
BWR - Changelog 15/09/24

Sep 15th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Flamethrowers
  2. + Increased temperature build rate to be 25% faster
  3. The build up in temperature awas considerably slower in more accurate fire to make it not as rewarding as previously. This increase should restore that while remaining less effective at further ranges and while spraying.
  5. Air Blast
  6. + Fixed pressure not being rewarded when extinguishing teammates
  7. + Added: Reflecting projectiles restores pressure to 50%
  8. + Decreased base pressure recharge speed to 6s (was 8s)
  9. - Reduced pressure restored from extinguishing teammates to 50%
  10. The increased pressure downtime was too punishing in trying to curb mobility, and made it more reliant on enemy pyros. Increasing the recharge speed a fair bit, and adding the opportunity to get pressure recharge from reflects should reduce the downtime enough to be manangeable but not spammable. The refund in pressure now has been decreased to just 50% to make up for the increased opportunity.
  12. The Degreaser
  13. - Decreaesd pressure recharge bonus to 25% faster (was 40% faster)
  14. The recharge speed was reduced such that it wouldn't be too spammable with the universal decrease.
  16. Dragon's Fury
  17. ~ Re-pressurization of primary and alt-fire no longer impacts airblast pressure
  18. The alt-fire already being made slower made the pressure recharge as well impacted by your fire rate unnecessary.
  20. Thermal Thruster
  21. + Increased Mini-Boost height by 33%
  22. - Decreased Mini-Boost momentum by -15%
  23. The trajectory was not useful enough for traversal with the boost while being potentially too easy to juke enemies with. These tweaks should help make it's mobility more useful for utility and being easier for enemies to counter.
  25. Loch-n-Load
  26. + Added: 20% faster reload speed
  27. An additional reload bonus was added to reduce your vulnerability introduced by the downsides of the weapon, giving you less downtime between shots without being too spammable.
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