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Dec 3rd, 2013
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  1. Well welcome to part 3 why people really can't lose weight it’s hormone problem the hormone we discussed was left in but there are other hormones like insulin what we discussed was that hormone problems today are not problem with have needing more hormones the problem really happens at the cello the fact that it's this the receptor to the hormones is really the reason why people can't lose weight today when I love to tell Beijing is what if you followed me around in a two-way eat and you exercise the way I exercise most have.
  3. You still could not lose weight I you might be able to lose 5-10 pounds but that it stops why because your body hormonally is on able to burn fat you know what it's not your fault because you fail or your break all the different diets because your body really gives in to the craving because it doesn't want to cannibalize itself any longer in that is in fact a hormone problem cell how do we get you to become a fat burner because really that's the key you got to fix the hormones that mean you gotta fix the hormone receptor cell on video too.
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