

Apr 3rd, 2017
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  1. \documentclass[12pt]{article}
  4. \usepackage[cp1250]{inputenc}
  5. \usepackage{polski}  
  6. \usepackage{amsfonts} %wrzuca paczkę z znakiami
  7. \newcommand{\NN}{\mathbb{N}} %definiowanie własnch skrótów tekstowych
  9. \title{Coś o czymś i o niczym}
  10. \author{Dawid Kurcoń i Ktoś Coś}
  11. \date{33.33.33}
  13. \usepackage{graphicx}
  14. \graphicspath{ {img/} }
  15. \begin{document}
  17. \maketitle
  18. \newpage
  19. \section{geometria i pitagoras}
  20. Pitagoras jest znany z twierdzenia mówiącego że suma kwadratów przyprostokątnych jest równa kawadratowie przeciw prosotokątnej  oraz
  21. kwadrtowi to znaczy \\$ a^2 + b^2 = c^2$.
  22. $$ a^2+b^2=c^2$$
  23. gdzie $a > b$ oraz $m,n \in \NN$
  24. \section{About}
  25. LaTeX is not a stand-alone typesetting program in itself, but document preparation software that runs on top of Donald E. Knuth's TeX typesetting system. \emph{TeX distributions usually bundle together all} \textbf{the parts needed for a work}ing TeX system and they generally add to this both configuration and maintenance utilities. Nowadays LaTeX, and many of the packages built on it, form an important component of any major TeX distribution.  
  26. \section{tresc}
  27. LaTeX is not a stand-alone typesetting program in itself, but document preparation software that runs on top of Donald E. Knuth's TeX typesetting system. \emph{TeX distributions usually bundle together all} \textbf{the parts needed for a work}ing TeX system and they generally add to this both configuration and maintenance utilities. Nowadays LaTeX, and many of the packages built on it, form an important component of any major TeX distribution.
  28. \subsection{Kolejne tresci}
  29. \begin{figure}[h]
  30. \caption{Example of a parametric plot ($\sin (x), \cos(x), x$)}
  31. \centering
  32. \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{1}
  33. \end{figure}
  34. There are several ways to plot a function of two variables,
  35. depending on the information you are interested in. For
  36. instance, if you want to see the mesh of a function so it
  37. easier to see the derivative you can use a plot like the
  38. one on the left.
  39. LaTeX is not a stand-alone typesetting program in itself, but document preparation software that runs on top of Donald E. Knuth's TeX typesetting system. \emph{TeX distributions usually bundle together all} \textbf{the parts needed for a work}ing TeX system and they generally add to this both configuration and maintenance utilities. Nowadays LaTeX, and many of the packages built on it, form an important component of any major TeX distribution.
  40. \section{Przyciski}
  41. $\sqrt[4]{y_{2000}}$
  42. \section{Znaki Greckie}
  44. W tym podrozdziale przedstawimy przykłady znaków
  48. $\pi + \varphi$
  49. $ \rho + \rho + \beta + \alpha\Rightarrow oko$  
  51. %simple
  54.     \includegraphics[height=0.25\textwidth]{1}
  57. On the other side, if you are only interested on
  58. certain values you can use the contour plot, you
  59. can use the contour plot, you can use the contour
  60. plot, you can use the contour plot, you can use
  61. the contour plot, you can use the contour plot,
  62. you can use the contour plot, like the one on the left.
  64. On the other side, if you are only interested on
  65. certain values you can use the contour plot, you
  66. can use the contour plot, you can use the contour
  67. plot, you can use the contour plot, you can use the
  68. contour plot, you can use the contour plot,
  69. you can use the contour plot,
  70. like the one on the left.
  72. %end
  74. \subsection{Listy}
  76. \begin{center}
  77. \includegraphics[scale=.4, angle = 15]{1}
  78. \end{center}
  80. \begin{enumerate}
  81. \item pies
  82. \item kot
  83. \item wydra
  84. \item koń
  85. \end{enumerate}
  87. \begin{itemize}
  88. \item Opel
  89. \item Honda
  90. \item Yamaha
  91. \end{itemize}
  92. \end{document}
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