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- local cam = workspace.Camera
- local p
- local headObject
- local events = {}
- local controls = {
- [Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1] = {"move", "leftHand"},
- [Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement] = {"updateTarget"}, -- do not change
- [Enum.UserInputType.MouseWheel] = {"adjustOffset"},
- [Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2] = {"move", "rightHand"},
- [Enum.KeyCode.W] = {"move", "head",, 1, 0)},
- [Enum.KeyCode.A] = {"move", "head",, 0, 0)},
- [Enum.KeyCode.S] = {"move", "head",, -1, 0)},
- [Enum.KeyCode.D] = {"move", "head",, 0, 0)},
- [Enum.KeyCode.Q] = {"move", "head",, 0, -1)},
- [Enum.KeyCode.E] = {"move", "head",, 0, 1)},
- [Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift] = {"gesture", "Fist"},
- [Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl] = {"gesture", "Index"},
- [Enum.KeyCode.LeftAlt] = {"gesture", "Thumb"},
- [Enum.KeyCode.Z] = {"toggle", "canOffset"},
- [Enum.KeyCode.R] = {"toggle", "rotationManager"},
- [Enum.KeyCode.Tab] = {"selectAxis", "rotationManager"},
- [Enum.KeyCode.Left] = {"updateAxisMover", "rotationManager", -1},
- [Enum.KeyCode.Right] = {"updateAxisMover", "rotationManager", 1}
- }
- local services = {}
- setmetatable(services, {
- __index = function(t, k)
- services[k] = rawget(services, k) or game:GetService(k)
- return services[k]
- end
- })
- local function angleBetween(vecx, vecy)
- return math.acos(vecx:Dot(vecy))
- end
- local hand = {}
- hand.__index = hand
- function hand:gesture(gestureName, keyState)
- if keyState ~= 1 then
- return
- end
- headObject.realHeadset[ .. gestureName] = 1 - headObject.realHeadset[ .. gestureName]
- end
- function hand:getMouseRay()
- local mousePos = services.UserInputService:GetMouseLocation()
- return, mousePos.y).Direction * (1.5 + headObject.handOffset))
- end
- function hand:calculateEndRotation()
- return CFrame.Angles(cam.CFrame:ToEulerAnglesXYZ()) * CFrame.Angles(self.rotation[1] * (math.pi/6), self.rotation[2] * (math.pi/6), self.rotation[3] * (math.pi/6))
- end
- function hand:updateTarget()
- local camLook = (cam.CFrame.lookVector *,0,1)).unit
- local theta = angleBetween(, 0, 0), camLook)
- theta = camLook.z > 0 and (2 * math.pi) - theta or theta
- local relativeAngle = ( == "l" and -headObject.handAngle or headObject.handAngle)
- local startPosition = + relativeAngle), -0.5, -math.sin(theta + relativeAngle)) + (camLook * headObject.handOffset)
- self.targetPosition = startPosition:Lerp(self:getMouseRay(), self.alpha) * self:calculateEndRotation()
- self.replicatePosition:Fire()
- end
- function hand:beginMove(minAlpha, maxAlpha)
- local distAlpha = (maxAlpha - minAlpha) / 2
- self.moving = true
- repeat
- services.RunService.RenderStepped:wait()
- self:updateTarget()
- self.alpha += self.alphaMultiplier
- until math.abs(self.alpha - minAlpha) < 0.05 or math.abs(maxAlpha - self.alpha) < 0.05 or self.alpha ~= self.alpha
- if self.alpha ~= self.alpha then
- self.alpha = 0
- end
- self.moving = false
- end
- function hand:move(keyState)
- if then
- if == "l" then
- headObject.rotationManager.held = keyState == 1
- headObject.rotationManager.selectedAxis = 0
- end
- return
- end
- self.alphaMultiplier = keyState == 1 and 0.05 or -0.05
- if not self.moving and not (keyState == 1 and self.alpha >= 1) then
- if keyState == 1 then
- headObject.recentHand = self
- end
- self:beginMove(0, 1)
- end
- end
- function hand:new(direction, realHand)
- local newHand = setmetatable({direction = direction, realHand = realHand}, hand)
- newHand.alpha = 0
- newHand.alphaMultiplier = 0.05
- = direction and "r" or "l"
- newHand.targetPosition =
- newHand.moving = false
- newHand.rotation = {0, 0, 0}
- newHand.replicatePosition ="BindableEvent")
- newHand.replicatePosition.Event:connect(function()
- events.UserCFrameChanged:Fire(newHand.direction and Enum.UserCFrame.RightHand or Enum.UserCFrame.LeftHand, newHand.targetPosition)
- end)
- return newHand
- end
- local head = {}
- head.__index = head
- function head:handleInput(input, keyState)
- local bind = controls[input.KeyCode] or controls[input.UserInputType]
- if bind then
- if bind[1] == "updateTarget" and not then
- self.leftHand:updateTarget()
- self.rightHand:updateTarget()
- elseif bind[2] and type(self[bind[2]]) == "table" then
- self[bind[2]][bind[1]](self[bind[2]], keyState, bind[3])
- elseif bind[3] then
- self[bind[1]](self, bind[3], keyState)
- elseif bind[2] and self.recentHand[bind[1]] then
- self.recentHand[bind[1]](self.recentHand, bind[2], keyState)
- else
- self[bind[1]](self, bind[2], keyState)
- end
- end
- end
- function head:adjustOffset(_, keyState)
- if self.canOffset then
- self.handOffset += keyState * 0.04
- self.leftHand:updateTarget()
- self.rightHand:updateTarget()
- end
- end
- function head:move(vec, keyState)
- if vec.z ~= 0 then
- self.realHeadset.Stick2 = math.clamp(self.realHeadset.Stick2 + (vec.z * keyState), -1, 1)
- else
- self.realHeadset.StickPosition +=, vec.y, 0) * keyState
- end
- end
- function head:freezeCam(b)
- local dist = (self.realHeadset.Head.PrimaryPart.Position - cam.CFrame.p).magnitude
- p.CameraMinZoomDistance = b and dist or 0.5
- p.CameraMaxZoomDistance = b and dist or 128
- end
- function head:toggle(stat, keyState)
- if keyState ~= 1 then
- return
- end
- self[stat] = not self[stat]
- if stat == "canOffset" then
- self:freezeCam(self[stat])
- end
- end
- local rotation = {}
- rotation.__index = rotation
- function rotation:new()
- local newRotation = setmetatable({}, rotation)
- newRotation.rotationLookup = {{}, {}, {}}
- newRotation.lineLookup = {{}, {}, {}}
- = false
- newRotation.held = false
- newRotation.selectedAxis = 0
- newRotation.angleLookup = {1, 1, 1}
- for i=1,3 do
- local ref = {}
- ref[i] = function() return 0 end
- ref[i + 1 > 3 and ((i + 1) % 4) + 1 or i + 1] = math.cos
- ref[i + 2 > 3 and ((i + 2) % 4) + 1 or i + 2] = math.sin
- local color = Color3.fromRGB(i == 1 and 255 or 0, i == 2 and 255 or 0, i == 3 and 255 or 0)
- for j=1,13 do
- if j < 13 then
- local step = math.pi * (j/6)
- newRotation.rotationLookup[i][j] =[1](step), ref[2](step), ref[3](step))
- end
- local line ="Line")
- line.Visible = true
- line.Thickness = 5
- line.Color = color
- newRotation.lineLookup[i][j] = line
- end
- local circle ="Circle")
- circle.Visible = true
- circle.Color = color
- circle.Filled = true
- circle.Radius = 10
- circle.Position =, -2000)
- newRotation.lineLookup[i][14] = circle
- local text ="Text")
- text.Visible = true
- text.Font = Drawing.Fonts.System
- text.Size = 18
- text.Color =, 0.3)
- text.Outline = false
- newRotation.lineLookup[i][15] = text
- end
- return newRotation
- end
- function rotation:selectAxis(keyState)
- self.tabActivated = keyState == 1
- if self.tabActivated then
- self.selectedAxis = math.clamp((self.selectedAxis + 1) % 4, 1, 3)
- end
- end
- function rotation:toggle(keyState)
- if keyState == 1 and headObject.recentHand.alpha < 0.05 and not self.held then
- = not
- if not then
- self:updateAxes(0)
- self.selectedAxis = 0
- self.held = false
- headObject.recentHand:updateTarget()
- end
- end
- end
- function rotation:updateAxes(visibleOverride)
- local basePos = headObject.recentHand.realHand.Base.Position
- local basePoint = cam:WorldToViewportPoint(basePos)
- for i=1,3 do
- for j=1,12 do
- local vec, visible = cam:WorldToViewportPoint(basePos + (self.rotationLookup[i][j] * 10))
- local vec2, visible2 = cam:WorldToViewportPoint(basePos + ((self.rotationLookup[i][j + 1] or self.rotationLookup[i][1]) * 10))
- local line = self.lineLookup[i][j]
- line.Transparency = visibleOverride or ((visible and visible2) and 1 or 0)
- line.From =, vec.y)
- line.To =, vec2.y)
- end
- local axisRotation = headObject.recentHand.rotation[i]
- local axisMover = self.lineLookup[i][13]
- local axisCircle = self.lineLookup[i][14]
- local axisText = self.lineLookup[i][15]
- axisMover.From =, basePoint.y)
- axisMover.To = self.lineLookup[i][math.clamp(axisRotation < 1 and 12 or axisRotation, 1, 12)].From -- sorry, lazy
- axisMover.Transparency = visibleOverride or 1
- axisCircle.Position = self.lineLookup[i][13].To
- axisCircle.Transparency = visibleOverride or 1
- axisText.Position = self.lineLookup[2][3].From + axisText.TextBounds
- axisText.Text = string.char(87 + self.selectedAxis) .. ": " .. math.deg(axisRotation * (math.pi / 6))
- axisText.Transparency = visibleOverride or ((self.held or self.tabActivated) and self.selectedAxis == i and 1 or 0)
- local mousePos = services.UserInputService:GetMouseLocation()
- if self.held and (self.lineLookup[i][14].Position - mousePos).magnitude < 10 and self.selectedAxis == 0 then
- self.selectedAxis = i
- end
- end
- end
- function rotation:updateAxisMover(keyState, direction)
- if keyState and direction then
- if self.tabActivated and keyState == 1 then
- headObject.recentHand.rotation[self.selectedAxis] = (headObject.recentHand.rotation[self.selectedAxis] + direction) % 12
- headObject.recentHand:updateTarget()
- end
- return
- end
- if self.selectedAxis ~= 0 then
- local mousePos = services.UserInputService:GetMouseLocation()
- local circlePos = self.lineLookup[self.selectedAxis][12].From
- local handPos = self.lineLookup[self.selectedAxis][13].From
- local mouseDir = self.selectedAxis == 1 and == "r" and ( + (handPos.x * 2), mousePos.y) - handPos).unit or (mousePos - handPos).unit
- -- mouse angle relating to the red circle is reflected on the right hand, so i "re-reflect" it. bad practice
- local circleDir = (circlePos - handPos).unit
- local rotationTheta = angleBetween(mouseDir, circleDir)
- local direction = mouseDir:Cross(circleDir)
- rotationTheta = direction > 0 and rotationTheta or (2 * math.pi) - rotationTheta
- if rotationTheta == rotationTheta then
- headObject.recentHand.rotation[self.selectedAxis] = math.floor(6 * rotationTheta / math.pi)
- local hand = headObject.recentHand
- hand.targetPosition *= CFrame.Angles(hand.targetPosition:inverse():ToEulerAnglesXYZ()) * hand:calculateEndRotation()
- hand.replicatePosition:Fire()
- end
- end
- end
- function head:new(realHeadset)
- local newHead = setmetatable({realHeadset = realHeadset}, head)
- newHead.leftHand = hand:new(false, realHeadset.lHand)
- newHead.rightHand = hand:new(true, realHeadset.rHand)
- newHead.canOffset = false
- newHead.recentHand = newHead.leftHand
- newHead.handOffset = 0
- newHead.handAngle = math.pi / 4
- newHead.rotationManager = rotation:new()
- newHead.chatRemote = debug.getupvalue(realHeadset.ButtonPressed, 3)
- cam:GetPropertyChangedSignal("CameraSubject"):connect(function()
- if cam.CameraSubject ~= headObject.realHeadset.Head then
- cam.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom
- end
- end)
- services.UserInputService.WindowFocused:connect(function()
- newHead.realHeadset.StickPosition =, 0, 0)
- newHead.realHeadset.Stick2 = 0
- end)
- return newHead
- end
- local ind, nc, nind
- local realVrService = game:GetService("VRService")
- local fakeVrService = setmetatable({
- VREnabled = true,
- SetTouchpadMode = function()
- end,
- RecenterUserHeadCFrame = function()
- end,
- GetUserCFrameEnabled = function(cf)
- return true
- end,
- GetUserCFrame = function(cf)
- return
- end
- }, {
- __index = function(t, k)
- local real = ind(realVrService, k)
- if typeof(real) == "RBXScriptSignal" then
- events[k] = events[k] or {
- Name = k,
- Connect = function(t, f)
- t.Function = f
- if t.Name == "UserCFrameChanged" then
- headObject = head:new(debug.getupvalue(t.Function, 1))
- services.UserInputService.InputBegan:connect(function(i)
- headObject:handleInput(i, 1)
- end)
- services.UserInputService.InputChanged:connect(function(i)
- headObject:handleInput(i, i.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseWheel and i.Position.z or 0)
- end)
- services.UserInputService.InputEnded:connect(function(i)
- headObject:handleInput(i, -1)
- end)
- end
- end,
- Fire = function(t, ...)
- return t.Function(...)
- end
- }
- return events[k]
- end
- return real
- end,
- __call = function(t, method, vr, ...)
- return t[method](...)
- end
- })
- ind = hookmetamethod(game, "__index", function(...)
- local t, k = ...
- local scr = getcallingscript()
- if t == realVrService and not (scr and ind(scr, "Name") == "CameraModule") then
- return fakeVrService[k]
- end
- return ind(...)
- end)
- nc = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(...)
- local t = ...
- if t == realVrService then
- local method = getnamecallmethod()
- return fakeVrService(method, ...)
- elseif t == game.GetService(game, "StarterGui") and game.IsLoaded(game) then
- return
- end
- return nc(...)
- end)
- nind = hookmetamethod(game, "__newindex", function(...)
- local t, k, v = ...
- local scr = getcallingscript()
- if t == cam and headObject then
- if k == "CFrame" and events.UserCFrameChanged then
- events.UserCFrameChanged:Fire(Enum.UserCFrame.Head, CFrame.Angles(cam.CFrame:ToEulerAnglesXYZ()))
- if then
- headObject.rotationManager:updateAxes()
- if headObject.rotationManager.held then
- headObject.rotationManager:updateAxisMover()
- end
- end
- if headObject.rotationManager.tabActivated and services.UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.Left) or services.UserInputService:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.Right) then -- prevent controls from messing with camera
- return
- end
- elseif k == "CameraType" then
- nind(t, k, Enum.CameraType.Custom)
- nind(t, "CameraSubject", headObject.realHeadset.Head)
- headObject.leftHand:updateTarget()
- headObject.rightHand:updateTarget()
- end
- if not (scr and scr.Name == "CameraModule") and not checkcaller() then
- return
- end
- end
- nind(t, k, v)
- end)
- p = services.Players.LocalPlayer or (function()
- services.Players:GetPropertyChangedSignal("LocalPlayer"):wait() -- this doesnt return anything for some reason??
- return services.Players.LocalPlayer
- end)()
- p.Chatted:connect(function(c)
- services.ReplicatedStorage.COM.Chat:FireServer("Chat", c)
- end)
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