
clawed by t rex

Dec 25th, 2024
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  1. Knowing that even one bite from that mouth could be lethal, Kong moved swiftly to the side, and the predator’s jaws snapped on thin air. Kong’s tremendously powerful arms clamped on the creature’s head, holding the jaws shut. The dinosaur’s two wiry arms dug like steel meat hooks into Kong’s thickly furred wrists. Its neck strained against Kong’s might, jerking the great ape’s entire body from side to side before lifting him off his feet. Suddenly the dinosaur raised one of its legs and used its clawed foot to rake Kong’s back. Kong growled in frustration and pain as he lost his grip.
  2. As the meat eater reared back to gain leverage for another bite, Kong lunged forward, grasping his foe under the head with one arm and pounding with the other on its ribs with sledgehammerlike blows. Kong, infuriated by the wound on his back, relentlessly pressed his attack. His clouts forced the flesh eater to take several jerky steps backward, all the while hissing and growling as its jaws snapped constantly. It tried in vain to angle its mouth down to get at any part of Kong’s back.
  5. Merian C. Cooper's King Kong, Chapter 15
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