
Barotrauma VR tech demo

Jun 10th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Barotrauma VR tech demo
  3. Current to do list:
  5. Finish ALL of the 3D models
  6. load textures from files to go into preset materials
  7. (to avoid any copyright issues)
  8. Get IK working for VR hands
  9. Get feet to move with IK too
  10. (this is for stairs or making sure they always stay on the ground and never hover)
  12. Planned ideas:
  13. HUD while wearing diving suit
  14. HUD info:
  15. Top has direction
  16. Right side has depth
  17. Bottom middle has O2%
  18. wrist shows your health and heart beat (contractor style)
  19. Bottles
  20. Need to make fluid shader for allowing the fluid move
  21. (maybe change height too?)
  22. Medical items
  23. Make the syringes all have the same body (each fluid is just another material?)
  24. Fuel rods
  25. Model is already done
  26. Depending on the rods quality it changes its metallic value (this is done as it gives a nice change in its appearance and its easy to tell at a glance its quality from other rods)
  27. Allow for multiple people to play together!
  28. This is going to be harder then it sounds mainly due to networking being a pain
  29. Swimming working in VR (possibly wrist proportion)
  30. Ability to grab onto stuff while in water to pull yourself forward.
  31. (this can also be used on ladders)
  32. (Make that part available on the unity asset store)
  33. Repairable ship parts
  34. Electrical: open access panel to weld up the damage (still figure this out)
  35. Walls: the the wall sections has a 0-[maxhp], when under 25% of the maxhp it starts to leak getting worse till the hull
  36. is ruined. (note to self: make sure if current hp is above maxhp, set maxhp to current hp to avoid issues)
  37. HP values might seem weird but this is for easier conversion of .sub files to an object
  38. Monsters
  39. (Wouldn't know how to make those, might get outside help)
  40. Allow this tech demo to be released onto the workshop?
  41. This might no longer be possible as of
  42. Convert .sub files to a prefab with premade 3D objects
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