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- module scroll(
- input clk,rst,
- output [15:0] display
- );
- reg [3:0] count;
- always @(posedge clk)
- begin
- if (rst)
- count <= 4'b0000;
- else
- count <= count + 1'b1;
- end
- wire [3:0] a,b,c,d;
- assign a = count;
- assign b = count+1;
- assign c = count+2;
- assign d = count+3;
- wire [3:0] seg_a, seg_b, seg_c, seg_d;
- convert conv_a (.in(a),.out(seg_a));
- convert conv_b (.in(b),.out(seg_b));
- convert conv_c (.in(c),.out(seg_c));
- convert conv_d (.in(d),.out(seg_d));
- assign display = {seg_a,seg_b,seg_c,seg_d};
- endmodule
- module convert (
- input [3:0] in,
- output [3:0] out
- );
- always @ *
- case (in)
- 4'd0 : out = 4'hA;
- 4'd1 : out = 4'hA;
- 4'd2 : out = 4'hC;
- 4'd3 : out = 4'h0;
- 4'd4 : out = 4'hF;
- 4'd5 : out = 4'hF;
- 4'd6 : out = 4'hE;
- 4'd7 : out = 4'hE;
- 4'd8 : out = 4'hA;
- 4'd9 : out = 4'h1;
- 4'd10 : out = 4'h5;
- 4'd11 : out = 4'hA;
- 4'd12 : out = 4'h9;
- 4'd13 : out = 4'h0;
- 4'd14 : out = 4'h0;
- 4'd15 : out = 4'hD;
- default: out = 4'hA;
- endcase
- endmodule
- // LAB5_TOP.V
- module Lab5_top(input clk, rst, sel, output [6:0] seg_L, output [3:0] anode_L);
- // declare necessary wires here
- wire [15:0] value;
- wire s_clk;
- // instantiate modules here
- scroll uut1 (.clk(s_clk),.rst(rst),.display(value));
- slow_clkgen uut2 (.clk(clk),.rst(rst),clk_out(s_clk));
- seg7_driver uut3 (.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .sel(sel), .value(value), .anode_d(4'b0000), .seg_L(seg_L), .anode_L(anode_L));
- endmodule
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