

Jan 6th, 2022
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  1. /// @func instance_create_random_grid(width, height, density, deviance, instance)
  2. /// @arg0 width    width of area
  3. /// @arg1 height   height of area
  4. /// @arg2 density  the higher the value the greater the density of the distribution
  5. /// @arg3 deviance randomness factor within cell
  6. /// @arg4 instance
  8. var w = argument0; // Width of grid
  9. var h = argument1; // Height of grid
  10. var d = argument2; // Density of elements (size of cell)
  11. var r = argument3; // Random deviation within cell
  12. var i = argument4; // Instance to create
  13. var gridw = w / d; // How many cells to create on the x-axis
  14. var gridh = h / d; // How many cells to create on the y-axis
  16. for (var xx = 0; xx < gridw; xx++) {
  17.     for (var yy = 0; yy < gridh; yy++) {
  18.         var cell_posx = d * xx + d / 2; // x-position of cell within grid (centred)
  19.         var cell_posy = d * yy + d / 2; // y-position of cell within grid (centred)
  20.         var cell_disx = d * random_range(-r, r); // x-position within cell
  21.         var cell_disy = d * random_range(-r, r); // y-position within cell
  22.         instance_create_layer(
  23.             x + cell_posx + cell_disx,
  24.             y + cell_posy + cell_disy,
  25.             "Instances", i)
  26.     }
  27. }
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