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- #!/bin/bash
- #------------------------------------------------------------
- # To encrypt and store a file as a lossless PNG
- #
- # $ cat | ./ imagefilename.png columnsize
- #
- # You will be prompted for your encryption key/passphrase
- #
- # You can pipe pretty much anything into it
- # so output from tar, echo, etc will all work too.
- #------------------------------------------------------------
- #-----------------------------------------
- # Initialize some counters
- #-----------------------------------------
- counter=0
- rowcounter=0
- colorcounter=0
- #-----------------------------------------
- # Initialize color arrays
- # and cache some math to make things
- # run faster.
- #-----------------------------------------
- declare -A colorarray
- declare -A fabcolors
- alphaarray=(A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z)
- # Blues and purples theme
- precolorarray=(000080 00008B 0000CD 0000FF 191970 1E90FF 4169E1 483D8B 4B0081 4B0182 6A5ACD 7B68EE 800080 8A2BE1 8A2CE2 8B008B 9370DB 9400D3 9932CC BA55D3 D8BFD8 DA70D6 DDA0DD E6E6FA EE82EE FF11FF FF00FF)
- # Or dark greys to look black instead
- # precolorarray=(000001 000002 000003 000004 000005 000006 000007 000008 000009 000010 000011 000012 000013 000014 000015 000016 000017 000018 000019 000020 000021 000022 000023 000024 000025 000026)
- for oneletter in "${alphaarray[@]}"
- do
- # Fill the colorarray
- colorarray["$oneletter"]="${precolorarray[$colorcounter]}"
- let colorcounter+=1
- # Fill the fabcolors array
- hexinput=${colorarray[$oneletter]}
- a=`echo $hexinput | cut -c-2`
- b=`echo $hexinput | cut -c3-4`
- c=`echo $hexinput | cut -c5-6`
- r=`echo "ibase=16; $a" | bc`
- g=`echo "ibase=16; $b" | bc`
- b=`echo "ibase=16; $c" | bc`
- fabcolors[$oneletter]="( $r, $g, $b) #$hexinput srgb($r,$g,$b)\n"
- done
- #-----------------------------------------
- # How wide did we set the image?
- # or just default to 500 pixels wide
- #-----------------------------------------
- if [ ! -n "$2" ]; then
- echo "Setting Column Size to 500"
- columnsize=500
- else
- echo "Setting Column Size to $2"
- columnsize=$2
- fi
- collimit=$(($columnsize-1))
- #-----------------------------------------
- # start encrypting, encoding, and
- # building the PNG.
- #-----------------------------------------
- ccrypt -e | codegroup | tr '\n' ' '| (
- # while loop
- while IFS= read -r -n1 theletter
- do
- if [ $counter -gt $collimit ]; then
- counter=0
- let rowcounter+=1
- fi
- if [[ $theletter = *[!\ ]* ]]; then
- echo -e -n "$counter,$rowcounter: ${fabcolors[$theletter]}"
- let counter+=1
- fi
- done
- let rowcounter+=1
- echo " ImageMagick pixel enumeration: $columnsize,$rowcounter,255,srgb"
- ) |sed '1h;1d;$!H;$!d;G' | convert -monitor txt: "$1"
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