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- #|
- SubL is a programming language intended to be very similar to a simplified version of Common Lisp where those features that are either
- complex, rarely-used, or difficult to implement in a prodecural language have been removed. Lets put some back.
- Sometimes it is hard to port your Common Lisp applications to SubL.
- Until you do, you will not be able to translate-block-it with Cyc's internal translate-blockr.
- During the interim, here are some usefull functions and macros.
- <b>Please help out by [http::// editing] this page.</b>
- The goal will be here to implement as much of the Common Lisp language as possible based on the
- [http::// HyperSpec]
- *[[Programming]] is based largly on [http::// SubL Reference]
- |#
- ;;<pre><nowiki>
- ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Package: CYC; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp -*-
- ;;
- ;; Douglas R. Miles
- ;;
- ;; Saved into a file called common.lisp
- ;; 05/08/2006 (load "cynd/common.lisp")
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Intitally setup packages
- ;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;(in-package "CYC")
- #|
- ;;Initialize the task processor pool for requests.
- ;;Initialize the task processor pool for requests.
- ;;Initialize the task processor pool for requests.
- ;;Provides a convenient alias for DISPLAY-API-TASK-PROCESSORS.
- ;;Show and reset the task processor background messages for thetask-process-pool.
- ;;Show and reset the task processor background messages for thetask-process-pool.
- |#
- ;;(define dispatch-macro-in-package (s c n))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; The package CL uses SYSTEM as it's shadow
- ;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (defvar *SYSTEM-PACKAGE* (sl::make-package "SYSTEM" '() '("SYS")))
- (defvar *COMMON-LISP-PACKAGE* (sl::make-package "COMMON-LISP" '("SYS") '("CL" "LISP")))
- (defvar *default-package-use* (list *COMMON-LISP-PACKAGE* *SYSTEM-PACKAGE* *CYC-PACKAGE* *SUBLISP-PACKAGE*))
- ;;(defvar *COMMON-LISP-USER-PACKAGE* (sl::make-package "COMMON-LISP-USER" '("CL" "CYC") '("USER")))
- (import () :CL)
- (import () :SYS)
- (defvar *T-PACKAGE* *package*)
- ;;(defmacro cl-lambda (args &rest stuff) (ret `#'(lambda ,args (ret (progn ,@stuff)))))
- (define define-anonymous-function (arguments body)
- (clet ((name (gensym "LAMBDA-"))) (eval `(define ,name ,arguments (ret (progn ,@body)))) (ret (symbol-function name))))
- (defmacro cl-lambda (arguments &body body) (ret (define-anonymous-function arguments body)))
- (define force-format (strm &rest body)(clet ((res (apply #'format (cons strm body))))(pif (streamp strm) (output-stream-p strm) (force-output))(ret res)))
- (define force-princ (&rest body)(clet ((res (apply #'princ body)))(force-output)(ret res)))
- (define force-print (&rest body) (clet ((body (fif (equal 1 (length body)) (car body) body))(res (print body)))(force-output)(ret res)))
- (define lisp () (load "common.lisp")(load "common-lisp.lisp")(in-package :SYS ))
- (define consify (list) (ret (fif (consp list) list (fif list (list list) ()))))
- (defmacro every (fn &rest seq) (ret (every-list fn seq)))
- (defmacro every-list (fn seq) (ret (fif (car seq) (cand (apply fn (mapcar #'car seq)) (every-list fn (mapcar #'cdr seq))) t)))
- (defmacro puthash (key value table) (ret (sethash key table value)))
- (defmacro some (fn &rest seq) (ret (some-list fn seq)))
- (defmacro some-list (fn seq) (ret (pwhen (car seq) (cor (apply fn (mapcar #'car seq)) (some-list fn (mapcar #'cdr seq))))))
- (defmacro and (&rest body) (ret (fif body (fif (cdr body) `(pwhen ,(car body) (and ,@(cdr body)))`,(car body)))))
- (defmacro assert (test &rest body))
- (defmacro defsetf (access-fn update-fn) (ret `(SL::_DEF-CSETF ,access-fn ,update-fn)))
- (defmacro destructuring-bind (pattern datum &rest body)(ret `(cdestructuring-bind ,pattern ,datum (trace-progn ,@body))))
- (defmacro do (var+list exit &rest body) (ret `(cdo (,@(mapcar #'trace-varinit var+list)) ,(trace-each exit) (trace-progn ,@body))))
- (defmacro dolist (var+list &rest body) (ret `(cdolist (,(car var+list) ,(second var+list)) (trace-progn ,@body))))
- (defmacro dotimes (var integer &rest body) (ret `(cdotimes ,var (trace-lisp ,integer) (trace-progn ,@body))))
- (defmacro handler-case (form &rest cases) (ret form))
- (defmacro if (cond true &optional false) (ret `(fif (trace-lisp ,cond) (trace-progn ,true) (trace-progn ,false))))
- (defmacro let (var+list &rest body) (ret `(clet (,@(mapcar #'trace-varinit var+list)) (trace-progn ,@body))))
- (defmacro let* (var+list &rest body) (ret `(clet (,@(mapcar #'trace-varinit var+list)) (trace-progn ,@body))))
- (defmacro memq (item list) (ret `(member ,item ,list #'eq)))
- (defmacro multiple-value-bind (var+list form &rest body) (ret `(cmultiple-value-bind ,var+list ,form (trace-progn ,@body))))
- (defmacro or (&rest body) (ret (fif body (fif (cdr body) `(pcond ((trace-lisp ,(car body))) ((or ,@(cdr body))))`(trace-lisp ,(car body))))))
- (defmacro pop (place) (ret `(clet ((f1rst (car ,place))) (cpop ,place) f1rst)))
- (defmacro prog1 (body1 &rest body) (ret `(clet ((prog1res (trace-progn ,body1))) (trace-progn ,@body) prog1res)))
- (defmacro prog2 (body1 body2 &rest body) (ret `(clet ((prog1res (trace-progn ,body1))(prog2res (trace-progn ,body2))) (trace-progn ,@body) prog2res)))
- (defmacro prog3 (body1 body2 body3 &rest body) (ret `(clet ((prog1res (trace-progn ,body1))(prog2res (trace-progn ,body2))(prog3res (trace-progn ,body3))) (trace-progn ,@body) prog3res)))
- (defmacro pushnew (item place &key key test test-not) (ret (fif test (list 'cpushnew item place test)(list 'cpushnew item place))))
- (defmacro return-from (name value) (ret `(ret ,value)))
- ;;(defmacro setf (&rest pairs) (ret (pwhen pairs `(sl::progn (_setf ,(car pairs) (trace-progn ,(cadr pairs)))(setf ,@(cddr pairs))))))
- (defmacro setf (&rest pairs) (ret `(csetf ,@pairs)))
- ;;todo (defmacro setq (&rest pairs) (ret (pwhen pairs `(sl::progn (csetq ,(car pairs) (trace-lisp ,(cadr pairs))) (setq ,@(cddr pairs))))))
- (defmacro setq (&rest pairs) (ret `(csetq ,@pairs)))
- (defmacro unless (cond &rest body) (ret `(punless (trace-lisp ,cond) (trace-progn ,@body))))
- (defmacro when (cond &rest body) (ret `(pwhen (trace-lisp ,cond) (trace-progn ,@body))))
- (defmacro typep (form type) (ret (cor (eq type t)(same-classes (type-of form) type))))
- (defmacro cond (&rest body) (ret (cons 'pcond (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (ret `( ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (xz) (ret `(trace-lisp ,xz))) x)))) body))))
- (defmacro case (test &rest body) (ret `(pcase ,test ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (ret `(,(car x) (trace-progn ,@(cdr x))) )) body))))
- (defmacro eval-when (a &rest b) (ret (cons 'trace-progn b)))
- (defvar internal-time-units-per-second *internal-time-units-per-second*)
- (defconstant most-positive-fixnum *most-positive-fixnum* "is that fixnum closest in value to positive infinity provided by the implementation, and greater than or equal to both 2^15 - 1 and array-dimension-limit.")
- (defconstant most-negative-fixnum *most-negative-fixnum* "is that fixnum closest in value to negative infinity provided by the implementation, and less than or equal to -2^15")
- ;; cunwind-protect hozed multiple-value-lists so thats the reason for the 'prognvals' weirdness
- (defmacro with-package-case (package readcase &rest body) (ret
- (prognval nil)
- (ocase (READTABLE-CASE *READTABLE*))(opack (string (package-name *PACKAGE*))))
- (in-package (string (fif (packagep ,package)(package-name ,package) ,package)))
- (cunwind-protect (csetf prognvals (multiple-value-list (progn ,@body)))
- (CSETF (READTABLE-CASE *READTABLE*) ocase)(in-package opack)(values-list prognvals)))))
- ;; Read up to the char specified
- (define READ-UNTIL (quit-chars &optional (stream *STANDARD-INPUT*)(retstr ""))
- (cdo ((lastchar (read-char stream)(read-char stream)))
- ((member lastchar quit-chars)(unread-char lastchar stream )(ret (values retstr lastchar)))
- (csetq retstr (cconcatenate retstr (string lastchar)))))
- ;; #>CL ::DEFINE interns a non-exported non-inherited into package CL
- ;; #>CL ::DEFINE interns an exported non-inherited into package CL
- ;; maybe somehow/day use the SUBLISP::SHARPSIGN-COLON-RMF reader
- (define IN-PACKAGE-RMF (stream c n &optional (into-package *KEYWORD-PACKAGE*)(pop-package *PACKAGE*)(exported :INTERNAL))
- (clet ( symbol found access symbolname (stream (fif (streamp stream) stream *STANDARD-INPUT*)))
- ;; (force-print stream c n)
- (cunwind-protect
- (progn
- (in-package (package-name into-package))
- (csetq found (read-from-string (read-until '(#\: #\Space) stream "")))
- (csetq found (eval found))
- (punless (packagep found) (csetq found (find-package (string found))))
- (pwhen (packagep found) (csetq into-package found))
- ;;(punless into-package (cerror "(MAKE-PACKAGE ~s)" "Unknown into-package: ~a" found found `(MAKE-PACKAGE ,found)))
- (read-char stream)
- (csetq symbolname (read-char stream))
- (unread-char symbolname stream)
- (punless (equal symbolname #\: )(csetq exported :EXTERNAL))
- (IN-PACKAGE (package-name into-package))
- (csetq symbolname (read stream nil t nil))
- (pcond
- ;; false alarm
- ((numberp symbolname)(csetq symbol symbolname))
- ;; oh well at least we READ from the PACKAGE requested
- ((consp symbolname)(csetq symbol symbolname))
- ;; one might use a STRINGP to ensure not to try to intern too early "DEFINE"
- ((cor (symbolp symbolname)(stringp symbolname))
- (cmultiple-value-bind (symbol access)
- (find-symbol (string symbolname) into-package))
- (csetq found (symbol-package symbol))
- (pcase access
- (NIL
- (csetq symbol (make-symbol (string symbolname)))
- (csetq symbol (intern symbol into-package)))
- (otherwise
- (force-format t ";; ~s ~&" `(':symbolname ',symbolname ',exported ':TO ',into-package
- ':FOUND ',symbol ':IN ',found ':access ',access))
- (punless (eq found into-package)
- (csetq symbol (make-symbol (string symbolname)))
- (import symbol into-package)
- (import symbol into-package))))
- (pwhen
- (equal exported :EXTERNAL)
- (export symbol into-package)
- (import symbol pop-package)
- (import symbol pop-package)))))
- ;;unwound to
- (IN-PACKAGE (package-name pop-package)))
- (ret (values symbol T))))
- (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\> #'IN-PACKAGE-RMF)
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Like the
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (defvar *trace-notify* () "Trace these types")
- (define trace-format (type string &rest body)
- (pwhen (equal type :funcall)
- (pcond
- ((null *trace-notify*) (ret nil))
- ((equal T *trace-notify*)) ;; all funcalls
- ((member (car (car rest)) *trace-notify*))
- (t (ret nil))))
- (pwhen (equal type :trace) (punless *trace-notify* (ret nil)))
- (fresh-line)
- (apply #'format (cons T (cons string body)))
- (fresh-line)
- (force-format t " ;;~S;;~%" *trace-stack*)
- (force-output))
- (defvar *trace-stack* () "contains information about the last toplevel funcall")
- (csetq *trace-stack* ())
- (defmacro trace-dump (&optional (stack *trace-stack*) (depth 7) (offset 0))
- (punless (numberp depth) (csetq depth (fif depth 10000 0)))
- (pwhen stack
- (cdo ((depth depth (1- depth))(stack stack (cdr stack))(*funcall* (car stack) (car stack)))
- ((cor (null stack)(> 0 depth))(ret stack))
- (format t "; STACK:~a ~s~%" (make-string (* 5 (+ offset (length *trace-stack*)))) *funcall*)))
- (format t "; STACK ~a ~s~%" (make-string (* 5 offset)) :EMPTY))
- (defvar *current-code* :NONE "The current/parent code info")
- (defvar *current-eh* *error-handler* "The current/parent error handler")
- (defvar *results-list* :UNCALLED "The current/parent result info")
- (defvar *current-fn* (cons *results-list* NIL) "current frame")
- (defvar *error-stack* () "The first error info")
- (csetq *error-stack* ())
- (define make-tabs (n) (ret (format nil "(~a):~a" n (make-string (* 5 n)))))
- (defmacro make-handler (code)
- (ret #'(lambda (&rest whatevah) (ret (break "~&~&~&~&;; made-handler ~S durring: ~S ~S ~&" *error-message* whatevah code)))))
- ;;(force-format t ";; ERROR ~a ~s ~s~%" (make-tabs (length *error-stack*)) *error-message* (car stack))
- ;;(force-format t ";; SOURCE ~a ~s ~s~%" (make-tabs (length stack)) (car stack) ,code)
- ;;(pwhen (> 0 (length *error-stack*)) (break ">0 - 10"))
- ;;(rplacd (car stack) (*error-message*))
- ;; (csetq *error-stack* (cons (cons *error-message* code )*error-stack*)))))
- ;;(ret (values nil (break *error-message*)))))
- ;;(ret (values nil t)))))
- (defvar *err-handler* #'(lambda () (break "toplevel")))
- (csetq *err-handler* (make-handler "TOPLEVEL CODE"))
- (csetq *current-fn* (make-handler "NO CODE"))
- (defvar *current-stack* (list *current-fn*))
- #|
- (defmacro trace-lisp (code)
- (clet
- ((*current-fn* *current-fn*)
- (*err-handler* (make-handler code))
- (*results-list* *results-list*))
- (csetq (*current-fn* #'(lambda (SL::&REQ-0 SL::&ENVIRONMENT ENV) (ret (with-error-handler *err-handler* (multiple-value-list `,code ))))))
- (ret `(clet ((*results-list* *results-list*)(csetq *results-list* (funcall *current-fn* (list *current-fn* )))
- (values-list *results-list*)))))
- (macroexpand-1 '(trace-lisp 1))
- (trace-lisp 1)
- |#
- (defmacro trace-lisp (code) (ret code))
- (defmacro trace-lisp (code) (ret (trace-eval code)))
- (defmacro trace-eval (code)
- (clet ((*current-fn* *current-fn*)
- (*err-handler* (make-handler code))
- (*results-list* *results-list*)) (ret
- `(clet ((*current-stack* (cons *current-fn* *current-stack*))
- (*current-fn* #'(lambda () (ret
- (with-error-handler *err-handler*
- (multiple-value-list (progn (force-print (quotify ,CODE)) ,code )))))))
- (values-list (apply *current-fn* (values)))))))
- (defmacro trace-lisp (code) (ret code))
- ;;(macroexpand-1 '(trace-lisp 1))(trace-lisp 1)
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Utility functions
- ;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (defmacro KeyLET (keys &rest body) (ret
- `(clet ,(mapcar #'var-of keys)
- ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (key) (ret `(init-keyval ,(var-of key) ,(init-of key)))) keys)
- ,@body)))
- (define var-of (larg)
- (ret (pif (consp larg) (car larg) larg)))
- (define init-of (larg)
- (ret (pif (consp larg) (cadr larg) nil)))
- (defmacro key-present-p (key &optional (keylistname 'lkeys))
- (ret `(member-if #'(lambda (x) (ret (cand (symbolp x)(symbolp ,key) (equal (symbol-name x) (symbol-name ,key))))) ,keylistname)))
- (defmacro init-keyval (key &optional default) (ret
- `(csetq ,key (fif (key-present-p ',key) (cadr (key-present-p ',key)) ,default))))
- (defmacro var-traceable (vx)
- (cond
- ((symbolp vx)
- (ret (pif (char= #\& (char (symbol-name vx) 0)) (list 'quote vx) `(list 'quote ,vx))))
- ((consp vx) (ret (var-traceable (car vx))))
- (t (ret (list 'quote vx)))))
- (defmacro trace-initvar (var value) (ret `(funless ,var (csetq ,var (trace-progn ,value)))))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; trace-progn - Some of the features of the system must be accessable from everywhere
- ;; Like the
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (defparameter warning-errors 0)
- (defmacro trace-warn (&rest code)
- (ret `(with-error-handler #'(lambda ()
- (force-format t "~%;; ERRROR: ~a~%;; code: ~a~%" *error-message* ',code)
- (pwhen (> (cinc warning-errors) 10) (break "trace-warn ~s >= ~a " warning-errors 10)))
- (sl::progn ,@code))))
- (defmacro trace-progn (&rest code) (ret (cons 'sl::progn (mapcar #'(lambda (xz) (ret `(trace-lisp ,xz))) code) )))
- (defmacro trace-code (code)
- (pcond
- ((SELF-EVALUATING-FORM-P code)(ret code))
- (nil (consp code)(ret
- `(cons ',(car code)
- (mapcar #'(lambda (ele)
- (with-error-handler #'(lambda ()) (ret (eval ele)))
- (ret (quote ele)))
- ',(cdr code)))))
- ((consp code)(ret
- `(cons ',(car code) (mapcar #'trace-code-fn ',(cdr code)))))
- (t (ret (quotify code)))))
- (define coerce-package (name &optional default) (ret
- (pcond
- ((packagep name) (ret name))
- ((find-package (string name)))
- ((null name) default)
- ((symbolp name)(ret (coerce-package (symbol-name name)(symbol-package name))))
- (t (ret default)))))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; describe-symbol
- ;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (defvar *all-shadowing-symbols*)
- (define map-each (var fn list &rest body) (ret `(mapcar #'(lambda (e) (ret (apply ,fn (cons e ,body))))) list))
- (define trace-varinit (var) (ret (fif (consp var) `(,(car var) ,@(trace-each (cdr var))) var)))
- (define trace-each (list) (ret (mapcar #'(lambda (xz) (ret `(trace-lisp ,xz ))) list)))
- ;;(cdo ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((= i 10))(format t "~a,~a~%" i (constant-name (find-constant-by-internal-id i))))
- ;;(cdo ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((= i (constant-count)))(format t "~a,~a~%" i (constant-name (find-constant-by-internal-id i))))
- (define nstring (sym)
- (pcond
- ((null sym) (ret "NIL"))
- ((stringp sym) (ret sym))
- ;; ((consp sym) (ret (nstring (car sym))))
- ((symbolp sym) (ret (symbol-name sym)))
- ((packagep sym) (ret (package-name sym)))
- ((packagep sym) (ret (nstring (find-symbol (package-name sym) :KEYWORD))))
- (t (ret (write-to-string sym)))))
- (define describe-symbol (sym &optional (packageIn *PACKAGE*))
- ;;(ret (write-to-string sym))
- (pwhen (consp sym) (ret (cons (describe-symbol (car sym) packageIn)(describe-symbol (cdr sym) packageIn))))
- ;; (pwhen (stringp sym) (csetq sym (car (find-all-symbols sym :use (append (list package *package* )(LIST-ALL-PACKAGES))))))
- (clet ((package (coerce-package packageIn *PACKAGE*))(packname (nstring package)))
- (pcond
- ((null sym) (ret "SL::NIL"))
- ((cnot (symbolp sym))(ret (write-to-string sym)))
- (t
- (clet ((name (string sym))(sympack (symbol-package sym)))
- (pwhen (null sympack) (ret (format nil "~a!#:~a" packname name)))
- ;; (format t "looking up ~a::~a" (nstring sympack) name )
- ;;(ret (format nil "~a::~a" (nstring sympack) name ))
- (cmultiple-value-bind (suggest pstatus) (find-symbol name (coerce-package packname))
- (pcase pstatus
- (NIL (ret (format nil "~a~~!~a" packname (describe-symbol sym sympack))))
- (:inherited (ret (format nil "~a~~~a" packname (describe-symbol suggest (symbol-package suggest)))))
- (:internal (csetq name (format nil "::~a" name)))
- (:external (csetq name (format nil ":~a" name))))
- (csetq name (fif (cnot (eq sympack packageIn))
- (format nil "~a@~a" (nstring sympack) name)
- (format nil "~a~a" (nstring sympack) name)))
- (pwhen (fboundp sym)
- (csetq name (format nil "#'~a ~a \"~a\")" name (FUNCTION-SYMBOL-ARGLIST sym) (symbol-function sym))))
- (pwhen (MACRO-OPERATOR-P sym)
- (csetq name (format nil "(macrocall ~a ~a)" name )))
- (pwhen (FUNCTION-SYMBOL-P sym)
- (csetq name (format nil "(funcall ~a ~a)" name )))
- (pwhen (boundp sym)
- (fif (keywordp sym)
- (csetq name (format nil "<~a>" name))
- (csetq name (format nil "[~a]" name)))))
- (ret name))))))
- (describe-symbol 'CONS)
- (define better-symbol (suggest current) (ret (> (symbol-priority suggest)(symbol-priority current))))
- (define symbol-priority (sym &optional (start 1))
- (pwhen (cor (null sym)(keywordp sym)) (ret 0))
- (pwhen (fboundp sym) (cinc start 5))
- (pwhen (boundp sym) (cinc start 3))
- (pwhen (member-if #'(lambda (a) (ret (search a (symbol-name sym)))) '("&" "#" "@" "%" "*" "_"))(cinc start 1))
- (ret start))
- (define share-symbols (&optional (from (remove *KEYWORD-PACKAGE* (LIST-ALL-PACKAGES))) (to *PACKAGE*)(count 0))
- (punless from (csetq from (remove *KEYWORD-PACKAGE* (LIST-ALL-PACKAGES))))
- (punless (consp from) (csetq from (list from)))
- (punless to (csetq to *PACKAGE*))
- (punless (consp to) (csetq from (remove to from)) (csetq to (list to)))
- (cdo-all-symbols (s)
- (clet ((f (symbol-package s)))
- (pwhen (member f from))
- (clet ((w (symbol-priority s)))
- (pwhen (> w 1)
- (cdolist (p to)
- (pwhen (> w (symbol-priority (find-symbol (symbol-name s) p)))
- ;;(FORCE-FORMAT t ";; importing ~a::~a <- ~a ~&" p s f)
- (cinc count)(import s p)(import s p)))))))
- (FORCE-FORMAT t ";; shared ~a symbols" count))
- (define RESHARE-SYMBOLS ()
- (clet ((usefull-packages (remove *KEYWORD-PACKAGE* (LIST-ALL-PACKAGES))))
- (share-symbols usefull-packages (remove *COMMON-LISP-PACKAGE* usefull-packages)))
- (cdo-symbols (sym *SYSTEM-PACKAGE*) (export sym *SYSTEM-PACKAGE*)))
- (define best-symbol (current &optional packsearch)
- (fif current
- (fif (consp current)
- (cons (best-symbol (car current) packsearch)(best-symbol (cdr current) packsearch))
- (fif (symbolp current)
- (clet ((initial current)(best current))
- (cdolist (pack (consify (fif packsearch packsearch (list-all-packages))))
- (csetq best (better-symbol best (find-symbol (string (nstring current)) pack))))
- (ret (values best current)))))))
- ;; (use-symbol 'SYS::STREAM-OPEN-P :CYC #'better-symbol :external)
- (define use-symbol (symbols &optional (target *package*) (keep #'better-symbol) (inheriting :external))
- (csetq target (coerce-package target))
- (fif (consp symbols) (ret (sl::mapcar #'(lambda (x) (ret (use-symbol x target keep inheriting))) symbols)))
- (punless (cand symbols (symbolp symbols)) symbols)
- (clet ((from *package*)(name (symbol-name symbols))(package (symbol-package symbols)))
- (cmultiple-value-bind (suggest pstatus) (find-symbol name package)
- (pwhen (cnot (eq symbols suggest)) (force-format t "; Rotten symbol ~a instead of ~a~%" (describe-symbol suggest package)
- (describe-symbol symbols package)))
- (cmultiple-value-bind (visible tstatus) (find-symbol name target)
- (pwhen
- ((null visible) (shadowing-import symbols target)))
- #|
- ((eq suggest visible) (ret (values visible tstatus))) ;; (force-format t ";; ~a ~a~%" tstatus (describe-symbol suggest target))
- ((cand (functionp keep)(eq visible (funcall keep suggest visible)))
- (force-format t "; Keeping ~a instead of ~a mode = ~a~%" (describe-symbol visible target) (describe-symbol suggest target) pstatus)
- (ret (values visible tstatus)))
- ((null suggest) (ret (values NIL NIL))) ;; (force-format t ";; ~a ~a~%" tstatus (describe-symbol suggest target))
- (t
- (force-format t "; Using ~a instead of ~a mode = ~a~%" (describe-symbol suggest target) (describe-symbol visible target) tstatus)
- (shadowing-import package visible)
- (pwhen (equal tstatus :inherited) (import visible target))
- (csetq pstatus tstatus)
- (trace-warn (unintern visible target)))))
- (pcase pstatus
- (:internal ;;(force-format t ";; Interning ~a~%" (describe-symbol suggest target))
- (sl::import suggest target)(sl::intern suggest target))
- (:external ;;(force-format t ";; Exporting ~a~%" (describe-symbol suggest target))
- (sl::import suggest target)(sl::intern suggest target)(sl::export suggest target))
- (:inherited ;;(force-format t ";; Inheriting ~a~%" (describe-symbol suggest target))
- (sl::import suggest target)(sl::export suggest target)))
- |#
- (ret (values suggest pstatus))))))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (define USE-PACKAGE (package &optional (target *package*) (keep #'better-symbol)(inheriting :external)done)
- (csetq target (coerce-package target))
- (cdolist (pack (consify package))
- (csetq pack (coerce-package pack))
- (cdo-external-symbols (sym pack)
- (format t "; POSSIBLY USING ~a ~%" sym)
- (csetq done (cons (use-symbol sym target keep inheriting) done))))
- (ret done))
- (define UNUSE-PACKAGE (package &optional (target *package*) (keep #'better-symbol)(inheriting :external)done)
- (csetq target (coerce-package target))
- (cdolist (pack (consify package))
- (csetq pack (coerce-package pack))
- (cdo-external-symbols (sym pack)
- (clet ((status (cmultiple-value-list (find-symbol (symbol-name sym) target))))
- (pwhen (eq (symbol-package (car status)) package)
- (pwhen (eq :INHERITED (second status))
- (unimport sym target)
- (unintern (make-shadow (symbol-name sym) target))))))))
- (define import-in-all (symbols &optional importpacks)
- (cdolist (into (consify (fif importpacks importpacks (list-all-packages))))
- (import symbols into)))
- ;;; shadowing-import -- Public
- ;;;
- ;;; If a conflicting symbol is present, unintern it, otherwise just
- ;;; stick the symbol in.
- (define make-shadow (symbol &optional (package *package*) (internals *sticky-symbols*) imports)
- (csetq package (coerce-package package *PACKAGE*))
- (pcond
- ((null symbol) (ret nil))
- ((consp symbol)(ret (cons (make-shadow (car symbol) package internals imports)(make-shadow (cdr symbol) package internals imports))))
- ((symbolp symbol)(ret (make-shadow (symbol-name symbol) package internals imports)))
- ((stringp symbol)
- (clet ((pstatus ())(found (string-member symbol internals)))
- ;;(pwhen found (throw (car found)))
- (cmultiple-value-bind
- (found pstatus) (find-symbol symbol package)
- (pwhen (null pstatus)
- ;; (csetq symbol (make-symbol symbol))
- (csetq symbol (intern symbol package))
- (export symbol package)
- (ret symbol))
- (clet ((fpack (symbol-package found)))
- (punless (eq fpack package)
- (pcase pstatus
- (:inherited
- (csetq symbol (make-symbol (string symbol)))
- (import symbol package)
- (import symbol package)
- (export symbol package)
- (ret symbol))
- (:external
- (csetq symbol (make-symbol (string symbol)))
- (unexport found package)
- (import symbol package)
- (import symbol package)
- (export symbol package)
- (ret symbol))
- (:internal
- (csetq symbol (make-symbol (string symbol)))
- (import symbol package)
- (import symbol package)
- (ret symbol))
- ))
- ;; (print `(found ,pstatus ,fpack ,found))
- )
- (ret found))))
- (t (ret symbol))))
- ;; (translate-varblock 'A '(B) '(progn B))
- (define translate-varblock (name patternIn bodyIn)
- (clet ((pattern patternIn)(nargs ())(body bodyIn))
- (punless (consp body)
- (pwhen body (print body)
- (break "translate-varblock bodyIn was not list")))
- (csetq body (translate-block bodyIn 'form name))
- (cdo ((op (car pattern)(car pattern))(pattern (cdr pattern)(cdr pattern)))
- ((null op))
- (force-print op)
- (pcond
- ((consp op)
- (csetq nargs (append nargs `(,(car op))))
- (csetq body (cons (cons 'trace-initvar op) body)))
- ((string-member op '(&key &aux))
- (csetq nargs (append nargs `(&rest lkeys)))
- (csetq body `((KeyLET ,pattern ,@body)))
- (csetq pattern ()))
- (t (csetq nargs (append nargs (list op))))))
- (break)
- (force-print body)
- (punless (consp body) (pwhen body (print body) (break "translate-varblock bodyIn was not list")))
- (ret
- (clet ((trace `(list ',name ,@(mapcar #'var-traceable nargs))))
- (force-print trace)
- `( (,@nargs)
- (clet ((*funcall-form* ,trace) (*trace-stack* (cons *funcall-form* *trace-stack*)))
- (ret (trace-progn (trace-format :funcall "lexical:: ~s" *funcall-form*) ,@body))))))))
- (sl::defmacro shadow-defun (package name &rest args-body)
- ;; (force-print (list 'shadow-defun (describe-symbol name) package))
- (clet ((cl (make-shadow name package)))
- (ret `(define ,cl ,@(translate-varblock cl (car args-body) (cdr args-body))))))
- (sl::defmacro shadow-macro (package name &rest args-body)
- ;;(pwhen (consp name)(null name)(csetq package *PACKAGE* name package args-body (cons name args-body)))
- (force-print (list 'shadow-macro (describe-symbol name) package))
- (clet ((cl (make-shadow name package)))
- (ret `(sl::defmacro ,cl ,@(translate-varblock cl (car args-body)(cdr args-body))))))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; TRANSLATION for CL to SUBL - Some of the features of the system must be accessable from everywhere
- ;; Like the
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (defvar *caller-pattern-table* (SL::make-hash-table 23 #'equal) "Stores patterns for function destructuring.")
- (define lookup-caller-pattern (name) (ret (gethash name *caller-pattern-table*)))
- ;;(translate-block bodyIn 'form name)))
- (define string-member (item list)
- (ret (member-if #'(lambda (ele) (ret (STRING-EQUAL (nstring ele) (nstring item)))) list)))
- (define FIND-ALL-SYMBOLS (name &rest lkeys)
- (KEYLET ((use (LIST-ALL-PACKAGES)) results (test #'true)(test-not #'null))
- (cdolist (pack use)
- (clet ((sym (find-symbol (string name) pack)))
- (pwhen sym (pwhen (funcall test sym) (csetq results (cons sym results))))))
- (ret results)))
- (define translate-function-expression (form)
- (clet ((vals (cmultiple-value-list (function-lambda-expression form))))
- (punless (car vals) (rplaca vals (third vals)))
- (ret (values vals))))
- (define translate-block (form &optional (transkey 'form) name (environment nil) funcall)
- (ret
- (cond
- ((SELF-EVALUATING-FORM-P form) form)
- ((functionp form) (ret (list 'function (translate-block (translate-function-expression form) transkey name environment funcall))))
- ((cor (keywordp form)(numberp form)(stringp form)) form)
- ;; ((member form *incompatable*)(ret (describe-symbol "SYS::" form)))
- ((cor (null form)(equal (type-of form) 'filecomment)(atom form)(stringp form)(numberp form)) (ret form))
- (t
- (trace-progn
- (clet ((op (car form))(cdrform (cdr form))(new-transkey (lookup-caller-pattern op)))
- (pwhen (symbolp op)
- (cond
- ;;((string-member op '(sl::progn)) (ret `(trace-progn ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (item) (ret (translate-block item 'form name ))) cdrform))))
- ((string-member op '("defun" define))
- (ret (cons op (cons (translate-block (car cdrform))
- (translate-varblock (translate-block (car cdrform)) (car (cdr cdrform)) (cdr (cdr cdrform)))))))
- ;;(translate-varblock (translate-block (car cdrform)) (car (cdr cdrform)) `((ret (sl::progn ,@(cdr (cdr cdrform))))))))))
- ((string-member op '(lambda)) ;; name transkey body
- (ret (cons op (translate-varblock (gensym) (car cdrform)(cdr cdrform)))))))
- (ret (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (ret (translate-block x 'form name))) form))))))))
- (define describe-package (&optional (package *PACKAGE*))
- (csetq package (coerce-package package))
- (clet ((reference (intern (package-name package)))
- (inherited (intern "inherited" package))
- (internal (intern "internal" package))
- (external (intern "external" package)))
- (csetf (symbol-value external) ())
- (csetf (symbol-value internal) ())
- (csetf (symbol-value inherited) ())
- (CDO-ALL-SYMBOLS (sym package)
- (clet ((name (symbol-name sym)))
- (cmultiple-value-bind (suggest cstatus) (find-symbol name package)
- (pwhen suggest
- (csetq suggest (list name (package-name (symbol-package suggest))))
- (pcase cstatus
- (:internal (cpush suggest (symbol-value internal) #'equal))
- (:inherited (cpush suggest (symbol-value inherited) #'equal))
- (:external (cpush suggest (symbol-value external) #'equal))
- (otherwise))))))
- (ret (csetf (symbol-value reference)
- (print `(:type ,(type-of package)
- :name ,(package-name package)
- :nicknames ,(package-nicknames package)
- :package-use-list ,(package-use-list package)
- :package-used-by-list ,(package-used-by-list package)
- :package-shadowing-symbols ,(package-shadowing-symbols package)
- (:internal ,(length (symbol-value internal)))
- (:external ,(length (symbol-value external)))
- (:inherited ,(length (symbol-value inherited)))))))))
- ;;(describe-package :SYS)
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; Define shadow functions and macros
- ;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; (lock-package :SYSTEM)
- ;;; Shadow -- Public
- ;;;
- ;;;
- (define shadow (suggest &optional (package *package*))
- "Make an internal symbol in Package with the same name as each of the
- specified symbols, adding the new symbols to the Package-Shadowing-Symbols.
- If a symbol with the given name is already present in Package, then
- the existing symbol is placed in the shadowing symbols list if it is
- not already present."
- (clet ((name (symbol-name suggest))(package (coerce-package package)))
- (cmultiple-value-bind (s w) (find-symbol name package)
- (pwhen (cor (cnot w) (eq w :inherited))
- (csetq s (make-symbol name))
- (intern s package))
- (shadowing-import package s)))
- (ret t))
- ;;; shadowing-import -- Public
- ;;;
- ;;; If a conflicting symbol is present, unintern it, otherwise just
- ;;; stick the symbol in.
- ;;;
- (define shadowing-import (sym &optional (package *package*))
- "Import Symbols into package, disregarding any name conflict. If
- a symbol of the same name is present, then it is uninterned.
- The symbols are added to the Package-Shadowing-Symbols."
- (clet ((package (coerce-package package)))
- (cmultiple-value-bind (s w) (find-symbol (symbol-name sym) package)
- (punless (cand w (cnot (eq w :inherited)) (eq s sym))
- (pwhen (cor (eq w :internal) (eq w :external))
- ;;
- ;; If it was shadowed, we don't want Unintern to flame out...
- ;;(csetq *all-shadowing-symbols* (remove (cons package s)))
- (unintern s package))
- (intern sys package))
- (shadowing-import package sym)))
- (ret t))
- ;;(punless (fboundp 'defmethod) (defmacro #>SYS::defmethod (name pattern &rest body)(ret `(defun ',name ',pattern ,@body))))
- #|
- *INVALID-LAMBDA-LIST-MESSAGE* value: Lambda list ~S of method ~S of interface ~S is not a valid lambda list.
- API-APPLY-LAMBDA [function] (REQ-0 REQ-1)
- (API-APPLY-LAMBDA '(&rest r) '(1 2 3))
- CYC-LAMBDA [function] (&OPTIONAL OPT-0 OPT-1 OPT-2 OPT-3 OPT-4 OPT-5)
- EVAL-IN-API-USER-LAMBDA-FN? [function] (REQ-0)
- function-expression [function] (REQ-0)
- LAMBDA-EXPRESSION? [function] (REQ-0)
- LAMBDA-FUNCTION-P [function] (REQ-0)
- LAMBDA-LIST unbound
- LAMBDA-SUBEVENT? [function] (REQ-0)
- LAMBDA-SYNTAX-P [function] (REQ-0)
- METHOD-LAMBDA-LIST [function] (REQ-0)
- REMOVAL-LAMBDA [function] (REQ-0)
- (csetq packname (package-name (csetq package (coerce-package *PACKAGE*))))
- |#
- ;;based on (sethash key table value)
- (defmacro catch (tag &rest body)
- (ret `(apply #'values
- (clet ((*thrown* :unthrown)
- (*result* :unevaled))
- (ccatch ,tag *thrown* (csetq *result* (multiple-value-list (trace-progn ,@body))))
- (fif (equal *result* :unevaled) (list *thrown*) *result*)))))
- (define map-sequences (function sequences)
- (ret (fif
- (member () sequences) ()
- (cons (apply function (mapcar #'car sequences))
- (map-sequences function (mapcar #'cdr sequences))))))
- (define map (result-type function &rest sequences)
- (ret (fif result-type (coerce (map-sequences function sequences) result-type)
- (sl::progn (map-sequences function sequences) nil))))
- (define concatenate (cltype &rest pattern) (ret `(coerce (cconcatenate ,@pattern) ,cltype)))
- (define string-concat (&rest list) (ret (apply #'cconcatenate (cons "" (flat-string (flatten list))))))
- (define concat (&rest list)(ret (apply #'cconcatenate (cons "" (mapcar (lambda (x)(ret (fif (stringp x) x (coerce x 'string) ))) list)))))
- (define string-concat (&rest list)(ret (apply #'cconcatenate (cons "" (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (ret (fif (stringp x) x (coerce x 'string) ))) list)))))
- (defmacro string-concat (&rest list) (ret `(cconcatenate ,@list)))
- (define string-concat (&rest list)(ret (apply #'cconcatenate (cons "" (mapcar #'(lambda (x)(ret (fif (stringp x) x (coerce x 'string) ))) list)))))
- (define same-classes (current target) (ret (equal current target)))
- (defvar *coerce-methods* (sl::make-hash-table 32))
- (define coerce (value result-type &optional (subclassfn #'same-classes))
- (clet ((vtype (type-of value))
- (len value)
- (cltype result-type)
- (howto (gethash result-type *coerce-methods*)))
- (pwhen (equal result-type vtype) (ret value))
- (pwhen howto
- (sl::progn
- (csetq howto (pcond ((assoc vtype howto subclassfn))((assoc 't howto))))
- (pwhen howto
- (ret (sl::eval
- `(clet ((value ',value)(result-type ',result-type)(vtype ',vtype))
- ,(cdr howto)))))))
- (funless (cand (consp cltype)
- (csetq len (second cltype))
- (csetq cltype (car cltype)))
- (fif
- (consp value)
- (csetq len (length value))))
- (pcase cltype ('t (ret value))
- ('sequence
- (fif
- (sequencep value)
- (ret (copy-seq value))
- (csetq value (write-to-string value)))
- (csetq cltype (make-vector len))
- (cdo ((idx 0 (+ 1 idx)))
- ((= idx len)
- (ret cltype ))
- (set-aref cltype idx (elt value idx))))
- ('character
- (pcond
- ((characterp value)
- (ret value))
- ((numberp value)
- (ret (code-char value)))
- ((stringp value)
- (ret (char value 0)))
- (t (ret (char (coerce value 'string ) 0)))))
- ('number
- (pcond
- ((numberp value)
- (ret value))
- ((characterp value)
- (ret (char-code value)))
- ((stringp value)
- (ret (string-to-number value)))
- (t (ret (string-to-number (write-to-string value))))))
- ('integer (ret (round (coerce value 'number))))
- ('fixnum (ret (round (coerce value 'number))))
- ('float (ret (float (coerce value 'number))))
- ('real (ret (float (coerce value 'number))))
- ('flonum (ret (float (coerce value 'number))))
- ('string
- (pcond
- ((stringp value)
- (ret value))
- ((characterp value)
- (ret (make-string 1 value)))
- ((sequencep value)
- (csetq cltype (make-string len))
- (cdo ((idx 0 (+ 1 idx)))
- ((= idx len)
- (ret cltype ))
- (set-aref cltype idx (coerce (elt value idx) 'character))))
- (t (ret (write-to-string value)))))
- ('list
- (pcond
- ((listp value)
- (ret list))
- ((sequencep value)
- (csetq cltype nil)
- (cdo ((idx len (- idx 1)))
- ((= idx 0)
- (ret cltype ))
- (csetq cltype (cons (elt value idx) cltype))))
- (t (csetq cltype nil)
- (csetq value (write-to-string value))
- (cdo ((idx len (- idx 1)))
- ((= idx 0)
- (ret cltype ))
- (csetq cltype (cons (elt value idx) cltype))))))
- ('cons
- (pcond
- ((listp value)
- (ret list))
- ((sequencep value)
- (csetq cltype nil)
- (cdo ((idx len (- idx 1)))
- ((= idx 0)
- (ret cltype ))
- (csetq cltype (cons (elt value idx) cltype))))
- (t (csetq cltype nil)
- (csetq value (write-to-string value))
- (cdo ((idx len (- idx 1)))
- ((= idx 0)
- (ret cltype ))
- (csetq cltype (cons (elt value idx) cltype))))))
- ('keypair
- (pcond
- ((atom value)
- (ret list value))
- (t (ret (coerce value 'cons)))))
- ('alist (csetq cltype (csetq cltype nil))
- (fif
- (sequencep value) t (csetq value (coerce value 'sequence)))
- (cdo ((idx 0 (+ 1 idx)))
- ((= idx len)
- (ret cltype))
- (csetq result-type (coerce (elt value idx) 'cons))
- (csetq cltype (acons (car result-type)
- (cdr result-type) cltype)))
- (ret cltype))
- ('hash-table
- (fif
- (hash-table-p value)
- (ret value))
- (csetq cltype (sl::make-hash-table len))
- (fif
- (sequencep value) t (csetq value (coerce value 'sequence)))
- (cdo ((idx 0 (+ 1 idx)))
- ((= idx len)
- (ret cltype))
- (print (list 'coerce value result-type cltype len (elt value idx)))
- (csetq result-type (coerce (elt value idx) 'keypair))
- (sethash (car result-type) cltype (cdr result-type))))
- (otherwise (ret value)))
- (throw :coerce (list value result-type)))
- (ret value))
- (defmacro defcoerce (to from &rest body)
- "the body assumes bindings will be present for value vtype result-type and howto. (car howto) will yeild the original from durring defcoerce
- example:: (defcoerce string t (string value))
- (car howto) = > t
- so that the (coerce #\a 'string ) procedure can know that vtype when character was found as a subclass of t"
- (ret `(sethash ',to *coerce-methods* (acons ',from '(sl::progn ,@body) (gethash ',to *coerce-methods*)))))
- (print '(load "common.lisp")) (terpri)
- (punless (sl::member :CYC-COMMON-LISP sl::*features*)
- (force-print '(LOAD "common-lisp.lisp"))
- (fif (cand nil (sl::yes-or-no-p) )
- (progn
- (cpushnew :CYC-COMMON-LISP sl::*features*))
- (defcoerce chew t (cconcatenate (string value) "-chew"))
- (print (coerce "stringy" 'chew))
- ;; (in-package "SYSTEM"))
- )
- (progn
- (CDO-SYMBOLS (sym *CYC-PACKAGE*) (export sym *CYC-PACKAGE*))
- (defcoerce chew t (cconcatenate (string value) "-chew"))
- (print (coerce "stringy" 'chew)))))
- ;; (in-package "INT"))))
- ;;(in-package "LISP")
- ;;(import-in-all (best-symbol '(make-shadow defun shadow-defun shadow-macro defun shadow-operator)))
- ;;(defun #>SYS::string-downcase (str) (sl::string-downcase (string str)))
- ;;(make-shadow 'define :SYS)
- (sl::defmacro #>SYS::cl-define (suggest pattern &rest body)
- (ret `(trace-progn (sl::define ,suggest ,@(translate-varblock suggest pattern body)))))
- (sl::defmacro defun (suggest pattern &rest body)
- (ret `(trace-progn (sl::define ,suggest ,@(translate-varblock suggest pattern body)))))
- ;;(make-shadow 'lambda :SYS)
- ;;(sl::defmacro cl::lambda (pattern &rest body) (ret `(sl::lambda ,pattern (ret (trace-progn ,@body)))))
- ;;(make-shadow #>SYS::defstruct :SYS)
- (sl::define #>SYS::defstruct (name &rest rest)
- (clet ((slots (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
- (ret (fif (atom x) x (car x)))) rest)))
- `(sl::defstruct (,name) ,@slots)))
- ;;(SYS::defstruct filecomment start end src block-p)
- ;;;(in-package "CL")
- (defvar *incompatable* '(create-instance isa all-instances comment arity load-kb
- cdefmacro SYS::flatten assoc-equal ordered-set-difference ordered-intersection quotify permute trim-whitespace first-char
- last-char ends-with starts-with string-to-number read make-string cdefmacro string-downcase make-hash-table
- loop intersection defstruct equal member remove remove-duplicates delete-duplicates subsetp))
- (define SYS::make-package (name &rest lkeys)
- (KeyLET ((use *default-package-use*) nicknames)
- (force-print `(SYS::make-package ,name ,use ,nicknames))
- (ret (cyc::eval (force-print
- `(sl::make-package ,name
- ',(reverse (mapcar #'package-name (mapcar #'coerce-package use)))
- ',(mapcar #'SYS::make-keyword nicknames)))))))
- #|
- #> CL 'EWRT
- ;;(in-package (package-name savepack))
- (find-symbol "READ" :SYS)
- (csetq sym (make-symbol "PCOND"))
- (import sym :SYS)
- (intern "PCOND" :SYS)
- (find-symbol "PCOND" :SYS)
- (intern (make-symbol "ACONS") :SYS)
- (find-symbol "ACONS" :SYS)
- (shadow-macro CL read (&rest body) (ret (cons 'SL::read body)))
- (print '(shadow-macro CL sl::eval (&rest body) (ret (cons 'SL::eval body))))
- (define SYS::read (&rest body)
- (terpri)
- (ret (cons 'sl::read body)))
- |#
- (sl::defmacro shadow-operator (package name &optional (other name) (callpattern '(body) ) (varpattern `(&rest ,@callpattern)))
- (clet ((cl (make-shadow name package)))
- (print cl)
- (ret (print `(sl::defmacro ,cl ,varpattern (ret (cons ',other ,@callpattern)))))))
- (shadow-operator :CL push cpush)
- (shadow-operator :SYS svref aref)
- (shadow-operator :SYS vset set-aref)
- (shadow-operator :SYS incf cinc)
- (shadow-operator :SYS decf cdec)
- (shadow-operator :SYS not cnot)
- (shadow-operator :CYC push cpush)
- (shadow-operator :CYC svref aref)
- (shadow-operator :CYC vset set-aref)
- (shadow-operator :CYC incf cinc)
- (shadow-operator :CYC decf cdec)
- (shadow-operator :CYC not cnot)
- ;;(shadow-operator :SYS progn trace-progn)
- ;;(shadow-operator :SYS char-int char-code)
- ;;(shadow-macro SYS::apply (fn &rest body) (ret `(apply ,fn ,@body)))
- ;;(export '(SYS::load like-funcall 'eval ))
- #|
- '(defun #>SYS::eval (code)
- (force-print `(sl::eval ,code))
- (ret (SL::eval `(trace-progn ,code))))
- ;;(defmacro #>SYS::handler-case (form &rest cases) (print (list 'handler-case form cases)) (ret `,form))
- (csetq *load-verbose* t)
- (csetq *load-print* t)
- (defun #>SYS::load (filespec &rest lkeys)
- (KeyLet (verbose print if-does-not-exist external-format)
- (SL::clet ((*standard-input* (SL::OPEN-TEXT filespec :input)))
- (cdo () ()
- (clet ((expr (SL::read *standard-input* nil :EOF)))
- (pwhen (equal expr :EOF)
- (SL::close *standard-input*)
- (ret T))
- (SYS::eval expr))))))
- |#
- ;;(defmacro #>SYS::defstub (feat symb &optional default) `(define ,symb (&rest body) (format t "~s~%" (cons ',feat (cons ',symb body))) ,default))
- #|
- '(defmacro #>SYS::go (label)
- (clet ((name (label-to-functionname label)))
- `(throw ,name #',name)))
- '(defmacro #>SYS::tagbody (&body body)
- "The emulation of tagbody/go by catch/throw is considerably less obvious than the emulation of block/return-from.
- This is because tagbody defines a number of different labels rather than a single block name, and because the parsing of the
- tagbody body is considerably more complicated. The various segments of the tagbody are emulated by a labels nest of mutually
- recursive functions, which are forced to all execute at the correct dynamic depth by means of a
- 'trampoline. If the implementation implements the 'tail recursion' optimization for functions
- which have no arguments and return no values, and if the simpler cases of go's are optimized away, then this emulation can be quite efficient."
- (clet ((init-tag (gensym)) (go-tag (gensym)) (return-tag (gensym))
- (functions
- (mapcon
- #'(lambda (seq &aux (label (car seq) (s (cdr seq)))
- (when (atom label)
- (let ((p (position-if #'atom s)))
- `((,(label-to-functionname label) ()
- ,@(subseq s 0 (or p (length s)))
- ,(if p `(,(label-to-functionname (elt s p)))
- `(throw ,return-tag 'nil)))))))
- `(,init-tag ,@body))))
- `(let* ((,go-tag (list nil)) (,return-tag (list nil))
- ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (f) `(,(car f) ,go-tag)) functions))
- (catch ,return-tag
- (labels ,functions
- (let ((nxt-label #',(caar functions)))
- (loop (csetq nxt-label (catch ,go-tag (funcall nxt-label)))))))))))
- (defmacro #>SYS::labels (fns &body forms)
- "CIRCULAR ENVIRONMENTS OF 'LABELS EMULATED BY 'FLET AND 'SETQ: It is generally believed that the circular environments of labels cannot be
- obtained by means of flet. This is incorrect, as the following emulation (reminiscent of Scheme) shows.
- With a more sophisticated macro-expansion, this emulation can be optimized into production-quality code."
- (let* ((fnames (mapcar #'car fns))
- (nfnames (mapcar #'(lambda (ignore) (gensym)) fnames))
- (nfbodies (mapcar #'(lambda (f) `#'(lambda ,@(cdr f))) fns)))
- `(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (nf) `(,nf #'(lambda () ()))) nfnames)
- (flet ,(mapcar #'(lambda (f nf) `(,f (&rest a) (apply ,nf a)))
- fnames nfnames)
- (flet ,fns
- (sl::progn ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (f nf) `(csetq ,nf #',f))
- fnames nfnames))
- ,@forms)))))
- |#
- ;;(defmacro #>SYS::loop (&rest body) (ret `(loop ,@body)))
- #|
- ;;;; CLtL2 and ANSI CL Compatibility
- (defmacro #>SYS::loop (&rest exps)
- ;;"supports both ansi and simple loop. warning:: not every loop keyword is supported."
- (format t "~%~s~%" `(SL::loop ,@exps))(force-output)
- (punless (member-if #'symbolp exps) (ret `(loop ,@exps)))
- (pcase (car exps)
- ((until while) (ret exps))
- (for ;;(SYS::loop-for (cdr exps)))
- (break "SYS::loop-for"))
- (repeat (break "SYS::loop-repeat"))
- (otherwise (ret `(SL::loop ,@exps))))
- '(defmacro #>SYS::loop-for (var from-in start/list &rest exps)
- (pcase
- from-in
- (from (SYS::loop-for-from var start/list))))
- ;; some tests
- '(print (translate-block '
- (defun #>SYS::member (item list &key (test #'eql)(key #'identity) test-not)
- (pwhen test-not (setq test #'(lambda (x y)(ret (cnot (funcall test-not x y))))))
- (member item list test key))))
- |#
- (sl::defmacro defun (name pattern &rest body)
- ;;(force-print (list 'defun (describe-symbol name) pattern body))
- (ret `(trace-progn (sl::define ,name ,pattern (ret (trace-progn ,@body))))))
- (sl::defmacro #>CL::defmacro (name pattern &rest body)
- ;;(force-print (list 'defun (describe-symbol name) pattern body))
- (ret `(trace-progn (sl::defmacro ,name ,pattern (ret (trace-progn ,@body))))))
- (macroexpand-1 '(defun #>SYS::make-string (size &rest lkeys)
- (clet (element-type initial-element initial-contents)
- (init-keyval initial-element #\space)
- (ret (SL::make-string size initial-element)))))
- (defun #>SYS::make-string (size &rest lkeys)
- (clet (element-type initial-element initial-contents)
- (init-keyval initial-element #\space)
- (ret (SL::make-string size initial-element))))
- (defun #>SYS::make-hash-table (&rest lkeys)
- (clet (test size rehash-size rehash-threshold)
- (init-keyval size 64)(init-keyval test #'eql)
- (ret (SL::make-hash-table size test))))
- ;; barely started coding
- (defun #>SYS::make-array (dimensions &rest lkeys)
- (clet (element-type initial-element initial-contents adjustable fill-pointer displaced-to displaced-index-offset)
- (init-keyval initial-element)
- (ret (SL::make-vector dimensions initial-element))))
- ;; barely started coding
- (defun #>SYS::array-dimensions (array subdim)
- (ret (pcase
- subdim
- (0 (length array)
- (t (length (nth subdim array)))))))
- ;;(SYS::defun force-print (stuff) (print stuff) (force-output) stuff)
- (force-print "this is not really cl!")
- ;;(macroexpand '(defun force-print (stuff) (print stuff) (force-output)stuff))
- ;;(macroexpand '(trace-progn 'MYPRINT (STUFF) (PRINT STUFF) (FORCE-OUTPUT) STUFF))
- ;;(macroexpand '(trace-progn (PRINT STUFF) (FORCE-OUTPUT) STUFF))
- (define structure-slot (object slot)
- (ret (pcond
- ((structurep object) (sl::_structure-slot object slot)))))
- (define set-structure-slot (object slot value)
- (ret (pcond
- ((structurep object) (sl::_set-structure-slot object slot value)))))
- #|
- (sl::progn
- (defconstant *dtp-delay* 'delay)
- (defun #>SYS::delay-p (SL::object)
- (ret (cand (SL::_structures-bag-p SL::object)
- (eq (SL::_structure-slot SL::object 1) *dtp-delay*))))
- (defun #>SYS::delay-value (SL::object)
- (check-type SL::object delay-p)
- (ret (SL::_structure-slot SL::object 2)))
- (defun #>SYS::delay-function (SL::object)
- (check-type SL::object delay-p)
- (ret (SL::_structure-slot SL::object 3)))
- (defun #>SYS::_csetf-delay-value (SL::object SL::value)
- (check-type SL::object delay-p)
- (ret (SL::_set-structure-slot SL::object 2 SL::value)))
- (defun #>SYS::_csetf-delay-function (SL::object SL::value)
- (check-type SL::object delay-p)
- (ret (SL::_set-structure-slot SL::object 3 SL::value)))
- (SL::_def-csetf 'delay-value '_csetf-delay-value)
- (SL::_def-csetf 'delay-function '_csetf-delay-function)
- (defun #>SYS::make-delay (&optional SL::arglist)
- (clet ((SL::new (SL::_new-structure *dtp-structures-bag* 2)))
- (SL::_clear-sub-structure SL::new 2 *dtp-delay*)
- (clet ((#::next SL::arglist))
- (loop
- (fif
- #::next
- (clet ((#::current-arg (car #::next))
- (#::current-value (cadr #::next)))
- (pcase #::current-arg
- (:value (_csetf-delay-value SL::new #::current-value))
- (:function (_csetf-delay-function SL::new #::current-value))
- (otherwise (error (format nil "invalid slot ~s for construction function" #::current-arg))))
- (csetq #::next (cddr #::next)))
- (ret SL::new))))
- (ret SL::new)))
- (identity 'delay))
- |#
- #|
- Function MAP-INTO (still writing also require the array stuff way below)
- Syntax::
- map-into result-sequence function &rest sequences => result-sequence
- Arguments and Values::
- result-sequence--a proper sequence.
- function--a designator for a function of as many arguments as there are sequences.
- sequence--a proper sequence.
- Description::
- Destructively modifies result-sequence to contain the results of applying function to each element in the argument sequences in turn.
- Examples::
- (setq a (list 1 2 3 4) b (list 10 10 10 10)) => (10 10 10 10)
- (map-into a #'+ a b) => (11 12 13 14)
- a => (11 12 13 14)
- b => (10 10 10 10)
- (setq k '(one two three)) => (ONE TWO THREE)
- (map-into a #'cons k a) => ((ONE . 11) (TWO . 12) (THREE . 13) 14)
- (map-into a #'gensym) => (#::G9090 #::G9091 #::G9092 #::G9093)
- a => (#::G9090 #::G9091 #::G9092 #::G9093)
- (defun #>SYS::map-into (result-sequence function &rest sequences)
- "Destructively set elements of RESULT-SEQUENCE to the results
- of applying FUNCTION to respective elements of SEQUENCES."
- (clet ((arglist (make-list (length sequences)))
- (n (fif (listp result-sequence)
- most-positive-fixnum
- (array-dimension result-sequence 0))))
- ;; arglist is made into a list of pattern for each call
- ;; n is the length of the longest vector
- (pwhen sequences
- (csetf n (min n (SYS::loop for seq in sequencesminimize (length seq)))))
- ;; shadow-defun :SYS some shared functions::
- (clet
- ((*do-one-call*
- #'(lambda (i)
- (ret (cdolist (seq sequences)
- (cdolist (arg arglist)
- (cdo (fif (listp (first seq))
- (csetf (first arg)
- (pop (first seq)))
- (csetf (first arg)
- (aref (first seq) i))))))))
- (apply function arglist))
- (*do-result*
- #'(lambda (i)
- (ret (fif (cand (vectorp result-sequence)
- (array-has-fill-pointer-p result-sequence))
- (csetf (fill-pointer result-sequence)
- (max i (fill-pointer result-sequence))))))))
- ;; (declare (inline *do-one-call*))
- ;; Decide if the result is a list or vector,
- ;; and SYS::loop through each element
- (fif (listp result-sequence)
- (SYS::loop for i from 0 to (- n 1)
- for r on result-sequence
- do (csetf (first r)
- (*do-one-call* i))
- finally (*do-result* i))
- (SYS::loop for i from 0 to (- n 1)
- do (csetf (aref result-sequence i)
- (*do-one-call* i))
- finally (*do-result* i))))
- result-sequence))
- |#
- (defvar *complement-fns* (sl::make-hash-table 31) "defcomplement Hashtable to lookup how things like (complement #'member) might return")
- (defun #>SYS::complement (fn)
- "If FN returns y, then (paip-complement FN) returns (not y)."
- (ret (pcond
- ((gethash fn *complement-fns*))
- (t #'(lambda (&rest pattern) (ret (cnot (apply fn pattern))))))))
- ;; example:: (defcomplement < >=)
- (defmacro #>SYS::defcomplement (posfn negfn)
- (ret `(sl::progn (sethash #',posfn *complement-fns* #',negfn) (sethash #',negfn *complement-fns* #',posfn))))
- ;; emits
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (RET
- (trace-progn
- (init-keyval KEY (FUNCTION IDENTITY)) (init-keyval TEST (FUNCTION EQL))
- '(print (translate-block '
- (defun #>SYS::intersection (list-1 list-2 &key (test #'eql)(key #'identity) test-not)
- (pwhen test-not (setq test #'(lambda (x y)(not (funcall test-not x y)))))
- (intersection list-1 list-2 test key))))
- (defun #>SYS::intersection (list-1 list-2 &rest lkeys)
- (trace-progn 'SYS::intersection list-1 list-2 '&rest lkeys
- (clet (test key test-not)
- (init-keyval test)(init-keyval key)(init-keyval test-not)
- (funless key (csetq key #'identity))
- (funless test (csetq test #'eql))
- (pwhen test-not (csetq test #'(lambda (x y)(ret (cnot (funcall test-not x y))))))
- (ret (intersection list-1 list-2 test key )))))
- (defun #>SYS::remove (item list &rest lkeys )
- ;;(force-print `(SYS::remove ,item ,list &rest ,lkeys))
- (clet (test from-end test-not start end count key)
- (init-keyval test #'eql)(init-keyval key #'identity)(init-keyval test-not)(init-keyval from-end)(init-keyval start 0)(init-keyval end)(init-keyval count)
- (pwhen test-not (csetq test #'(lambda (x y)(ret (cnot (funcall test-not x y))))))
- (pwhen from-end (ret (reverse (remove item (reverse list) test key start end count))))
- (ret (remove item list test key start end count))))
- (defun #>SYS::remove-duplicates (list &rest lkeys)
- (trace-progn 'SYS::remove-duplicates (list '&rest lkeys) ())
- (clet (test from-end test-not start end count key)
- (init-keyval test)(init-keyval key)(init-keyval test-not)(init-keyval from-end)(init-keyval start)(init-keyval end)(init-keyval count)
- (funless key (csetq key #'identity))
- (funless test (csetq test #'eql))
- (pwhen test-not (csetq test #'(lambda (x y)(ret (cnot (funcall test-not x y))))))
- (funless start (csetq start 0))
- (pwhen from-end (ret (reverse (remove-duplicates (reverse list) test key start end))))
- (ret (remove-duplicates list test key start end))))
- (defun #>SYS::delete-duplicates (list &rest lkeys)
- (trace-progn 'SYS::delete-duplicates (list '&rest lkeys)
- (clet (test from-end test-not start end count key)
- (init-keyval test)(init-keyval key)(init-keyval test-not)(init-keyval from-end)(init-keyval start)(init-keyval end)(init-keyval count)
- (funless key (csetq key #'identity))
- (funless test (csetq test #'eql))
- (pwhen test-not (csetq test #'(lambda (x y)(ret (cnot (funcall test-not x y))))))
- (funless start (csetq start 0))
- (pwhen from-end (ret (reverse (delete-duplicates (reverse list) test key start end))))
- (ret (delete-duplicates list test key start end)))))
- (defun #>SYS::subsetp (list list2 &rest lkeys)
- (trace-progn 'SYS::subsetp (list list2 '&rest lkeys)
- (clet (test key test-not)
- (init-keyval test)(init-keyval key)(init-keyval test-not)
- (funless key (csetq key #'identity))
- (funless test (csetq test #'eql))
- (pwhen test-not (csetq test #'(lambda (x y)(ret (cnot (funcall test-not x y))))))
- (ret (subsetp list list2 test key)))))
- #||#
- ;;(USE-PACKAGE :SYS :CYC #'better-symbol)
- ;;(shadow-macro SYS::apply (fn &rest body) (ret `(apply ,fn ,@body)))
- #|
- ;;(export '(SYS::load like-funcall 'eval ))
- '(defun #>SYS::eval (code)
- (force-print `(sl::eval ,code))
- (ret (SL::eval `(trace-progn ,code))))
- ;;(defmacro #>SYS::handler-case (form &rest cases) (print (list 'handler-case form cases)) (ret `,form))
- (csetq *load-verbose* t)
- (csetq *load-print* t)
- (defun #>SYS::load (filespec &rest lkeys)
- (KeyLet (verbose print if-does-not-exist external-format)
- (SL::clet ((*standard-input* (SL::OPEN-TEXT filespec :input)))
- (cdo () ()
- (clet ((expr (SL::read *standard-input* nil :EOF)))
- (pwhen (equal expr :EOF)
- (SL::close *standard-input*)
- (ret T))
- (SYS::eval expr))))))
- |#
- (defmacro #>SYS::defstub (feat symb &optional default) `(define ,symb (&rest body) (format t "~s~%" (cons ',feat (cons ',symb body))) ,default))
- #|
- (defmacro #>SYS::go (label)
- (let ((name (label-to-functionname label)))
- `(throw ,name #',name)))
- (defmacro #>SYS::tagbody (&body body)
- "The emulation of tagbody/go by catch/throw is considerably less obvious than the emulation of block/return-from.
- This is because tagbody defines a number of different labels rather than a single block name, and because the parsing of the
- tagbody body is considerably more complicated. The various segments of the tagbody are emulated by a labels nest of mutually
- recursive functions, which are forced to all execute at the correct dynamic depth by means of a
- 'trampoline. If the implementation implements the 'tail recursion' optimization for functions
- which have no arguments and return no values, and if the simpler cases of go's are optimized away, then this emulation can be quite efficient."
- (let* ((init-tag (gensym)) (go-tag (gensym)) (return-tag (gensym))
- (functions
- (mapcon
- #'(lambda (seq &aux (label (car seq) (s (cdr seq)))
- (when (atom label)
- (let ((p (position-if #'atom s)))
- `((,(label-to-functionname label) ()
- ,@(subseq s 0 (or p (length s)))
- ,(if p `(,(label-to-functionname (elt s p)))
- `(throw ,return-tag 'nil)))))))
- `(,init-tag ,@body))))
- `(let* ((,go-tag (list nil)) (,return-tag (list nil))
- ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (f) `(,(car f) ,go-tag)) functions))
- (catch ,return-tag
- (labels ,functions
- (let ((nxt-label #',(caar functions)))
- (loop (csetq nxt-label (catch ,go-tag (funcall nxt-label)))))))))))
- (defmacro #>SYS::labels (fns &body forms)
- "CIRCULAR ENVIRONMENTS OF 'LABELS EMULATED BY 'FLET AND 'SETQ: It is generally believed that the circular environments of labels cannot be
- obtained by means of flet. This is incorrect, as the following emulation (reminiscent of Scheme) shows.
- With a more sophisticated macro-expansion, this emulation can be optimized into production-quality code."
- (let* ((fnames (mapcar #'car fns))
- (nfnames (mapcar #'(lambda (ignore) (gensym)) fnames))
- (nfbodies (mapcar #'(lambda (f) `#'(lambda ,@(cdr f))) fns)))
- `(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (nf) `(,nf #'(lambda () ()))) nfnames)
- (flet ,(mapcar #'(lambda (f nf) `(,f (&rest a) (apply ,nf a)))
- fnames nfnames)
- (flet ,fns
- (sl::progn ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (f nf) `(csetq ,nf #',f))
- fnames nfnames))
- ,@forms)))))
- |#
- ;;(defmacro #>SYS::loop (&rest body) (ret `(loop ,@body)))
- #|
- ;; barely started coding
- (defun #>SYS::array-dimensions (array subdim)
- (ret (pcase
- subdim
- (0 (length array)
- (t (length (nth subdim array)))))))
- ;;;; CLtL2 and ANSI CL Compatibility
- (defmacro #>SYS::loop (&rest exps)
- ;;"supports both ansi and simple loop. warning:: not every loop keyword is supported."
- (format t "~%~s~%" `(SL::loop ,@exps))(force-output)
- (punless (member-if #'symbolp exps) (ret `(loop ,@exps)))
- (pcase (car exps)
- ((until while) (ret exps))
- (for ;;(SYS::loop-for (cdr exps)))
- (break "SYS::loop-for"))
- (repeat (break "SYS::loop-repeat"))
- (otherwise (ret `(SL::loop ,@exps))))
- '(defmacro #>SYS::loop-for (var from-in start/list &rest exps)
- (pcase
- from-in
- (from (SYS::loop-for-from var start/list
- ))))
- ;; some tests
- '(print (translate-block '
- (defun #>SYS::member (item list &key (test #'eql)(key #'identity) test-not)
- (pwhen test-not (setq test #'(lambda (x y)(ret (cnot (funcall test-not x y))))))
- (member item list test key))))
- |#
- (defmacro #>SYS::_setf (place value)
- (csetq value (sl::eval `(trace-progn value)))
- (with-error-handler
- #'(lambda () (ret value))
- (ret (csetf place value)))
- (pwhen (consp place)
- (clet ((object (cadr place))(type (type-of object))(slot (car place))(args (cddr place))(slotname (string slot)))
- (csetq slotname (get-type-slot-args type slot args))
- (csetq value (sl::eval `(,slotname ,object ,@(append args (list value)))))))
- (ret place))
- (defmacro #>SYS::_getf (place value)
- (csetq value (sl::eval `(trace-progn value)))
- (with-error-handler
- #'(lambda () (ret place))
- (ret (aref place value)))
- (pwhen (consp place)
- (clet ((object (cadr place))(type (type-of object))(slot (car place))(args (cddr place))(slotname (string slot)))
- (csetq slotname (get-type-slot-args type slot args '("PUT" "GET-" "GET" "REF-" "REF")))
- (csetq value (sl::eval `(,slotname ,object ,@args)))))
- (ret place))
- (define get-type-slot-args (type slot args &optional trylist)
- (clet ((slotname (string slot))(typename (string slot)))
- (ret (member-if #'(lambda (header)
- (clet ((name (cconcatenate header slotname))(namef (find-symbol name))
- tname (cconcatenate header slotname (typename type) ))(tnamef (find-symbol tname)))
- (pwhen (fboundp tnamef) (ret tnamef))
- (pwhen (fboundp namef) (ret namef))))
- (append try '("_CSETF-" "SET-" "PUT-" "SET" )))))
- |#
- #|
- Function MAP-INTO (still writing also require the array stuff way below)
- Syntax::
- map-into result-sequence function &rest sequences => result-sequence
- Arguments and Values::
- result-sequence--a proper sequence.
- function--a designator for a function of as many arguments as there are sequences.
- sequence--a proper sequence.
- Description::
- Destructively modifies result-sequence to contain the results of applying function to each element in the argument sequences in turn.
- Examples::
- (setq a (list 1 2 3 4) b (list 10 10 10 10)) => (10 10 10 10)
- (map-into a #'+ a b) => (11 12 13 14)
- a => (11 12 13 14)
- b => (10 10 10 10)
- (setq k '(one two three)) => (ONE TWO THREE)
- (map-into a #'cons k a) => ((ONE . 11) (TWO . 12) (THREE . 13) 14)
- (map-into a #'gensym) => (#::G9090 #::G9091 #::G9092 #::G9093)
- a => (#::G9090 #::G9091 #::G9092 #::G9093)
- (defun #>SYS::map-into (result-sequence function &rest sequences)
- "Destructively set elements of RESULT-SEQUENCE to the results
- of applying FUNCTION to respective elements of SEQUENCES."
- (clet ((arglist (make-list (length sequences)))
- (n (fif (listp result-sequence)
- most-positive-fixnum
- (array-dimension result-sequence 0))))
- ;; arglist is made into a list of pattern for each call
- ;; n is the length of the longest vector
- (pwhen sequences
- (csetf n (min n (SYS::loop for seq in sequencesminimize (length seq)))))
- ;; shadow-defun :SYS some shared functions::
- (clet
- ((*do-one-call*
- #'(lambda (i)
- (ret (cdolist (seq sequences)
- (cdolist (arg arglist)
- (cdo (fif (listp (first seq))
- (csetf (first arg)
- (pop (first seq)))
- (csetf (first arg)
- (aref (first seq) i))))))))
- (apply function arglist))
- (*do-result*
- #'(lambda (i)
- (ret (fif (cand (vectorp result-sequence)
- (array-has-fill-pointer-p result-sequence))
- (csetf (fill-pointer result-sequence)
- (max i (fill-pointer result-sequence))))))))
- ;; (declare (inline *do-one-call*))
- ;; Decide if the result is a list or vector,
- ;; and SYS::loop through each element
- (fif (listp result-sequence)
- (SYS::loop for i from 0 to (- n 1)
- for r on result-sequence
- do (csetf (first r)
- (*do-one-call* i))
- finally (*do-result* i))
- (SYS::loop for i from 0 to (- n 1)
- do (csetf (aref result-sequence i)
- (*do-one-call* i))
- finally (*do-result* i))))
- result-sequence))
- |##|
- (defvar *complement-fns* (sl::make-hash-table 31) "defcomplement Hashtable to lookup how things like (complement #'member) might return")
- (defun #>SYS::complement (fn)
- "If FN returns y, then (paip-complement FN) returns (not y)."
- (ret (pcond
- ((gethash fn *complement-fns*))
- (t #'(lambda (&rest pattern) (ret (cnot (apply fn pattern))))))))
- ;; example:: (defcomplement < >=)
- (defmacro #>SYS::defcomplement (posfn negfn)
- (ret `(sl::progn (sethash #',posfn *complement-fns* #',negfn) (sethash #',negfn *complement-fns* #',posfn))))
- ;; emits
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (RET
- (trace-progn
- (init-keyval KEY (FUNCTION IDENTITY)) (init-keyval TEST (FUNCTION EQL))
- '(print (translate-block '
- (defun #>SYS::intersection (list-1 list-2 &key (test #'eql)(key #'identity) test-not)
- (pwhen test-not (setq test #'(lambda (x y)(not (funcall test-not x y)))))
- (intersection list-1 list-2 test key))))
- (defun #>SYS::intersection (list-1 list-2 &rest lkeys)
- (trace-progn 'SYS::intersection (list-1 list-2 '&rest lkeys)
- (clet (test key test-not)
- (init-keyval test)(init-keyval key)(init-keyval test-not)
- (funless key (csetq key #'identity))
- (funless test (csetq test #'eql))
- (pwhen test-not (csetq test #'(lambda (x y)(ret (cnot (funcall test-not x y))))))
- (ret (intersection list-1 list-2 test key )))))
- (defun #>SYS::remove (item list &rest lkeys )
- ;;(force-print `(SYS::remove ,item ,list &rest ,lkeys))
- (clet (test from-end test-not start end count key)
- (init-keyval test #'eql)(init-keyval key #'identity)(init-keyval test-not)(init-keyval from-end)(init-keyval start 0)(init-keyval end)(init-keyval count)
- (pwhen test-not (csetq test #'(lambda (x y)(ret (cnot (funcall test-not x y))))))
- (pwhen from-end (ret (reverse (remove item (reverse list) test key start end count))))
- (ret (remove item list test key start end count))))
- (defun #>SYS::remove-duplicates (list &rest lkeys)
- (trace-progn 'SYS::remove-duplicates (list '&rest lkeys) ())
- (clet (test from-end test-not start end count key)
- (init-keyval test)(init-keyval key)(init-keyval test-not)(init-keyval from-end)(init-keyval start)(init-keyval end)(init-keyval count)
- (funless key (csetq key #'identity))
- (funless test (csetq test #'eql))
- (pwhen test-not (csetq test #'(lambda (x y)(ret (cnot (funcall test-not x y))))))
- (funless start (csetq start 0))
- (pwhen from-end (ret (reverse (remove-duplicates (reverse list) test key start end))))
- (ret (remove-duplicates list test key start end))))
- (defun #>SYS::delete-duplicates (list &rest lkeys)
- (trace-progn 'SYS::delete-duplicates (list '&rest lkeys)
- (clet (test from-end test-not start end count key)
- (init-keyval test)(init-keyval key)(init-keyval test-not)(init-keyval from-end)(init-keyval start)(init-keyval end)(init-keyval count)
- (funless key (csetq key #'identity))
- (funless test (csetq test #'eql))
- (pwhen test-not (csetq test #'(lambda (x y)(ret (cnot (funcall test-not x y))))))
- (funless start (csetq start 0))
- (pwhen from-end (ret (reverse (delete-duplicates (reverse list) test key start end))))
- (ret (delete-duplicates list test key start end)))))
- (defun #>SYS::subsetp (list list2 &rest lkeys)
- (trace-progn 'SYS::subsetp (list list2 '&rest lkeys)
- (clet (test key test-not)
- (init-keyval test)(init-keyval key)(init-keyval test-not)
- (funless key (csetq key #'identity))
- (funless test (csetq test #'eql))
- (pwhen test-not (csetq test #'(lambda (x y)(ret (cnot (funcall test-not x y))))))
- (ret (subsetp list list2 test key)))))
- |#
- ;;(USE-PACKAGE :SYS :CYC #'better-symbol)
- (reshare-symbols)
- (cpushnew :CYC-COMMON-LISP sl::*features*)
- (punless (null (find-symbol "DEFINE" :SYS)) (unintern (find-symbol "DEFINE") :SYS))
- (punless (null (find-symbol "DEFINE" :CL)) (unintern (find-symbol "DEFINE") :CL))
- (import 'SL::DEFINE :SYS)
- (export 'SL::DEFINE :SYS)
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