
DocSumm Demo SCP-1730 summary

May 29th, 2023
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  1. Mobile Task Forces are a group of volunteers that have been tasked to extract and recover the survivors of Site-13. The team is made up of five members: Tau-5, Apollo-3, Z-9, Hollis and Ross. The task force has been able to make contact with a large number of survivors of the site, including several of the staff who had been injured. The mobile task forces were also tethered to the surface of the facility by a device that draws energy from the surrounding environment. The recovery team was unable to find any way to disable the device, so they decided to take a more direct route towards the surface. This would allow them to avoid the current threats as much as possible. In the future, it may be possible to reduce the amount of energy that the device generates, but it is not clear how this will work.
  3. As the group descends, a large cloud of butterflies emerges from a hole in the wall. It is not clear how these butterflies are able to fly, but they do appear to be flying towards the group. The butterfly's wings have been shredded, and the majority of their flesh has been scorched. The remaining members of the group must find a new way to escape. They will need to find another way to reach the surface.
  5. A group of researchers are trapped inside a large underground facility. They need to find out where they are, and how they are able to escape. The team is made up of several members of the task force: Ross, Houston, Onru and Munru. As they enter the facility, they hear a loud noise, and see a huge, black entity that has been thrown into the room. It is covered in white and black hair, and it has a long neck that ends in a human-like face. As the group descends, it hears a sound that is similar to a whining sound. The next thing the group hears is a blast of fire, and then a series of jets of flame begin to fly towards them. The explosion causes the group to flee down a hallway, but they can't find their way back to the main entrance. When they get there, they will be surrounded by a wall of steel doors, which will allow them to open and close the containment chamber.
  7. As the group begins to ascend, a long, loud noise can be heard. The sound is followed by silence and then a thick burst of fire. The sounds continue as the site collapses around the group. In the next few minutes, the researchers and personnel are rescued from the site by a team of members of Mobile Task Force A-20. They are then moved to safety by members of the MTF A20 task force. The rest of the tasks force members are also pulled away from this site.
  12. ---
  14. The longest SCP post (1730) in 45 seconds!!
  15. 2023-May-29 07:59:49 [INFO] root - Runtime: 0.75 minutes
  17. Generated with the Document Summarization space :)
  22. ## Section Scores:
  25. - -6.1338
  27. - -4.6794
  29. - -6.4999
  31. - -5.1898
  33. Date: May292023_07
  35. ---
  37. ## Parameters:
  39. length_penalty: 0.7
  40. repetition_penalty: 1.5
  41. no_repeat_ngram_size: 3
  42. encoder_no_repeat_ngram_size: 4
  43. num_beams: 6
  44. min_length: 4
  45. max_length: 768
  46. early_stopping: True
  47. do_sample: False
  48. remove_stopwords: False
  49. model_name: pszemraj/long-t5-tglobal-base-sci-simplify-elife
  52. ## Aggregate Summary
  54. - This is an instruction-based LLM aggregation of the previous 'summary batches'.
  55. - Aggregation model: MBZUAI/LaMini-Flan-T5-783M
  57. A group of volunteers is tasked with extracting and recovering survivors of Site-13, but they are unable to disable the device and must find a way to escape. As they descend, they encounter a massive black entity with shredded wings and scorched flesh. They are rescued by a team from the MTF A-20 task force, and they are transported to safety.
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