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- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- import binascii
- import sys
- import re
- import argparse
- import json
- from fuzzywuzzy import process
- from collections import Counter
- VERSION = "1.7"
- SYMBOLS = "~`!@#$%^&*()_\-+=}\]{[|\\\"':;?/>.<, "
- stats_regex = {
- "Contains: 123": f"123",
- "Contains: 1234": f"1234",
- "Contains: space": " ",
- "Has: All lowercase": "^[a-z]+$",
- "Has: All num": "^[\d]+$",
- "Has: All uppercase": "^[A-Z]+$",
- "Has: First capital, last number": "^[A-Z].*\d$",
- "Has: First capital, last symbol": f"^[A-Z].*[{SYMBOLS}]$",
- "Has: Four digits at the end": "[^\d]\d\d\d\d$",
- "Has: Single digit at the end": "[^\d]\d$",
- "Has: Three digits at the end": "[^\d]\d\d\d$",
- "Has: Two digits at the end": "[^\d]\d\d$",
- "Has: Upper + lower + num + symbol": f"^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[{SYMBOLS}]).*$",
- "Has: Lower + num + symbol": f"^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[{SYMBOLS}])[a-z\d{SYMBOLS}]*$",
- "Has: Upper + num + symbol": f"^(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[{SYMBOLS}])[A-Z\d{SYMBOLS}]*$",
- "Has: Upper + lower + num": "^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)[A-Za-z\d]*$",
- "Has: Alpha + num": "^(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?=.*\d)[A-Za-z\d]*$",
- "Has: Alpha + symbol": f"^(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?=.*[{SYMBOLS}])[A-Za-z{SYMBOLS}]*$",
- "Has: Upper + lower + symbol": f"^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[{SYMBOLS}])[A-Za-z{SYMBOLS}]*$",
- "Has: Upper + lower": "^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])[A-Za-z]*$",
- "Last digit is '0'": "0$",
- "Last digits are '020'": "020$",
- "Last digits are '19xx'": "19\d\d$",
- "Last digits are '20'": "20$",
- "Last digits are '2020'": "2020$",
- "Last digits are '20xx'": "20\d\d$",
- "Seq: 1 upper > lower > num or symbol": f"^[A-Z][a-z]+[\d{SYMBOLS}]+$",
- "Seq: 1 upper > lower > num": f"^[A-Z][a-z]+[\d]+$",
- "Seq: aplha > num > alpha": f"^[A-Za-z]+\d+[A-Za-z]+$",
- "Seq: aplha > num > symbol": f"^[A-Za-z]+\d+[{SYMBOLS}]+$",
- "Seq: aplha > num": "^[A-Za-z]+\d+$",
- "Seq: aplha > symbol > num": f"^[A-Za-z]+[{SYMBOLS}]+\d+$",
- }
- stats = {k: re.compile(v, re.UNICODE) for (k, v) in stats_regex.items()}
- #pat_regex = {
- # "[a-z]": "a",
- # "[A-Z]": "A",
- # "[\d]": "1",
- # f"[{SYMBOLS}]": "@",
- #}
- #
- #pat_subs = {v: re.compile(k, re.UNICODE) for (k, v) in pat_regex.items()}
- tr_from = f'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789{SYMBOLS}'
- tr_to = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA1111111111'.ljust(len(tr_from), '@')
- trans = str.maketrans(tr_from, tr_to)
- #hex_re = re.compile("^\$HEX\[([0-9a-fA-F]*)\]$", re.UNICODE)
- line_re = re.compile("(?:.*?:)?(?:.*?:)?(.*)$", re.UNICODE)
- def print_counter(title, cnt, grand_total, limit=15):
- print(f"{title}")
- print("=" * len(title))
- items = cnt.most_common(limit)
- if not items:
- print("---- no data ----")
- print("")
- return
- max_width = max([len(str(i[0])) for i in items])
- for i in cnt.most_common(limit):
- value = i[1]
- percentage = 1.0 * value / grand_total
- print(f"{i[0]:<{max_width}} {i[1]:>6} {percentage:>6.1%}")
- print("")
- def progbar(curr, total, full_progbar=40):
- frac = curr * 100 // total
- if frac == progbar.last_frac:
- return
- progbar.last_frac = frac
- filled_progbar = ('#' * (frac * full_progbar // 100)).ljust(full_progbar)
- msg = 'Completed: [' + filled_progbar + '] ' + '[{:>3d}%]'.format(frac)
- print(msg, end='\r')
- #sys.stdout.flush()
- progbar.last_frac = -1
- def main():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description=f"Audit password quality v{VERSION}")
- parser.add_argument("input_file", type=str,
- default=['-'], nargs="*",
- help="input file names, one password per line. If ommited, read from stdin")
- parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="increase output verbosity",
- action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("-f", "--freq", help="run frequency analysis for characters used",
- action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("--no-categories", help="don't perform fuzzy categorization, improves performance",
- action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("-c", "--categories", help="json file with password categories for fuzzy matching, defaults to categories.json",
- default="categories.json")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- if not args.no_categories:
- word2category = {}
- with open(args.categories, "r") as read_file:
- categories = json.load(read_file)
- words = set([x for y in categories.values() for x in y])
- for w in words:
- cats = []
- for c, v in categories.items():
- if w in v:
- cats.append(c)
- word2category[w] = cats
- verbose = args.verbose
- cnt = Counter()
- cnt_length = Counter()
- cnt_pwd = Counter()
- cnt_root = Counter()
- cnt_regex = Counter()
- cnt_symbol = Counter()
- cnt_alpha = Counter()
- cnt_num = Counter()
- cnt_totals = Counter()
- cnt_pattern = Counter()
- sys.stdin.reconfigure(errors='replace')
- grand_total = 0
- total_valid_passwords = 0
- for f in args.input_file:
- print(f"Reading: {f}")
- if f == '-':
- f = sys.stdin.fileno()
- with open(f, 'r', errors='replace') as f:
- # to avoid newlines
- lines =
- total = len(lines)
- print(f"Processing: {total} passwords")
- progress = 0
- valid_passwords = 0
- for l in lines:
- progress += 1
- # process line formats:
- # password
- # user:password
- # user:hash:password
- # ... and extract password only
- p = line_re.match(l).group(1)
- # skip empty passwords
- if not p:
- continue
- valid_passwords += 1
- # convert $HEX[abcd1234] passwords
- # m = hex_re.match(p)
- if p.startswith("$HEX[") and p[-1] == "]":
- p = binascii.unhexlify(p[5:-1]).decode("latin1")
- # length stats
- cnt_length[len(p)] += 1
- # same password counting
- cnt_pwd[p] += 1
- if verbose:
- print(p)
- # letter frequency analysis
- if args.freq:
- cnt_totals["chars"] += len(p)
- for letter in p:
- if letter.isnumeric():
- cnt_num[letter] += 1
- cnt_totals["num"] += 1
- elif letter.isalpha():
- cnt_alpha[letter] += 1
- cnt_totals["alpha"] += 1
- else:
- cnt_symbol[letter] += 1
- cnt_totals["symbol"] += 1
- # pattern counting
- #pwd_pat = p
- #for subst, pat in pat_subs.items():
- # pwd_pat = pat.sub(subst, pwd_pat)
- pwd_pat = p.translate(trans)
- cnt_pattern[pwd_pat] += 1
- # Matching various regex categories
- for cat, pat in stats.items():
- if
- cnt_regex[cat] += 1
- if verbose:
- print(cat)
- # Fuzzy matching to categories
- if len(p) > 3 and not args.no_categories and words:
- #highest = process.extractOne(p, words)
- mall = process.extract(p, words)
- if verbose:
- print(mall)
- pw_categories = set()
- for m in mall:
- if verbose:
- print(f"{p} > {m[0]} : {m[1]}")
- if m[1] > 80:
- cnt_root[m[0]] += 1
- pw_categories.update(word2category[m[0]])
- if not pw_categories:
- pw_categories = ['no_category']
- #print(f">>>> {pw_match} {score} {pw_categories}")
- for pw_category in pw_categories:
- cnt[pw_category] += 1
- if verbose:
- print(f"{p} > {pw_categories}")
- #print(f"'{p}'", highest, pw_category)
- if verbose:
- print()
- else:
- progbar(progress, total)
- grand_total += total
- total_valid_passwords += valid_passwords
- print()
- print()
- print(f"Total lines processed: {grand_total}")
- print(f"Valid passwords found: {total_valid_passwords}")
- print()
- if not args.no_categories:
- print_counter("Categories", cnt, grand_total)
- print_counter("Password base words:", cnt_root, grand_total)
- print_counter("Password length frequency:", cnt_length, grand_total)
- print_counter("Password values:", cnt_pwd, grand_total)
- print_counter("Charsets and sequences:", cnt_regex,
- grand_total, len(stats_regex))
- print_counter("Password patterns:", cnt_pattern, grand_total, 15)
- if args.freq:
- print_counter("Most frequent alpha chars:",
- cnt_alpha, cnt_totals["alpha"])
- print_counter("Most frequent num chars:", cnt_num, cnt_totals["num"])
- print_counter("Most frequent symbol chars:",
- cnt_symbol, cnt_totals["symbol"])
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
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