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- $ qstat -d -d -d -q2s localhost:1998 -json -R -P
- debug(1) 02:09:23 hcache.c:401 hcache_lookup_hostname() - looking up localhost
- debug(2) 02:09:23 hcache.c:412 hcache_lookup_hostname() - validating localhost
- debug(2) 02:09:23 hcache.c:417 hcache_lookup_hostname() - returning 7f000001
- [
- debug(1) 02:09:23 qstat.c:4546 bind_qserver2() - start 0x56439bdd34e0 @
- debug(1) 02:09:23 qstat.c:4696 bind_sockets() - send
- debug(2) 02:09:23 qstat.c:4699 bind_sockets() - calling status_query_func for 0x56439bdd34e0 - connect
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:4774 process_func_ret() - 0x56439bdd34e0, 0
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:4811 send_packets() - processing...
- debug(2) 02:09:23 qstat.c:3118 do_work() - connected: 1
- debug(2) 02:09:23 qstat.c:5741 qserver_get_timeout() - timeout for 0x56439bdd34e0 is diff1 1000 diff2 65535
- debug(2) 02:09:23 qstat.c:3138 do_work() - rc 1
- debug(2) 02:09:23 qstat.c:3161 do_work() - recvfrom: 520
- debug(1) 02:09:23 qstat.c:3183 do_work() - recv 1 1
- debug(2) 02:09:23 qstat.c:3192 do_work() - fill: 1 < 40
- FROM localhost:1998 len 520
- 0: ffffffff 7072696e 740a5c73 765f6d61 ....prin t.\sv_ma
- 16: 785f636c 69656e74 735c385c 675f6261 x_client s\8\g_ba
- 32: 6c616e63 655f7261 696c6775 6e5f7265 lance_ra ilgun_re
- 48: 66697265 5c312e34 5c675f62 616c616e fire\1.4 \g_balan
- 64: 63655f73 686f7467 756e5f6b 6e6f636b ce_shotg un_knock
- 80: 6261636b 5c325c67 5f62616c 616e6365 back\2\g _balance
- 96: 5f737570 65727368 6f746775 6e5f7265 _supersh otgun_re
- 112: 66697265 5c302e38 5c675f76 6f74655f fire\0.8 \g_vote_
- 128: 616c6c6f 775f675f 686f6f6b 5f737065 allow_g_ hook_spe
- 144: 65645c31 5c675f61 75746f5f 6a6f696e ed\1\g_a uto_join
- 160: 5c305c67 5f766f74 655f616c 6c6f775f \0\g_vot e_allow_
- 176: 6d61705c 315c675f 62616c61 6e63655f map\1\g_ balance_
- 192: 6772656e 6164656c 61756e63 6865725f grenadel auncher_
- 208: 74696d65 725c322e 355c675f 62616c61 timer\2. 5\g_bala
- 224: 6e63655f 73757065 7273686f 7467756e nce_supe rshotgun
- 240: 5f70656c 6c657473 5c32345c 675f6261 _pellets \24\g_ba
- 256: 6c616e63 655f626c 61737465 725f7265 lance_bl aster_re
- 272: 66697265 5c302e34 355c675f 6d617463 fire\0.4 5\g_matc
- 288: 685c305c 675f6672 69656e64 6c795f66 h\0\g_fr iendly_f
- 304: 6972655c 315c7376 5f707562 6c69635c ire\1\sv _public\
- 320: 315c675f 62616c61 6e63655f 73686f74 1\g_bala nce_shot
- 336: 67756e5f 70656c6c 6574735c 31325c67 gun_pell ets\12\g
- 352: 5f766f74 655f616c 6c6f775f 675f7370 _vote_al low_g_sp
- 368: 61776e5f 66617274 68657374 5c315c67 awn_fart hest\1\g
- 384: 5f62616c 616e6365 5f626667 5f6b6e6f _balance _bfg_kno
- 400: 636b6261 636b5c31 34305c67 5f62616c ckback\1 40\g_bal
- 416: 616e6365 5f687970 6572626c 61737465 ance_hyp erblaste
- 432: 725f7370 6565645c 31383030 5c675f67 r_speed\ 1800\g_g
- 448: 616d6570 6c61795c 64656661 756c745c ameplay\ default\
- 464: 675f6261 6c616e63 655f6c69 6768746e g_balanc e_lightn
- 480: 696e675f 6c656e67 74685c36 30305c67 ing_leng th\600\g
- 496: 5f666f72 63655f64 656d6f5c 305c675f _force_d emo\0\g_
- 512: 7465616d 735c300a teams\0.
- debug(2) 02:09:23 qstat.c:3243 do_work() - connected, pre-packet_func: 1
- debug(2) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6133 deal_with_qw_packet() - deal_with_qw_packet 0x56439bdd34e0, 520
- debug(2) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6429 deal_with_q2_packet() - deal_with_q2_packet 0x56439bdd34e0, 510
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - sv_max_clients = 8
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - g_balance_railgun_refire = 1.4
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:7356 add_rule() - key: g_balance_railgun_refire, value: 1.4, flags: 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - g_balance_shotgun_knockback = 2
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:7356 add_rule() - key: g_balance_shotgun_knockback, value: 2, flags: 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - g_balance_supershotgun_refire = 0.8
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:7356 add_rule() - key: g_balance_supershotgun_refire, value: 0.8, flags: 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - g_vote_allow_g_hook_speed = 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:7356 add_rule() - key: g_vote_allow_g_hook_speed, value: 1, flags: 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - g_auto_join = 0
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:7356 add_rule() - key: g_auto_join, value: 0, flags: 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - g_vote_allow_map = 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:7356 add_rule() - key: g_vote_allow_map, value: 1, flags: 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - g_balance_grenadelauncher_timer = 2.5
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:7356 add_rule() - key: g_balance_grenadelauncher_timer, value: 2.5, flags: 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - g_balance_supershotgun_pellets = 24
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:7356 add_rule() - key: g_balance_supershotgun_pellets, value: 24, flags: 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - g_balance_blaster_refire = 0.45
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:7356 add_rule() - key: g_balance_blaster_refire, value: 0.45, flags: 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - g_match = 0
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:7356 add_rule() - key: g_match, value: 0, flags: 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - g_friendly_fire = 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:7356 add_rule() - key: g_friendly_fire, value: 1, flags: 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - sv_public = 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:7356 add_rule() - key: sv_public, value: 1, flags: 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - g_balance_shotgun_pellets = 12
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:7356 add_rule() - key: g_balance_shotgun_pellets, value: 12, flags: 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - g_vote_allow_g_spawn_farthest = 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:7356 add_rule() - key: g_vote_allow_g_spawn_farthest, value: 1, flags: 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - g_balance_bfg_knockback = 140
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:7356 add_rule() - key: g_balance_bfg_knockback, value: 140, flags: 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - g_balance_hyperblaster_speed = 1800
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:7356 add_rule() - key: g_balance_hyperblaster_speed, value: 1800, flags: 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - g_gameplay = default
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:7356 add_rule() - key: g_gameplay, value: default, flags: 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - g_balance_lightning_length = 600
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:7356 add_rule() - key: g_balance_lightning_length, value: 600, flags: 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - g_force_demo = 0
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:7356 add_rule() - key: g_force_demo, value: 0, flags: 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6460 deal_with_q2_packet() - g_teams = 0
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:7356 add_rule() - key: g_teams, value: 0, flags: 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:6505 deal_with_q2_packet() - player info
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:4774 process_func_ret() - 0x56439bdd34e0, 1
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:5658 cleanup_qserver() - cleanup_qserver 0x56439bdd34e0, 0
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:5669 cleanup_qserver() - TF_SINGLE_QUERY, forcing close
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:5676 cleanup_qserver() - close_it 1
- {
- "protocol": "q2s",
- "address": "localhost:1998",
- "status": "online",
- "hostname": "localhost:1998",
- "name": "",
- "gametype": "",
- "map": "?",
- "numplayers": 0,
- "maxplayers": 8,
- "numspectators": 0,
- "maxspectators": 0,
- "ping": 1,
- "retries": 0,
- "rules": {
- "g_balance_railgun_refire": "1.4",
- "g_balance_shotgun_knockback": "2",
- "g_balance_supershotgun_refire": "0.8",
- "g_vote_allow_g_hook_speed": "1",
- "g_auto_join": "0",
- "g_vote_allow_map": "1",
- "g_balance_grenadelauncher_timer": "2.5",
- "g_balance_supershotgun_pellets": "24",
- "g_balance_blaster_refire": "0.45",
- "g_match": "0",
- "g_friendly_fire": "1",
- "sv_public": "1",
- "g_balance_shotgun_pellets": "12",
- "g_vote_allow_g_spawn_farthest": "1",
- "g_balance_bfg_knockback": "140",
- "g_balance_hyperblaster_speed": "1800",
- "g_gameplay": "default",
- "g_balance_lightning_length": "600",
- "g_force_demo": "0",
- "g_teams": "0"
- },
- "players": [
- ]
- debug(2) 02:09:23 qstat.c:3245 do_work() - connected, post-packet_func: 0
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:4811 send_packets() - processing...
- debug(3) 02:09:23 qstat.c:4922 send_packets() - done
- debug(2) 02:09:23 qstat.c:3259 do_work() - connected: 0
- }
- ]
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