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- include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdbool.h>
- #define INF 0x7FFFFFFF
- #define cINF 0x7F
- //Left child, Right sibling
- typedef struct MultiWayIntTree {
- int value, nrChild, alpha, beta;
- struct MultiWayIntTree *left, *right, *parent;
- } mw_ITree;
- typedef struct MultiWayIntTreeQueue {
- mw_ITree *tree;
- struct MultiWayIntTreeQueue *next;
- } mw_ITQueue;
- typedef struct MultiWayMatrixTree {
- char matrix[20][20];
- struct MultiWayMatrixTree *left, *right;
- } mw_MTree;
- bool same(char *string1, char *string2)
- {
- return !strcmp(string1, string2);
- }
- int Minimax(mw_ITree *tree, bool mM);
- void freeIT(mw_ITree *node)
- {
- if(node == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- mw_ITree *p, *p_next;
- p = node->left;
- while(p != NULL) {
- p_next = p->right;
- freeIT(p);
- p = p_next;
- }
- free(node);
- }
- void insert_MTree(mw_MTree *parent, mw_MTree *child)
- {
- child->left = NULL; //copilul nu are alti copii... e prea mic
- child->right = NULL;//copilul inca nu stie ca are si alti frati
- if(parent->left == NULL) {
- parent->left = child;
- return;
- }
- child->right = parent->left;
- parent->left = child;
- }
- char RB_to_nr(char RB)
- {
- //Blue = 0, Red = 1
- if(RB == 'B')
- return 0;
- if(RB == 'R')
- return 1;
- //RB == '-'
- return 8;
- }
- char nr_to_RB(char nr)
- {
- if(nr == 1)
- return 'R';
- if(nr == 0)
- return 'B';
- //nr == 8;
- return '-';
- }
- void printTabs(FILE *fout, int tabs_count)
- {
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < tabs_count; ++i)
- fprintf(fout, "\t");
- }
- void printMatrix(FILE *fout, int N, int M, char matrix[20][20], int tabs_count)
- {
- int i, j;
- int M1 = M - 1;
- for(i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
- printTabs(fout, tabs_count);
- for(j = 0; j < M1; ++j) {
- fprintf(fout, "%c ", nr_to_RB(matrix[i][j]));
- }
- fprintf(fout, "%c", nr_to_RB(matrix[i][M1]));
- fprintf(fout, "\n");
- }
- fprintf(fout, "\n");
- }
- /*void printTree(FILE *fout, mw_ITree *tree, int tabs_count)
- {
- if(tree == NULL)
- return;
- mw_ITree *p;
- for(p = tree->left; p != NULL; p = p->right) {
- if(p->value == INF || p->value == -INF)
- //fprintf(fout, "inf | ");
- continue;
- printTabs(fout, tabs_count);
- //TODO: JUST THE p->value!!!
- fprintf(fout, "%d\n", p->value);
- /*
- if(p->alpha == -INF)
- fprintf(fout, "-inf | ");
- else
- fprintf(fout, "%d | ", p->alpha);
- if(p->beta == INF)
- fprintf(fout, "inf\n");
- else
- fprintf(fout, "%d\n", p->beta);
- printTree(fout, p, tabs_count + 1);
- }
- free(p);
- }*/
- void printTree(FILE *fout, mw_ITree *tree, int tabs_count)
- {
- if(tree == NULL)
- return;
- mw_ITree *p;
- for(p = tree->left; p != NULL; p = p->right) {
- if(p->value == INF || p->value == -INF)
- continue;
- printTabs(fout, tabs_count);
- fprintf(fout, "%d\n", p->value);
- printTree(fout, p, tabs_count + 1);
- }
- free(p);
- }
- bool is04(int x)
- {
- if(x == 0 || x == 4)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- bool isEndOfTheGame(int N, int M, int i, int j, char mtrx[20][20])
- {
- int H1, H2, H3, H4;
- int V1, V2, V3, V4;
- int R1, R2, R3, R4;
- int L1, L2, L3, L4;
- H1 = H2 = H3 = H4 = V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = cINF;
- R1 = R2 = R3 = R4 = L1 = L2 = L3 = L4 = cINF;
- //Calculul sumelor pe orizontala
- if(j < M - 3)
- H1 = mtrx[i][j] + mtrx[i][j + 1] + mtrx[i][j + 2] + mtrx[i][j + 3];
- if(0 < j && j < M - 2)
- H2 = mtrx[i][j - 1] + mtrx[i][j] + mtrx[i][j + 1] + mtrx[i][j + 2];
- if(1 < j && j < M - 1)
- H3 = mtrx[i][j - 2] + mtrx[i][j - 1] + mtrx[i][j] + mtrx[i][j + 1];
- if(2 < j)
- H4 = mtrx[i][j - 3] + mtrx[i][j - 2] + mtrx[i][j - 1] + mtrx[i][j];
- //Calculul sumelor pe verticala
- if(i < N - 3)
- V1 = mtrx[i][j] + mtrx[i + 1][j] + mtrx[i + 2][j] + mtrx[i + 3][j];
- if(0 < i && i < N - 2)
- V2 = mtrx[i - 1][j] + mtrx[i][j] + mtrx[i + 1][j] + mtrx[i + 2][j];
- if(1 < i && i < N - 1)
- V3 = mtrx[i - 2][j] + mtrx[i - 1][j] + mtrx[i][j] + mtrx[i + 1][j];
- if(2 < i)
- V4 = mtrx[i - 3][j] + mtrx[i - 2][j] + mtrx[i - 1][j] + mtrx[i][j];
- //Calculul sumelor pe diagonala paralela cu diagonala principala
- if(i < N - 3 && j < M - 3)
- R1 = mtrx[i][j] + mtrx[i + 1][j + 1] + mtrx[i + 2][j + 2] + mtrx[i + 3][j + 3];
- if(0 < i && i < N - 2 && 0 < j && j < M - 2)
- R2 = mtrx[i - 1][j - 1] + mtrx[i][j] + mtrx[i + 1][j + 1] + mtrx[i + 2][j + 2];
- if(1 < i && i < N - 1 && 0 < j && j < M - 1)
- R3 = mtrx[i - 2][j - 2] + mtrx[i - 1][j - 1] + mtrx[i][j] + mtrx[i + 1][j + 1];
- if(2 < i && 2 < j)
- R4 = mtrx[i - 3][j - 3] + mtrx[i - 2][j - 2] + mtrx[i - 1][j - 1] + mtrx[i][j];
- //Calculul sumelor pe diagonala parelala cu diagonala secundara
- if(i < N - 3 && 2 < j)
- L1 = mtrx[i + 3][j - 3] + mtrx[i + 2][j - 2] + mtrx[i + 1][j - 1] + mtrx[i][j];
- if(0 < i && i < N - 2 && 1 < j && j < M - 1)
- L2 = mtrx[i + 2][j - 2] + mtrx[i + 1][j - 1] + mtrx[i][j] + mtrx[i - 1][j + 1];
- if(1 < i && i < N - 1 && 0 < j && j < M - 2)
- L3 = mtrx[i + 1][j - 1] + mtrx[i][j] + mtrx[i - 1][j + 1] + mtrx[i - 2][j + 2];
- if(2 < i && j < M - 3)
- L4 = mtrx[i][j] + mtrx[i - 1][j + 1] + mtrx[i - 2][j + 2] + mtrx[i - 3][j + 3];
- //Verificarea sumelor
- if(is04(H1) || is04(H2) || is04(H3) || is04(H4) ||
- is04(V1) || is04(V2) || is04(V3) || is04(V4) ||
- is04(R1) || is04(R2) || is04(R3) || is04(R4) ||
- is04(L1) || is04(L2) || is04(L3) || is04(L4))
- return 1;
- //Daca nu se termina prin castig jocul,
- // se termina cand nu mai exista spatii.
- for(i = 0; i < N; ++i)
- for(j = 0; j < M; ++j)
- if(mtrx[i][j] == 8)//cod personal pentru '-'
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- void place_chip(FILE *fout, int N, int M, mw_MTree *tree, char chip, int depth)
- {
- int i, j;
- for(j = 0 ; j < M; ++j) {//TODO: maybe? modify swap fors
- for(i = N - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- if(tree->matrix[i][j] == 8) {//cod personal pentru '-'
- mw_MTree *p = malloc(sizeof(mw_MTree));
- int ki, kj;
- for(ki = 0; ki < N; ++ki) {
- for(kj = 0; kj < M; ++kj)
- p->matrix[ki][kj] = tree->matrix[ki][kj];
- }
- p->matrix[i][j] = chip;
- printMatrix(fout, N, M, p->matrix, depth + 1);
- if(!isEndOfTheGame(N, M, i, j, p->matrix)) {
- insert_MTree(tree, p);
- place_chip(fout, N, M, p, chip ^ 1, depth + 1);
- //jetonul urmator pus va fi pus (chip xor 1)
- }
- free(p);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int maxValue(mw_ITree *tree)
- {
- //nu ar trebui ca tree sa fie NULL
- //tree are cel putin un fiu, caci altfel nu se apela functia
- //calculeaza maximul valorii copiilor lui tree
- mw_ITree *p;
- int maxx = -INF;
- for(p = tree->left; p != NULL; p = p->right) {
- if(p->value == INF)
- p->value = Minimax(p, 0);
- if(p->value > maxx)
- maxx = p->value;
- }
- return maxx;
- }
- int minValue(mw_ITree *tree)
- {
- //nu ar trebui ca tree sa fie NULL
- //tree are cel putin un fiu, caci altfel nu se apela functia
- //calculeaza minimul valorii copiilor lui tree
- mw_ITree *p;
- int minn = INF;
- for(p = tree->left; p != NULL; p = p->right) {
- if(p->value == INF)
- p->value = Minimax(p, 1);
- if(p->value < minn)
- minn = p->value;
- }
- return minn;
- }
- int Minimax(mw_ITree *tree, bool mM)
- {
- //mM: 0 - tura lui Min, 1 - tura lui Max
- if(tree == NULL)
- return 0;
- //daca nu mai are copii, atunci el e o frunza
- // si valoarea lui maxima/minima e tree->value
- if(tree->left == NULL)//nu are copii
- return tree->value;
- if(mM)
- return maxValue(tree);
- else
- return minValue(tree);
- }
- void Task1(FILE *fin, FILE *fout)
- {
- int N, M, i, j;
- char RB, chip;
- fscanf(fin, "%d %d %c\n", &N, &M, &RB);
- chip = RB_to_nr(RB);
- mw_MTree *tree = malloc(sizeof(mw_MTree));
- tree->left = NULL;
- tree->right = NULL;
- for(i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
- for(j = 0; j < M; ++j) {
- char RB;
- fscanf(fin, "%c ", &(RB));
- tree->matrix[i][j] = RB_to_nr(RB);
- }
- }
- printMatrix(fout, N, M, tree->matrix, 0);
- place_chip(fout, N, M, tree, chip, 0);
- free(tree);
- }
- void insert_ITree(mw_ITree *parent, mw_ITree *child)
- {
- child->left = NULL; //copilul nu are alti copii... e prea mic
- child->right = NULL;//copilul inca nu are si frati mai mici
- child->parent = parent;
- if(parent->left == NULL) {
- parent->left = child;
- return;
- }
- mw_ITree *p, *p_next;
- for(p = parent->left; p->right != NULL;) {
- p_next = p->right;
- p = p_next;
- }
- p->right = child;
- }
- void insert_ITQueue(mw_ITQueue **parent, mw_ITQueue *child)
- {
- child->next = NULL;
- if((*parent) == NULL) {
- (*parent) = child;
- return;
- }
- mw_ITQueue *p, *p_next;
- for(p = (*parent); p->next != NULL;) {
- p_next = p->next;
- p = p_next;
- }
- p->next = child;
- }
- mw_ITree *pop(mw_ITQueue **Q)
- {
- if((*Q) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- mw_ITree *tree;
- mw_ITQueue *temp;
- tree = (*Q)->tree;
- temp = (*Q);
- (*Q) = (*Q)->next;
- free(temp);
- return tree;
- }
- void pop_all(mw_ITQueue **dest, mw_ITQueue **src)
- {
- while((*src)) {
- mw_ITQueue *p = malloc(sizeof(mw_ITQueue));
- mw_ITree *tree;
- mw_ITQueue *temp;
- p->next = NULL;
- tree = (*src)->tree;
- temp = (*src);
- (*src) = (*src)->next;
- free(temp);
- p->tree = tree;
- insert_ITQueue(&(*dest), p);
- }
- }
- void Task2(FILE *fin, FILE *fout)
- {
- //TODO: maybe? set alpha, beta = 0, just in case
- mw_ITree *root = malloc(sizeof(mw_ITree));
- mw_ITree *crt;
- mw_ITQueue *old_level = malloc(sizeof(mw_ITQueue));
- mw_ITQueue *crt_level;
- int L, i, j, k, sum, nr_CrtLvl_Children;
- fscanf(fin, "%d\n(%d)\n", &L, &(nr_CrtLvl_Children));
- root->nrChild = nr_CrtLvl_Children;
- root->value = INF;
- root->left = NULL;
- root->right = NULL;
- old_level->tree = root;
- old_level->next = NULL;
- crt_level = NULL;
- for(i = 1; i < L; ++i) {
- sum = 0;
- k = 0;
- crt = pop(&old_level);
- for(j = 0; j < nr_CrtLvl_Children; ++j) {
- int x;
- char prt, prt2;
- mw_ITree *nodeT = malloc(sizeof(mw_ITree));
- mw_ITQueue *nodeQ = malloc(sizeof(mw_ITQueue));
- nodeT->left = NULL;
- nodeT->right = NULL;
- nodeQ->next = NULL;
- nodeQ->tree = NULL;
- fscanf(fin, "%c%d%c ", &prt, &x, &prt2);
- if(prt == '(') {
- sum += x;
- nodeT->value = INF;
- nodeT->nrChild = x;
- nodeQ->tree = nodeT;
- insert_ITree(crt, nodeT);
- insert_ITQueue(&crt_level, nodeQ);
- //free(nodeQ);
- }
- if(prt == '[') {
- nodeT->value = x;
- nodeT->nrChild = 0;
- nodeQ->tree = nodeT;
- insert_ITree(crt, nodeT);
- free(nodeQ);
- }
- if(++k == crt->nrChild) {
- k = 0;
- crt = pop(&old_level);
- }
- }
- nr_CrtLvl_Children = sum;
- //old_level is freed and NULL now
- pop_all(&old_level, &crt_level);
- //old_level = crt_level
- //crt_level is freed and NULL now
- }
- root->value = Minimax(root, 1);
- fprintf(fout, "%d\n", root->value);
- printTree(fout, root, 1);
- free(crt);
- free(crt_level);
- freeIT(root);
- }
- bool full_child(mw_ITree *node)
- {
- int count = 0;
- mw_ITree *p;
- for(p = node->left; p != NULL; p = p->right)
- if(p->value != INF)
- ++count;
- else
- break;
- if(count == node->nrChild)
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- void AB_copy(mw_ITree *q, mw_ITree *node)
- {
- // q = node, just for alpha, beta
- q->alpha = node->alpha;
- q->beta = node->beta;
- }
- void AB_copy_leftside(mw_ITree *q, mw_ITree *node)
- {
- if(q->left == NULL)
- return;
- AB_copy(q, node);
- AB_copy_leftside(q->left, node);
- }
- /*
- void AB_copy_downside(mw_ITree *q, mw_ITree *node)
- {
- if(q->left == NULL)
- return;
- if(q->alpha != -INF || q->beta != INF)
- return;
- AB_copy(q, node);
- mw_ITree *p;
- for(p = node->left; p != NULL; p = p->right)
- AB_copy_downside(q->left, node);
- }*/
- void AB_pruning(mw_ITree *node, bool mM)
- {
- if(node == NULL)
- return;
- mw_ITree *q;
- for(q = node->left; q != NULL; q = q->right) {
- if(node->alpha >= node->beta) {
- q->value = INF;
- continue;
- }
- //can be better
- if(q->left != NULL && q != node->left) {
- AB_copy(q, node);
- AB_copy_leftside(q, node);
- }
- if(q->value == INF || q->value == -INF)
- AB_pruning(q, mM ^ 1);
- if(mM) {
- if(q->alpha > node->alpha)
- node->alpha = q->alpha;
- if(q->beta != INF && q->beta > node->alpha)
- node->alpha = q->beta;
- if(q->value > node->value)
- node->value = q->value;
- } else {
- if(q->alpha != -INF && q->alpha < node->beta)
- node->beta = q->alpha;
- if(q->beta < node->beta)
- node->beta = q->beta;
- if(q->value < node->value)
- node->value = q->value;
- }
- }
- //fprintf(stdout, "%d | %d | %d\n", root->value, root->alpha, root->beta);
- //printTree(stdout, root, 1);
- //printf("\n\n");
- }
- void Task3(FILE *fin, FILE *fout)
- {
- mw_ITree *root = malloc(sizeof(mw_ITree));
- mw_ITree *crt;
- mw_ITQueue *old_level = malloc(sizeof(mw_ITQueue));
- mw_ITQueue *crt_level;
- int L, i, j, k, sum, nr_CrtLvl_Children;
- fscanf(fin, "%d\n(%d)\n", &L, &(nr_CrtLvl_Children));
- root->nrChild = nr_CrtLvl_Children;
- root->value = -INF;
- root->alpha = -INF;
- root->beta = INF;
- root->left = NULL;
- root->right = NULL;
- old_level->tree = root;
- old_level->next = NULL;
- crt_level = NULL;
- for(i = 1; i < L; ++i) {
- sum = 0;
- k = 0;
- crt = pop(&old_level);
- for(j = 0; j < nr_CrtLvl_Children; ++j) {
- int x;
- char prt, prt2;
- mw_ITree *nodeT = malloc(sizeof(mw_ITree));
- mw_ITQueue *nodeQ = malloc(sizeof(mw_ITQueue));
- nodeT->left = NULL;
- nodeT->right = NULL;
- nodeQ->next = NULL;
- nodeQ->tree = NULL;
- fscanf(fin, "%c%d%c ", &prt, &x, &prt2);
- if(prt == '(') {
- sum += x;
- nodeT->alpha = -INF;
- nodeT->beta = INF;
- if(i & 1) //impar
- nodeT->value = INF;
- else //par
- nodeT->value = -INF;
- nodeT->nrChild = x;
- nodeQ->tree = nodeT;
- insert_ITree(crt, nodeT);
- insert_ITQueue(&crt_level, nodeQ);
- //free(nodeQ);
- }
- if(prt == '[') {
- nodeT->value = x;
- nodeT->nrChild = 0;
- nodeT->alpha = x;
- nodeT->beta = x;
- nodeQ->tree = nodeT;
- insert_ITree(crt, nodeT);
- free(nodeQ);
- }
- if(++k == crt->nrChild) {
- k = 0;
- crt = pop(&old_level);
- }
- }
- nr_CrtLvl_Children = sum;
- //old_level is freed and NULL now
- pop_all(&old_level, &crt_level);
- //old_level = crt_level
- //crt_level is freed and NULL now
- }
- //fprintf(fout, "%d\n", root->value);
- // printTree(fout, root, 1);
- //
- AB_pruning(root, 1);
- //
- //fprintf(fout, "%d | %d | %d\n", root->value, root->alpha, root->beta);
- fprintf(fout, "%d\n", root->value);
- printTree(fout, root, 1);
- free(crt);
- free(crt_level);
- freeIT(root);
- }
- void TaskBonus()
- {
- }
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