
Priv8 windows 10 image.txt

Jan 7th, 2021 (edited)
Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
  1. 0Day Windows 2020
  3. ############################
  4. # VIP Tools
  5. ############################
  7. Acunetix
  8. Hotspot Shield
  9. AppSpider 7
  10. L0phtCrack 7 (Win64)
  11. Asoftis IP Changer
  12. Metasploit Console
  13. Maltego xl
  14. Avira Phantom VPN
  15. Metasploit Web UI.url
  16. Betternet
  17. Micro Focus Fortify Audit Workbench
  18. BlackBullet 2.1.6
  19. Micro Focus Fortify Custom Rules Editor
  20. BlackBullet 2.5.1
  21. Micro Focus Fortify Scan Wizard
  22. BurpSuite
  23. Micro Focus Fortify-rule-dencrypt
  24. CCProxy
  25. Nessus Pro
  26. Charles Proxy
  27. Netsparker
  28. Checkmarx Audit
  29. Nipper Studio
  30. Checkmarx Portal.url
  31. OpenBullet
  32. ChrisPC Anonymous Proxy Pro
  33. Proxifier
  34. Core Impact 19.1
  35. ProxyCap
  36. Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor
  37. ReadyAPI
  38. ExploitPack 14.0
  39. WebCruiserWVS
  40. Freedome
  41. WebInspect 20.1.0
  42. Gather Proxy
  43. binaryninja
  44. HCL AppScan Standard
  45. cobaltstrike4.0
  48. ############################
  49. # Antivirus Evasion Tools
  50. ############################
  52. AVIATOR_x64
  53. PSAttack
  54. AVIator- Antivirus Evasion Project
  55. PowerLessShell
  56. CheckPlease
  57. PowerShdll
  58. DefenderCheck
  59. PowerShell Armoury-Evading anti-virus
  60. DotNetToJScript
  61. StarFighters
  62. Invoke-CradleCrafter
  63. SysWhispers-AV-EDR evasion
  64. Invoke-DOSfuscation
  65. demiguise
  66. Invoke-Obfuscation
  67. nps
  68. Invoke-Phant0m
  69. pafishmacro
  70. Macro Pack-Automatize Obfuscation & Generation of MS Office
  71. tvasion - Anti virus evasion
  72. PSAmsi
  73. xencrypt-Anti-virus evasion Tool
  75. ############################
  76. # Exploitation Tools
  77. ############################
  78. ADAPE
  79. PrivExchange
  80. Access Metasploit Web UI.urlPrivescCheck Win -Privilege Escalation Enumeration
  82. Privilege-Escalation-Awesome-Scripts-Suite
  83. BetterBackdoor-create & Control a backdoor
  84. ROADtools - Azure AD Exploration Framework
  85. CVE-2019-1040-Scanner
  86. ROADtools-GUI - Azure AD Exploration Framework
  87. Chisel - Fast TCP tunnel over HTTP
  88. RedTeam CSharp Scripts
  89. Core Impact
  90. RedTeam Powershell Scripts
  91. CrackMapExecWin
  92. Red_Team - Useful Scripts
  93. CredsLeaker-credentials stealer
  94. ReverseTCPShell- PowerShell ReverseTCP Shell
  95. DAMP
  96. RottenPotatoNG
  97. DSSS-sql-injection
  98. SQLmap
  99. Dumpert
  100. Sharp-Suite
  101. Evil-Winrm-Ultimate WinRM shell for pentesting
  102. SharpClipHistory
  103. EvilClippy
  104. SharpExchangePriv
  105. EvilURL- Generate unicode domains
  106. SharpExec
  107. Eviloffice
  108. SharpSploit
  109. Exchange-AD-Privesc
  110. Shellerator-bind-reverse shell Generater
  111. ExploitMyUnion
  112. Shuriken-XSS
  113. ExploitPack 14.0
  114. SpoolSample
  115. GadgetToJScript
  116. UACME
  117. Generate-Macro
  118. VBscan
  119. GhostPackWebCruiserWVS
  120. Goby - Attack surface mapping
  121. WinScanX GUI
  122. Invoke-ACLPwn
  123. Windows Exploit Suggester
  124. Invoke-DCOM
  125. XSS-Loader Tools
  126. Invoke-GoFetch
  127. XSSpwn
  128. Invoke-PSImage
  129. XSSsniper
  130. Invoke-PowerThIEf
  131. XSStrike
  132. Jalesc-Linux Privileges Escalating
  133. hjsplit
  134. Metasploitimpacket-examples-windows
  135. Metasploit Console
  136. jsql-injection-GUI
  137. Meterpeter-C2 Powershell Command & Control Framework
  138. juicy-potato
  139. MicroBurst - PowerShell Toolkit for Attacking Azure
  140. kali-windows-binaries
  141. Nessus Pro.urllsassy-Extract credentials from lsass remotely
  142. NetshHelperBeacon
  143. luckystrike
  144. Nikto
  145. metatwin
  146. NoSQLMap
  147. mimikatz
  148. Orca
  149. nc
  150. PSReflect
  151. nc64
  152. Pivotsuite - Network Pivoting Toolkit
  153. nishang
  154. PowerLurk
  155. pattern_create
  156. PowerPriv
  157. pattern_offset
  158. PowerSharpPack-Usefull offensive CSharp Projects
  159. ruler
  160. PowerShell-Suite
  161. subdomain-bruteforcer(SubBrute)
  162. PowerSploit
  163. vssown
  164. PowerUpSQL
  165. vulcan
  166. PowerZure- Assessing Azure security
  167. wePWNise
  169. ############################
  170. # Information Gathering
  171. ############################
  173. ADACLScanner
  174. ADExplorer
  175. ADOffline
  176. ADRecon
  177. AWSBucketDump
  178. Active Directory Tools
  179. AdFind-Command line Active Directory query
  180. Administrative Tools
  181. Amass
  182. Aquatone - Tool for Domain Flyovers
  183. Aquatone
  184. Asset Finder
  185. Atscan - Advanced dork Search
  186. Atscan
  187. BaseQuery- Organize public combo-lists & data breaches
  188. BeRoot
  189. Bettercap
  190. BloodHound
  191. Bloodhound-Custom-Queries
  192. BridgeKeeper-Scrape employee names
  193. Bucket-Stream-Find Amazon S3 Bucket
  194. Cansina - Web Content Discovery
  195. Censys Subdomain Finder
  196. Cheat Sheets Repositories
  197. CloudBunny-Find the real IP behind WAF
  198. Cloud_Enum-Multi-cloud OSINT
  199. Cloudfail
  200. Cloudflare Resolver-bust
  201. Cloudmare
  202. CrossLinked- LinkedIn enumeration tool
  203. DNS Recon
  204. DirBuster
  205. Dirble- WebSite Directory Scanning
  206. Dirsearch- Web path scanner
  207. Droopescan
  208. Dump Users
  209. Email extractor
  210. Email-verify
  211. EmailHarvester
  212. EyeWitness
  213. FOCA
  214. Fierce - DNS reconnaissance Tool
  215. Fierce
  216. FinalRecon- All-In-One Web Reconnaissance
  217. Findomain
  218. Fprobe-Scan Domains Subdomains for http-https
  219. Get-ReconInfo
  220. Git-Hound
  221. Git-Leak
  222. GitHack-Git folder disclosure exploit
  223. GitMiner-Advanced mining for content Github
  224. Github-Dork
  225. Gitrob
  226. Gobuster
  227. Goby - Attack surface mapping
  228. Gowitness-Web screenshot Utility
  229. Hunter
  230. InSpy - LinkedIn enumeration
  231. IoTSeeker
  232. Kicks3-S3 bucket finder
  233. Lazagne- Credentials recovery
  234. Leetlinked - Scraping tool for LinkedIn
  235. LinkedIn Recon Tool -LinkedInt
  236. LittleBrother-Information gathering (OSINT)
  237. MSOLSpray - A Password Spraying Tool
  238. Maltego
  239. Mass-Maillist-Cleaner
  240. Masscan
  241. NetRipper
  242. Nirsoft Launcher
  243. Nmap - Zenmap GUI
  244. OSINT Websites.url
  245. OneForAll - Subdomain Scanner
  246. Pacu - AWS exploitation framework
  247. Pathbrute-Directory Discovery Tool
  248. Photon-fast crawler designed for OSINT
  249. PowerView
  250. PowerView_dev
  251. Privesc
  252. Prowl - Email harvesting tool
  253. R3con1z3r-Web information gathering
  254. RastLeak - Find leak information
  255. Recon-Dog
  256. Recon-ng
  257. Reconspider-Advanced (OSINT)
  258. Recurse Buster
  259. Red Rabbit
  260. RedRabbit-Red Team PowerShell Script
  261. S3Scanner- Scan s3 buckets for security issues
  262. SSL-Scan
  263. ScrapedIn- LinkedIn Scraper
  264. Searchsploit
  265. SharpHound
  266. SharpHound.ps1
  267. SharpView
  268. Sherlock-Find usernames across social networks
  269. ShodanSploit
  270. Shuffledns- Enumerate valid subdomains
  271. Slurp- Enumerates S3 buckets
  272. Snoop - Nickname Search Tools OSINT
  273. Spaghetti
  274. SpiderFoot
  275. SpoolerScanner
  276. Sub Finder
  277. SubOver-Subdomain Takeover Tool
  278. Sublist3r
  279. Sudomy-Powerful Subdomain Enumeration
  280. Turbolist3r
  281. URLCrazy
  282. Watson
  283. WhatBreach-OSINT tool to find breached
  284. WhatWAF
  285. WhatWeb
  286. WhatsMyName- User Enumeration
  287. WinScanX GUI
  288. WinScanX-CL
  289. Windows Exploit Suggester
  290. XCTR-Hacking-Tools
  291. browseList
  292. ffuf - Fuzz Faster
  293. gau (GetAllURLs)
  294. git Graber
  295. gowitness
  296. h8mail- Email OSINT and breach hunting
  297. hakrevdns - Reverse DNS lookups
  298. hping
  299. httprecon
  300. httprobe - Scan Domains Subdomains for http-https
  301. identYwaf
  302. inSp3ctor-AWS S3 Bucket Finder
  303. mimikatz
  304. nbtscan
  305. nc
  306. nc64
  307. netscan
  308. nmap
  309. pockint
  310. recon-ng - Web
  311. s3recon-Amazon S3 bucket finder and crawler
  312. shhgit-Find GitHub secrets
  313. sqlcmd
  314. srvinfo
  315. sslyze
  316. subDomainsBrute
  317. subdomain-bruteforce
  318. subjack-Subdomain Takeover tool
  319. theHarvester
  320. trufflehog- Searches through git repositories for secrets
  321. wafw00f
  322. wePWNise
  323. winfo
  324. zenmap
  326. ############################
  327. # Mobile Security Tools
  328. ############################
  330. APK Easy Tool
  331. Frida-kill
  332. appmon
  333. APK Editor Studio
  334. Frida-ls-devices
  335. dex2jar
  336. Android Debug Bridge (adb)
  337. Frida-ps
  338. dex2smali
  339. Apkid
  340. Frida-trace
  341. frida-objection
  342. Apktool
  343. Frida
  344. frida-pygmentize
  345. BurpSuite
  346. GDA-android-reversing-Tool
  347. jadx-gui
  348. Bytecode-Viewer
  349. Mobile Security Framework (MobSF)
  350. luyten
  351. DB Browser for SQLite
  352. Multi-Drive
  353. vulnerable apk
  354. Drozer
  355. Nox
  356. Frida-discover
  357. OWASP ZAP Proxy
  360. ############################
  361. # Networking Attack
  362. ############################
  364. Bettercap
  365. Jumpstart
  366. RouterScan
  367. ettercapNG
  368. BeyondTrustDiscoveryTool
  369. MultiRelay
  370. RunFinger-Python
  371. nc
  372. Cain
  373. Nessus Pro.url
  374. SSH Scan
  375. nc64
  376. Dumpper
  377. NetworkMiner
  378. SSL-Strip
  379. netscan
  380. Evil FOCA
  381. Nirsoft Launcher
  382. SnmpWalk
  383. snmptest
  384. FindSQLSrv-Python
  385. Nsauditor
  386. Waircut
  387. sslyze
  388. Goby - Attack surface mapping
  389. Responder-Python
  390. WinScanX GUI
  391. Icmp-Redirect-Python
  392. Responder
  393. Wireshark
  395. ############################
  396. # Password Attacks
  397. ############################
  399. ADFSpray - MS Password Spray Attack
  400. KeeThief
  401. ASREPRoast
  402. Kraken-Password crack RAR ZIP 7z
  403. BlackBullet 2.1.6
  404. L0phtCrack 7 (Win64)
  405. BlackBullet 2.5.1
  406. LAPSToolkit
  407. BruteXMLRPC
  408. MSOLSpray - A Password Spraying Tool
  409. Bruter
  410. MailSniper
  411. Cain
  412. Md5Cracker
  413. CeWL-Creating Custom Wordlists
  414. OpenBullet
  415. Check-LocalAdminHash
  416. Password Recovery
  417. CredNinja
  418. Patator - Brute-force
  419. Crunch
  420. RiskySPN
  421. DSInternals
  422. SessionGopher
  423. DomainPasswordSpray
  424. Smtp-Cracker
  425. Fast-RDP-Bruteforce
  426. WinScanX GUI
  427. Get-LAPSPasswords
  428. WinScanX-CL
  429. Go-jwt-cracker
  430. XBruteForcer (CMS)
  431. Hash-Buster- Online Crack hashes
  432. XMLrpc-bruteforcer
  433. Hash-identifier
  434. cap2hccap
  435. Hashcat CLI
  436. cap2hccapx
  437. Hashcat GUI
  438. jwtcat - Cracking JSON Web Token
  439. IMAP Bruteforce
  440. mimikatz.x64
  441. Internal-Monologue
  442. mimikatz.x86
  443. Inveigh
  444. mimikittenz
  445. Invoke-TheHash
  446. pydictor-dictionary builder for brute-force
  447. John the Ripper
  448. rainbowcrack-cl
  449. John the Ripper GUI
  450. rcrack-gui
  451. KeeFarce
  452. thc-hydra-BruteForce
  455. ############################
  456. # Reverse Engineering
  457. ############################
  458. APK Easy Tool
  459. Extractor
  460. Unpacker
  461. ollydbg
  462. Apktool
  463. IDA Pro 32
  464. binaryninja
  465. dnSpy-x86
  466. windbgx64
  467. Binwalk
  468. IDA Pro 64
  469. de4dot-net35-x64
  470. dnSpy
  471. windbgx86
  472. Bytecode-Viewer
  473. ResourceHacker
  474. de4dot-net35
  475. jadx-gui
  476. x32dbg
  477. Trial-Reset
  478. de4dot-net45-x64
  479. luyten
  480. x64dbg
  482. - Dotnet
  483. AntiTampRem
  484. DotNET Tracer x64
  485. ExtremeDumper x64
  486. StringDecryptor
  487. AntiTamperKiller
  488. DotNET Tracer x86
  489. Kripto v1.0 Deobfuscator
  490. Universal_Fixer
  491. ConfuserEx AntiDump Fixer
  492. ExtremeDumper x32
  493. MegaDumper
  494. Universal_Fixer_NoFuser3
  496. - Extractor
  497. InnoExtractor
  498. InstallShield mini Extractor
  499. LFS Setup Extractor
  500. UniExtract
  501. lessmsi-gui
  503. - Unpacker
  504. Armageddon
  505. EnigmaVBUnpacker
  506. RL!dePeCompact 2.x
  507. UntElock 0.98+
  508. Aspack
  509. Exe2Aut v0.11
  510. UPXEasyGUI
  511. upx_unpacker
  512. De4dot
  513. MART!K UnPacker
  514. Unpacker_PECompact
  516. ############################
  517. # Web Application Attack
  518. ############################
  520. Acunetix
  521. Recurse Buster
  522. AppSpider 7
  523. SPartan-Sharepoint fingerprinting and attack Tool
  524. Aquatone
  525. SQLMap-GUI
  526. Arjun
  527. SQLi-Hunter-SQLMAP API wrapper
  528. Atlas-Quick SQLMap Tamper Suggester
  529. SQLmap
  530. Atscan
  531. SSL-Scan
  532. BSQLGUI
  533. SSRFmap-SSRF Scanner
  534. BruteXMLRPC
  535. Scrawlr
  536. BruteXSS
  537. See-SURF- find potential SSRF parameters
  538. BurpSuite
  539. Shuriken-XSS
  540. CMSeeK- CMS Detection and Exploitation suite
  541. SleuthQL
  542. Cansina - Web Content Discovery
  543. Spaghetti
  544. Commix
  545. TestSSL.sh
  546. Corsy-CORS Misconfiguration Scanner
  547. VBscan
  548. DSSS-sql-injection
  549. WAScan
  550. Dalfox - XSS Scanning
  551. WPScan-WordPress Vulnerability Scanner
  552. DirBuster
  553. Wapiti-Web Vulnerability Scanner
  554. Dirble- WebSite Directory Scanning
  555. WebCruiserWVS
  556. Dirsearch- Web path scanner
  557. WebInspect 20.1.0
  558. Droopescan
  559. Weblogic-Scanner
  560. ExploitMyUnion
  561. WhatWAF
  562. Eyewitness
  563. WhatWeb
  564. Findom-XSS
  565. Wordpress Exploit Framework
  566. FireFox-Pentesting
  567. XBruteForcer (CMS)
  568. Fuxploider-File upload scanner and exploitation
  569. XMLrpc-bruteforcer
  570. Golismero
  571. XSS-Freak
  572. Gowitness-Web screenshot utility
  573. XSS-Loader Tools
  574. HCL AppScan Standard
  575. XSSfork - XSS Vulnerability Scan
  576. Havij
  577. XSSpwn
  578. IIS-ShortName-Scanner
  579. XSSsniper
  580. IIS-Shortname-Scan (Python)
  581. XSStrike
  582. Joomscan
  583. XSpear-XSS Scanning
  584. Link JS Find - Extract URL Websites
  585. dotdotpwn - Directory Traversal Fuzzer
  586. LinkFinder
  587. ffuf - Fuzz Faster
  588. Netsparker
  589. httprecon
  590. Nikto
  591. identYwaf
  592. NoSQLMap
  593. jsql-injection-GUI
  594. Nuclei - Web Scanner based on templates
  595. jwtcat - Cracking JSON Web Token
  596. OWASP ZAP Proxy
  597. pentest-tools
  598. Quick-SQL
  599. sslyze
  600. R3con1z3r-Web information gathering
  601. wafw00f
  602. ReadyAPI 2.8.2
  603. wfuzz
  606. ############################
  607. # Vulnerability Analysis
  608. ############################
  610. AD Control Paths
  611. SSL-Scan
  612. BSQLGUI
  613. Searchsploit
  614. DSSS-sql-injection
  615. Shuriken-XSS
  616. Droopescan
  617. SleuthQL
  618. Egress-Assess
  619. Spaghetti
  620. ExploitMyUnion
  621. TestSSL.sh
  622. Golismero
  623. VBscan
  624. Grouper2
  625. WAScan
  626. Joomscan
  627. WebCruiserWVS
  628. Nessus Pro
  629. Weblogic-Scanner
  630. Nikto
  631. WinScanX GUI
  632. NoSQLMap
  633. WinScanX-CL
  634. NtdsAudit
  635. XSS-Freak
  636. OWASP Mutillidae- Vulnerable web-application
  637. XSS-Loader Tools
  638. OWASP ZAP Proxy
  639. XSSpwn
  640. PowerSharpPack-Usefull offensive CSharp Projects
  641. XSSsniper
  642. PwnedPasswordsNTLM
  643. XSStrike
  644. SMBGhost-CVE-2020-0796
  645. XSpear-XSS Scanning
  646. SQLMap-GUI
  647. bWAPP- vulnerable web-application
  648. SQLmap
  649. jsql-injection-GUI
  650. SSH Scan
  651. zBang
  653. ############################
  654. # Malware Analysis
  655. ############################
  657. Autoruns
  658. KillSwitch
  659. Task Explorer x64
  660. dnSpy
  661. Binwalk
  662. LockHunter
  663. Task Explorer
  664. exeinfope
  665. Comodo Cleaning Essentials
  666. Microsoft Sysinternals
  667. UPXEasyGUI
  668. exiftool
  669. CrowdInspect
  670. PE Detective
  671. UniExtract
  672. loki-upgrader
  673. CrowdInspect64
  674. PPEE
  675. VirusTotal Uploader 2.2
  676. loki
  677. Detect It Easy
  678. Process Hacker 2
  679. Volatility-CL
  680. ollydbg
  681. FLOSS
  682. ProcessActivityView
  683. VolatilityWorkbench-gui
  684. pdbripper
  685. FolderChangesView
  686. ProcessHacker
  687. Winja (VirusTotal Uploader)
  688. pestudio
  689. HijackCleaner64
  690. Regshot-x64-ANSI
  691. Wireshark
  692. peview
  693. ILProtectorUnpacker
  694. Regshot-x64-Unicode
  695. apateDNS
  696. windump
  697. IREC-1.9.16
  698. RunPEDetector32
  699. dnSpy-x86
  701. ############################
  702. # Wordlists
  703. ############################
  705. Payload-List
  706. PayloadsAllTheThings
  707. Probable-Wordlists
  708. RobotsDisallowed
  709. SecLists
  710. fuzzdb
  712. ############################
  713. # Proxy and Privacy Tools
  714. ############################
  716. Asoftis IP Changer
  717. Freedome
  718. Proxifier
  719. Tor Browser
  720. Avira Phantom VPN
  721. Gather Proxy
  722. Proxy-Scraper
  723. W10Privacy
  724. Betternet
  725. Hotspot Shield
  726. ProxyCap
  727. WPD
  728. ChrisPC Anonymous Proxy Pro
  729. OOSU10
  730. Simple DnsCrypt
  731. YogaDNS
  733. ############################
  734. # Utility Tools
  735. ############################
  737. Active Presenter - Screen Recoreder
  738. HTTP File Server (HFS)
  739. ShareX
  740. AnyDesk
  741. HeidiSQL
  742. Simple DnsCrypt
  743. Bandizip
  744. HostsFileEditor
  745. Start Tor Browser
  746. Boxstarter Shell
  747. HxD
  748. Task Explorer x64
  749. CCleaner
  750. IObit Uninstaller
  751. Task Explorer
  752. CFF Explorer
  753. KeePass 2
  754. ThemeTool
  755. Charles Proxy
  756. KeepNote
  757. Tor Browser
  758. Chrome -with XSS Auditor disabled
  759. KeepPass
  760. Wireshark
  761. Chrome
  762. MarkdownEdit
  763. YogaDNS
  764. CyberChef
  765. Microsoft Edge
  766. hjsplit
  767. DB Browser for SQLite
  768. Neo4j_start.bat
  769. neo4j-community
  770. Docker Desktop
  771. Neo4j_stop.bat
  772. ngrok- reverse proxy
  773. Driver Booster 7
  774. NetworkMiner
  775. notepad++
  776. Email extractor
  777. Nirsoft Launcher
  778. peview
  779. FLOSS
  780. OpenVPN GUI
  781. services
  782. Fiddler
  783. PE Detective
  784. shellcode_launcher
  785. FireFox-Pentesting
  786. ProcessHacker
  787. vlc
  788. Firefox
  789. RunAsDate
  790. uTorrent
  791. Google Chrome
  792. ScreenToGif
  793. Greenshot
  794. Search Everything
  795. Essential NetTools
  796. NetLimiter 4
  798. ############################
  799. # Wireless Attacks
  800. ############################
  802. Airbase-ng
  803. Airventriloquist-ng
  804. Kstats
  805. WifiInfoView.exe
  806. Aircrack-ng-GUI
  807. Besside-ng
  808. Makeivs-ng
  809. WirelessNetView.exe
  810. Aircrack-ng
  811. Bettercap
  812. Packetforge-ng
  813. Wireshark
  814. Airdecap-ng
  815. Buddy-ng
  816. RouterScan
  817. Wpaclean
  818. Airdecloak-ng
  819. Cain
  820. SSL-Strip
  821. ettercapNG
  822. Aireplay-ng
  823. Dumpper
  824. Tkiptun-ng
  825. ivstools
  826. Airodump-ng
  827. Easside-ng
  828. WNetWatcher.exe
  829. wifi-perfiles
  830. Airolib-ng
  831. Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor
  832. Waircut
  833. Airserv-ng
  834. Evil FOCA
  835. Wesside-ng
  836. Airtun-ng
  837. Jumpstart
  838. WifiChannelMonitor
  840. ############################
  841. # Stress Testing
  842. ############################
  843. DDos-Attack (Python)
  844. Slowloris HTTP DoS IPv6
  845. DDos-Attackv1 (Python)
  846. Slowloris HTTP DoS
  847. HostDown- DDos Attack
  848. THC-SSL-Dos
  849. Impulse Denial-of-service ToolKit
  850. TheDoomsday- Test DOS sustainablity
  851. Perl Flood Script (DDoS)
  852. WhatWAF
  853. Priv8-ddos
  854. identYwaf
  855. Saddam-DDoS Amplification Tool
  856. wafw00f
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