
bluffs monica

Sep 22nd, 2022
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  1. "I don't have anything to say to you, Mr. Dresden," she said. "Go away."
  2. "I can't do that," I said. She started to swing the door shut, but I jammed the end of my staff into the doorway, keeping it from closing.
  3. "I'll call the police," she said, voice strained. She leaned against the door, trying to keep me from coming in.
  4. "Do it," I growled, and then I played a hunch, "and I'll tell them about you and your husband." I was taking a shot in the dark, but what the hell. She didn't know that I didn't know what the hell was going on.
  5. My instincts paid off. I heard her suck in a breath and felt her resistance on the door sag a little. I put my shoulder to the door, leaned into it hard, and she stepped back from me in surprise. I don't think she'd expected me to physically force my way into her house. Hell, I hadn't expected me to do that. I hadn't realized how angry I was until I saw the look of panic on her face when she looked up at me. I don't know what I looked like, but it must not have been friendly.
  8. Storm Front Chapter 20, Page 227
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