
Custom Towers script

Sep 7th, 2017
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  1. on load:
  2. broadcast "7Thank you for using ONECMD's skript!"
  3. broadcast "7Message &aONECMD &cif you have found any bugs!"
  4. broadcast "7/CPI - default.server.info – Shows information about the server"
  5. broadcast "7Made by &bONECMD&c!"
  8. command /cast <string>:
  9. permission: ONECMD.broadcast
  10. permission message: "&cTowers&b &8: &7You don't have permission's"
  11. trigger:
  12. broadcast “&8Towers &8» %arg-1%"
  13. command /Towers:
  14. permission: default.server.info
  15. usage: /Towers
  16. executable by: players and console
  17. aliases: /towers, /Tower, /TOWER, /tower
  18. trigger:
  19. broadcast "&8Thank you for using &bONECMD &8Custom Essentials skript have fun!"
  21. on chat:
  22. replace all "fuck" with "****" in the message
  23. replace all "cunt" with "****" in the message
  24. replace all "bitch" with "****" in the message
  25. replace all "nigger" with "****" in the message
  26. replace all "pussy" with "****" in the message
  27. replace all "faggot" with "****" in the message
  28. replace all "kys" with "Hope you live " in the message
  29. replace all "onecmd" with "ONECMD" in the message
  30. replace all "OneCmd" with "ONECOMMAND" in the message
  32. command /clearchat:
  33. aliases: /cc, /clearc, /chatc
  34. permission: ONECMD.clearchat
  35. trigger:
  36. loop 200 times:
  37. broadcast " "
  38. broadcast "&8[&dCLEARCHAT&8] &b%player%, &7has cleared the chat!"
  40. command /chatlock:
  41. aliases:
  42. permission: ONECMD.lockchat
  43. trigger:
  44. set {locker} to "%player%"
  45. set {locked} to 1
  46. broadcast "&8[&aCHATLOCK&8] &7Chat has been locked by &4bplayer%"
  48. command: /chatunlock:
  49. aliases: /chatu, /uchat, /uc
  50. permission: ONECMD.chatunlock
  51. trigger:
  52. set {locked} to 0
  53. broadcast "&8[aCHATLOCK&8] &cChat has been unlocked by &b%player%"
  55. on chat:
  56. if player has permission "ONECMD.bypass":
  57. stop
  58. if {locked} is 1:
  59. cancel event
  60. message "&8[&aCHATLOCK&8] &7Chat is currently locked by &b%{locker}%"
  61. on death of player:
  62. broadcast “&8[&cDEATH&8] &b%player% &7went &b&LOOF”
  63. on unload:
  64. broadcast "&7Thanks so much for using my custom skript - &bONECMD"
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