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- /*##### Motor Shield (L298N) #####*/
- /* To import NEWPING library go to - */
- const int tDelay = 370; // without tires was 370 with tires:not turning good, do not use.
- // 896 after checks, could be 897/895/ more or less
- // constanst to turn 90 degrees with delay
- const int ENA = 5; // right side
- const int ENB = 6; // left side
- /*
- * IN1: HIGH; IN2: LOW --> Direction 1
- * IN1: LOW; IN2: HIGH --> Direction 2
- * IN3: HIGH; IN4: LOW --> Direction 1
- * IN3: LOW; IN4: HIGH --> Direction2
- */
- const int IN1 = 11; //RIGHT SIDE
- const int IN2 = 10; //RIGHT SIDE
- const int IN3 = 9; //LEFT SIDE
- const int IN4 = 8; //LEFT SIDE
- /*const int leftTrigger=0;
- const int leftEcho=1;
- //const int forTrigger =13;
- //const int forEcho=12;
- const int rightTrigger = 4;
- const int rightEcho =3;
- const int rightBottomTrigger = 7;
- const int rightBottomEcho = 2;
- */
- #include <NewPing.h>
- #define rightTrigger 14
- #define rightEcho 15
- #define leftTrigger 19
- #define leftEcho 18 // **************************** DEFINE replaces the "const int"
- #define forTrigger 13
- #define forEcho 12
- #define MAX_DISTANCE 200
- NewPing forSonar( forTrigger, forEcho, MAX_DISTANCE);
- NewPing rightSonar( rightTrigger , rightEcho , MAX_DISTANCE);
- NewPing leftSonar( leftTrigger , leftEcho, MAX_DISTANCE);
- int counter = 0;
- void setup()
- {
- pinMode(ENA, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(ENB, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(IN1, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(IN2, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(IN3, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(IN4, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(forTrigger, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(forEcho, INPUT);
- pinMode(rightTrigger, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(rightEcho, INPUT);
- pinMode(leftTrigger, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(leftEcho, INPUT);
- // Enable Motor A, Motor B: Constant Speed
- analogWrite(ENA, 60); // change back to 80
- analogWrite(ENB, 60); // change back to 80
- // Serial communication
- Serial.begin(9600);
- }
- /* if(rightOpen())
- turnRight()
- elseif(frontOpen())
- goForward()
- else turnLeft()
- */
- void loop() // *********** TODO -- PERFECT turn right, => right now it is too much - decrease angle, decrease curve
- {
- // testTurn();
- //turnTillWall();
- inspiration();
- }
- void uTurn()
- {
- analogWrite(ENA, 100);
- analogWrite(ENB, 100);
- digitalWrite(IN1,HIGH);
- digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
- digitalWrite(IN3, HIGH);
- digitalWrite(IN4,LOW);
- delay(650);
- }
- void testTurn()
- {
- for(int i = 0; i < 4 ; i++)
- {
- turnRight(tDelay);
- stopDrive1(500);
- }
- stopDrive1(10000);
- }
- void stickToRight()
- {
- if(getSonarDistance(rightSonar) - getSonarDistance(leftSonar) >= 3)
- {
- turnRight1(10);
- }
- if(getSonarDistance(leftSonar) - getSonarDistance(rightSonar) >= 3)
- {
- turnLeft1(10);
- }
- else
- {
- driveForward1(10);
- }
- }
- long microsecondsToCentimeters(long microseconds) //********************************************************* Function : from microSec to CM
- {
- return microseconds / 29 / 2;
- }
- // digitalWrietTry
- void driveForward1(int milliseconds) //********************************************************* Function : drive forward
- {
- analogWrite(ENA, 60);
- analogWrite(ENB, 60);
- digitalWrite(IN1,HIGH);
- digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
- digitalWrite(IN3, LOW);
- digitalWrite(IN4,HIGH);
- if (milliseconds > 0)
- delay(milliseconds);
- }
- void driveBackward1(int milliseconds) //********************************************************* Function : drive backward
- {
- analogWrite(ENA, 60);
- analogWrite(ENB, 60);
- digitalWrite(IN1,LOW);
- digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH);
- digitalWrite(IN3, HIGH);
- digitalWrite(IN4,LOW);
- if(milliseconds > 0)
- delay(milliseconds);
- }
- void stopDrive1(int milliseconds) //********************************************************* Function : stop
- {
- digitalWrite(IN1,LOW);
- digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
- digitalWrite(IN3, LOW);
- digitalWrite(IN4,LOW);
- if(milliseconds > 0)
- delay(milliseconds);
- }
- void turnLeft1(int milliSeconds) //********************************************************* Function : turn left
- {
- analogWrite(ENA, 155);
- analogWrite(ENB, 0);
- digitalWrite(IN1,HIGH);
- digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
- digitalWrite(IN3, LOW);
- digitalWrite(IN4,HIGH);
- if(milliSeconds > 0)
- delay(milliSeconds);
- }
- void turnRight(int milliSeconds)
- {
- analogWrite(ENA, 0); //was 0
- analogWrite(ENB, 155); //was 155
- digitalWrite(IN1,HIGH);
- digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
- digitalWrite(IN3, LOW);
- digitalWrite(IN4,HIGH);
- if(milliSeconds > 0)
- delay(milliSeconds);
- }
- void turnRight1(int milliSeconds) //********************************************************* Function : turn right
- {
- analogWrite(ENA, 80); // change back to 150
- analogWrite(ENB, 80);
- digitalWrite(IN1,LOW);
- digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH);
- digitalWrite(IN3, LOW);
- digitalWrite(IN4,HIGH);
- if(milliSeconds > 0)
- delay(milliSeconds);
- }
- int getSonarDistance(NewPing sonar) //********************************************************* Function : recieves a specific Sonar and returns distance
- {
- delay(100);
- unsigned int distance = sonar.ping_cm();
- //Serial.print(distance);
- //Serial.println("cm");
- if(distance !=0)
- return distance;
- else
- return 1000; // Comes in place of the "0" so it wont disturb the loop that check "smaller than..."
- }
- void funRun() //****************************************** Function : just avoiding objcects and turns left
- {
- while(getSonarDistance(forSonar) > 30 || getSonarDistance(forSonar) == 0 )
- {
- driveForward1(50);
- }
- while(getSonarDistance(forSonar) < 30)
- {
- driveBackward1(70);
- delay(50);
- turnLeft1(800);
- }
- }
- void funRun2() // ********************* Function: same as funRun , just if turned left 4 times, it turns Right. PROBLEM not always return to its initial spot- in maze it will be ok
- {
- while(getSonarDistance(forSonar) > 30 || getSonarDistance(forSonar) == 0 )
- {
- driveForward1(50);
- }
- while(getSonarDistance(forSonar) < 30)
- {
- if(counter==4)
- {
- driveBackward1(70);
- delay(50);
- turnRight1(800);
- counter = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- driveBackward1(70);
- delay(50);
- turnLeft1(800);
- counter++;
- }
- }
- }
- void checkSpanish()
- {
- if(getSonarDistance(forSonar) >8)
- {
- if(getSonarDistance(rightSonar) > 7 && getSonarDistance(rightSonar) <13 )
- {
- analogWrite(ENA , 60); // 120
- analogWrite(ENB , 90); // 150
- driveForward1(50);
- }
- if(getSonarDistance(rightSonar) >= 13)
- {
- analogWrite(ENA , 150); //255
- analogWrite(ENB , 10); // 60
- driveForward1(100);
- }
- if(getSonarDistance(rightSonar) <= 7 )
- {
- analogWrite(ENA , 10); //60
- analogWrite(ENB , 150); //255
- driveForward1(100);
- }
- }
- if( getSonarDistance(rightSonar) <=20 && getSonarDistance(rightSonar) > 20 && getSonarDistance(forSonar) <=8)
- turnRight1(700);
- if(getSonarDistance(rightSonar) > 20 && getSonarDistance(rightSonar) > 20 && getSonarDistance(forSonar) <=8)
- turnRight1(700);
- if(getSonarDistance(rightSonar) <=20 && getSonarDistance(rightSonar) > 20 && getSonarDistance(forSonar) <=8)
- turnLeft1(800);
- if( getSonarDistance(rightSonar) <=20 && getSonarDistance(rightSonar) <= 20 && getSonarDistance(forSonar) <=8)
- turnRight1(1200); // rotate 180
- }
- void inspiration()
- {
- if(getSonarDistance(rightSonar) >25)
- {
- turnRight(tDelay); // 90 degrees
- }
- else if(getSonarDistance(forSonar) > 20)
- {
- driveForward1(20); // previous version 100
- }
- else if(getSonarDistance(leftSonar) >30)
- {
- turnLeft1(tDelay);
- stopDrive1(500);// 90 degrees
- }
- else
- {
- uTurn(); //tDelay*2
- }
- }
- void turnTillWall()
- {
- if(getSonarDistance(rightSonar) > 6 )
- {
- while(getSonarDistance(rightSonar) > 6 )
- {
- turnRight(105); // 8 times = full turn (90 degrees)
- }
- }
- else if(getSonarDistance(forSonar) > 20)
- {
- driveForward1(50); // previous version 100
- }
- else if(getSonarDistance(leftSonar) >20)
- {
- turnLeft1(tDelay);
- stopDrive1(500);// 90 degrees
- }
- else
- {
- turnRight(1350); //tDelay*2
- }
- }
- /* void correctParallel()
- {
- for(int i = 0 ; i < 5; i++)
- {
- if(rightBottomSonar - toprigthSonar == i)
- turnLeft(i*100); // just a measure to turn need to check this
- else if(topright - rightBottom == i)
- turnRight(i*100); // same
- }
- }
- */
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