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- /*
- Test Queries:
- ?- time(prime_facter(1361129467683753853853498429727072845823, L)).
- % 42,132,024 inferences, 2.654 CPU in 2.703 seconds (98% CPU, 15877312 Lips)
- L = [1, 145295143558111, 7623851, 409891, 8191, 2731, 131, 31, 11|...].
- ?- product(X,Y,1361129467683753853853498429727072845823).
- X = 1,
- Y = 1361129467683753853853498429727072845823 ;
- X = 3,
- Y = 453709822561251284617832809909024281941 ;
- X = 33,
- Y = 41246347505568298601621164537184025631 ;
- X = 1023,
- Y = 1330527338889299954891005307651097601 ;
- X = 134013,
- Y = 10156697243429770648022941279779371 ;
- X = 365989503,
- Y = 3719039635089626747719861325441 ;
- X = 2997820019073,
- Y = 454039755230085062595514751 ;
- X = 1228779445437851043,
- Y = 1107708525510648105461 ;
- X = 9368031403880806112026593,
- Y = 145295143558111 ;
- X = 1361129467683753853853498429727072845823,
- Y = 1 ;
- ?- product(A,B,1).
- ?- product(A,B,2).
- ?- product(A,B,3).
- ?- product(A,B,9).
- ?- product(1,2,1).
- ?- \+ product(1,2,1361129467683753853853498429727072845823).
- ?- time(prime_facter(4987562349672390876389027, L)).
- */
- % Prime factorization
- prime_facter(N, [1|L]) :-
- SN is sqrt(N),
- prime_facter_1(N, SN, 2, [], L).
- prime_facter_1(1, _, _, L, L) :- !.
- prime_facter_1(N, SN, D, L, LF) :- % Special case for 2, increment 1
- ( 0 is N mod D ->
- Q is N / D,
- SQ is sqrt(Q),
- prime_facter_1(Q, SQ, D, [D |L], LF)
- ;
- D1 is D+1,
- ( D1 > SN ->
- LF = [N |L]
- ;
- prime_facter_2(N, SN, D1, L, LF)
- )
- ).
- prime_facter_2(1, _, _, L, L) :- !. % General case, increment 2
- prime_facter_2(N, SN, D, L, LF) :-
- ( 0 is N mod D ->
- ( Q is N / D,
- SQ is sqrt(Q),
- prime_facter_2(Q, SQ, D, [D |L], LF))
- ;
- ((nxt_prime(D,D1)->true;D1 is D+2),
- ( D1 > SN ->
- LF = [N |L] ; prime_facter_2(N, SN, D1, L, LF)))
- ).
- % A slightly nicer version is one which is able to enumerate all the primes.
- prime(Prime) :-
- sieve3(1, [], Prime).
- sieve3(M, PS, Prime) :-
- N is 1+M,
- ( member(P, PS), N mod P =:= 0 -> % N is composite
- sieve3(N, PS, Prime)
- ;/* forall P in PS N mod P =\= 0 */
- ( Prime = N
- ; sieve3(N, [N|PS], Prime)
- )
- ).
- :- dynamic(nxt_prime/2).
- nxt_prime(0,1).
- save_primes:-
- prime(Prime),
- (nxt_prime(_,Prev) -> asserta(nxt_prime(Prev,Prime))),
- Prime>20000,!.
- distinct_var(Var) :-
- nonvar(Var), !.
- distinct_var(Var) :-
- empty_nb_set(Set),
- put_attr(Var, dist_var, Set).
- dist_var:attr_unify_hook(Set, Value) :-
- add_nb_set(Value, Set, true).
- :- time(save_primes).
- product(A,B,C):- harness(mult,[A,B,C]).
- %mult_u_u_u(A,B,C):- guessed.
- mult_u_u_b(A,B,C):- prime_facter(C,PS), distinct_var(S), distinct_var(A), some_of(PS,Some), mult_list(Some,S), member(S,[A,B]), product(A,B,C).
- %mult_u_b_u(A,B,C):- guessed.
- mult_u_b_b(A,B,C):- A is C / B.
- %mult_b_u_u(A,B,C):- guessed.
- mult_b_u_b(A,B,C):- mult_u_b_b(B,A,C).
- mult_b_b_u(A,B,C):- C is A * B.
- mult_b_b_b(A,B,C):- mult_b_b_u(A,B,C).
- some_of(Pm,These):-
- %sort(Pm,PS),
- =(Pm,PS),
- permutation(PS,PM),
- append([Of|Some],_,PM),
- =([Of|Some],These).
- mult_list([H|T],R):- !,
- mult_list(T,NT),
- R is H*NT.
- mult_list(_,1).
- % boundedness
- harness(P,V):- harness(P,V,V).
- to_bounds_l([],[]).
- to_bounds_l([Var|Rest],[Type|RestL]):-
- to_bounds(Var,Type),
- to_bounds_l(Rest,RestL).
- to_bounds(Var,Type):- var(Var),
- % \+ attvar(Var),
- !, Type=u.
- to_bounds(_,b):-!.
- harness(P,V,VT):-
- to_bounds_l(VT,UBU),
- atomic_list_concat([P|UBU],'_',PU),
- current_predicate(PU/_),
- !,apply(PU,V).
- harness(P,V,_):- atomic_list_concat([P,'g'],'_',PU),
- current_predicate(PU/_),
- !,apply(PU,V).
- harness(P,V,_):- term_variables(V,Vs),
- Vs\==[],
- hook_vs(Vs,P,V).
- hook_vs([],_,_).
- hook_vs([V|Vs],P,V):-
- freeze(V,harness(P,V)),
- hook_vs(Vs,P,V).
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