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- import hhoppe_tools as hh
- import mediapy as media
- def day14(s, *, part2=False, shape=(103, 101), steps=100, visualize=False, rep=2, fps=50):
- values = np.array([re.findall(r'[-\d]+', line) for line in s.splitlines()], int)
- yxs0, dyxs = values[:, 1::-1], values[:, 3:1:-1]
- if not part2:
- yxs = (yxs0 + steps * dyxs) % shape
- count = np.zeros(shape, int)
- for yx in yxs:
- count[tuple(yx)] += 1
- ym, xm = shape[0] // 2, shape[1] // 2
- quadrants = [[g[:, :xm], g[:, xm + 1 :]] for g in [count[:ym], count[ym + 1 :]]]
- return for row in quadrants for q in row)
- def variance(t: int, axis: int) -> float:
- return np.var((yxs0[:, axis] + t * dyxs[:, axis]) % shape[axis])
- # We expect the pixel positions in the "tree" image to have lowest variance in both Y and X.
- moduli = shape
- remainders = [min(range(moduli[axis]), key=lambda t: variance(t, axis)) for axis in range(2)]
- t = hh.solve_modulo_congruences(remainders, moduli)
- if visualize:
- images = []
- for step in range(t + 1):
- if step > 100 and step % moduli[0] != remainders[0] and step % moduli[1] != remainders[1]:
- continue
- yxs = (yxs0 + step * dyxs) % shape
- mask = np.full(shape, False)
- mask[tuple(yxs.T)] = True
- image = hh.to_image(mask, 250, 0).repeat(rep, 0).repeat(rep, 1)
- text = f'Step{step:5}'
- hh.overlay_text(image, (10, 120), text, fontsize=14, background=250, align='tl', margin=3)
- images.append(image)
- images = [images[0]] * int(fps * 1.5) + images + [images[-1]] * int(fps * 3)
- media.show_video(images, codec='gif', fps=fps, title='day14')
- return t
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