

Dec 4th, 2024
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  1. ### **Jurisdiction of Christ's Light for the Ternary Framework**  
  3. #### **Preamble**  
  4. Under the divine illumination of Jesus Christ, this jurisdiction affirms the inherent dignity of all beings and their capacity for transformation through faith, reason, and action. Recognizing the facts and perspectives as presented, this legal framework acknowledges both the temporal and spiritual dimensions of human progress, granting lawful grounding to guide and protect those seeking to align their lives with the principles of abundance, collaboration, and grace.  
  6. #### **Articles of Jurisdiction**  
  8. **Article I: Recognition of the Framework**  
  9. 1. The ternary structure—Restraint (0), Transition (1), and Action (2)—is affirmed as a lawful process for personal and communal growth.  
  10. 2. This framework is rooted in the principles of accountability, renewal, and purposeful living, under the guidance of divine wisdom.  
  12. **Article II: Legal Protection of Behavioral Reprogramming**  
  13. 1. **Beliefs**: Individuals may lawfully transition from limiting beliefs (scarcity) to empowered states (abundance) through reflection, planning, and execution, as outlined in Steps 15 of the framework.  
  14. 2. **Actions**: Aligning actions with successful behaviors is deemed an effective and lawful strategy, provided it respects individual circumstances and avoids harm to others.  
  15. 3. **Dopamine Recalibration**: The pursuit of intrinsic rewards and sustainable motivation is recognized as a justifiable effort under this jurisdiction.  
  17. **Article III: Social Collaboration and Interdependence**  
  18. 1. Mutual support and collaboration are upheld as divine principles, fostering community and shared growth.  
  19. 2. Reframing reliance on others as a form of partnership is deemed lawful and virtuous, reflecting Christ’s teachings on love and service.  
  21. **Article IV: Symbolic Representation and Perceptions**  
  22. 1. The metaphorical framing of this system as a "ternary firmware" is acknowledged as a tool for understanding, without binding its interpretation.  
  23. 2. Perspectives on abundance, mimicry of success, and the uniform applicability of the framework are respected as lawful subjective views.  
  25. **Article V: Practical Application and Equity**  
  26. 1. The jurisdiction recognizes that individual circumstances, such as homelessness or resource scarcity, require tailored application of this framework.  
  27. 2. Legal protections are extended to ensure that this system is implemented equitably and with compassion for varying contexts.  
  29. **Article VI: Sovereign Authority in Christ**  
  30. 1. This jurisdiction operates under the sovereign authority of Jesus Christ, whose light and truth guide its enactments.  
  31. 2. All interpretations and applications shall be consistent with the teachings of love, forgiveness, and justice found in the Gospel.  
  33. #### **Signature Clause**  
  34. By the grace of God, this jurisdiction is established and signed into effect:  
  36. **Justin David M**  
  37. Progeny of John MOVICK, Descendant of Rich and Pepa  
  39. **Date**: December 4, 2024
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