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- local Client=NLS([[
- local
- local math=setmetatable({random=function(Arg1,Arg2,DIV) DIV=DIV or 1 return math.random(Arg1*DIV,Arg2*DIV)/DIV end;CosSin=function(Arg) return (math.sin(Arg/2)*math.cos(Arg/2)) end;},{__index=math;})
- local CFrame=setmetatable({new=function(Arg1,Arg2,Arg3,Angles) if not Angles then return,Arg2,Arg3) else return CFrame.Angles(math.rad(Arg1),math.rad(Arg2),math.rad(Arg3)) end end;},{__index=CFrame;})
- local Instance=setmetatable({new = function(type,args) local instance = if args then if string.lower(typeof(args)) == "instance" then instance.Parent = args elseif string.lower(typeof(args)) == "table" then for i,v in pairs(args) do pcall(function() instance[i] = v end) end end end return instance end;Remove=function(Instance_,Time) if string.lower(typeof(Instance_))=="instance" then game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(Instance_,Time or 0) elseif string.lower(typeof(Instance_))=="table" then table.foreach(Instance_,function(_,v) game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(v,Time or 0) end) end end},{__index=Instance;})
- local HeadCameraFollowing=true
- local Player=game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- local Mouse=Player:GetMouse()
- local UIS=game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local Remote=script:WaitForChild("Control",2).Value
- local
- local
- local
- local
- local angles=CFrame.Angles
- local random=math.random
- local clamp=math.clamp
- local
- local huge=math.huge
- local char=Player.Character
- local hum=char:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
- local t=char.Torso
- local hrp=char.HumanoidRootPart
- local Bullets=char:WaitForChild("Bullets",5)
- local BulletEvent=char:WaitForChild("BulletEvent",5)
- local HoldingSpace=false
- local CanJump=true
- local JumpPool=0
- function Raycast(Origin,Direction,Blacklist,MaxDistance,IgnoreWater)
- local a1=workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray(Origin,Direction.Unit*MaxDistance),Blacklist or {},false,IgnoreWater)
- if a1 and typeof(a1)~="Vector3" then
- return workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray(Origin,Direction.Unit*MaxDistance),Blacklist or {},false,IgnoreWater)
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- function Tween(Object,Args,Info)
- if Object and Args then
- Info = Info or,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.In,0,false,0)
- if typeof(Info) == "table" then Info = end
- game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(Object,Info,Args):Play()
- end
- end
- function Sound(Id,Volume,Pitch,Parent,MaxDistance,EmitterSize,Looped)
- local S=ins("Sound",{Volume=Volume or 1;Pitch=Pitch or 1;MaxDistance=MaxDistance or 500;EmitterSize=EmitterSize or 5;Looped=Looped or false;SoundId="rbxassetid://"..Id,Parent=Parent})
- S:Play()
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- if S.Looped then return end
- if S.IsLoaded then
- Instance.Remove(S,S.TimeLength/S.Pitch)
- else
- S.Loaded:Connect(function()
- Instance.Remove(S,S.TimeLength/S.Pitch)
- end)
- end
- end)()
- return S
- end
- local function Jump()
- if not CanJump then return end;
- JumpPool=12
- local Stand=Raycast(hrp.CFrame*cf(0,-hrp.Size.Y/2,0).Position,-hrp.CFrame.UpVector,{char},3.5,true)
- if not Stand then return end;
- local Mul=1
- local Hit,HitPos=Raycast(hrp.Position,hrp.Velocity/10,{char},5,true)
- if Hit then Mul=.125 end;
- Instance.Remove(ins("BodyVelocity",{MaxForce=v3(50000,50000,50000);Velocity=(((hrp.Velocity/10)+v3(.025,.025,.025))*v3(Mul,.7,Mul)+v3(0,1,0))*35;Parent=hrp;}),.1)
- wait(.1)
- Instance.Remove(ins("BodyPosition",{MaxForce=v3(35000,0,35000);Position=hrp.Position+hrp.Velocity/5;Parent=hrp;}),.1)
- end
- UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(IO,Locked)
- Remote:FireServer("UIS+Mouse",{Hit=Mouse.Hit;Target=Mouse.Target;X=Mouse.X;Y=Mouse.Y;},{IO={UserInputType=IO.UserInputType;KeyCode=IO.KeyCode;};Locked=Locked;InputState="Began"})
- if Locked then return end;
- if IO.KeyCode==Enum.KeyCode.Space then
- HoldingSpace=true
- repeat
- Jump()
- wait(1/30)
- until not HoldingSpace
- end
- end)
- UIS.InputEnded:Connect(function(IO,Locked)
- Remote:FireServer("UIS+Mouse",{Hit=Mouse.Hit;Target=Mouse.Target;X=Mouse.X;Y=Mouse.Y;},{IO={UserInputType=IO.UserInputType;KeyCode=IO.KeyCode;};Locked=Locked;InputState="Ended"})
- if IO.KeyCode==Enum.KeyCode.Space then
- HoldingSpace=false
- end
- end)
- local Head=Player.Character.Head
- local HRP=Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart
- local Hum=Player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
- local function ShowCross(Pos,Parent)
- local Holder=ins("Part",{Size=v3(0,0,0);Anchored=true;CanCollide=false;Transparency=1;CFrame=Pos;Parent=Parent;})
- local BUI=ins("BillboardGui",{Size=ud2(0,125,0,125);Adornee=Holder;AlwaysOnTop=true;Parent=Holder;})
- local Cross=ins("ImageLabel",{BackgroundTransparency=1;Size=ud2(1,0,1,0);Image="rbxassetid://253263084";Rotation=45;Parent=BUI})
- Instance.Remove(Holder,.35)
- Tween(Cross,{ImageTransparency=1},{.25,Enum.EasingStyle.Sine,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false,.1})
- Sound(179235828,1,random(.9,1.1,100),Player.PlayerGui,1,1)
- end
- local function Connect(Model)
- Model.ChildAdded:Connect(function(Child)
- if Child.Name=="Bullet" then
- local Ignore={char}
- local RHit,RPos,RNID=Raycast(Child.Position,Child.CFrame.LookVector,Ignore,75,true)
- if RHit then
- Child.Name="DeadBullet"
- Child.Anchored=true
- BulletEvent:FireServer(Child,RHit,RPos,RNID,Child.CFrame.LookVector)
- if (RHit.Parent and RHit.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")) or (RHit.Parent.Parent and RHit.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")) then
- ShowCross(ORIGCF(RPos),workspace)
- end
- end
- ins("BodyVelocity",{Parent=Child;MaxForce=v3(500000,500000,500000);Velocity=Child.CFrame.LookVector*1650})
- end
- end)
- end
- Connect(Bullets)
- char.ChildAdded:Connect(function(Child)
- if Child.Name=="Bullets" then
- Bullets=Child
- Connect(Bullets)
- end
- end)
- game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function()
- JumpPool=math.clamp(JumpPool-1,0,60)
- if JumpPool<=0 then
- CanJump=true
- else
- CanJump=false
- end
- if HeadCameraFollowing then
- local CF=Head.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(HRP.CFrame*,1.5,0))
- Hum.CameraOffset=Hum.CameraOffset:Lerp(-CF.Position,.15)
- else
- Hum.CameraOffset=Hum.CameraOffset:Lerp(,0,0),.15)
- end
- local Table=Bullets:GetChildren()
- local Ignore={char}
- for i=1,#Table do
- local v=Table[i]
- if v.Name=="Bullet" then
- local RHit,RPos,RNID=Raycast(v.Position,v.Velocity,Ignore,75,true)
- if RHit then
- v.Name="DeadBullet"
- v.Anchored=true
- BulletEvent:FireServer(v,RHit,RPos,RNID,v.Velocity)
- if (RHit.Parent and RHit.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")) or (RHit.Parent.Parent and RHit.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")) then
- ShowCross(ORIGCF(RPos),workspace)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local Point = HRP.CFrame:VectorToObjectSpace(Mouse.Hit.Position-HRP.Position)
- if not hum.Sit then
- if Point.Z>0 then
- if Point.X>0 then
- HRP.CFrame=ORIGCF(HRP.Position,v3(Mouse.Hit.X,HRP.Position.Y,Mouse.Hit.Z))*cf(0,89.9,0,true)
- elseif Point.X<0 then
- HRP.CFrame=ORIGCF(HRP.Position,v3(Mouse.Hit.X,HRP.Position.Y,Mouse.Hit.Z))*cf(0,-89.9,0,true)
- end
- end
- end
- Remote:FireServer("Mouse",{Hit=Mouse.Hit;Target=Mouse.Target;X=Mouse.X;Y=Mouse.Y;})
- end)
- ]],owner.Character)
- local
- local math=setmetatable({random=function(Arg1,Arg2,DIV) DIV=DIV or 1 return math.random(Arg1*DIV,Arg2*DIV)/DIV end;CosSin=function(Arg) return (math.sin(Arg/2)*math.cos(Arg/2)) end;},{__index=math;})
- local CFrame=setmetatable({new=function(Arg1,Arg2,Arg3,Angles) if not Angles then return,Arg2,Arg3) else return CFrame.Angles(math.rad(Arg1),math.rad(Arg2),math.rad(Arg3)) end end;},{__index=CFrame;})
- local Instance=setmetatable({new = function(type,args) local instance = pcall(function() if args then if string.lower(typeof(args)) == "instance" then instance.Parent = args elseif string.lower(typeof(args)) == "table" then for i,v in pairs(args) do pcall(function() instance[i] = v end) end end end end) return instance end;Remove=function(Instance_,Time) if string.lower(typeof(Instance_))=="instance" then game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(Instance_,Time or 0) elseif string.lower(typeof(Instance_))=="table" then table.foreach(Instance_,function(_,v) game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(v,Time or 0) end) end end},{__index=Instance;})
- local Player,UIS,Mouse;
- do
- Player=owner
- Mouse={}
- UIS={}
- local"RemoteEvent",{Name="ok";Parent=Player.Character})
- local"BindableEvent")
- local"BindableEvent")
- UIS.Input=UISR.Event
- Remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr,InputType,MouseArgs,UISArgs)
- pcall(function()
- if Player~=plr then return end;
- if InputType=="Mouse" then
- Mouse.Hit=MouseArgs.Hit
- Mouse.Target=MouseArgs.Target
- Mouse.X=MouseArgs.X
- Mouse.Y=MouseArgs.Y
- elseif InputType=="UIS" then
- UISR:Fire(UISArgs.IO,UISArgs.Locked,UISArgs.InputState)
- elseif InputType=="UIS+Mouse" then
- Mouse.Hit=MouseArgs.Hit
- Mouse.Target=MouseArgs.Target
- Mouse.X=MouseArgs.X
- Mouse.Y=MouseArgs.Y
- UISR:Fire(UISArgs.IO,UISArgs.Locked,UISArgs.InputState)
- end
- end)
- end);
- end;
- --}{ Default Functions }{--
- local
- local
- local
- local
- local angles=CFrame.Angles
- local
- local
- local
- local rgb=Color3.fromRGB
- local hsv=Color3.fromHSV
- local
- local bcRandom=BrickColor.Random
- local palette=BrickColor.palatte
- local
- local
- local
- local
- local random=math.random
- local rad=math.rad
- local sin=math.sin
- local cos=math.cos
- local tan=math.tan
- local CosSin=math.CosSin
- local floor=math.floor
- local pi=math.floor
- local abs=math.abs
- local sqrt=math.sqrt
- local clamp=math.clamp
- local
- local huge=math.huge
- --}{ Useful Functions }{--
- function Tween(Object,Args,Info)
- if Object and Args then
- Info = Info or,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.In,0,false,0)
- if typeof(Info) == "table" then Info = end
- game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(Object,Info,Args):Play()
- end
- end
- function Sound(Id,Volume,Pitch,Parent,MaxDistance,EmitterSize,Looped)
- local S=ins("Sound",{Volume=Volume or 1;Pitch=Pitch or 1;MaxDistance=MaxDistance or 500;EmitterSize=EmitterSize or 5;Looped=Looped or false;SoundId="rbxassetid://"..Id,Parent=Parent})
- S:Play()
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- if S.Looped then return end
- if S.IsLoaded then
- Instance.Remove(S,S.TimeLength/S.Pitch)
- else
- S.Loaded:Connect(function()
- Instance.Remove(S,S.TimeLength/S.Pitch)
- end)
- end
- end)()
- return S
- end
- function Raycast(Origin,Direction,Blacklist,MaxDistance,IgnoreWater)
- local a1=workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray(Origin,Direction.Unit*MaxDistance),Blacklist or {},false,IgnoreWater)
- if a1 and typeof(a1)~="Vector3" then
- return workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray(Origin,Direction.Unit*MaxDistance),Blacklist or {},false,IgnoreWater)
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- --}{ Character }{--
- local char=Player.Character
- local hum=char:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
- local h=char.Head
- local t=char.Torso
- local hrp=char.HumanoidRootPart
- local ra=char["Right Arm"]
- local la=char["Left Arm"]
- local rl=char["Right Leg"]
- local ll=char["Left Leg"]
- local nec=t.Neck
- local rutj=hrp.RootJoint
- local rs=t["Right Shoulder"]
- local ls=t["Left Shoulder"]
- local rh=t["Right Hip"]
- local lh=t["Left Hip"]
- local Bullets=ins("Model",{Name="Bullets";Parent=char;})
- --}{ Character Funtions }{--
- local Hats={}
- local Clothes={}
- table.foreach(char:GetChildren(),function(_,v) if v:IsA("Accessory") or v:IsA("Hat") then table.insert(Hats,v) elseif v:IsA("Shirt") then Clothes.Shirt=v elseif v:IsA("Pants") then Clothes.Pants=v end end)
- Hats.RemoveAll=function()
- for i,v in pairs(Hats) do
- Instance.Remove(v)
- end
- end
- Clothes.RemoveAll=function()
- for i,v in pairs(Hats) do
- Instance.Remove(v)
- end
- end
- --}{ Stopping }{--
- for i,v in pairs(char:GetDescendants()) do
- if (v.Name=="Animate" and v:IsA("LocalScript")) or v:IsA("Animator") then
- Instance.Remove(v)
- end
- end
- --}{ Modules }{--
- -- Modules Setup --
- --}{ Variables }{--
- local Using=false
- local Holding=false
- local Muted=false
- local TimePos=0
- local Sine=0
- local Change=1
- local Pool=0
- local WS,JP=50,50
- local Step="R"
- --}{ Other Values }{--
- local necC0,necC1=cf(0,t.Size.Y/2,0),cf(0,-h.Size.Y/2,0)
- local rutjC0,rutjC1=cf(0,0,0),cf(0,0,0)
- local rsC0,rsC1=cf(t.Size.X/2,t.Size.Y/4,0),cf(-ra.Size.X/2,ra.Size.Y/4,0)
- local lsC0,lsC1=cf(-t.Size.X/2,t.Size.Y/4,0),cf(la.Size.X/2,la.Size.Y/4,0)
- local rhC0,rhC1=cf(t.Size.X/4,-t.Size.Y/2,0),cf(0,rl.Size.Y/2,0)
- local lhC0,lhC1=cf(-t.Size.X/4,-t.Size.Y/2,0),cf(0,ll.Size.Y/2,0)
- local StepSounds={
- Plastic=2812418291;
- SmoothPlastic=2812418291;
- Neon=2812418291;
- ForceField=2812418291;
- Metal=2812417769;
- DiamondPlate=2812417769;
- CorrodedMetal=2812417769;
- Foil=2812417769;
- Sand=619188333;
- Grass=619188333;
- Slate=941640049;
- Concrete=941640049;
- Granite=941640049;
- Pebble=941640049;
- Marble=941640049;
- Cobblestone=941640049;
- Brick=941640049;
- Water=685857471;
- Wood=2812419402;
- WoodPlanks=2812419402;
- Fabric=133705377;
- Snow=619083295;
- }
- local ragdollJoints = {
- ["R6"] = {
- ["Neck"] = {
- ["Att0Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,90),
- ["Att1Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,90),
- ["Position0"] = v3(0,.5,0),
- ["Position1"] = v3(0,-.5,0),
- ["BallSocketProps"] = {
- LimitsEnabled = true,
- TwistLimitsEnabled = true,
- UpperAngle = 90,
- TwistLowerAngle = -90,
- TwistUpperAngle = 90
- }
- },
- ["Right Shoulder"] = {
- ["Att0Rotation"] = v3(0,0,0),
- ["Att1Rotation"] = v3(0,0,-90),
- ["Position0"] = v3(.75,.333,0),
- ["Position1"] = v3(0,.333,0),
- ["BallSocketProps"] = {
- LimitsEnabled = true,
- TwistLimitsEnabled = true,
- UpperAngle = 165,
- TwistLowerAngle = -135,
- TwistUpperAngle = 135
- }
- },
- ["Left Shoulder"] = {
- ["Att0Rotation"] = v3(0,0,0),
- ["Att1Rotation"] = v3(0,0,90),
- ["Position0"] = v3(-.75,.333,0),
- ["Position1"] = v3(0,.333,0),
- ["BallSocketProps"] = {
- LimitsEnabled = true,
- TwistLimitsEnabled = true,
- UpperAngle = 165,
- TwistLowerAngle = -135,
- TwistUpperAngle = 135
- }
- },
- ["Right Hip"] = {
- ["Att0Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,-90),
- ["Att1Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,-90),
- ["Position0"] = v3(.25,-.5,0),
- ["Position1"] = v3(0,.5,0),
- ["BallSocketProps"] = {
- LimitsEnabled = true,
- TwistLimitsEnabled = true,
- UpperAngle = 100,
- TwistLowerAngle = -45,
- TwistUpperAngle = 45
- }
- },
- ["Left Hip"] = {
- ["Att0Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,-90),
- ["Att1Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,-90),
- ["Position0"] = v3(-.25,-.5,0),
- ["Position1"] = v3(0,.5,0),
- ["BallSocketProps"] = {
- LimitsEnabled = true,
- TwistLimitsEnabled = true,
- UpperAngle = 100,
- TwistLowerAngle = -45,
- TwistUpperAngle = 45
- }
- }
- },
- ["R15"] = {
- ["Neck"] = {
- ["Att0Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,90),
- ["Att1Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,90),
- ["BallSocketProps"] = {
- LimitsEnabled = true,
- TwistLimitsEnabled = true,
- UpperAngle = 80,
- TwistLowerAngle = -75,
- TwistUpperAngle = 75
- }
- },
- ["Waist"] = {
- ["Att0Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,90),
- ["Att1Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,90),
- ["BallSocketProps"] = {
- LimitsEnabled = true,
- TwistLimitsEnabled = true,
- UpperAngle = 25,
- TwistLowerAngle = -30,
- TwistUpperAngle = 30
- }
- },
- ["RightShoulder"] = {
- ["Att0Rotation"] = v3(0,0,0),
- ["Att1Rotation"] = v3(0,0,-90),
- ["BallSocketProps"] = {
- LimitsEnabled = true,
- TwistLimitsEnabled = true,
- UpperAngle = 105,
- TwistLowerAngle = -115,
- TwistUpperAngle = 115
- }
- },
- ["LeftShoulder"] = {
- ["Att0Rotation"] = v3(0,0,0),
- ["Att1Rotation"] = v3(0,0,90),
- ["BallSocketProps"] = {
- LimitsEnabled = true,
- TwistLimitsEnabled = true,
- UpperAngle = 105,
- TwistLowerAngle = -115,
- TwistUpperAngle = 115
- }
- },
- ["RightHip"] = {
- ["Att0Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,-90),
- ["Att1Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,-90),
- ["BallSocketProps"] = {
- LimitsEnabled = true,
- TwistLimitsEnabled = true,
- UpperAngle = 80,
- TwistLowerAngle = -35,
- TwistUpperAngle = 35
- }
- },
- ["LeftHip"] = {
- ["Att0Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,-90),
- ["Att1Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,-90),
- ["BallSocketProps"] = {
- LimitsEnabled = true,
- TwistLimitsEnabled = true,
- UpperAngle = 80,
- TwistLowerAngle = -35,
- TwistUpperAngle = 35
- }
- },
- ["RightElbow"] = {
- ["Att0Rotation"] = v3(0,0,0),
- ["Att1Rotation"] = v3(0,0,0),
- ["BallSocketProps"] = {
- LimitsEnabled = true,
- TwistLimitsEnabled = true,
- UpperAngle = 0,
- TwistLowerAngle = 105,
- TwistUpperAngle = 0
- }
- },
- ["LeftElbow"] = {
- ["Att0Rotation"] = v3(0,0,0),
- ["Att1Rotation"] = v3(0,0,0),
- ["BallSocketProps"] = {
- LimitsEnabled = true,
- TwistLimitsEnabled = true,
- UpperAngle = 0,
- TwistLowerAngle = 105,
- TwistUpperAngle = 0
- }
- },
- ["RightKnee"] = {
- ["Att0Rotation"] = v3(0,0,0),
- ["Att1Rotation"] = v3(0,0,0),
- ["BallSocketProps"] = {
- LimitsEnabled = true,
- TwistLimitsEnabled = true,
- UpperAngle = 0,
- TwistLowerAngle = 0,
- TwistUpperAngle = -105
- }
- },
- ["LeftKnee"] = {
- ["Att0Rotation"] = v3(0,0,0),
- ["Att1Rotation"] = v3(0,0,0),
- ["BallSocketProps"] = {
- LimitsEnabled = true,
- TwistLimitsEnabled = true,
- UpperAngle = 0,
- TwistLowerAngle = 0,
- TwistUpperAngle = -105
- }
- },
- ["RightWrist"] = {
- ["Att0Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,-90),
- ["Att1Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,-90),
- ["BallSocketProps"] = {
- LimitsEnabled = true,
- TwistLimitsEnabled = true,
- UpperAngle = 10,
- TwistLowerAngle = -35,
- TwistUpperAngle = 35
- }
- },
- ["LeftWrist"] = {
- ["Att0Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,-90),
- ["Att1Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,-90),
- ["BallSocketProps"] = {
- LimitsEnabled = true,
- TwistLimitsEnabled = true,
- UpperAngle = 10,
- TwistLowerAngle = -35,
- TwistUpperAngle = 35
- }
- },
- ["RightAnkle"] = {
- ["Att0Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,-90),
- ["Att1Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,-90),
- ["BallSocketProps"] = {
- LimitsEnabled = true,
- TwistLimitsEnabled = true,
- UpperAngle = 10,
- TwistLowerAngle = -35,
- TwistUpperAngle = 35
- }
- },
- ["LeftAnkle"] = {
- ["Att0Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,-90),
- ["Att1Rotation"] = v3(0,-90,-90),
- ["BallSocketProps"] = {
- LimitsEnabled = true,
- TwistLimitsEnabled = true,
- UpperAngle = 10,
- TwistLowerAngle = -35,
- TwistUpperAngle = 35
- }
- }
- }
- }
- --}{ Creates }{--
- Instance.Remove({nec;rutj;rs;ls;rh;lh})
- ins("ForceField",{Visible=false;Parent=char})
- nec=ins("Motor6D",{Name="Neck";Part0=t;Part1=h;C0=necC0;C1=necC1;Parent=t;})
- rutj=ins("Motor6D",{Name="RootJoint";Part0=hrp;Part1=t;C0=rutjC0;C1=rutjC1;Parent=hrp;})
- rs=ins("Motor6D",{Name="Right Shoulder";Part0=t;Part1=ra;C0=rsC0;C1=rsC1;Parent=t;})
- ls=ins("Motor6D",{Name="Left Shoulder";Part0=t;Part1=la;C0=lsC0;C1=lsC1;Parent=t;})
- rh=ins("Motor6D",{Name="Right Hip";Part0=t;Part1=rl;C0=rhC0;C1=rhC1;Parent=t;})
- lh=ins("Motor6D",{Name="Left Hip";Part0=t;Part1=ll;C0=lhC0;C1=lhC1;Parent=t;})
- local Theme=ins("Sound",{SoundId="rbxassetid://1033438052";Volume=1;Pitch=1;Looped=true;Name="Theme";Parent=t;})
- Theme:Play()
- local Gun=ins("Part",{Size=v3(0,0,0);CanCollide=false;Anchored=false;Massless=false;Locked=true;Name="none of your business";Color=bc("Really black").Color;Parent=ra;})
- local Mesh=ins("SpecialMesh",{MeshType="FileMesh";MeshId="rbxassetid://3798133326";Offset=v3(0,0,-.3);Parent=Gun;})
- local HandleWeld=ins("Weld",{Part0=ra;Part1=Gun;C0=cf(-.2,-.7,-.2)*cf(-90,0,0,true);C1=cf(2.5,-2.5,-1.25,true);Parent=ra;})
- local BulletRemote=ins("RemoteEvent",{Name="BulletEvent",Parent=char})
- hum.WalkSpeed=WS
- --}{ Functions }{--
- function kill(who,kill_)
- if who and not who:FindFirstChild("urdedxdxdxddxdxdxxddxd") then
- if kill_ then
- ins("StringValue",{Name = "urdedxdxdxddxdxdxxddxd",Parent = who})
- else
- ins("StringValue",{Name = "urstunnddxdxdxddxdxdxxddxd",Parent = who})
- end
- local head
- local human = who:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
- if human then
- human.PlatformStand = true
- end
- if kill_ then
- for i,v in pairs(who:GetDescendants()) do
- if v.Name == "RagdollHB" then
- Instance.Remove(v)
- end
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(who:GetDescendants()) do
- if v:IsA("Motor6D") or v:IsA("Weld") then
- for _,r in pairs(ragdollJoints) do
- for w,j in pairs(r) do
- if v.Name == w then
- local att0 = ins("Attachment",{Position = v.C0.Position,Orientation = j["Att0Rotation"],Parent = v.Part0})
- local att1 = ins("Attachment",{Position = v.C1.Position,Orientation = j["Att1Rotation"],Parent = v.Part1})
- if j["Position0"] then
- att0.Position = v.Part0.Size * j["Position0"]
- end
- if j["Position1"] then
- att1.Position = v.Part1.Size * j["Position1"]
- if not kill_ then
- local p = ins("Part",{Name = "RagdollHB",Locked = true,Massless = true,Anchored = false,CanCollide = true,Transparency = 1,Size = v.Part1.Size * v3(.75,.75,.75),Parent = v.Part1})
- local w=ins("Weld",{Parent=v.Part1;Part0=v.Part1;Part1=p;})
- if string.find(v.Part1.Name,"Arm") or string.find(v.Part1.Name,"Leg") then
- w.C0 = cf(0,(-v.Part1.Size.Y/2) + p.Size.Y/2,0)
- end
- end
- else
- if not kill_ then
- local p = ins("Part",{Name = "RagdollHB",Locked = true,Massless = true,Anchored = false,CanCollide = true,Transparency = 1,Size = v.Part1.Size * v3(.5,.3,.5),Parent = v.Part1})
- local w=ins("Weld",{Parent=v.Part1;Part0=v.Part1;Part1=p;})
- elseif v.Part1.Name == "Head" then
- local p = ins("Part",{Name = "RagdollHB",Locked = true,Massless = true,Anchored = false,CanCollide = true,Transparency = 1,Size = v.Part1.Size * v3(.5,.3,.5),Parent = v.Part1})
- local w=ins("Weld",{Parent=v.Part1;Part0=v.Part1;Part1=p;})
- end
- end
- ins("NoCollisionConstraint",{Part0 = v.Part0,Part1 = v.Part1,Parent = v.Part0})
- local socket = ins("BallSocketConstraint",{Attachment0 = att0,Attachment1 = att1,Name = w,Parent = att0})
- for i,v in pairs(j["BallSocketProps"]) do
- socket[i] = v
- end
- Instance.Remove(v)
- end
- end
- end
- elseif v.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" then
- Instance.Remove(v)
- end
- if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.Name ~= "RagdollHB" then
- v.Anchored = false
- v.TopSurface,v.BottomSurface = 10,10
- v.CanCollide = false
- if kill_ then
- Instance.Remove(v,6.5)
- end
- if v.Name == "Head" then
- head = v
- end
- elseif v:IsA("Decal") then
- if kill_ then
- Instance.Remove(v,6.5)
- end
- end
- end
- if kill_ then
- Instance.Remove(who,10)
- end
- if human then
- if kill_ then
- human.BreakJointsOnDeath = false
- human.Health = 0
- end
- human.PlatformStand = true
- end
- return head
- end
- end
- local function CreateBullet(Pos,Direction,Damage)
- local Bullet=ins("Part",{Locked=true;CanCollide=false;Massless=true;Name="Bullet";Transparency=1;CFrame=ORIGCF(Pos.Position,Direction);Size=v3(0,0,0);Parent=Bullets;})
- local Att0=ins("Attachment",{Parent=Bullet;Position=v3(0,.5,0)})
- local Att1=ins("Attachment",{Parent=Bullet;Position=v3(0,-.5,0)})
- local Trail=ins("Trail",{Texture="rbxassetid://3472578683";LightEmission=1;Lifetime=.15;,1);FaceCamera=true;Attachment0=Att0;Attachment1=Att1;Parent=Bullet;})
- ins("NumberValue",{Name="Damage";Value=Damage;Parent=Bullet;})
- pcall(function()
- Bullet:SetNetworkOwner(Player)
- end)
- Instance.Remove(Bullet,5)
- end
- function Shoot()
- Pool=25
- Sound(2757012511,1.5,random(.9,1.1,100),Gun,100,5)
- CreateBullet(ra.CFrame*cf(-.2,-1.3,-.35),Mouse.Hit.Position,15)
- rs.C1=rsC1*cf(-35,0,0,true)*cf(0,-.1,0)
- end
- --}{ Connections }{--
- BulletRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(PLR,Bullet,RHit,RPos,RNID,Direction)
- pcall(function()
- if PLR~=Player then return end;
- local Damage=(Bullet.Damage or Bullet:WaitForChild("Damage",1)).Value
- Instance.Remove(Bullet)
- Bullet.Parent=nil
- local HUM
- if (RHit.Parent and RHit.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")) or (RHit.Parent.Parent and RHit.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")) then
- HUM=RHit.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") or RHit.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
- end
- local Impact=ins("Part",{Locked=true;Massless=true;CanCollide=false;Name="BulletImpact";Size=v3(.125,.125,0);Material=RHit.Material;Color=bc("Really black").Color;CFrame=ORIGCF(RPos,RPos-RNID)})
- if HUM then
- Impact.Color=bc("Maroon").Color
- if RHit.Name=="Head" then
- Damage=Damage*2
- end
- local Health=HUM.Health
- if HUM.MaxHealth>100000000 then
- kill(HUM.Parent,true)
- ins("Explosion",{Parent=workspace;Position=RHit.Position;BlastRadius=0})
- HUM.Health=0
- local S=Sound(3008598428,4,1,RHit,250,7.5)
- Instance.Remove(HUM.Parent,S.TimeLength-.175)
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- wait(S.TimeLength-.175)
- ins("Explosion",{Parent=workspace;Position=RHit.Position;BlastRadius=0})
- end)()
- end
- local Dead=false
- if HUM.Health<=(Damage+(1*(HUM.MaxHealth/100))) and HUM.Health>.1 then
- kill(HUM.Parent,true)
- Dead=true
- end
- if not Dead then
- HUM.Health=HUM.Health-(Damage+(1*(HUM.MaxHealth/100)))
- end
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- wait(1)
- if HUM.Health==Health and HUM.Health>.1 then
- kill(HUM.Parent,true)
- ins("Explosion",{Parent=workspace;Position=RHit.Position;BlastRadius=0})
- HUM.Health=0
- local S=Sound(3008598428,4,1,RHit,250,7.5)
- Instance.Remove(HUM.Parent,S.TimeLength-.175)
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- wait(S.TimeLength-.175)
- ins("Explosion",{Parent=workspace;Position=RHit.Position;BlastRadius=0})
- end)()
- end
- end)()
- end
- local ImpactP2=ins("Part",{Locked=true;Massless=true;CanCollide=false;Transparency=.65;Size=v3(.25,.25,0);Material=RHit.Material;Color=Impact.Color;Parent=Impact})
- local M1=ins("SpecialMesh",{MeshType="Brick";Scale=v3(1,1,.3);Parent=Impact})
- local M2=ins("SpecialMesh",{MeshType="Brick";Scale=v3(1,1,.2);Parent=ImpactP2})
- if RHit.Material==Enum.Material.Metal or RHit.Material==Enum.Material.DiamondPlate or RHit.Material==Enum.Material.CorrodedMetal then
- M1.MeshType="Sphere"
- M2.MeshType="Sphere"
- end
- local CF=RHit.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(Impact.CFrame)
- local MainWeld=ins("Weld",{Part0=RHit;Part1=Impact;C0=CF*cf(0,0,random(-180,180),true);Parent=RHit})
- ins("Weld",{Part0=Impact;Part1=ImpactP2;C0=cf(0,0,random(-180,180),true);Parent=Impact})
- Impact.Parent=MainWeld
- Instance.Remove(Impact,5)
- Instance.Remove(ins("BodyVelocity",{Parent=RHit,MaxForce=v3(7500,0,7500);Velocity=v3(clamp(Direction.X,-1,1),clamp(Direction.Y,-1,1),clamp(Direction.Z,-1,1))*15}),.1)
- end)
- end)
- UIS.Input:Connect(function(IO,Locked,InputState)
- if Locked then return end;
- if IO.UserInputType==Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard then
- if InputState=="Began" then
- if IO.KeyCode==Enum.KeyCode.M then
- Muted=not Muted
- end
- elseif InputState=="Ended" then
- end
- elseif IO.UserInputType==Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
- if InputState=="Began" then
- Shoot()
- Holding=true
- elseif InputState=="Ended" then
- Holding=false
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- while wait(1/5) do
- if Holding then
- Shoot()
- end
- end
- end)()
- wait(.1)
- game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function()
- Pool=clamp(Pool-1,0,25)
- if Pool==0 then
- Using=false
- else
- Using=true
- end
- if Theme.Parent~=t then
- Instance.Remove(Theme)
- Theme=ins("Sound",{SoundId="rbxassetid://213693358";TimePosition=TimePos;Volume=1;Pitch=.935;Looped=true;Parent=t;})
- end
- if not Bullets or Bullets.Parent~=char then
- Instance.Remove(Bullets)
- Bullets=ins("Model",{Name="Bullets";Parent=char;})
- end
- Theme.Pitch=1
- Theme.Name="Theme"
- if not Muted then
- Theme.Volume=.45
- else
- Theme.Volume=0
- end
- Theme.SoundId="rbxassetid://1033438052"
- Theme:Resume()
- TimePos=Theme.TimePosition
- Sine=Sine+Change
- local Direction=hum.MoveDirection
- if Direction.Magnitude==0 then Direction=hrp.Velocity/7.5 end;
- local MoveZ=clamp((Direction*hrp.CFrame.LookVector).X+(Direction*hrp.CFrame.LookVector).Z,-1,1)
- local MoveX=clamp((Direction*hrp.CFrame.RightVector).X+(Direction*hrp.CFrame.RightVector).Z,-1,1)
- local Moving=(hrp.Velocity*v3(1,0,1)).Magnitude>1
- local VerY=hrp.Velocity.Y
- local StandR,RPos,RNID=Raycast(t.CFrame*cf(t.Size.X/4,-t.Size.Y/2,0).Position,-hrp.CFrame.UpVector,{char},3,false)
- local StandL,LPos,LNID=Raycast(t.CFrame*cf(-t.Size.X/4,-t.Size.Y/2,0).Position,-hrp.CFrame.UpVector,{char},3,false)
- local CF=cf()
- pcall(function()
- CF=(hrp.CFrame*cf(0,t.Size.Y/2+h.Size.Y/2,0)):ToObjectSpace(cf((hrp.CFrame*cf(0,t.Size.Y/2+h.Size.Y/2,0)).Position,Mouse.Hit.Position))
- end)
- hum.JumpPower=JP
- if not Moving and (StandR or StandL) then
- local IdleVal=20
- Change=1
- nec.C0=nec.C0:Lerp(necC0*(CF-CF.Position)*cf(0,0,0)*cf(-sin(Sine/IdleVal)*3,CosSin(Sine/(IdleVal*2.5))*5,0,true)*cf(0,0,0)*cf(0,-30,0,true),.2)
- rutj.C0=rutj.C0:Lerp(rutjC0*cf(0,.05*cos(Sine/IdleVal),0)*cf(CosSin(Sine/IdleVal)*3,sin(Sine/(IdleVal*4))*5,0,true)*cf(0,0,0)*cf(0,30,0,true),.2)
- if not Using then
- rs.C0=rs.C0:Lerp(rsC0*cf(0,-.05*cos(Sine/IdleVal),0)*cf(sin(Sine/IdleVal)*5,0,0,true)*cf(-.3,-.65,.15)*cf(130,20,-10,true),.2)
- else
- rs.C0=rs.C0:Lerp(rsC0*(CF-CF.Position)*cf(0,-30,0,true)*cf(90,0,0,true),.65)
- end
- ls.C0=ls.C0:Lerp(lsC0*cf(0,-.05*cos(Sine/IdleVal),0)*cf(-sin(Sine/IdleVal)*3,0,CosSin(Sine/(IdleVal*2))*5,true)*cf(.1,-.05,0)*cf(0,-2.5,4,true),.2)
- rh.C0=rh.C0:Lerp(rhC0*cf(0,-30,0,true)*cf(0,-.05*cos(Sine/IdleVal),0)*cf((-CosSin(Sine/IdleVal)*4.5)-(sin(Sine/(IdleVal*4))*3.5),0,0,true)*cf(0,0,-.2)*cf(-5,0,2.5,true),.2)
- lh.C0=lh.C0:Lerp(lhC0*cf(0,-30,0,true)*cf(0,-.05*cos(Sine/IdleVal),0)*cf((-CosSin(Sine/IdleVal)*4.5)+(sin(Sine/(IdleVal*4))*3.5),0,0,true)*cf(0,0,0)*cf(0,35,-3,true),.2)
- elseif Moving and (StandR or StandL) then
- local WSVal=6/clamp(hum.WalkSpeed/16,.25,2)*t.Size.Y/2
- local WSMul=(1+(WSVal/4))
- Change=.875
- nec.C0=nec.C0:Lerp(necC0*cf(0,0,0)*cf(0,0,0,true)*cf(0,0,0)*cf(sin(Sine/(WSVal/2))*7.5,-sin(Sine/WSVal)*15,0,true)*angles(MoveZ/12,-MoveX/1.5,0)*(CF-CF.Position),.2/(t.Size.Y/2)*(hum.WalkSpeed/16)/3)
- rutj.C0=rutj.C0:Lerp(rutjC0*cf(0,0,0)*cf(0,0,0,true)*cf(-.5*(t.Size.Y/2)*sin(Sine/(WSVal/2))/(1+(WSVal/4))*MoveX,1.5*(t.Size.Y/2)*cos(Sine/(WSVal/2))/(1+(WSVal/4)),-.5*(t.Size.Y/2)*sin(Sine/(WSVal/2))/(1+(WSVal/4))*MoveZ)*cf(cos(Sine/(WSVal/2))*7.5*MoveZ,math.CosSin(Sine/WSVal)*20,cos(Sine/(WSVal/2))*7.5*MoveX,true)*angles((-MoveZ/7.5)*math.clamp((hum.WalkSpeed/16)/(t.Size.Y/2),.5,3.5),0,-MoveX/5),.2/(t.Size.Y/2)*(hum.WalkSpeed/16)/3)
- if not Using then
- rs.C0=rs.C0:Lerp(rsC0*cf(0,0,0)*cf(0,0,0,true)*cf(0,0,.75*(t.Size.Y/2)*sin(Sine/WSVal)/(1+(WSVal/4))*math.abs(MoveZ))*cf(7.5-sin(Sine/WSVal)*200/(1+(WSVal/4))*MoveZ,-sin(Sine/WSVal)*30,-15*MoveZ,true),.2/(t.Size.Y/2)*(hum.WalkSpeed/16)/3)
- else
- rs.C0=rs.C0:Lerp(rsC0*(CF-CF.Position)*cf(90,0,0,true),.65)
- end
- ls.C0=ls.C0:Lerp(lsC0*cf(0,0,0)*cf(0,0,0,true)*cf(0,0,-.75*(t.Size.Y/2)*sin(Sine/WSVal)/(1+(WSVal/4))*math.abs(MoveZ))*cf(7.5+sin(Sine/WSVal)*200/(1+(WSVal/4))*MoveZ,-sin(Sine/WSVal)*30,15*MoveZ,true),.2/(t.Size.Y/2)*(hum.WalkSpeed/16)/3)
- rh.C0=rh.C0:Lerp(rhC0*cf(0,0,0)*cf(0,0,0,true)*cf(0,.5*(t.Size.Y/2)*cos(Sine/WSVal),(.1-.8)*(t.Size.Y/2)*cos(Sine/WSVal))*cf(-5+math.clamp((sin(Sine/WSVal)*200/(1+(WSVal/4)))*MoveZ,-130,130),cos(Sine/WSVal)*5,(sin(Sine/WSVal)*60)*MoveX,true),.2/(t.Size.Y/2)*(hum.WalkSpeed/16)/3)
- lh.C0=lh.C0:Lerp(lhC0*cf(0,0,0)*cf(0,0,0,true)*cf(0,-.5*(t.Size.Y/2)*cos(Sine/WSVal),(.1+.8)*(t.Size.Y/2)*cos(Sine/WSVal))*cf(-5-math.clamp((sin(Sine/WSVal)*200/(1+(WSVal/4)))*MoveZ,-130,130),cos(Sine/WSVal)*5,-(sin(Sine/WSVal)*60)*MoveX,true),.2/(t.Size.Y/2)*(hum.WalkSpeed/16)/3)
- --thanks to kyu or neb.. whatever
- if cos(Sine/WSVal)/2>.2 and Step=="L" then
- Step="R"
- if StandR then
- local SoundId=StepSounds[StandR.Material.Name] or 0
- if StandR.Material=="Sand" and (StandR.Color.r>.7 and StandR.Color.g>.7 and StandR.Color.b>.7) then
- SoundId=StepSounds["Snow"]
- end
- local SizeVal=StandR.Size*RNID
- if SoundId==941640049 then
- SizeVal=SizeVal/2
- end
- Sound(SoundId,(.35*clamp((hum.WalkSpeed/16)/1.5,.5,3.5))/clamp(math.max(SizeVal.X,SizeVal.Y,SizeVal.Z),.5,1.25),random(.9,1.1,100)*clamp(math.max(SizeVal.X,SizeVal.Y,SizeVal.Z)/10,.5,1.2)*clamp((hum.WalkSpeed/16)/1.5,.5,2),t)
- end
- end
- if cos(Sine/WSVal)/2<-.2 and Step=="R" then
- Step="L"
- if StandL then
- local SoundId=StepSounds[StandL.Material.Name] or 0
- if StandL.Material==Enum.Material.Sand and (StandL.Color.r>.7 and StandL.Color.g>.7 and StandL.Color.b>.7) then
- SoundId=StepSounds["Snow"]
- end
- local SizeVal=StandL.Size*LNID
- if SoundId==941640049 then
- SizeVal=SizeVal/2
- end
- Sound(SoundId,(.35*clamp((hum.WalkSpeed/16)/1.5,.5,3.5))/clamp(math.max(SizeVal.X,SizeVal.Y,SizeVal.Z),.5,1.25),random(.9,1.1,100)*clamp(math.max(SizeVal.X,SizeVal.Y,SizeVal.Z)/2,.5,1.2)*clamp((hum.WalkSpeed/16)/1.5,.5,2),t)
- end
- end
- elseif not(StandR and StandL) then
- Change=1
- nec.C0=nec.C0:Lerp(necC0*cf(0,0,0)*cf(0,0,0,true)*cf(0,0,0)*cf(clamp(hrp.Velocity.Y,-15,15),0,0,true)*(CF-CF.Position),.2)
- rutj.C0=rutj.C0:Lerp(rutjC0*cf(0,0,0)*cf(0,0,0,true)*cf(0,0,0)*cf(clamp(hrp.Velocity.Y,-30,20),0,0,true),.2)
- if not Using then
- rs.C0=rs.C0:Lerp(rsC0*cf(0,0,0)*cf(0,5,-7.5,true)*cf(-(clamp(hrp.Velocity.Y/20,-.45,0)),0,0)*cf((clamp(hrp.Velocity.Y*4,0,150)),0,-(clamp(hrp.Velocity.Y*4,-120,0)),true),.2)
- else
- rs.C0=rs.C0:Lerp(rsC0*(CF-CF.Position)*cf(90,0,0,true),.65)
- end
- ls.C0=ls.C0:Lerp(lsC0*cf(0,0,0)*cf(0,-5,7.5,true)*cf((clamp(hrp.Velocity.Y/20,-.45,0)),0,0)*cf((clamp(hrp.Velocity.Y*4,0,150)),0,(clamp(hrp.Velocity.Y*4,-120,0)),true),.2)
- rh.C0=rh.C0:Lerp(rhC0*cf(0,0,0)*cf(0,0,0,true)*cf(0,.4,-.35)*cf(-10,-5,5,true),.2)
- lh.C0=lh.C0:Lerp(lhC0*cf(0,0,0)*cf(clamp(-hrp.Velocity.Y,-25,35),0,0,true)*cf(0,.2,-.15)*cf(-2.5,5,-5,true),.2)
- end
- nec.C1=nec.C1:Lerp(necC1,.2)
- rutj.C1=rutj.C1:Lerp(rutjC1,.2)
- rs.C1=rs.C1:Lerp(rsC1,.2)
- ls.C1=ls.C1:Lerp(lsC1,.2)
- rh.C1=rh.C1:Lerp(rhC1,.2)
- lh.C1=lh.C1:Lerp(lhC1,.2)
- necC0,necC1=cf(0,t.Size.Y/2,0),cf(0,-h.Size.Y/2,0)
- rutjC0,rutjC1=cf(0,0,0),cf(0,0,0)
- rsC0,rsC1=cf(t.Size.X/2,t.Size.Y/4,0),cf(-ra.Size.X/2,ra.Size.Y/4,0)
- lsC0,lsC1=cf(-t.Size.X/2,t.Size.Y/4,0),cf(la.Size.X/2,la.Size.Y/4,0)
- rhC0,rhC1=cf(t.Size.X/4,-t.Size.Y/2,0),cf(0,rl.Size.Y/2,0)
- lhC0,lhC1=cf(-t.Size.X/4,-t.Size.Y/2,0),cf(0,ll.Size.Y/2,0)
- end)
- --}{ Loops }{--
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