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- package scalashop
- import org.scalameter._
- import common._
- object HorizontalBoxBlurRunner {
- val standardConfig = config(
- Key.exec.minWarmupRuns -> 5,
- Key.exec.maxWarmupRuns -> 10,
- Key.exec.benchRuns -> 10,
- Key.verbose -> true) withWarmer (new Warmer.Default)
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- val radius = 3
- val width = 1920
- val height = 1080
- val src = new Img(width, height)
- val dst = new Img(width, height)
- val seqtime = standardConfig measure {
- HorizontalBoxBlur.blur(src, dst, 0, height, radius)
- }
- println(s"sequential blur time: $seqtime ms")
- val numTasks = 32
- val partime = standardConfig measure {
- HorizontalBoxBlur.parBlur(src, dst, numTasks, radius)
- }
- println(s"fork/join blur time: $partime ms")
- println(s"speedup: ${seqtime / partime}")
- }
- }
- /** A simple, trivially parallelizable computation. */
- object HorizontalBoxBlur {
- /**
- * Blurs the rows of the source image `src` into the destination image `dst`,
- * starting with `from` and ending with `end` (non-inclusive).
- *
- * Within each row, `blur` traverses the pixels by going from left to right.
- */
- def blur(src: Img, dst: Img, from: Int, end: Int, radius: Int): Unit = {
- for (
- y <- from until end;
- x <- 0 until src.width
- ) yield dst.update(x, y, boxBlurKernel(src, x, y, radius))
- }
- /**
- * Blurs the rows of the source image in parallel using `numTasks` tasks.
- *
- * Parallelization is done by stripping the source image `src` into
- * `numTasks` separate strips, where each strip is composed of some number of
- * rows.
- */
- def parBlur(src: Img, dst: Img, numTasks: Int, radius: Int): Unit = {
- val stripSize = Math.max(src.height / numTasks, 1)
- val splittingPoints = (0 until src.height) by stripSize
- val startEnd = splittingPoints zip splittingPoints.tail
- val lastStrip = if(startEnd.isEmpty){
- (0,src.height) } else {(startEnd.last._2,src.height)}
- val tasks = (startEnd:+lastStrip).map {
- t =>
- {
- task {
- blur(src, dst, t._1, t._2, radius)
- }
- }
- }
- { t => t.join() }
- }
- }
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