
Wysoom legend

Jun 30th, 2020
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  1. ! A Wide Trail & Artists' Retreat
  2. + The ocean floor , Coral Reef
  3. - A Sand Bar . Grasslands
  4. / A waterfall 0 The Iceberg
  5. 1 Sauronan 2 Kwa Rahl
  6. 3 Seaspray 7 The Beach
  7. 8 Path 9 A Quiet Beach
  8. < Tiny Island = Bottom of the Cliffs
  9. > Higher Hills ? Jarthol's Tomb
  10. @ Path from the beach F Approaching a Forum
  11. G A Great Arch H A Cavernous Pit
  12. K Underwater Caves L Path to a logging camp
  13. M Tohunga village N Bottom of the Cliffs
  14. P Sandy Beach Q A Small Isle
  15. X Three Sisters Islands Y A Path into the Jungle
  16. Z Stone Structure ^ A Cave
  17. ` High in the sky b The Beach
  18. c Descending the cliffs f Sinkhole
  19. g Outside a Moat h Hills
  20. j Tropical Island l A small island
  21. n Rocky Outcropping o Yawning Pit
  22. r The River of Dreams s Marshlands
  23. u Below the surface v Narrow Valley
  24. w Shallow lagoon y Deep in the ocean
  25. z Poulatok's Tomb | Top of Cliffs
  26. ~ The Wysoomian Sea
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