundation, AppKit, gtk, qtpy, PyQt4, PyQt5
- # Setup for the CYGWIN platform:
- if 'cygwin' in platform.system().lower(): # Cygwin has a variety of values returned by platform.system(), such as 'CYGWIN_NT-6.1'
- # FIXME: pyperclip currently does not support Cygwin,
- # see
- if os.path.exists('/dev/clipboard'):
- warnings.warn('Pyperclip\'s support for Cygwin is not perfect, see')
- return init_dev_clipboard_clipboard()
- # Setup for the WINDOWS platform:
- elif == 'nt' or platform.system() == 'Windows':
- return init_windows_clipboard()
- # Setup for the MAC OS X platform:
- if == 'mac' or platform.system() == 'Darwin':
- try:
- import Foundation # check if pyobjc is installed
- import AppKit
- except ImportError:
- return init_osx_pbcopy_clipboard()
- else:
- return init_osx_pyobjc_clipboard()
- # Setup for the LINUX platform:
- try:
- import gtk # check if gtk is installed
- except ImportError:
- pass # We want to fail fast for all non-ImportError exceptions.
- else:
- return init_gtk_clipboard()
- if _executable_exists("xclip"):
- return init_xclip_clipboard()
- if _executable_exists("xsel"):
- return init_xsel_clipboard()
- if _executable_exists("klipper") and _executable_exists("qdbus"):
- return init_klipper_clipboard()
- try:
- # qtpy is a small abstraction layer that lets you write applications using a single api call to either PyQt or PySide.
- #
- import qtpy # check if qtpy is installed
- except ImportError:
- # If qtpy isn't installed, fall back on importing PyQt4.
- try:
- import PyQt5 # check if PyQt5 is installed
- except ImportError:
- try:
- import PyQt4 # check if PyQt4 is installed
- except ImportError:
- pass # We want to fail fast for all non-ImportError exceptions.
- else:
- return init_qt_clipboard()
- else:
- return init_qt_clipboard()
- else:
- return init_qt_clipboard()
- return init_no_clipboard()
- def set_clipboard(clipboard):
- '''
- Explicitly sets the clipboard mechanism. The "clipboard mechanism" is how
- the copy() and paste() functions interact with the operating system to
- implement the copy/paste feature. The clipboard parameter must be one of:
- - pbcopy
- - pbobjc (default on Mac OS X)
- - gtk
- - qt
- - xclip
- - xsel
- - klipper
- - windows (default on Windows)
- - no (this is what is set when no clipboard mechanism can be found)
- '''
- global copy, paste
- clipboard_types = {'pbcopy': init_osx_pbcopy_clipboard,
- 'pyobjc': init_osx_pyobjc_clipboard,
- 'gtk': init_gtk_clipboard,
- 'qt': init_qt_clipboard, # TODO - split this into 'qtpy', 'pyqt4', and 'pyqt5'
- 'xclip': init_xclip_clipboard,
- 'xsel': init_xsel_clipboard,
- 'klipper': init_klipper_clipboard,
- 'windows': init_windows_clipboard,
- 'no': init_no_clipboard}
- if clipboard not in clipboard_types:
- raise ValueError('Argument must be one of %s' % (', '.join([repr(_) for _ in clipboard_types.keys()])))
- # Sets pyperclip's copy() and paste() functions:
- copy, paste = clipboard_types[clipboard]()
- def lazy_load_stub_copy(text):
- '''
- A stub function for copy(), which will load the real copy() function when
- called so that the real copy() function is used for later calls.
- This allows users to import pyperclip without having determine_clipboard()
- automatically run, which will automatically select a clipboard mechanism.
- This could be a problem if it selects, say, the memory-heavy PyQt4 module
- but the user was just going to immediately call set_clipboard() to use a
- different clipboard mechanism.
- The lazy loading this stub function implements gives the user a chance to
- call set_clipboard() to pick another clipboard mechanism. Or, if the user
- simply calls copy() or paste() without calling set_clipboard() first,
- will fall back on whatever clipboard mechanism that determine_clipboard()
- automatically chooses.
- '''
- global copy, paste
- copy, paste = determine_clipboard()
- return copy(text)
- def lazy_load_stub_paste():
- '''
- A stub function for paste(), which will load the real paste() function when
- called so that the real paste() function is used for later calls.
- This allows users to import pyperclip without having determine_clipboard()
- automatically run, which will automatically select a clipboard mechanism.
- This could be a problem if it selects, say, the memory-heavy PyQt4 module
- but the user was just going to immediately call set_clipboard() to use a
- different clipboard mechanism.
- The lazy loading this stub function implements gives the user a chance to
- call set_clipboard() to pick another clipboard mechanism. Or, if the user
- simply calls copy() or paste() without calling set_clipboard() first,
- will fall back on whatever clipboard mechanism that determine_clipboard()
- automatically chooses.
- '''
- global copy, paste
- copy, paste = determine_clipboard()
- return paste()
- def is_available():
- return copy != lazy_load_stub_copy and paste != lazy_load_stub_paste
- # Initially, copy() and paste() are set to lazy loading wrappers which will
- # set `copy` and `paste` to real functions the first time they're used, unless
- # set_clipboard() or determine_clipboard() is called first.
- copy, paste = lazy_load_stub_copy, lazy_load_stub_paste
- __all__ = ['copy', 'paste', 'set_clipboard', 'determine_clipboard']
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