

Jan 25th, 2014
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  1. 6 IV Shiny Buneary - Female - Jolly With Limber - Fake Out/ Encore/ Switcheroo/ Fake Tears *
  2. 5 IV Shiny Ralts - Female - Perfect Timid With Trace *
  3. 5 IV Shiny Dratini - Male - Perfect Jolly With Marvel Scale - Dragon Dance/ Aqua Jet *
  4. 5 IV Shiny Sneasel - Male - Perfect Jolly WIth pickPocket - Icicle Crash / Ice punch / fake out *
  5. 5 IV Shiny Venipede - Female - Perfect Jolly With Speed Boost - spikes/ toxic spikes
  6. 5 IV Shiny Pawniard - female - Pefect Adamant With Defiant - Phsyco cut - Sucker Punch *
  7. 5 IV Shiny Flabebe - Female - Calm With Flower Veil Red
  8. 6 IV Shiny Ralts - Female - Timid With Trace - Hypervoice *
  9. 6 IV Shiny Staraptor - Male - Jolly With Reckless - Close Combat/ Bravebird
  10. 6 IV Shiny Elekid - Male - Adamant With Static - Elemental Punches / Cross Chop
  11. 6 IV Shiny SHinx - Female - Jolly With Rivalry - Nightslash / Elemtnal Fangs *
  12. 5 IV Shiny Kabuto - Male - Adamant With battle Armor - Rapid Spin *
  13. 5 IV Shiny Chikorita - Female - Perfect Calm With Overgrow - Ancient Power/ Leaf Storm
  14. 5 IV Shiny Swablu - Male - Modest With Natural cure - Roost
  15. 5 IV Shiny Eeevee - Female - Modest With Anticipation - Hypervoice /wish./healbell *
  16. 5 IV Shiny Quilfish - Female - Jolly With Swift Swim - Aqua Jet / Acid Spray / Haze / Spikes *
  17. 5 IV Shiny Karrablast - Female - Brave With No guard - Mega Horn/Bug BIte *
  18. 4 IV Shiny Bouffalant - Female - Adamant With Sip Sapper *
  19. 5 IV Shiny Winter Deerling - Female - Jolly WIth Chlorophyl
  20. 5 IV Shiny Pumpkaboo - Male - Impish With Frisk - Destiny Bond / Trick
  21. 5 IV Shiny Heracross - Female - Adamant With Moxie - Close Combat/ Megahorn/ rock blast
  22. 5 IV Shiny Shelder - Female - Perfect Jolly WIth Skill Link - Icicle Spear /Rock Blast
  23. 5 IV Shiny Zubat - Male - Perfect Jolly WIth Infiltrator - hypnosis / nasty PLot / Brave Bird
  24. 5 IV Shiny Piplup - Male - Perfect Timid with Torrent
  25. 5 IV Shiny KangasKhan - Female - Perfect Jolly WIth Scrappy - Comet punch
  26. 5 IV Shiny Cyndaquil - Male - Perfect Timid WIth Blaze
  27. 5 IV Shiny Poochyena - Male - Perfect Adamant WIth rattled - Fire Fang *
  28. 5 IV Shiny Aron - Male - Adamant With Rock HEad - Stealth Rocks / Head smash / Curse /Iron head
  29. 5 IV Shiny eevee - Female - Perfect Timid WIth RUn away - Take Down
  30. 6 IV Shiny Petilil - Female - Perfect HP Fire Modest With Own Tempo
  31. 5 IV Shiny Venonat - Male - Perfect Timid With Run Away - Toxic Spikes/ Baton Pass/ Rage Powder/ Giga Drain
  32. 5 IV Shiny Flabebe - Female - Perfect Calm With Flower Veil
  33. 6 IV Shiny Trapinch - Male - Jolly With Trap Arena - Fissure/ SuperPower
  34. 6 IV Shiny Purloin - Female - Timid With Prankster - Foul Play
  35. 6 IV Shiny Eevee - Male - Perfect HP Ice Timid With Adaptablity - Yawn / Wish *
  36. 5 IV Shiny Litwick - Male - Perfect Timid WIth Infirltrator
  37. 5 IV Shiny Mienfoo - Male - Perfect Jolly WIth Inner Focus - Baton Pass
  38. 5 IV Shiny ScatterBug - Male- Perfect Timid Compound Eyes- River Pattern
  39. 5 IV Shiny Carbink - Impish With Sturdy
  40. 5 IV Shiny Axew - Female - Perfect Adamant With Rivalry - Dragon Claw
  41. 6 IV Shiny Bagon - Male - Jolly With Sheer Force - Twister/ Hydro Pump/ Dragon Dance/ Dragon Pulse
  42. 5 IV Shiny Rotom - Perfect Modest With Levitate - Volt Switch/Hydro Pump/ Shadow Ball/ Rest - wash
  43. 6 IV Shiny Klefki - Female - Impish With Prankster - Swagger/protect/thunder wave
  44. 5 IV Shiny Vulpix - Female - Perfect Modest With Drought
  45. 5 IV Shiny Zorua - Female - Perfect Timid With Illusion - Sucker Punch/Counter/Extrasensory/Snatch
  46. 5 IV Shiny Sycher - Male - Perfect Adamant With Technition - Night Slash/ Baton Pass
  47. 5 IV Shiny Tyrunt - Male - Perfect Adamant With Strong jaw - 3 Elemental Fangs
  48. 5 IV Shiny Gliscor - Female - Perfect Impish With Poison Heal - EQ/Swords/u turn/ protect
  49. 5 IV Shiny Espurr - Male -Perfect Timid With Own Tempo - Barrier/ Trick/ Assist/ Yawn
  50. 5 IV Shiny Espurr - Female - Perfect Modest With Infiltrator - Barrier/ Trick/assist/yawn
  51. 5 IV Shiny Squirtle - Male - Perfect Modest With Rain Dish - Aura Sphere/ Dragon pulse
  52. 5 IV Shiny Cottonee - Male - Perfect Impish With Prankster - fairy Wind/ Switcheroo/ Memento
  53. 5 IV Shiny Feebas - Female - Perfect Modest With Oblivious - Mirror Coat / Confuse Ray
  54. 5 IV Shiny Trevenant - Female - Careful With Harvest - Curse/ Shadow Claw/ Wisp
  55. 4 IV Shiny Charmander - Male - Timid With Solar Power - Outrage/ Dragon dance/ Dragon Pulse
  56. 5 IV Shiny Nidoran - Female - Perfect Timid With Poison Point - Charm
  57. 5 IV Shiny Goomy - Male - Perfect Modest With Gooey - Acid Armor / Iron Tail/ Curse/ Counter
  58. 5 IV Shiny Mareep - Male - Perfect Modest With Static - Take Down
  59. 5 IV Shiny Larvest - Female - Modest With Flame Body
  60. 5 IV Shiny Bulbasaur - male - Modest With Chlorophyl - Hidden power / leaf Storm/ Giga Drain
  61. 5 IV Shiny Talon Flame - Female - Adamant With Galewings - Acrobatics/ steel Wing
  62. 5 IV Shiny Greninja - Male - Timid With Protean - Ice Beam / Dark Pulse / Scald
  63. 6 IV Shiny Froakie - Male - Flawless With HP Fire - Hasty With Protean HP/toxic Spikes/u-turn/ice beam
  64. 6 IV Shiny Pikachu - Male - Jolly With Lightning Rod - Volt Tackle/Knock Off/Iron Tail/Protect
  65. 5 IV Shiny Eevee - Male - Perfect Timid With Adaptability - Yawn/Curse/Covet/Charm
  66. 5 IV Shiny Milktank - Female - Perfect Impish With Scrappy - Curse
  67. 6 IV Shiny Goomy - Male - Modest With Gooey - Iron Tail/Curse/Acid Armor/Sludge Bomb
  68. 6 IV Shiny Mawile - Female - Adamant With Intimidate - Play Rough/ Iron Head
  69. 4 IV Shiny Spheal - Female - Calm With Oblivious - Body Slam/ Aurora Beam/ Ice Ball
  70. 4 IV Shiny Furfrou - Female - Jolly With Fur Coat
  71. 4 IV Shiny Absol - Female - Naive With Super Luck - Night Slash/play Rough/Swords dance/Psycho Cut
  72. 4 IV Shiny Chespin - Female - Impish With Overgrow
  73. Shiny Amoongus - Hasty With Effect Spore - Giga Srain/ Spore
  74. Shiny Scrafty - Female - Jolly With Shedskin - Head Smash / Focus Punch / Crunch
  75. Shiny Luvdisc - Male - Bashful With Swift Swim - Take Down
  76. Shiny Unknows - Serious With Levitate - Hidden Power
  77. Shiny Honedge - Female - Sassy With No guard - Shadow Sneak / Swords Dance/ Sacred Sword
  78. Shiny Skitty - Female - Jolly With Normalize - Batoon Pass/ Wish
  79. Shiny Octilerry - Female - Relaxed With Sniper - Octozooka/ Signal Beam/
  80. Shiny Corsola - Female - Bold With Ntural Cure - Spike cannon / Iron Defence / Ancient Power
  81. Shiny Petilil - Female - Timid With Leaf Guard - Giga Drain
  82. Shiny Noibat - Female - Sassy With Infiltrator - Roost / Air cutter
  83. Shiny MuK - Female - Docile With Stench - Minimize / Mud Bomb / Sludge Bomb
  84. Shiny Gastrodon - Female - Relaxed With Storm Drain - Rain Dance/ Mud Bomb/ Body Slam
  85. Shiny Gibble - Male - Jolly With Rough Skin - Outrage Iron Iron Tail
  86. Shiny Altaria - Female - Hardy With Natural Cure - Dragon Breath / Mirro Move
  87. Shiny Trapinch - Male - Relaxed With Arena Trap
  88. Shiny Alomomola - Female - Bashful With Hydration
  89. Shiny Vanilite - Male - Modest With Ice Body
  90. Shiny Feroseed - Female - Sassy With Iron Barbs - Stealth rock
  91. Shiny WeepingBell - Female - Sassy With Chlorophyll - Sunny Day / Solar Beam
  92. Shiny Floette - Female - Docile With FLower Veil - Wish
  93. Shiny Stoutland - Male - Bashful With Intitmidate - Thunderbolt
  94. Shiny PolyWrath - Male - Docile WIth Damp
  95. Shiny Charizard - Male - Timid With Blaze
  96. Shiny Lickitung - Male - Lax With Own Tempo
  97. Shiny Victreebel - Male- - Adamant With Chlorophyll
  98. Shiny Manectric - Male - Hardy With Minus
  99. Shiny Rotom - Lonely With Levitate
  100. Shiny Totodile - Male - Adamant With Torrent - Dragon Dance / ice Punch
  101. Shiny Panppour - Male - Docile With Torrent
  102. Shiny Throh - Male - Gentle WIth Guts
  103. Shiny Espurr - Male - Timid WIth Infiltrator
  104. Shiny Espurr - Female - Impish With Infiltrator
  105. Shiny Chimchar - Female - Gentle With Iron Fists - Elemental Punches
  106. Shiny Camerupt - Male - Timid With Solid Rock
  107. Shiny Shinx - Male - Bold With Intimidate
  108. Shiny Aipom - Female - Admanat With RUn away
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