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- <form method="POST">
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- <title>Search For Blind SQL In vBulletin v2</title>
- </head>
- <body>
- <p align="left" dir="ltr"><font face="Tahoma" size="2"># Search For Blind SQL Injection [
- <font color="#3333CC">vBulletin</font> ] _ </font> </p>
- <p align="left" dir="ltr"><font face="Tahoma"><font size="2">Your List : </font>
- <font size="3"> <input type="text" name="list" value="site.txt" style="font-family: Tahoma; color: #B11852; border: 1px dotted #B11852"></font><font size="2">
- </font><font size="3"> <input type="submit" name="search" value="Search" style="font-family: Tahoma; color: #B11852; border: 1px dotted #B11852"></font></font></p>
- <font face='Tahoma' color='red' size='2'>+--------------------- Result ---------------------+</font><br>
- <?
- /*
- +-------------------------------------------------+
- * Coded By : Dr.KroOoZ
- * Homepage :
- * Greets 2 : b0x - N.K - DeeF - DamaneDz - G-B !
- +-------------------------------------------------+
- */
- $krz = file($_POST['list']);
- if($_POST['search']) {
- foreach($krz as $target) {
- $sec = @trim("$target")."/clientscript/register.js";
- $get = @file_get_contents("$sec");
- if($get) {
- echo "<font face='Tahoma' size='2'><a href='$sec' style='text-decoration: none'>
- <font color='#666699'>$sec</font></a> => <font color='#339933'>Found !</font></font><br>";
- } else {
- echo "<font face='Tahoma' size='2'>$sec => <font color='RED'>Not Found !</font></font><br>";
- }
- }
- }
- ?>
- <font face='Tahoma' color='red' size='2'>+--------------------- Result ----------------------+</font><br>
- <p align="left" dir="ltr"><font face="Tahoma" size="2"># Coded By
- <font color="#B11852">Dr.KroOoZ</font></font></p>
- <p align="left" dir="ltr"><font face="Tahoma" size="2"># <font color="#B11852">
- <a href="" style="text-decoration: none"></a></font></font></p>
- <p align="left" dir="ltr"><font face="Tahoma" size="2"># if
- <font color="#339933">Found</font> u Can Exploit !</font></p>
- </body>
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