pintcat - POSIX compliant random number generator using Wichmann-Hill method

Oct 29th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. ######################################################################################################################
  2. # whrandom v2.16 - POSIX compliant random number generator using old or new improved Wichmann-Hill method from 2006. #
  3. # Handshake:                                                                                                         #
  4. # $WH_MAX contains the maximum value for the random number. If set to 0 no limiter will be applied (default: 0).     #
  5. # $WH_LOOP contains the number of random numbers to be generated. Set it to "U" for an unlimited random number       #
  6. #  generation (default: 1).                                                                                          #
  7. # $WH_PREC contains the precision level for the calculation. The lower the level the less percise and thus less      #
  8. #  random the result will be. Must be between 1 and 9 (default: 9).                                                  #
  9. # $WH_DEL contains the delimiter used to separate multiple values (default: \n (new line)).                          #
  10. # $WH_ALGO tells which algorithm will be used - WH_OLD, WH_NEW or WH_NEW64() (default: WH_NEW).                      #
  11. # Usage:                                                                                                             #
  12. # Simply call WH_RANDOM() to generate one or more random numbers. These numbers will be written to stdout.           #
  13. # The old Wichmann-Hill algorrithm requires 3, the new one 4 seeds each between 1 and 30000. By default, whrandom    #
  14. # automatically creates 4 unique seeds using the millisecond counter of the system clock. Alternatively, you can     #
  15. # call WH_RANDOM() with up to 4 integers. They will be checked and exchanged with automatically generated ones if    #
  16. # they don't fit the needs. Beware: If you use 4 fixed seeds whrandom will always create an identical chain of       #
  17. # random numbers as long as you use the same seeds.                                                                  #
  18. ######################################################################################################################
  20. WH_MAX=0
  21. WH_LOOP=1
  22. WH_PREC=9
  23. WH_DEL="\n"
  26. # WH_CHECK() - checks if a value is given, if this value is a number and if it's between 1 and 30000. If so it
  27. #  returns that very number and if not it generates a suitable one using the system clock's nanosecond counter.
  28. # IN:  $1 should contain an integer between 1 and 30000.
  29. # OUT: Prints the fitting number to stdout.
  31. WH_CHECK(){
  32.     if [ -n "${1##*[!0-9]*}" ] && [ $1 -gt 0 ] && [ $1 -le 30000 ]; then
  33.         printf $1
  34.     else # fetch 5 digits of nanoseconds; removes leading zeros & adds 1 to prevent zero; if value is >30000 divide by 4
  35.         WH_TMP=$(date +%5N)
  36.         [ $((WH_TMP=${WH_TMP#${WH_TMP%%[1-9]*}}+1)) -gt 30000 ] && WH_TMP=$(($WH_TMP/4))
  37.         printf $WH_TMP
  38.     fi
  39. }
  41. # WH_OLD() - generates a random number using the older 16bit integer based algorithm.
  42. # IN:  $WH_S1, $WH_S2 & $WH_S3 contain the values (seeds) needed by the algorithm for computation.
  43. #      $WH_F contains a decimal factor to produce larger, more precise random integers.
  44. # OUT: $WH_RND contains the random number to be handed over to the core function for further operations.
  46. WH_OLD(){
  47.     [ $((WH_S1=171*($WH_S1%177)-2*($WH_S1/177))) -lt 0 ] && WH_S1=$(($WH_S1+30269))
  48.     [ $((WH_S2=172*($WH_S2%176)-35*($WH_S2/176))) -lt 0 ] && WH_S2=$(($WH_S2+30307))
  49.     [ $((WH_S3=170*($WH_S3%178)-63*($WH_S3/178))) -lt 0 ] && WH_S3=$(($WH_S3+30323))
  50.     WH_RND=$(($WH_S1*$WH_F/30269+$WH_S2*$WH_F/30307+$WH_S3*$WH_F/30323))
  51. }
  53. # WH_NEW() - generates a random number using the newer 32bit integer based algorithm.
  54. # IN:  $WH_S1, $WH_S2, $WH_S3 & $WH_S4 contain the values (seeds) needed by the algorithm for computation.
  55. #      $WH_F contains a decimal factor to produce larger, more precise random integers.
  56. # OUT: $WH_RND contains the random number to be handed over to the core function for further operations.
  58. WH_NEW(){
  59.     [ $((WH_S1=11600*($WH_S1%185127)-10379*($WH_S1/185127))) -lt 0 ] && WH_S1=$(($WH_S1+2147483579))
  60.     [ $((WH_S2=47003*($WH_S2%45688)-10479*($WH_S2/45688))) -lt 0 ] && WH_S2=$(($WH_S2+2147483543))
  61.     [ $((WH_S3=23000*($WH_S3%93368)-19423*($WH_S3/93368))) -lt 0 ] && WH_S3=$(($WH_S3+2147483423))
  62.     [ $((WH_S4=33000*($WH_S4%65075)-8123*($WH_S4/65075))) -lt 0 ] && WH_S4=$(($WH_S4+2147483123))
  63.     WH_RND=$(($WH_S1*$WH_F/2147483579+$WH_S2*$WH_F/2147483543+$WH_S3*$WH_F/2147483423+$WH_S4*$WH_F/2147483123))
  64. }
  66. # WH_NEW64() - same result as WH_NEW(), but uses 64bit integer based algorithm with less steps & thus being slightly faster.
  68. WH_NEW64(){
  69.     WH_S1=$((11600*$WH_S1%2147483579))
  70.     WH_S2=$((47003*$WH_S2%2147483543))
  71.     WH_S3=$((23000*$WH_S3%2147483423))
  72.     WH_S4=$((33000*$WH_S4%2147483123))
  73.     WH_RND=$(($WH_S1*$WH_F/2147483579+$WH_S2*$WH_F/2147483543+$WH_S3*$WH_F/2147483423+$WH_S4*$WH_F/2147483123))
  74. }
  76. # WH_RANDOM() - core function: prepares seeds and generates the output.
  77. # IN:  $1, $2, $3 and $4 can contain integers between 1 and 30000 to be used as seeds. These values will be checked and -
  78. #       if not suitable - replaced with auto generated ones.
  79. #      $WH_PREC is the precision level. Each seed is multiplied with 10^$WH_PREC to receive a larger, more accurate value.
  80. #      $WH_LOOP tells how many numbers will be generated. "U" will generate a never ending chain of random numbers.
  81. #      $WH_RND contains the random number which was handed over by the algorithm for further operations.
  82. #      $WH_MAX contains the maximum value which will not be exceeded by the random number. 0 leaves the result unaltered.
  83. #      $WH_DEL contains the delimiter which is placed after each value.
  84. # OUT: $WH_F contains a decimal factor used by the algorithm to produce larger, more precise random integers.
  85. #      $WH_SEEDS contains the original seeds used for the 1st iteration.
  86. #      $WH_RND contains the current random number
  87. #      Also prints the random numbers with delimiter appended to stdout.
  89. WH_RANDOM(){
  90.     WH_F=10
  91.     WH_TMP=$WH_PREC
  92.     while [ $((WH_TMP=$WH_TMP-1)) -gt 0 ]; do
  93.         [ $WH_F -lt 1000000000 ] && WH_F=$(($WH_F*10)) || WH_TMP=1
  94.     done
  95.     WH_S1=$(WH_CHECK $1)
  96.     WH_S2=$(WH_CHECK $2)
  97.     WH_S3=$(WH_CHECK $3)
  98.     WH_S4=$(WH_CHECK $4)
  99.     WH_SEEDS="$WH_S1 $WH_S2 $WH_S3 $WH_S4"
  100.     while [ $WH_LOOP = U ] || [ $((WH_TMP=$WH_TMP+1)) -le $WH_LOOP ]; do
  101.         $WH_ALGO
  102.         [ $WH_MAX -gt 0 ] && printf $(((($WH_RND%$WH_F*$WH_MAX)+$WH_F*10/18)/$WH_F))"$WH_DEL" || printf $WH_RND"$WH_DEL"
  103.         # former rounding routine using parameter expansion - faster, but less accurate & less secure (broken in latest bash)
  104.         #WH_RND=$(($WH_RND%$WH_F*$WH_MAX))
  105.         #[ $WH_MAX -gt 0 ] && printf "%.0f$WH_DEL" "${WH_RND}e-$WH_PREC" || printf $WH_RND"$WH_DEL"
  106.     done
  107. }
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