
Administrative Assistant’s and Secretary’s Handbook by James

Aug 7th, 2014
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  6. Administrative Assistant’s and Secretary’s Handbook by James Stroman [PDF/ePUB]
  8. Publisher: AMACOM; Fifth Edition edition (July 9, 2014)
  10. From managing the phones, coordinating meetings, and preparing presentations to planning events, crafting clear business communications, and deciphering legal documents, administrative assistants need to be everything to everyone, all the time. Long the gold standard for office professionals seeking to improve their performance and enhance their value to employers, this comprehensive guidebook is the definitive source of information on topics including: creating graphics, charts, and presentations; Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, and Publisher; Web conferencing; Electronic and paper filing systems; Recordkeeping; Research skills; Travel arrangements; Meeting planning and management; Business math; Computer and software troubleshooting; and much more. Extensively updated, the fifth edition of the Administrative Assistant’s and Secretary’s Handbook contains new information on Windows 8, Microsoft Office 2013, Apple OS, mobile computing, data security, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Docs, and Microsoft Web Applications. Today’s administrative jobs are demanding and constantly changing. The latest edition of this best-selling guide will help professionals everywhere come out on top.
  12. Series: Administrative Assistant’s and Secretary’s Handbook
  13. Hardcover: 560 pages
  14. Publisher: AMACOM; Fifth Edition edition (July 9, 2014)
  15. Language: English
  16. ISBN-10: 0814433529
  17. ISBN-13: 978-0814433522
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