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- #
- import numpy as np
- from RHjump import calculate_rh_conditions
- from species import calculate_thermodynamic_properties
- from mixture import compute_cp, get_mixture_properties # Importing necessary functions
- def initialize_composition():
- """
- Initialize the gas mixture composition (N2/N Mixture).
- """
- # Example composition: 100% N2, 0% N
- return 1.0 # Return y (mole fraction of N2)
- def simulate_shock_flow(x_max, post_shock_conditions):
- """
- Simulate the flow downstream of the shock.
- """
- # Placeholder for flow field simulation
- return {
- "x": np.linspace(0, x_max, 100),
- "rho_s": None,
- "T": None,
- "Tv": None,
- "U": None
- }
- def main():
- """
- The main program computes the flowfield in a shock tube.
- """
- # Initialize parameters
- P1 = 5.0 # Pre-shock pressure [Pa]
- T1 = 200.0 # Pre-shock temperature [K]
- TV1 = T1 # Pre-shock vibrational temperature [K]
- U1 = 7000.0 # Shock speed [m/s]
- x_max = 0.1 # Standoff distance [m]
- # Initialize composition
- y = initialize_composition() # Mole fraction of N2
- # Load species data
- species_data = np.loadtxt("data2.txt", skiprows=1)
- print("Shock-Tube Simulation")
- print("========================================")
- print("Mixture: N2/N")
- # Calculate properties for N (species_idx=0) at T=7000 K
- properties_N = calculate_thermodynamic_properties(
- temperature=7000,
- species_idx=0,
- species_data=species_data
- )
- # Access and display the results
- print(f"Q_in: {properties_N['Q_in']}")
- print(f"Q_tr: {properties_N['Q_tr']}")
- print(f"Q_total: {properties_N['Q_total']}")
- print(f"Entropy: {properties_N['S']} J/mol/K")
- print(f"H-H0: {properties_N['H_H0']} J/mol")
- # Compute Cp for each species at T = 7000 K
- Cp_N = compute_cp(T=7000, species_idx=0, species_data=species_data)
- Cp_N2 = compute_cp(T=7000, species_idx=1, species_data=species_data)
- print(f"Cp (N): {Cp_N} J/mol/K")
- print(f"Cp (N2): {Cp_N2} J/mol/K")
- # Compute mixture properties including Cp
- mixture_props = get_mixture_properties(T=7000, y=y, species_data=species_data)
- print(f"Mixture Cp: {mixture_props['Cp']} J/mol/K")
- print("========================================")
- # Compute initial conditions (Post-Shock)
- print("Computing Rankine-Hugoniot jump relations for hot gas.")
- post_shock_conditions = calculate_rh_conditions(P1, T1, U1, y, species_data)
- print("Post-Shock Conditions (Hot Gas):")
- print(f"P2: {post_shock_conditions['P2']} Pa")
- print(f"T2: {post_shock_conditions['T2']} K")
- print(f"rho2: {post_shock_conditions['rho2']} kg/m³")
- print(f"u2: {post_shock_conditions['u2']} m/s")
- print(f"a2: {post_shock_conditions['a2']} m/s")
- print(f"M2: {post_shock_conditions['M2']}")
- print(f"gamma2: {post_shock_conditions['gamma2']}")
- print("========================================")
- # Simulate the flowfield downstream of the shock
- flow_field = simulate_shock_flow(x_max, post_shock_conditions)
- print("Shock-tube simulation complete.")
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
- #
- import numpy as np
- from mixture import get_mixture_properties, get_sound_speed, R_UNIVERSAL
- def calculate_rh_conditions(P1: float, T1: float, u1: float, y: float, species_data: np.ndarray) -> dict:
- """
- Calculate Rankine-Hugoniot jump conditions.
- Args:
- P1 (float): Initial pressure (Pa)
- T1 (float): Initial temperature (K)
- u1 (float): Initial velocity (m/s)
- y (float): Mole fraction of N2
- species_data (np.ndarray): Array containing species data
- Returns:
- dict: Dictionary containing post-shock conditions
- Keys: 'P2', 'T2', 'rho2', 'u2', 'a2', 'M2', 'gamma2'
- """
- # Step 1: Get initial mixture properties
- props1 = get_mixture_properties(T1, y, species_data)
- gamma1 = props1['gamma']
- M_mix = props1['M']
- # Step 2: Calculate specific gas constant (R_specific)
- # R_UNIVERSAL is in J/mol/K, M_mix should be in kg/mol
- R_specific = R_UNIVERSAL / M_mix # J/kg/K
- # Step 3: Calculate initial density (rho1)
- rho1 = P1 / (R_specific * T1) # kg/m³
- # Step 4: Calculate sound speed (a1)
- a1 = get_sound_speed(T1, y, species_data) # m/s
- # Step 5: Calculate Mach number (M1)
- M1 = u1 / a1
- # Step 6: Apply Rankine-Hugoniot jump conditions
- P2 = P1 * (2 * gamma1 * M1**2 - (gamma1 - 1)) / (gamma1 + 1) # Post-shock pressure (Pa)
- rho2 = rho1 * ((gamma1 + 1) * M1**2) / ((gamma1 - 1) * M1**2 + 2) # Post-shock density (kg/m³)
- u2 = u1 * (((gamma1 - 1) * M1**2 + 2) / ((gamma1 + 1) * M1**2)) # Post-shock velocity (m/s)
- # Step 7: Calculate temperature ratio and absolute temperature (T2)
- T2_T1 = (P2 / P1) * (rho1 / rho2) # Temperature ratio T2/T1
- T2 = T1 * T2_T1 # Post-shock temperature (K)
- # Step 8: Assume frozen flow; sound speed remains the same
- a2 = a1 # Post-shock sound speed (m/s)
- # Step 9: Calculate post-shock Mach number (M2)
- M2 = u2 / a1 # Assuming a2 = a1
- # Step 10: Assume gamma remains the same across the shock
- gamma2 = gamma1
- # Step 11: Compile results into a dictionary
- return {
- 'P2': P2, # Post-shock pressure (Pa)
- 'T2': T2, # Post-shock temperature (K)
- 'rho2': rho2, # Post-shock density (kg/m³)
- 'u2': u2, # Post-shock velocity (m/s)
- 'a2': a2, # Post-shock sound speed (m/s)
- 'M2': M2, # Post-shock Mach number
- 'gamma2': gamma2 # Post-shock specific heat ratio
- }
- import numpy as np
- import math
- from dataclasses import dataclass
- # Physical constants
- R = 0.25 # O2 N2 ratio
- PRESSURE = 1 # pressure
- KB = 1.380649E-23 # Boltzmann constant
- H = 6.62607015E-34 # Planck constant
- C = 3.0E+10 # speed of light, cm/s
- DT = 1.0E-8 # T step for finite differences
- NA = 6.02214076E+23 # Avogadro number
- NU = 1.0 # number of moles
- P_ATM = 101325.0 # atmospheric pressure
- EV = 1.60218E-19 # eV -> J translation coefficient
- @dataclass
- class Species:
- constants: np.ndarray
- def calculate_thermodynamic_properties(temperature: float, species_idx: int, species_data: np.ndarray) -> dict:
- """
- Calculate thermodynamic properties for a given species at specified temperature.
- Args:
- temperature: Temperature in Kelvin
- species_idx: Species index (0 for N, 1 for N2)
- species_data: Array containing species data
- Returns:
- Dictionary containing:
- - Q_in: Internal partition function
- - Q_tr: Translational partition function
- - Q_total: Total partition function
- - S: Entropy (J/mol/K)
- - H_H0: Enthalpy difference from 0K (kJ/mol)
- """
- # Create Species object for the selected species
- species = Species(constants=species_data[species_idx])
- # Calculate Q_in
- if species.constants[1] == 0:
- Q_rot = 1.0
- else:
- Q_rot = (8.0 * math.pi**2 * species.constants[1] * KB * temperature) / (H**2 * species.constants[0])
- if species.constants[2] == 0:
- Q_vib = 1.0
- else:
- Q_vib = 1.0 / (1.0 - math.exp((-H * C * species.constants[2]) / (KB * temperature)))
- if species.constants[3] == 0:
- Q_el = 1.0
- else:
- Q_el = sum(
- species.constants[3+i] * math.exp(-H * C * species.constants[22+i] / (KB * temperature))
- for i in range(19)
- )
- Q_in = Q_rot * Q_vib * Q_el
- # Calculate Q_tr
- Q_tr = (NU * KB * NA * temperature / (PRESSURE * P_ATM)) * \
- (2 * math.pi * species.constants[41] * KB * temperature / (H * H))**(1.5)
- # Calculate Q_total
- Q_total = Q_in * Q_tr
- # Calculate Entropy [J/(mol*K)]
- S = KB * NA * (
- math.log(Q_in) + math.log(Q_tr)
- ) + KB * NA * temperature * (
- (Q_tr_calc(species, temperature + DT) - Q_tr_calc(species, temperature - DT)) /
- (2.0 * DT * Q_tr) +
- (Q_in_calc(species, temperature + DT) - Q_in_calc(species, temperature - DT)) /
- (2.0 * DT * Q_in)
- ) - KB * NA * math.log(NA)
- # Calculate H-H0 [J/mol]
- H_H0 = KB * NA * temperature * (
- (temperature / Q_in) *
- (Q_in_calc(species, temperature + DT) - Q_in_calc(species, temperature - DT)) /
- (2.0 * DT) + 2.5
- )
- return {
- 'Q_in': Q_in,
- 'Q_tr': Q_tr,
- 'Q_total': Q_total,
- 'S': S,
- 'H_H0': H_H0
- }
- # Helper functions for finite difference calculations
- def Q_in_calc(species: Species, T: float) -> float:
- """Calculate Q_in at a specific temperature (helper function for derivatives)"""
- if species.constants[1] == 0:
- Q_rot = 1.0
- else:
- Q_rot = (8.0 * math.pi**2 * species.constants[1] * KB * T) / (H**2 * species.constants[0])
- if species.constants[2] == 0:
- Q_vib = 1.0
- else:
- Q_vib = 1.0 / (1.0 - math.exp((-H * C * species.constants[2]) / (KB * T)))
- if species.constants[3] == 0:
- Q_el = 1.0
- else:
- Q_el = sum(
- species.constants[3+i] * math.exp(-H * C * species.constants[22+i] / (KB * T))
- for i in range(19)
- )
- return Q_rot * Q_vib * Q_el
- def Q_tr_calc(species: Species, T: float) -> float:
- """Calculate Q_tr at a specific temperature (helper function for derivatives)"""
- return (NU * KB * NA * T / (PRESSURE * P_ATM)) * \
- (2 * math.pi * species.constants[41] * KB * T / (H * H))**(1.5)
- #
- import numpy as np
- from species import calculate_thermodynamic_properties
- # Constants
- R_UNIVERSAL = 8.314462 # J/mol/K
- Na = 6.02214076E23 # Avogadro
- M_N = 0.014 # kg/mol
- M_N2 = 0.028 # kg/mol
- EV_TO_J = 1.60218E-19 # eV to J conversion
- H_F_N = 4.87933027 * EV_TO_J * Na # Convert eV to J/mol
- H_F_N2 = 0.0 # Formation enthalpy for N2 in J/mol
- def compute_cp(T: float, species_idx: int, species_data: np.ndarray, delta_T: float = 1e-8) -> float:
- """
- Compute the specific heat at constant pressure (Cp) for a given species using the provided formula.
- Args:
- T: Temperature in Kelvin
- species_idx: Species index (0 for N, 1 for N2)
- species_data: Array containing species data
- delta_T: Temperature increment for finite differences (default: 1e-3 K)
- Returns:
- Cp in J/mol/K
- """
- # Calculate Q_in at T
- props_T = calculate_thermodynamic_properties(T, species_idx, species_data)
- Q_in_T = props_T['Q_in']
- # Calculate Q_in at T + delta_T
- props_T_plus = calculate_thermodynamic_properties(T + delta_T, species_idx, species_data)
- Q_in_T_plus = props_T_plus['Q_in']
- # Calculate Q_in at T - delta_T
- props_T_minus = calculate_thermodynamic_properties(T - delta_T, species_idx, species_data)
- Q_in_T_minus = props_T_minus['Q_in']
- # Compute ln(Q_in) at T, T + delta_T, T - delta_T
- ln_Q_in_T = np.log(Q_in_T)
- ln_Q_in_T_plus = np.log(Q_in_T_plus)
- ln_Q_in_T_minus = np.log(Q_in_T_minus)
- # First derivative d(lnQ_in)/dT using central difference
- dlnQin_dT = (ln_Q_in_T_plus - ln_Q_in_T_minus) / (2 * delta_T)
- # Second derivative d²(lnQ_in)/dT² using central difference
- d2lnQin_dT2 = (ln_Q_in_T_plus - 2 * ln_Q_in_T + ln_Q_in_T_minus) / (delta_T ** 2)
- # Calculate Cp_int using Capitelli
- Cp_int = R_UNIVERSAL * (2 * T * dlnQin_dT + T**2 * d2lnQin_dT2)
- # Total Cp
- Cp = Cp_int + (5.0 / 2.0) * R_UNIVERSAL
- return Cp
- def get_mixture_properties(T: float, y: float, species_data: np.ndarray) -> dict:
- """
- Calculate mixture properties including formation enthalpies and Cp.
- Args:
- T: Temperature in K
- y: Mole fraction of N2 (1-y is mole fraction of N)
- species_data: Array containing thermodynamic data for species
- Returns:
- Dictionary containing gamma, molar mass, sound speed coefficient, mixture enthalpy, and Cp
- """
- # Get thermodynamic properties for both species
- N_props = calculate_thermodynamic_properties(T, 0, species_data)
- N2_props = calculate_thermodynamic_properties(T, 1, species_data)
- # Calculate mixture enthalpy including formation enthalpies
- H_mix = (1 - y) * (N_props['H_H0'] + H_F_N) + y * (N2_props['H_H0'] + H_F_N2)
- # Compute Cp for each species using the new compute_cp function
- Cp_int_N = compute_cp(T, 0, species_data)
- Cp_int_N2 = compute_cp(T, 1, species_data)
- # Calculate mixture Cp using mole fractions
- Cp_mix = (1 - y) * Cp_int_N + y * Cp_int_N2
- # Calculate gamma using Cp and Cv = Cp - R
- Cv_mix = Cp_mix - R_UNIVERSAL
- gamma = Cp_mix / Cv_mix
- # Calculate mixture molar mass
- M_mix = (1 - y) * M_N + y * M_N2
- # Calculate sound speed coefficient
- sound_coeff = np.sqrt(gamma * R_UNIVERSAL / M_mix)
- return {
- 'gamma': gamma,
- 'M': M_mix,
- 'sound_coeff': sound_coeff,
- 'H_mix': H_mix,
- 'Cp': Cp_mix
- }
- def get_sound_speed(T: float, y: float, species_data: np.ndarray) -> float:
- """
- Calculate mixture sound speed.
- Args:
- T: Temperature in K
- y: Mole fraction of N2
- species_data: Array containing thermodynamic data for species
- Returns:
- Sound speed in m/s
- """
- props = get_mixture_properties(T, y, species_data)
- return props['sound_coeff'] * np.sqrt(T)
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