

Oct 11th, 2023
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  1. -- Coded by AdelUnreal ...
  2. --
  3. -- Telegram: https://t.me/adelunreal
  4. --
  5. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. init_bal = balance -- Tracking balance| calculate the "stage profit"
  7. startng_balance = balance -- store starting balance
  8. Bdiv = 100000 -- balance/0.00000025 -- change the base bet u want to use
  9. -- u can go with 150000 divider for a slow safe progress or less for fast profit ...
  10. -- it's up to you
  12. inc_Bdiv = Bdiv*0.05 --Divider increament each 5% profit
  13. basebet = balance/Bdiv
  14. nextbet = basebet
  15. min_bet = 0.00000003 --minimum bet allowed
  16. chance = 39
  17. win_increase = 5/100
  18. lose_increase = 30/100
  19. round_prft = balance*0.0015 -- *0.01 (1% or less) % to take profit
  20. Round_reset = balance + round_prft -- reset bet if round profit reached
  21. stage_profit = (init_bal * 0.05) -- stage profit
  22. stage_update = balance + stage_profit --stage target when reached it will total update
  23. count = 1
  24. rounds_prft = {'0.01','0.02','0.003','0.04','0.05','0.06','0.07','0.08','0.09'} --round profits table in %
  25. round_percentage = 0 -- it will store the profit of each round
  26. bethigh = false
  27. recovery = false -- Recovery mode
  28. target = balance * 11 --added to change the stop target with console ( code injection )
  30. --############################################################################
  32. function inc(p) -- increase bet amount
  33. nextbet = previousbet + (previousbet*p)
  34. end
  36. function dec(p) -- decrease bet amount
  37. nextbet = previousbet - (previousbet*p)
  38. end
  41. -- reset bet if go lower > minmum bet
  42. function check_b()
  43. if (nextbet < min_bet) then -- set the minimum bet
  44. nextbet = min_bet
  45. end
  46. end
  47. --print currencies
  48. function fCurrency(value)
  49. return string.format("%8f %s", value, currency)
  50. end
  52. -- round_percentageomize round profit
  53. function rondomize_round_profit()
  54. round_percentage = (rounds_prft[math.random(1, #rounds_prft)])/100
  55. round_prft = balance *round_percentage
  56. end
  57. --print stats
  58. function pstats()
  59. print("##############################################################################\n\n")
  60. print("#----------- BTC [Beat The Casino] Revisited ----------------------------------")
  61. print("# Coded by:> AdelUnreal")
  62. print("#_____________________________________________________________________________\n#|")
  63. print("#| [ Stage : "..count.." of 365 ]")
  64. print("#| [ Initial balance : "..fCurrency(startng_balance).." ]")
  65. print("#| [ Profit: in game : "..fCurrency(profit).." ]")
  66. print("#|")
  67. print("#| ----------------------------------")
  68. print("#|")
  69. print("#| [ Round percentage : "..(round_percentage*100).."% ]")
  70. print("#| [ Take profit & reset round : "..fCurrency(Round_reset).." ]")
  71. print("#| [ Total update ( finish stage ) : "..fCurrency(stage_update).." Divider :"..Bdiv.." ]")
  72. print("#_____________________________________________________________________________")
  73. print("#")
  74. print("##############################################################################")
  75. end
  77. --rondomize_round_profit()
  78. --_________________________________________________________________________
  79. function dobet()
  80. -- print stats every 5 Bets
  81. if (bets % 5 == 0) then
  82. pstats()
  83. end
  84. -- in win__________________________________________________________________
  86. if (win) then
  87. --increase bet amount
  88. inc(win_increase)
  89. -- if streak of 3 wins decrease bet with 75%, switch and set chance 39
  90. if (currentstreak == 3) then
  91. chance = 39
  92. dec(0.75)
  93. bethigh = not bethigh
  94. end
  95. -- if recovery mode activated
  96. -- increase chance & set nextbet to 45% of the missing amount to the round reset
  97. if (recovery) then
  98. if (chance <= 30) then
  99. chance = chance + 3
  100. else
  101. chance = chance + 2
  102. end
  103. if (chance >= 41) then
  104. chance = 16.5
  105. lose_increase = 30/100
  106. end
  107. nextbet = (Round_reset - balance)*0.5
  108. end
  109. -- in lose ____________________________________________________________
  110. else
  111. if (recovery == false) then
  112. inc(lose_increase)
  113. end
  115. -- if streak of 4 lose set winchance to 25 & activate recovery mode
  116. if (currentstreak == -4) and (recovery == false) then
  117. chance = 25
  118. win_increase = 0/100
  119. recovery = true
  120. recovery_start = true
  121. end
  122. -- if lose & recovery mode activated ==> increase winchance
  123. if (recovery) then
  124. chance = chance + 0.6
  125. if (chance >=41) then
  126. chance = 16.5
  127. end
  128. --recovery start will be "True" only (1st lose after) when recovery mode is activated
  129. if (recovery_start) then
  130. nextbet = (Round_reset - balance)*0.3
  131. recovery_start = false
  132. else
  133. inc(0.222)
  134. end
  135. end
  136. end
  137. --End of dobet() _______________________________________________________
  139. --Round reset
  140. if (balance >= Round_reset) then
  141. rondomize_round_profit()
  142. nextbet = basebet
  143. Round_reset = balance + round_prft
  144. chance = 39
  145. win_increase = 5/100
  146. lose_increase = 30/100
  147. recovery = false
  148. pstats()
  149. bethigh = not bethigh
  150. end
  152. -- If reach 5% profit, Total Update
  153. --increase Divider, sync basebet & next stop ...etc
  154. if (balance >= stage_update) then
  155. Bdiv = Bdiv + inc_Bdiv
  156. init_bal = balance
  157. stage_update = balance + stage_profit
  158. Round_reset = balance + round_prft
  159. basebet = balance/Bdiv
  160. nextbet = basebet
  161. chance = 39
  162. win_increase = 5/100
  163. lose_increase = 30/100
  164. recovery = false
  165. count = count + 1
  166. rondomize_round_profit()
  167. pstats()
  168. end
  169. if (balance >= target) then
  170. stop()
  171. end
  172. --check nextbet if lower than minimum if so: nextbet = minimumbet
  173. check_b()
  174. end
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