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- pragma solidity ^0.4.13;
- contract VeritaseumToken {
- string public name = "Veritaseum"; // name of the token
- string public symbol = "VERI"; // ERC20 compliant 4 digit token code
- uint public decimals = 18; // token has 18 digit precision
- uint public totalSupply = 100000000 ether; // total supply of 100 Million Tokens
- function balanceOf(address who) constant returns (uint);
- function allowance(address owner, address spender) constant returns (uint);
- function transfer(address to, uint value) returns (bool ok);
- function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint value) returns (bool ok);
- function approve(address spender, uint value) returns (bool ok);
- event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value);
- event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value);
- }
- library SafeMath {
- function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
- uint256 c = a * b;
- assert(a == 0 || c / a == b);
- return c;
- }
- function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
- // assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
- uint256 c = a / b;
- // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
- return c;
- }
- function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
- assert(b <= a);
- return a - b;
- }
- function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
- uint256 c = a + b;
- assert(c >= a);
- return c;
- }
- }
- contract Ownable {
- address public owner;
- event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);
- /**
- * @dev The Ownable constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender
- * account.
- */
- function Ownable() {
- owner = msg.sender;
- }
- /**
- * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.
- */
- modifier onlyOwner() {
- require(msg.sender == owner);
- _;
- }
- /**
- * @dev Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner.
- * @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to.
- */
- function transferOwnership(address newOwner) onlyOwner public {
- require(newOwner != address(0));
- OwnershipTransferred(owner, newOwner);
- owner = newOwner;
- }
- }
- contract TokenDestructible is Ownable {
- function TokenDestructible() payable { }
- /**
- * @notice Terminate contract and refund to owner
- * @param tokens List of addresses of ERC20 or ERC20Basic token contracts to
- refund.
- * @notice The called token contracts could try to re-enter this contract. Only
- supply token contracts you trust.
- */
- function destroy(address[] tokens) onlyOwner public {
- // Transfer tokens to owner
- for(uint256 i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
- ERC20Basic token = ERC20Basic(tokens[i]);
- uint256 balance = token.balanceOf(this);
- token.transfer(owner, balance);
- }
- // Transfer Eth to owner and terminate contract
- selfdestruct(owner);
- }
- }
- contract VeExposure is TokenDestructible {
- //--- Definitions
- using SafeMath for uint256;
- enum State { None, Open, Collected, Closing, Closed }
- struct Exposure {
- address account;
- uint256 veriAmount;
- uint256 initialValue;
- uint256 finalValue;
- uint64 creationTime;
- uint64 closingTime;
- State state;
- }
- //--- Storage
- VeritaseumToken public veToken;
- address public portfolio;
- uint256 public ratio;
- uint32 public minDuration;
- uint32 public maxDuration;
- uint256 public minVeriAmount;
- uint256 public maxVeriAmount;
- mapping (bytes32 => Exposure) exposures;
- //--- Constructor
- function VeExposure(
- VeritaseumToken _veToken,
- uint256 _ratio,
- uint32 _minDuration,
- uint32 _maxDuration,
- uint256 _minVeriAmount,
- uint256 _maxVeriAmount
- ) {
- require(_veToken != address(0));
- require(_minDuration > 0 && _minDuration <= _maxDuration);
- require(_minVeriAmount > 0 && _minVeriAmount <= _maxVeriAmount);
- veToken = _veToken;
- ratio = _ratio;
- minDuration = _minDuration;
- maxDuration = _maxDuration;
- minVeriAmount = _minVeriAmount;
- maxVeriAmount = _maxVeriAmount;
- }
- //--- Modifiers
- modifier onlyPortfolio {
- require(msg.sender == portfolio);
- _;
- }
- //--- Accessors
- function setPortfolio(address _portfolio) public onlyOwner {
- require(_portfolio != address(0));
- portfolio = _portfolio;
- }
- function setMinDuration(uint32 _minDuration) public onlyOwner {
- require(_minDuration > 0 && _minDuration <= maxDuration);
- minDuration = _minDuration;
- }
- function setMaxDuration(uint32 _maxDuration) public onlyOwner {
- require(_maxDuration >= minDuration);
- maxDuration = _maxDuration;
- }
- function setMinVeriAmount(uint32 _minVeriAmount) public onlyOwner {
- require(_minVeriAmount > 0 && _minVeriAmount <= maxVeriAmount);
- minVeriAmount = _minVeriAmount;
- }
- function setMaxVeriAmount(uint32 _maxVeriAmount) public onlyOwner {
- require(_maxVeriAmount >= minVeriAmount);
- maxVeriAmount = _maxVeriAmount;
- }
- //--- Events
- event ExposureOpened(
- bytes32 indexed id,
- address indexed account,
- uint256 veriAmount,
- uint256 value,
- uint64 creationTime,
- uint64 closingTime
- );
- event ExposureCollected(
- bytes32 indexed id,
- address indexed account,
- uint256 value
- );
- event ExposureClosed(
- bytes32 indexed id,
- address indexed account,
- uint256 initialValue,
- uint256 finalValue
- );
- event ExposureSettled(
- bytes32 indexed id,
- address indexed account,
- uint256 value
- );
- //--- Public functions
- function open(uint256 veriAmount, uint32 duration, uint256 nonce) public payable {
- require(veriAmount >= minVeriAmount && veriAmount <= maxVeriAmount);
- require(duration >= minDuration && duration <= maxDuration);
- require(checkRatio(veriAmount, msg.value));
- bytes32 id = calculateId({
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- value: msg.value,
- duration: duration,
- nonce: nonce
- });
- require(!exists(id));
- openExposure(id, veriAmount, duration);
- forwardTokens(veriAmount);
- }
- function collect(bytes32 id) public onlyPortfolio returns (uint256 value) {
- Exposure storage exposure = exposures[id];
- require(exposure.state == State.Open);
- value = exposure.initialValue;
- exposure.state = State.Collected;
- msg.sender.transfer(value);
- ExposureCollected({
- id: id,
- account: exposure.account,
- value: value
- });
- }
- function close(bytes32 id) public payable onlyPortfolio {
- Exposure storage exposure = exposures[id];
- require(exposure.state == State.Collected);
- require(hasPassed(exposure.closingTime));
- exposure.state = State.Closed;
- exposure.finalValue = msg.value;
- ExposureClosed({
- id: id,
- account: exposure.account,
- initialValue: exposure.initialValue,
- finalValue: exposure.finalValue
- });
- }
- function settle(bytes32 id) public returns (uint256 finalValue) {
- Exposure storage exposure = exposures[id];
- require(msg.sender == exposure.account);
- require(exposure.state == State.Closed);
- finalValue = exposure.finalValue;
- delete exposures[id];
- msg.sender.transfer(finalValue);
- ExposureSettled({
- id: id,
- account: msg.sender,
- value: finalValue
- });
- }
- //--- Public constant functions
- function status(bytes32 id)
- public
- constant
- returns (uint8 state)
- {
- Exposure storage exposure = exposures[id];
- state = uint8(exposure.state);
- if (exposure.state == State.Collected && hasPassed(exposure.closingTime)) {
- state = uint8(State.Closing);
- }
- }
- function exists(bytes32 id) public constant returns (bool) {
- return exposures[id].creationTime > 0;
- }
- function checkRatio(uint256 veriAmount, uint256 value)
- public
- constant
- returns (bool)
- {
- uint256 expectedValue = ratio.mul(veriAmount).div(1 ether);
- return value == expectedValue;
- }
- function calculateId(
- uint256 veriAmount,
- uint256 value,
- uint32 duration,
- uint256 nonce
- )
- public
- constant
- returns (bytes32)
- {
- return sha256(
- this,
- msg.sender,
- value,
- veriAmount,
- duration,
- nonce
- );
- }
- //--- Fallback function
- function() public payable {
- // accept Ether deposits
- }
- //--- Private functions
- function forwardTokens(uint256 veriAmount) private {
- require(veToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, veriAmount));
- require(veToken.approve(portfolio, veriAmount));
- }
- function openExposure(bytes32 id, uint256 veriAmount, uint32 duration) private constant {
- uint64 creationTime = uint64(block.timestamp);
- uint64 closingTime = uint64(block.timestamp.add(duration));
- exposures[id] = Exposure({
- account: msg.sender,
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- initialValue: msg.value,
- finalValue: 0,
- creationTime: creationTime,
- closingTime: closingTime,
- state: State.Open
- });
- ExposureOpened({
- id: id,
- account: msg.sender,
- creationTime: creationTime,
- closingTime: closingTime,
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- value: msg.value
- });
- }
- //--- Private constant functions
- function hasPassed(uint64 time)
- private
- constant
- returns (bool)
- {
- return block.timestamp >= time;
- }
- }
- contract VeRent is TokenDestructible {
- //--- Definitions
- using SafeMath for uint256;
- struct VeriOffer {
- address account;
- uint256 veriAmount;
- uint256 price;
- uint32 duration;
- uint64 expiration;
- }
- struct EtherOffer {
- address account;
- uint256 veriAmount;
- uint256 value;
- uint256 price;
- uint32 duration;
- uint64 expiration;
- }
- struct VeriIndex {
- mapping (bytes32 => VeriBucket) buckets;
- }
- struct EtherIndex {
- mapping (bytes32 => EtherBucket) buckets;
- }
- struct VeriBucket {
- bytes32[] ids;
- }
- struct EtherBucket {
- bytes32[] ids;
- }
- //--- Storage
- VeritaseumToken public veToken;
- VeRentExposure public veRentExposure;
- mapping (bytes32 => VeriOffer) public veriOffers;
- mapping (bytes32 => EtherOffer) public etherOffers;
- EtherIndex private etherIndex;
- VeriIndex private veriIndex;
- //--- Constructor
- function VeRent(VeritaseumToken _veToken, VeRentExposure _veRentExposure) {
- require(_veToken != address(0));
- require(_veRentExposure != address(0));
- veToken = _veToken;
- veRentExposure = _veRentExposure;
- }
- //--- Accessors
- function ratio() public constant returns (uint256) {
- return veRentExposure.ratio();
- }
- function minVeriAmount() public constant returns (uint256) {
- return veRentExposure.minVeriAmount();
- }
- function maxVeriAmount() public constant returns (uint256) {
- return veRentExposure.maxVeriAmount();
- }
- function minDuration() public constant returns (uint32) {
- return veRentExposure.minDuration();
- }
- function maxDuration() public constant returns (uint32) {
- return veRentExposure.maxDuration();
- }
- function minPrice() public constant returns (uint256) {
- return veRentExposure.minPrice();
- }
- function maxPrice() public constant returns (uint256) {
- return veRentExposure.maxPrice();
- }
- //--- Events
- event VeriOfferAdded(
- bytes32 indexed id,
- address indexed account,
- uint256 veriAmount,
- uint256 price,
- uint32 duration,
- uint64 expiration
- );
- event EtherOfferAdded(
- bytes32 indexed id,
- address indexed account,
- uint256 veriAmount,
- uint256 value,
- uint256 price,
- uint32 duration,
- uint64 expiration
- );
- event DealMade(
- bytes32 id,
- bytes32 veriId,
- bytes32 etherId,
- address indexed veriAccount,
- address indexed etherAccount,
- uint256 veriAmount,
- uint256 value,
- uint256 price,
- uint32 duration
- );
- event VeriOfferCancelled(bytes32 indexed id);
- event EtherOfferCancelled(bytes32 indexed id);
- //--- Public functions
- function addVeriOffer(
- uint256 veriAmount,
- uint256 price,
- uint32 duration,
- uint64 expiration,
- uint256 nonce
- )
- public
- {
- require(veriAmount >= minVeriAmount() && veriAmount <= maxVeriAmount());
- require(price >= minPrice() && price <= maxPrice());
- require(duration >= minDuration() && duration <= maxDuration());
- require(isDefaultOrFuture(expiration));
- // remember to call approve(...) on Veritaseum Token before calling this function
- require(veToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, veriAmount));
- bytes32 veriId = calculateOfferId({
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- value: 0,
- price: price,
- duration: duration,
- expiration: expiration,
- nonce: nonce
- });
- require(!veriOfferExists(veriId));
- VeriOfferAdded({
- id: veriId,
- account: msg.sender,
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- price: price,
- duration: duration,
- expiration: expiration
- });
- bytes32 bucketKey = calculateBucketKey({
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- price: price,
- duration: duration
- });
- if (!matchEtherOffer(bucketKey, veriId, nonce)) {
- saveVeriOffer({
- bucketKey: bucketKey,
- veriId: veriId,
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- price: price,
- duration: duration,
- expiration: expiration
- });
- }
- }
- function addEtherOffer(
- uint256 veriAmount,
- uint256 price,
- uint32 duration,
- uint64 expiration,
- uint256 nonce
- )
- public
- payable
- {
- require(price >= minPrice() && price <= maxPrice());
- require(duration >= minDuration() && duration <= maxDuration());
- require(isDefaultOrFuture(expiration));
- require(checkRatio(veriAmount, msg.value));
- bytes32 etherId = calculateOfferId({
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- value: msg.value,
- price: price,
- duration: duration,
- expiration: expiration,
- nonce: nonce
- });
- require(!etherOfferExists(etherId));
- EtherOfferAdded({
- id: etherId,
- account: msg.sender,
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- value: msg.value,
- price: price,
- duration: duration,
- expiration: expiration
- });
- bytes32 bucketKey = calculateBucketKey({
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- price: price,
- duration: duration
- });
- if (!matchVeriOffer(bucketKey, etherId, nonce)) {
- saveEtherOffer({
- bucketKey: bucketKey,
- etherId: etherId,
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- price: price,
- duration: duration,
- expiration: expiration
- });
- }
- }
- function cancelVeriOffer(bytes32 veriId) public {
- VeriOffer storage offer = veriOffers[veriId];
- require(msg.sender == offer.account || msg.sender == owner);
- bytes32 bucketKey = calculateBucketKey({
- veriAmount: offer.veriAmount,
- price: offer.price,
- duration: offer.duration
- });
- VeriBucket storage veriBucket = veriIndex.buckets[bucketKey];
- // copy before deletion
- uint256 veriAmount = offer.veriAmount;
- address veriAccount = offer.account;
- removeVeriOffer(veriBucket, veriId);
- paybackTokens(veriAccount, veriAmount);
- VeriOfferCancelled(veriId);
- }
- function cancelEtherOffer(bytes32 etherId) public {
- EtherOffer storage offer = etherOffers[etherId];
- require(msg.sender == offer.account || msg.sender == owner);
- bytes32 bucketKey = calculateBucketKey({
- veriAmount: offer.veriAmount,
- price: offer.price,
- duration: offer.duration
- });
- EtherBucket storage etherBucket = etherIndex.buckets[bucketKey];
- // copy before deletion
- uint256 value = offer.value;
- address etherAccount = offer.account;
- removeEtherOffer(etherBucket, etherId);
- paybackEther(etherAccount, value);
- EtherOfferCancelled(etherId);
- }
- //--- Public constant functions
- function checkRatio(uint256 veriAmount, uint256 value)
- public
- constant
- returns (bool)
- {
- return veRentExposure.checkRatio(veriAmount, value);
- }
- function veriOfferExists(bytes32 veriId)
- public
- constant
- returns (bool)
- {
- return veriOffers[veriId].account != address(0);
- }
- function etherOfferExists(bytes32 etherId)
- public
- constant
- returns (bool)
- {
- return etherOffers[etherId].account != address(0);
- }
- //--- Fallback function
- function() {
- // prevent accidental sending Ether
- revert();
- }
- //--- Private functions
- function matchVeriOffer(bytes32 bucketKey, bytes32 etherId, uint256 nonce)
- private
- returns (bool)
- {
- VeriBucket storage veriBucket = veriIndex.buckets[bucketKey];
- for (uint256 i = 0; i < veriBucket.ids.length; i++) {
- bytes32 matchingVeriId = veriBucket.ids[i];
- VeriOffer storage matchingOffer = veriOffers[matchingVeriId];
- if (isDefaultOrFuture(matchingOffer.expiration)) {
- openRentExposure({
- veriId: matchingVeriId,
- etherId: etherId,
- veriAccount: matchingOffer.account,
- etherAccount: msg.sender,
- veriAmount: matchingOffer.veriAmount,
- value: msg.value,
- price: matchingOffer.price,
- duration: matchingOffer.duration,
- nonce: nonce
- });
- removeVeriOffer(veriBucket, matchingVeriId);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function matchEtherOffer(bytes32 bucketKey, bytes32 veriId, uint256 nonce)
- private
- returns (bool)
- {
- EtherBucket storage etherBucket = etherIndex.buckets[bucketKey];
- for (uint256 i = 0; i < etherBucket.ids.length; i++) {
- bytes32 matchingEtherId = etherBucket.ids[i];
- EtherOffer storage matchingOffer = etherOffers[matchingEtherId];
- if (isDefaultOrFuture(matchingOffer.expiration)) {
- openRentExposure({
- veriId: veriId,
- etherId: matchingEtherId,
- veriAccount: msg.sender,
- etherAccount: matchingOffer.account,
- veriAmount: matchingOffer.veriAmount,
- value: matchingOffer.value,
- price: matchingOffer.price,
- duration: matchingOffer.duration,
- nonce: nonce
- });
- removeEtherOffer(etherBucket, matchingEtherId);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function saveVeriOffer(
- bytes32 bucketKey,
- bytes32 veriId,
- uint256 veriAmount,
- uint256 price,
- uint32 duration,
- uint64 expiration
- )
- private
- {
- VeriBucket storage veriBucket = veriIndex.buckets[bucketKey];
- veriBucket.ids.push(veriId);
- veriOffers[veriId] = VeriOffer({
- account: msg.sender,
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- price: price,
- duration: duration,
- expiration: expiration
- });
- }
- function saveEtherOffer(
- bytes32 bucketKey,
- bytes32 etherId,
- uint256 veriAmount,
- uint256 price,
- uint32 duration,
- uint64 expiration
- )
- private
- {
- EtherBucket storage etherBucket = etherIndex.buckets[bucketKey];
- etherBucket.ids.push(etherId);
- etherOffers[etherId] = EtherOffer({
- account: msg.sender,
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- value: msg.value,
- price: price,
- duration: duration,
- expiration: expiration
- });
- }
- function openRentExposure(
- bytes32 veriId,
- bytes32 etherId,
- address veriAccount,
- address etherAccount,
- uint256 veriAmount,
- uint256 value,
- uint256 price,
- uint32 duration,
- uint256 nonce
- )
- private
- {
- require(veToken.approve(veRentExposure, veriAmount));
- bytes32 id = veRentExposure.calculateId({
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- value: value,
- duration: duration,
- nonce: nonce
- });
- DealMade({
- id: id,
- veriId: veriId,
- etherId: etherId,
- veriAccount: veriAccount,
- etherAccount: etherAccount,
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- value: value,
- price: price,
- duration: duration
- });
- veriAccount: veriAccount,
- etherAccount: etherAccount,
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- price: price,
- duration: duration,
- nonce: nonce
- });
- }
- function removeVeriOffer(VeriBucket storage veriBucket, bytes32 veriId) private {
- uint256 index = getIndex(veriBucket.ids, veriId);
- removeByIndex(veriBucket.ids, index);
- delete veriOffers[veriId];
- }
- function removeEtherOffer(EtherBucket storage etherBucket, bytes32 etherId) private {
- uint256 index = getIndex(etherBucket.ids, etherId);
- removeByIndex(etherBucket.ids, index);
- delete etherOffers[etherId];
- }
- function paybackTokens(address account, uint256 veriAmount) private {
- require(veToken.transfer(account, veriAmount));
- }
- function paybackEther(address account, uint256 value) private {
- account.transfer(value);
- }
- function removeByIndex(bytes32[] storage array, uint256 i) private {
- array[i] = array[array.length - 1];
- array.length--;
- }
- //--- Private constant functions
- function calculateOfferId(
- uint256 veriAmount,
- uint256 value,
- uint256 price,
- uint32 duration,
- uint64 expiration,
- uint256 nonce
- )
- private
- constant
- returns (bytes32)
- {
- return sha256(
- this,
- msg.sender,
- value,
- veriAmount,
- price,
- duration,
- expiration,
- nonce
- );
- }
- function calculateBucketKey(
- uint256 veriAmount,
- uint256 price,
- uint32 duration
- )
- private
- constant
- returns (bytes32)
- {
- return sha256(veriAmount, price, duration);
- }
- function getIndex(bytes32[] storage ids, bytes32 id)
- private
- constant
- returns (uint256)
- {
- for (uint256 i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
- if (ids[i] == id) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- assert(false);
- }
- function isDefaultOrFuture(uint64 time) private constant returns (bool) {
- return time == 0 || time > block.timestamp;
- }
- }
- contract VeRentExposure is TokenDestructible {
- //--- Definitions
- using SafeMath for uint;
- struct RentExposure {
- bytes32 id;
- address veriAccount;
- address etherAccount;
- uint256 veriAmount;
- uint256 price;
- uint256 initialValue;
- uint256 finalValue;
- bool veriSettled;
- bool etherSettled;
- }
- uint256 constant public PRICE_100_PERCENT = 1 ether;
- //--- Storage
- VeritaseumToken public veToken;
- VeExposure public veExposure;
- uint256 public minPrice;
- uint256 public maxPrice;
- mapping (bytes32 => RentExposure) exposures;
- //--- Constructor
- function VeRentExposure(
- VeritaseumToken _veToken,
- VeExposure _veExposure,
- uint256 _minPrice,
- uint256 _maxPrice
- ) {
- require(_veToken != address(0));
- require(_veExposure != address(0));
- require(_minPrice <= _maxPrice && _maxPrice <= PRICE_100_PERCENT);
- veToken = _veToken;
- veExposure = _veExposure;
- minPrice = _minPrice;
- maxPrice = _maxPrice;
- }
- //--- Accessors
- function ratio() public constant returns (uint256) {
- return veExposure.ratio();
- }
- function minVeriAmount() public constant returns (uint256) {
- return veExposure.minVeriAmount();
- }
- function maxVeriAmount() public constant returns (uint256) {
- return veExposure.maxVeriAmount();
- }
- function minDuration() constant public returns (uint32) {
- return veExposure.minDuration();
- }
- function maxDuration() constant public returns (uint32) {
- return veExposure.maxDuration();
- }
- function setMinPrice(uint256 _minPrice) public onlyOwner {
- require(_minPrice <= maxPrice);
- minPrice = _minPrice;
- }
- function setMaxPrice(uint256 _maxPrice) public onlyOwner {
- require(_maxPrice >= minPrice && _maxPrice <= PRICE_100_PERCENT);
- maxPrice = _maxPrice;
- }
- //--- Events
- event RentExposureOpened(
- bytes32 indexed id,
- address indexed veriAccount,
- address indexed etherAccount,
- uint256 veriAmount,
- uint256 value,
- uint256 price,
- uint32 duration
- );
- event VeriExposureSettled(
- bytes32 indexed id,
- address indexed account,
- uint256 value
- );
- event EtherExposureSettled(
- bytes32 indexed id,
- address indexed account,
- uint256 value
- );
- //--- Public functions
- function open(
- address veriAccount,
- address etherAccount,
- uint256 veriAmount,
- uint256 price,
- uint32 duration,
- uint256 nonce
- )
- public
- payable
- returns (bytes32)
- {
- require(veriAccount != address(0));
- require(etherAccount != address(0));
- require(price >= minPrice && minPrice <= maxPrice);
- forwardTokens(veriAmount);
- bytes32 id = calculateId({
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- value: msg.value,
- duration: duration,
- nonce: nonce
- });
- require(!exists(id));
- exposures[id] = RentExposure({
- id: id,
- veriAccount: veriAccount,
- etherAccount: etherAccount,
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- initialValue: msg.value,
- finalValue: 0,
- price: price,
- veriSettled: false,
- etherSettled: false
- });
- RentExposureOpened({
- id: id,
- veriAccount: veriAccount,
- etherAccount: etherAccount,
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- value: msg.value,
- price: price,
- duration: duration
- });
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- duration: duration,
- nonce: nonce
- });
- }
- function settle(bytes32 id) public {
- require(exists(id));
- RentExposure storage exposure = exposures[id];
- bool shouldSettleVeri = (msg.sender == exposure.veriAccount && !exposure.veriSettled);
- bool shouldSettleEther = (msg.sender == exposure.etherAccount && !exposure.etherSettled);
- require(shouldSettleVeri || shouldSettleEther);
- if (!exposure.veriSettled && !exposure.etherSettled) {
- exposure.finalValue = veExposure.settle(id);
- }
- if (shouldSettleVeri) {
- settleVeri(exposure);
- }
- if (shouldSettleEther) {
- settleEther(exposure);
- }
- if (exposure.veriSettled && exposure.etherSettled) {
- delete exposures[id];
- }
- }
- //--- Public constant functions
- function exists(bytes32 id) public constant returns (bool) {
- return exposures[id].veriAccount != address(0);
- }
- function calculateId(
- uint256 veriAmount,
- uint256 value,
- uint32 duration,
- uint256 nonce
- )
- public
- constant
- returns (bytes32)
- {
- return veExposure.calculateId({
- veriAmount: veriAmount,
- value: value,
- duration: duration,
- nonce: nonce
- });
- }
- function checkRatio(uint256 veriAmount, uint256 value)
- public
- constant
- returns (bool)
- {
- return veExposure.checkRatio(veriAmount, value);
- }
- //--- Fallback function
- function() public payable {
- // accept Ether deposits
- }
- //--- Private functions
- function settleVeri(RentExposure storage exposure) private {
- assert(msg.sender == exposure.veriAccount && !exposure.veriSettled);
- uint256 transferValue = 0;
- if (exposure.finalValue > exposure.initialValue) {
- // transfer part of profits (price)
- uint256 totalProfit = exposure.finalValue - exposure.initialValue;
- uint256 veriPrice = exposure.price;
- uint256 veriProfit = totalProfit.mul(veriPrice).div(1 ether);
- transferValue = veriProfit;
- }
- exposure.veriSettled = true;
- if (transferValue > 0) {
- exposure.veriAccount.transfer(transferValue);
- }
- VeriExposureSettled({
- id:,
- account: msg.sender,
- value: transferValue
- });
- }
- function settleEther(RentExposure storage exposure) private {
- assert(msg.sender == exposure.etherAccount && !exposure.etherSettled);
- uint256 transferValue = 0;
- if (exposure.finalValue > exposure.initialValue) {
- // transfer part of profits (100% - price)
- uint256 totalProfit = exposure.finalValue - exposure.initialValue;
- uint256 etherPrice = PRICE_100_PERCENT.sub(exposure.price);
- uint256 etherProfit = totalProfit.mul(etherPrice).div(1 ether);
- transferValue = exposure.initialValue.add(etherProfit);
- } else {
- // transfer remains
- transferValue = exposure.finalValue;
- }
- exposure.etherSettled = true;
- if (transferValue > 0) {
- exposure.etherAccount.transfer(transferValue);
- }
- EtherExposureSettled({
- id:,
- account: msg.sender,
- value: transferValue
- });
- }
- function forwardTokens(uint256 veriAmount) private {
- require(veToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, veriAmount));
- require(veToken.approve(veExposure, veriAmount));
- }
- }
- contract ERC20Basic {
- uint256 public totalSupply;
- function balanceOf(address who) public constant returns (uint256);
- function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
- event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
- }
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