
12o0 // ihm

Jul 2nd, 2013
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  1. [23:37:44] <Abhorrens> are you legitimately depressed?
  2. [23:37:50] <Abhorrens> or are you just being silly?
  3. [23:37:51] <12o0> Meh. Anybody remember last year on what happened to my dog?
  4. [23:37:52] <appelation> <abbr title="lombaxfan">Lombathuruth Wexth</abbr>: WHY IS ASDF AND ROB 1
  5. [23:37:57] <12o0> And my father?
  6. [23:38:03] <Abhorrens> I was largely absent last year
  7. [23:38:07] <appelation> I wasn't here
  8. [23:38:11] <12o0> Hm :I
  9. [23:38:12] <LombaxFan> appelation: :shrug: Hell if I know
  10. [23:38:16] <12o0> Well, to put it short
  11. [23:38:16] <Abhorrens> I was for a couple years, actually
  12. [23:38:20] <appelation> <abbr title="lombaxfan">Lombathuruth Wexth</abbr>: Lets change that.,
  13. [23:38:33] <12o0> My Mom left my dad, and 6 Months after, my dog died.
  14. [23:38:45] <12o0> And my Brother went insane.
  15. [23:38:45] ** JASONTODD1911 has joined
  16. [23:38:45] <Clank-Robot> Hello, :devJASONTODD1911:. Welcome to #TheNightOwlsChat! We like to stay up late, sometimes even all night! :la: We would really appreciate it if you read the <a href=""><b>rules</b></a> before getting started :) <abbr title="away"></abbr>
  17. [23:38:45] <Clank-Robot> JASONTODD1911: <abbr title="away "></abbr> If you stay up past midnight often, please say <b>upallnight</b> <u>without any spaces</u> or if you don't stay up late, please say <b>upallday</b> <u>without any spaces</u>. Thanks! :wave:
  18. [23:38:54] <12o0> :iconkarkatplz: My life is basically perfect.
  19. [23:38:55] <Abhorrens> Aww, shit, I know how that might make you feel
  20. [23:38:56] <appelation> <abbr title="lombaxfan">Lombathuruth Wexth</abbr>: Why would you ban me you fag
  21. [23:39:05] <Abhorrens> I'm sorry you have to deal with that stuff
  22. [23:39:11] <LombaxFan> appelation: That's the only way I could kick you. You are unbanne
  23. [23:39:13] <LombaxFan> d
  24. [23:39:32] <stomachlinedinlace> TheirDisease: scratch my butthole with your eyelashes
  25. [23:39:36] ** appelation has been kicked by Clank-Robot *
  26. [23:39:37] ** appelation has joined
  27. [23:39:39] <12o0> Abhorrens: Its not your fault.
  28. [23:39:42] <TheirDisease> stomachlinedinlace: I'll tickle it gently
  29. [23:39:47] <Abhorrens> I know it's not
  30. [23:39:55] <Abhorrens> but I seriously feel for you, dude
  31. [23:40:06] <appelation> <abbr title="lombaxfan">Lombathuruth Wexth</abbr>: You're fucking the numbers up.
  32. [23:40:08] <appelation> :grump:
  33. [23:40:27] <JASONTODD1911> stomachlinedinlace: your disgusting
  34. [23:40:29] <Abhorrens> 12o0: My parents were separated for about a year and a half, and they finally got divorced about a year ago
  35. [23:40:32] ** JASONTODD1911 has been made a member of Night_Terrors by Abhorrens *
  36. [23:40:32] ** JASONTODD1911 has been kicked by Abhorrens * not privileged
  37. [23:40:34] <stomachlinedinlace> lmao
  38. [23:40:47] <stomachlinedinlace> i am pretty gross
  39. [23:40:55] <TheirDisease> Hahaha
  40. [23:41:02] <LombaxFan> crkickcount JASONTODD1911
  41. [23:41:02] <Clank-Robot> LombaxFan: <b>Number of times kicked recorded for JASONTODD1911</b>
  42. #TheNightOwlsChat =&gt; 2
  43. #PenisRoom =&gt; 2
  44. [23:41:09] <appelation> Why do I get giddy when people are banned.
  45. [23:41:13] ** Jex-LumiKhoth has left [connection closed]
  46. [23:41:18] <Abhorrens> 12o0: Around the same time, I watched one of my cats die
  47. [23:41:37] <Abhorrens> 12o0: All I could do was hug him as he took his last breaths
  48. [23:41:47] <LombaxFan> crkickcount appelation
  49. [23:41:47] <Clank-Robot> LombaxFan: <b>Number of times kicked recorded for appelation</b>
  50. #TheNightOwlsChat =&gt; 976
  51. #Bantown =&gt; 2
  52. #PenisRoom =&gt; 739
  53. #RougesDesk =&gt; 4
  54. #BeliefTalkMods =&gt; 2112
  55. #KickAllRoom =&gt; 14
  56. #NightOwlSpam =&gt; 20
  57. #ZapperRoom =&gt; 82
  58. #RatchetGalaxy =&gt; 126
  59. #OrvusChamber =&gt; 72
  60. #KickTown =&gt; 28
  61. #DataShare =&gt; 2
  62. #asdf =&gt; 2
  63. #TheRoomOfTheBros =&gt; 2
  64. #TheNightOwlsSex =&gt; 20
  65. [23:41:54] <appelation> SEE
  66. [23:42:02] <12o0> :iconkarkatwthplz: All i am is a Selfish little brat, and i'll i ever want to be, is be myself.
  67. [23:42:06] <12o0> But i cant.
  68. [23:42:26] <Abhorrens> it's not good to talk about yourself like that, man
  69. [23:42:32] <Abhorrens> in the end, you're all you got
  70. [23:42:44] <12o0> My mom threatend to call the cops on me Twice.
  71. [23:42:51] <Abhorrens> Why?
  72. [23:42:51] <appelation> For what?
  73. [23:43:04] <12o0> Well, i tried running away but...
  74. [23:43:12] <12o0> I headed back home, and then...
  75. [23:43:17] <12o0> My mom just went... Beserk
  76. [23:43:29] <LombaxFan> crseen vacanthelm
  77. [23:43:29] <Clank-Robot> LombaxFan: vacanthelm was online 39 minute(s) 29 seconds(s) ago
  78. [23:43:30] <Abhorrens> Does she still care for you?
  79. [23:43:34] ** ashbyashby71 has left [timed out]
  80. [23:43:35] <12o0> :iconkarkatwthplz: She made me do it, there was no other reason.
  81. [23:43:43] <12o0> Abhorrens: She hardly pays attention to me anymore.
  82. [23:44:00] <12o0> She's all to attatched to this Duane faggot.
  83. [23:44:10] <Abhorrens> So she's neglecting you?
  84. [23:44:18] <12o0> Abhorrens: Pretty much.
  85. [23:44:35] <WereLarie> ..
  86. [23:44:42] <Abhorrens> I'm sure if she called the cops on you and you told them you did it because of neglect, they'd set things straight
  87. [23:44:43] <Abhorrens> well
  88. [23:44:45] <Abhorrens> maybe
  89. [23:44:58] <Abhorrens> I've had bad experiences with law but maybe yours would be better
  90. [23:45:17] ** appelation has joined
  91. [23:45:22] <Abhorrens> it's just, man, you're thirteen
  92. [23:45:28] <Abhorrens> you've got ages ahead of you
  93. [23:45:28] <12o0> :iconkarkatfacepalmplz: I already had the cops called on me once, for a noise complaint. But did i have control over it? No!.
  94. [23:45:34] <Abhorrens> It's worth seeing if things look up
  95. [23:45:37] ** appelation has left [connection closed]
  96. [23:45:53] <Abhorrens> and if, by your thirties or forties things still haven't improved, it'll be a different story
  97. [23:46:08] <12o0> Yeah...
  98. [23:46:20] <Abhorrens> but for now dude I think if you were able to look back at things after killing yourself, you'd regret it
  99. [23:46:37] <Abhorrens> you'd probably think, like, "man, why did I do that? I was just a kid"
  100. [23:46:46] ** appelation has left [timed out]
  101. [23:46:52] <12o0> Abhorrens: You have a point there but...
  102. [23:46:54] <Abhorrens> "I had dreams and everything and just ditched it all"
  103. [23:47:29] <Abhorrens> But?
  104. [23:47:34] <12o0> Its just depression... :iconkarkatwthplz: I would never do anything to hurt my family...
  105. [23:47:36] <TheirDisease> WHAT SHOULD I CALL ME TOWN
  106. [23:47:45] <Abhorrens> I know you wouldn't
  107. [23:47:55] <TheirDisease> someone help or i'll end up calling it Poopytown
  108. [23:47:57] ** appelation has joined
  109. [23:48:13] <12o0> I just wish that my Mom would love me for once.
  110. [23:48:14] <12o0> Like
  111. [23:48:16] <stomachlinedinlace> call it poopytown
  112. [23:48:17] <12o0> Really love me
  113. [23:48:20] <Abhorrens> but sometime you have to take yourself into consideration and make decisions about what's really more important in certain situations
  114. [23:48:28] <stomachlinedinlace> call it uhm
  115. [23:48:42] <stomachlinedinlace> idk dude i couldn't come up with anything good it ended up being called Loping
  116. [23:49:01] ** RachieXXrawrr13 has joined
  117. [23:49:09] <Abhorrens> there are millions of kids out there wishing the same exact thing, and relatively happy adults who survived and toughed it out and are able to just stop caring
  118. [23:49:44] <Abhorrens> it's always going to hurt when your parents don't care for you like they're supposed to, but it's no reason to throw yourself away
  119. [23:49:59] ** blackbeauty2310 has joined
  120. [23:50:27] <stomachlinedinlace> TheirDisease: i don't think there's even enough letter space to call it poopytown
  121. [23:50:53] <12o0> It seems like sitting in my room, behind this computer screen helps take problems away but... Nobody seems to really care for me anymore, all they do is ask for things.
  122. [23:50:57] <12o0> Thats pretty much it.
  123. [23:51:01] ** RachieXXrawrr13 has left [quit]
  124. [23:51:12] <12o0> :iconkarkatwthplz: Brandon do this, brandon do that.
  125. [23:51:15] <blackbeauty2310> I care for you, 12
  126. [23:51:21] <blackbeauty2310> o0
  127. [23:51:23] <12o0> How about a god damn Thank you for once?
  128. [23:51:33] <Abhorrens> and that's how things are sometimes. you need to learn to assert yourself without coming off as aggressive
  129. [23:51:52] <Abhorrens> it takes practice but you'll get there, as long as you don't give up
  130. [23:51:54] <blackbeauty2310> THANK YOU! For helping me with some things in my book...
  131. [23:52:03] <TheirDisease> 12o0: What things are they asking you to do
  132. [23:52:21] <stomachlinedinlace> i'll help you with your book give it here i'm gonna burn it
  133. [23:52:23] <12o0> Abhorrens: Well, to be fairly honest, whenever me and my mom get into an argument, she says shit about me.
  134. [23:52:47] <Abhorrens> my mother did, too
  135. [23:52:49] <12o0> And whenever i dont drop the topic, she says outloud "Shut up!," or "I swear to god i want to slap you accros the face".
  136. [23:52:51] ** TrintyBloodsFatality has joined
  137. [23:52:51] <Clank-Robot> <b><u>Time marches on.</u></b>
  138. [23:52:51] <justaninjadragon> Welcome back Trin! Waaaark! :thumb147958161:
  139. [23:52:56] <12o0> Across"
  140. [23:53:01] <TrintyBloodsFatality> fegs
  141. [23:53:04] <Abhorrens> yeah, I'm all too familiar with that
  142. [23:53:07] <blackbeauty2310> It's not written in paper... It is typed out, so ha!
  143. [23:53:14] * TrintyBloodsFatality licks 12o0
  144. [23:53:17] <stomachlinedinlace> print it
  145. [23:53:27] <TheirDisease> stomachlinedinlace: I CALLED IT
  146. [23:53:30] <blackbeauty2310> Eh, not finished...
  147. [23:53:30] <TheirDisease> Video
  148. [23:53:42] <stomachlinedinlace> the town of video
  149. [23:53:47] <Abhorrens> 12o0: people say and do some really hurtful things without thinking
  150. [23:53:50] <TheirDisease> :la:
  151. [23:53:56] <stomachlinedinlace> i kinda like that
  152. [23:54:02] <Abhorrens> 12o0: you're going to come across it more and more as you get older
  153. [23:54:11] <Abhorrens> but you also learn who's worth caring about
  154. [23:54:20] <12o0> Yeah...
  155. [23:54:27] <TheirDisease> stomachlinedinlace: is it letting me choose which town layout i want?
  156. [23:54:31] <stomachlinedinlace> yes
  157. [23:54:35] <TheirDisease> IS THIS WHY HE'S ASKING ABOUT THE MAP
  158. [23:54:36] <TheirDisease> coooooooooool
  159. [23:54:49] <12o0> I wish my mom would think twice about what she says.
  160. [23:54:57] <Abhorrens> it sounds gay as shit but for about five straight years, people like TheirDisease and deviant-garde have been pretty much all I had
  161. [23:55:09] ** Tidalblue has joined
  162. [23:55:09] <Clank-Robot> Hello, :devTidalblue:. Welcome to #TheNightOwlsChat! We like to stay up late, sometimes even all night! :la: We would really appreciate it if you read the <a href=""><b>rules</b></a> before getting started :) <abbr title="away"></abbr>
  163. [23:55:09] <Clank-Robot> Tidalblue: <abbr title="away "></abbr> If you stay up past midnight often, please say <b>upallnight</b> <u>without any spaces</u> or if you don't stay up late, please say <b>upallday</b> <u>without any spaces</u>. Thanks! :wave:
  164. [23:55:10] <deviant-garde> Huh?
  165. [23:55:15] <deviant-garde> Oh, hey Abhorrens
  166. [23:55:15] <Abhorrens> and while having friends like them is certainly no replacement for never having a family
  167. [23:55:21] <Abhorrens> it comes damn close
  168. [23:55:23] <deviant-garde> ... wow
  169. [23:55:26] ** blackbeauty2310 has left [connection closed]
  170. [23:55:35] <deviant-garde> I see you're talking about some heavy stuff :paranoid:
  171. [23:55:38] <Abhorrens> you're going to make friends like these, 12o0
  172. [23:55:40] <Tidalblue> i failed to see why i was kicked
  173. [23:55:46] <TheirDisease> Abhorrens: Ily :3c &lt;3
  174. [23:55:55] <Abhorrens> you're going to want to protect them and they'll want to defend you
  175. [23:56:02] <stomachlinedinlace> you were kicked for wearing white after labor day you tacky bitch
  176. [23:56:03] <Abhorrens> and things won't be so difficult anymore
  177. [23:56:03] <TrintyBloodsFatality> owo
  178. [23:56:28] <Tidalblue> thank god i was wearing brown
  179. [23:56:30] <12o0> Abhorrens: I've already met :iconguy2361:, and he's like a really good friend, and theres of course :iconblazinkcgamin: Who is my real life best friend but...
  180. [23:56:39] <12o0> I rarley see my best friends anymore
  181. [23:56:52] <12o0> They just kinda disappeared
  182. [23:57:06] <Abhorrens> well, that's the thing
  183. [23:57:09] * TrintyBloodsFatality replaced all but one of my irl friends with online family, after the irl people ditched me.
  184. [23:57:22] <Abhorrens> you're thirteen, man, you haven't even met your best friends yet, most likely
  185. [23:57:44] <stomachlinedinlace> if i have a dA family then andrea is the brood mother
  186. [23:58:00] <stomachlinedinlace> she lays eggs all day
  187. [23:58:04] <12o0> I've known :iconblazinkcgamin: for 6 and a half years now... He just kinda replaced me.
  188. [23:58:15] <stomachlinedinlace> in a dark damp chamber under my apartment
  189. [23:58:20] <Abhorrens> eah
  190. [23:58:22] <appelation> That isn't a freind, 12o0.
  191. [23:58:26] <Abhorrens> your real friends won't replace you
  192. [23:58:36] <appelation> You may grow out of eachother but yeah ^
  193. [23:58:52] <Tidalblue> any xbox plyrs?
  194. [23:59:02] <Abhorrens> bitch im realtalking
  195. [23:59:08] <12o0> I need some help here.
  196. [23:59:09] <stomachlinedinlace> basic bitch
  197. [23:59:11] ** catgirl846 has left [connection closed]
  198. [23:59:40] ** TreeLovingMango has joined
  199. [23:59:40] <Clank-Robot> "Hello Mr Evil Spy Marauder, no way you'll get past us, oh, except if you come barging like a homicidal maniac."
  200. [23:59:53] <12o0> :iconkarkatwthplz: I just need some help.
  201. [23:59:56] <TrintyBloodsFatality> appelation: bby u so hawt
  202. [00:00:09] <Abhorrens> 12o0: things are a lot easier if you think of it all as a game
  203. [00:00:13] <Abhorrens> just do your best
  204. [00:00:24] ** IMPUREPALADIN has joined
  205. [00:00:42] <appelation> TrintyBloodsFatality: o-o
  206. [00:00:42] <Abhorrens> you win some and lose some, but in the end if you play, you'll probably enjoy it, overall
  207. [00:00:46] ** TheGreenGiddly has joined
  208. [00:00:49] <Abhorrens> even if you don't, like, shit
  209. [00:00:54] <stomachlinedinlace> FUCK
  210. [00:01:05] <Abhorrens> just imagine dying with a badge or some shit like "man, i did that shit so hard"
  211. [00:01:06] <stomachlinedinlace> TheirDisease: I ALMOST CAUGHT A SCORPION
  212. [00:01:24] <Tidalblue> not at all because you start speaking your peace you get bumped
  213. [00:01:33] <TheGreenGiddly> Hello all you lovely people
  214. [00:01:34] <Abhorrens> fuck
  215. [00:01:35] <Abhorrens> YOU
  216. [00:01:36] <Abhorrens> GOD
  217. [00:01:40] <12o0> Abhorrens: Hm...
  218. [00:01:41] <Abhorrens> i am so fucking sick of you idiots
  219. [00:01:43] ** Tidalblue has been made a member of Night_Terrors by Abhorrens *
  220. [00:01:43] ** Tidalblue has been kicked by Abhorrens * not privileged
  221. [00:01:45] <appelation> :thumb100843550:
  222. [00:01:54] <Abhorrens> legit next moron to open their fuckhole up is banned
  223. [00:01:55] <stomachlinedinlace> wtf were they even talking about
  224. [00:02:08] <Abhorrens> learn your fucking places, newfucks
  225. [00:02:08] <stomachlinedinlace> ain't no forum
  226. [00:02:17] <Abhorrens> jesus fucking christ
  227. [00:02:17] <appelation> lmao, Abhorrens
  228. [00:02:18] <12o0> Killing myself will lead to nothing. The reasons why i think of it... well...
  229. [00:02:23] ** 12AngelOfDarkness21 has joined
  230. [00:02:30] <12o0> Its just life gets the life of me sometimes...
  231. [00:02:32] <TheGreenGiddly> So what did I miss? o.O
  232. [00:02:44] <Abhorrens> shit that's none of your bidness
  233. [00:02:49] <TheirDisease> stomachlinedinlace: DID YOU GET STANGED
  234. [00:02:57] <Abhorrens> 12o0: life gets all of us
  235. [00:02:57] <TheirDisease> If you're quick you can sometimes find it in the same place
  236. [00:02:59] <stomachlinedinlace> TheirDisease: yes :(
  237. [00:03:01] <12o0> I just take a lot of time for myself.
  238. [00:03:04] <TrintyBloodsFatality> appelation: Don't you love me no more
  239. [00:03:08] <stomachlinedinlace> TheirDisease: he was gone
  240. [00:03:16] <TheirDisease> bastard
  241. [00:03:36] <appelation> TrintyBloodsFatality: I don't even think I've really even talked to you before..
  242. [00:03:37] <stomachlinedinlace> i also ran too hard and destroyed the white roses in front of my house
  243. [00:03:43] <appelation> TrintyBloodsFatality: :thumb100843550:
  244. [00:03:45] <Abhorrens> 12o0: just don't let people make you feel bad for existing or being who you are
  245. [00:03:57] <Abhorrens> like i said, you're all you have
  246. [00:04:00] <appelation> stomachlinedinlace: That's poetic.
  247. [00:04:09] <Abhorrens> and in the end, being real is what's going to get you some great friends
  248. [00:04:16] <12o0> Abhorrens: Thanks.
  249. [00:04:16] <Abhorrens> and pets that love you
  250. [00:04:21] <stomachlinedinlace> appelation: NO IT ISN'T DON'T BE OUTRAGEOUS
  251. [00:04:22] <Abhorrens> and all that other lifey stuff
  252. [00:04:47] <appelation> GOD SPEAKT HE TRUTH ABHORRENS
  253. [00:04:56] <Abhorrens> like dude people are always going to say things, they're always going to call you shit and try to make you feel terrible
  254. [00:05:00] <appelation> You should be a life coach.
  255. [00:05:09] <Abhorrens> but in the end they're just doing them, and you need to do the same, be you
  256. [00:05:14] <Abhorrens> ... lol
  257. [00:05:15] <Abhorrens> no
  258. [00:05:17] <Abhorrens> I am a butt
  259. [00:05:21] <TheirDisease> stomachlinedinlace: You can get into gardening pretty hardcore on AC
  260. [00:05:22] <appelation> Butts/
  261. [00:05:26] <TheirDisease> stomachlinedinlace: You can make hybrids and shit
  262. [00:05:40] <TheirDisease> and if you can manage to leave life for 2 weeks straight you can get the golden watering can and grow gold flowers
  263. [00:05:46] ** TheGreenGiddly has left [connection closed]
  264. [00:05:46] <stomachlinedinlace> TheirDisease: i watered all the plants in town cause some bitch was like you know if you water them enough a rare color might grow
  265. [00:05:54] <12o0> Abhorrens: Right... I just need to take the past and throw it away, the past is the past.
  266. [00:05:55] <appelation> stomachlinedinlace: It was poetic as fuck woman
  267. [00:06:02] <TheirDisease> yeah you need to plant two colours next to each other
  268. [00:06:03] <12o0> Theres nothing i can do about it, to change it.
  269. [00:06:06] <TheirDisease> of the same species
  270. [00:06:10] <12o0> All i can do is hope for the best.
  271. [00:06:13] <TheirDisease> red and blue make purple etcetc
  272. [00:06:20] <Abhorrens> 12o0: not necessarily--come to terms with it, accept it, learn from it and use it to make your future better
  273. [00:06:54] <Abhorrens> terrible situations are amazing chances to learn, and thinking that way will get you through a lot
  274. [00:07:13] <12o0> Abhorrens: Yeah... You're right
  275. [00:08:01] <Abhorrens> anyway
  276. [00:08:17] <Abhorrens> I think that's enough comforting for now
  277. [00:08:25] <12o0> Yeah :\
  278. [00:08:26] <Abhorrens> sorry guys, I just kinda ranted
  279. [00:08:38] <Abhorrens> but
  280. [00:08:57] <Abhorrens> 12o0: dude if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'll be here, whether you want me to be or not
  281. [00:09:07] <Abhorrens> dis bitch goes 0 places
  282. [00:09:17] <12o0> Abhorrens: I dont know what to say...
  283. [00:09:24] <12o0> All i can think of is Thank you.
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