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- #!/usr/bin/python
- '''Encodes a file into a paletted image.
- fpicencode
- fpicencode [-z] [-m sourceimage] sourcefile [outputfile]
- The fpicencode script encodes an arbtrary file as a roughly square
- 256-colour image.
- Options:
- -z Store the file compressed, if the image size will be reduced
- as a result.
- -m image Use an image to be modulated by the data at the cost of
- halving the data density.
- This script can be found on Pastebin.
- Decoder:
- Encoder:
- '''
- import sys
- import os.path
- from math import *
- from PIL import Image
- import zlib
- gamma = 2.2
- class Error (Exception):
- pass
- def vlengthsquared(a):
- return sum(x * x for x in a)
- def vlength(a):
- return sqrt(vlengthsquared(a))
- def vneg(a):
- return tuple(-x for x in a)
- def vsum(*vectorargs):
- if len(vectorargs) == 1:
- vectors = vectorargs[0]
- else:
- vectors = vectorargs
- r = tuple(vectors[0])
- for i in range(1, len(vectors)):
- r = tuple(a + b for a, b in zip(r, vectors[i]))
- return r
- def vdiff(a, b):
- return tuple(x - y for x, y in zip(a, b))
- def vscaled(a, scale):
- return tuple(x * scale for x in a)
- def vlerp(a, b, t):
- return vsum(
- vscaled(a, 1.0 - t),
- vscaled(b, t)
- )
- def fabulouspalette():
- anchors = [
- # Cube (first half)
- (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 254), (254, 0, 0), (254, 0, 254),
- # Octahedron
- (127, 127, 0), (127, 0, 127), (0, 127, 127),
- (127, 127, 254), (127, 254, 127), (254, 127, 127),
- # Centre
- (127, 127, 127),
- # Dark grey
- (63, 63, 63),
- # Cube (last half)
- (0, 254, 0), (0, 254, 254), (254, 254, 0), (254, 254, 254)
- ]
- anomalousexcursions = {
- (-1, -1, -1): (1, 1, 2),
- (-1, -1, 256): (1, 1, 253),
- (256, -1, -1): (254, 1, 2),
- (256, -1, 256): (254, 1, 253),
- (-1, 256, -1): (1, 254, 2),
- (-1, 256, 256): (1, 254, 253),
- (256, 256, -1): (254, 254, 2),
- (256, 256, 256): (254, 254, 253),
- }
- p = [0] * (3 * 256)
- for maincolix in range(16):
- a = anchors[maincolix]
- for lix in range(2):
- lo = -lix
- ls = 1 + 2 * lix
- for gix in range(2):
- for rix in range(2):
- for bix in range(2):
- am = (rix, gix, bix)
- ucol = tuple(a[i] + lo + ls * am[i] for i in range(3))
- if ucol in anomalousexcursions:
- ucol = anomalousexcursions[ucol]
- col = [max(0, min(255, uc)) for uc in ucol]
- subcolix = (gix << 3) + (rix << 2) + (bix << 1) + lix
- pix = 3 * ((maincolix << 4) + subcolix)
- p[pix : pix + 3] = col
- return p
- def gammac(level):
- return pow(level / 255.0, gamma)
- def rup2(x):
- return (x + 1) & ~1
- def chunksizebytes(datasize):
- r = bytearray(4)
- for i in range(4):
- r[3 - i] = (datasize >> (8 * i)) & 255
- return r
- def chunkidbytes(chunkid):
- r = bytearray(4)
- for i in range(4):
- r[i] = ord(chunkid[i])
- return r
- def chunkhdr(chunkid, datasize):
- return chunkidbytes(chunkid) + chunksizebytes(datasize)
- def newchunk(chunkid, data):
- r = chunkhdr(chunkid, len(data)) + data
- if len(data) & 1:
- a = bytearray(1)
- a[0] = 0
- r += a
- return r
- def chunksize(chunkhdr):
- r = 0
- for i in range(4):
- r += (chunkhdr[7 - i] & 0x00FF) << (8 * i)
- r = 4 + rup2(r)
- return r
- def main():
- infname = None
- picfname = None
- outfname = 'encoded.png'
- dozip = False
- iszipped = False
- domodulate = False
- fname = infname
- rc = 0
- args = list(sys.argv)
- cn = args[0]
- opts = []
- params = []
- argix = 1
- while argix < len(args):
- arg = args[argix]
- nextarg = args[argix + 1] if argix + 1 < len(args) else None
- if len(params) == 0 and len(arg) >= 2 and arg[0] == '-':
- opt = arg[:2]
- hassep = len(arg) >= 3 and arg[2] in ':='
- if opt == '-z':
- opts.append((opt, None))
- elif opt == '-m':
- if hassep:
- opts.append((opt, arg[3:]))
- else:
- opts.append((opt, nextarg))
- argix += 1
- else:
- opts.append(arg)
- else:
- params.append(arg)
- argix += 1
- for opt, value in opts:
- if opt == '-z':
- dozip = True
- elif opt == '-m':
- picfname = value
- domodulate = picfname is not None and picfname != ''
- if len(params) >= 1:
- infname = params[0]
- params = params[1:]
- if len(params) >= 1:
- outfname = params[0]
- params = params[1:]
- if infname is None or infname == '':
- print cn + ': A source filename is expected.'
- rc = 1
- elif len(params) > 0:
- print cn + ': Too many parameters.'
- rc = 1
- if rc:
- return rc
- fname = os.path.split(infname)[1]
- fdata = None
- fh = open(infname, 'rb')
- try:
- rc = 2
- fdata = bytearray(
- rc = 0
- finally:
- fh.close()
- if rc:
- return rc
- cdata = fdata
- if dozip:
- zdata = zlib.compress(str(cdata), 9)
- if len(zdata) < len(cdata):
- cdata = bytearray(zdata)
- iszipped = True
- hdr = bytearray([0] * 20)
- hdr[0] = 1 if iszipped else 0
- ct = chunkidbytes('Raw ')
- hc = newchunk('RDHD', hdr)
- nc = newchunk('NAME', bytearray(fname + chr(0)))
- dc = newchunk('DATA', cdata)
- iffdata = ct + hc + nc + dc
- iffdatasize = len(iffdata)
- edata = chunkidbytes('FORM') + chunksizebytes(iffdatasize) + iffdata;
- #fh = open('data.iff', 'wb')
- #try:
- # fh.write(str(edata))
- #finally:
- # fh.close()
- mdata = edata
- if domodulate:
- mdata = bytearray(2 * len(edata))
- for i in range(len(edata)):
- e = edata[i]
- mdata[2 * i] = (e >> 4) & 15
- mdata[2 * i + 1] = e & 15
- imgfmt = 'P'
- palette = fabulouspalette()
- reqpix = len(mdata)
- w = 8 * int(round(sqrt(reqpix * 4.0/3.0) / 8.0))
- h = w * 3 // 4
- while w * h < reqpix:
- w += 8
- h = w * 3 // 4
- im =, (w, h))
- im.putpalette(palette)
- pic = None
- pixrem = w * h;
- x = 0
- y = 0
- mix = 0
- if domodulate:
- pic ='RGB').resize((w, h), Image.CUBIC)
- gcpalette = tuple(gammac(c) for c in palette)
- errshares = [rw / 16.0 for rw in [7, 3, 5, 1]]
- fwderr = None
- rowerrs = None
- nextrowerrs = [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] * (w + 2)
- while pixrem:
- if x == 0:
- fwderr = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- rowerrs = nextrowerrs
- nextrowerrs = [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)] * (w + 2)
- m = mdata[mix]
- nlsrcpx = pic.getpixel((x, y))
- srcpx = tuple(gammac(c) for c in nlsrcpx)
- idealcol = vdiff(srcpx, vsum(fwderr, rowerrs[1 + x]))
- bestcix = i << 4
- beste2 = 1e9
- for i in range(16):
- cix = (i << 4) + (m & 15)
- col = gcpalette[3 * cix : 3 * cix + 3]
- e2 = vlengthsquared(vdiff(col, idealcol))
- if e2 < beste2:
- bestcix = cix
- beste2 = e2
- cix = bestcix
- col = gcpalette[3 * cix : 3 * cix + 3]
- im.putpixel((x, y), cix)
- err = vdiff(col, idealcol)
- fwderr = vscaled(err, errshares[0])
- nextrowerrs[x] = vsum(nextrowerrs[x], vscaled(err, errshares[1]))
- nextrowerrs[x + 1] = vsum(nextrowerrs[x + 1], vscaled(err, errshares[2]))
- nextrowerrs[x + 2] = vsum(nextrowerrs[x + 2], vscaled(err, errshares[3]))
- mix = (mix + 1) % len(mdata)
- x = (x + 1) % w
- y += 0 if x else 1
- pixrem -= 1
- else:
- while pixrem:
- px = mdata[mix]
- im.putpixel((x, y), px)
- mix = (mix + 1) % len(mdata)
- x = (x + 1) % w
- y += 0 if x else 1
- pixrem -= 1
- ext = os.path.splitext(outfname)[1]
- fmt = 'GIF' if ext in ['.gif', '.GIF'] else 'PNG'
-, fmt)
- return rc
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main())
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