

Jun 4th, 2017
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  1. Date Time Status Message
  2. 28.05.2017 21:00:08.247 I Init_Tool - Check Path
  3. 28.05.2017 21:00:08.260 I Init_Tool - Save Config
  4. 28.05.2017 21:00:08.466 I Init_Tool - Init DB
  5. 28.05.2017 21:00:14.036 I Init_Tool - Load Config
  6. 28.05.2017 21:00:24.625 I DataStore-FromXmlDatei - Clean up old Data: Start
  7. 28.05.2017 21:00:26.189 I DataStore-FromXmlDatei - Clean up old Data: End
  8. 28.05.2017 21:05:34.647 I Init_Tool - Init EPM
  9. 28.05.2017 21:05:34.700 I Init_Tool - Init Backup
  10. 28.05.2017 21:05:34.710 I Init_Tool - Init CPU
  11. 28.05.2017 21:05:40.776 I Init_Tool - Done
  12. 28.05.2017 21:05:40.827 I ChatBotWorkerThread Start
  13. 28.05.2017 21:05:40.834 I RequestHandler: Starting server
  14. 28.05.2017 21:05:40.868 I TMD: ModClient: Started connection thread. Connecting to
  15. 28.05.2017 21:05:42.921 I -----------------START-----------------
  16. 28.05.2017 21:05:42.934 E Player_Cleanup - Player directory not found
  17. 28.05.2017 21:06:30.622 I Start End
  18. 28.05.2017 21:06:30.669 I RequestHandler: DeInit
  19. 28.05.2017 21:06:30.677 I TMD: ModClient: Disconnecting
  20. 28.05.2017 21:06:32.776 I DataStore-ToXmlDatei - Update Steam-ID: Start
  21. 28.05.2017 21:06:32.783 I DataStore-ToXmlDatei - Update Steam-ID: End
  22. 28.05.2017 21:06:32.791 I -----------------ENDE-----------------
  23. 28.05.2017 21:13:03.369 I Init_Tool - Check Path
  24. 28.05.2017 21:13:03.381 I Init_Tool - Save Config
  25. 28.05.2017 21:13:03.502 I Init_Tool - Init DB
  26. 28.05.2017 21:13:05.379 I Init_Tool - Load Config
  27. 28.05.2017 21:13:05.748 I DataStore-FromXmlDatei - Clean up old Data: Start
  28. 28.05.2017 21:13:09.634 I DataStore-FromXmlDatei - Clean up old Data: End
  29. 28.05.2017 21:13:09.967 I Init_Tool - Init EPM
  30. 28.05.2017 21:13:09.980 I Init_Tool - Init Backup
  31. 28.05.2017 21:13:09.992 I Init_Tool - Init CPU
  32. 28.05.2017 21:13:13.904 I Init_Tool - Done
  33. 28.05.2017 21:13:13.919 I ChatBotWorkerThread Start
  34. 28.05.2017 21:13:13.928 I RequestHandler: Starting server
  35. 28.05.2017 21:13:13.945 I TMD: ModClient: Started connection thread. Connecting to
  36. 28.05.2017 21:13:15.971 I -----------------START-----------------
  37. 28.05.2017 21:13:15.987 E Player_Cleanup - Player directory not found
  38. 28.05.2017 21:15:01.306 I Start_TimeTable - ManualStart
  39. 28.05.2017 21:15:01.321 I Start_TimeTable - ManualStart: c:\HeresyServer\EmpyrionDedicatedServer\EmpServerDedicatedNoGui.cmd
  40. 28.05.2017 21:15:01.423 I Start_TimeTable - ManualStart: Done
  41. 28.05.2017 21:17:06.821 I Start_TimeTable - ManualStart
  42. 28.05.2017 21:17:06.839 I Start_TimeTable - ManualStart: c:\HeresyServer\EmpyrionDedicatedServer\EmpServerDedicatedNoGui.cmd
  43. 28.05.2017 21:17:06.857 I Start_TimeTable - ManualStart: Done
  44. 28.05.2017 21:17:46.946 I Start_TimeTable - ManualStart
  45. 28.05.2017 21:17:46.963 I Start_TimeTable - ManualStart: c:\HeresyServer\EmpyrionDedicatedServer\EmpServerDedicatedNoGui.cmd
  46. 28.05.2017 21:17:46.980 I Start_TimeTable - ManualStart: Done
  47. 28.05.2017 21:19:22.247 I Start_TimeTable - ManualStart
  48. 28.05.2017 21:19:22.265 I Start_TimeTable - ManualStart: c:\HeresyServer\EmpyrionDedicatedServer\EmpServerDedicatedNoGui.cmd
  49. 28.05.2017 21:19:22.284 I Start_TimeTable - ManualStart: Done
  50. 28.05.2017 21:19:27.354 I TMD: ModClient: Connected with ModProtocol
  51. 28.05.2017 21:19:32.464 I Telnet Status: Connected
  52. 28.05.2017 21:19:32.534 I Reload All - Start
  53. 28.05.2017 21:19:32.544 I Start_Async - Start
  54. 28.05.2017 21:19:32.565 I Reload All - End
  55. 28.05.2017 21:19:32.607 I Start_Async - End Run, Load Files
  56. 28.05.2017 21:19:32.624 I Start_Async - End Run End
  57. 28.05.2017 21:20:30.641 I Reload All - Start
  58. 28.05.2017 21:20:30.650 I Start_Async - Start
  59. 28.05.2017 21:20:30.666 I Reload All - End
  60. 28.05.2017 21:20:30.691 I Start_Async - End Run, Load Files
  61. 28.05.2017 21:20:30.708 I Start_Async - End Run End
  62. 28.05.2017 21:21:16.650 E MDP: Connection closed while reading (Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)
  63. 28.05.2017 21:21:16.744 I MDP: Closing Connection
  64. 28.05.2017 21:21:16.771 I TMD: ModClient: DisconnectedDelegate called
  65. 28.05.2017 21:21:16.780 I TMD: ModClient: Disconnecting
  66. 28.05.2017 21:21:16.789 I MDP: Closing
  67. 28.05.2017 21:21:17.400 I TMD: ModClient: Connected with ModProtocol
  68. 28.05.2017 21:21:30.483 E Error: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): A 32 bit processes cannot access modules of a 64 bit process.
  69. at System.Diagnostics.NtProcessManager.GetModuleInfos(Int32 processId, Boolean firstModuleOnly)
  70. at System.Diagnostics.NtProcessManager.GetFirstModuleInfo(Int32 processId)
  71. at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_MainModule()
  72. at EmpAdminHelper.Funktionen.CheckGameRunning(): Further Infos: CheckGameRunning -
  73. 28.05.2017 21:21:30.514 E Last Errors: Error: System: 5
  74. : A 32 bit processes cannot access modules of a 64 bit process.
  75. 28.05.2017 21:21:37.834 E Error: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): A 32 bit processes cannot access modules of a 64 bit process.
  76. at System.Diagnostics.NtProcessManager.GetModuleInfos(Int32 processId, Boolean firstModuleOnly)
  77. at System.Diagnostics.NtProcessManager.GetFirstModuleInfo(Int32 processId)
  78. at System.Diagnostics.Process.get_MainModule()
  79. at EmpAdminHelper.Funktionen.KillRunningGame(): Further Infos: KillRunningGame -
  80. 28.05.2017 21:21:37.843 E Last Errors: Error: System: 5
  81. : A 32 bit processes cannot access modules of a 64 bit process.
  82. 28.05.2017 21:43:17.002 I DataStore-ToXmlDatei - Update Steam-ID: Start
  83. 28.05.2017 21:43:17.027 I DataStore-ToXmlDatei - Update Steam-ID: End
  84. 28.05.2017 22:13:17.524 I DataStore-ToXmlDatei - Update Steam-ID: Start
  85. 28.05.2017 22:13:17.533 I DataStore-ToXmlDatei - Update Steam-ID: End
  86. 28.05.2017 22:43:18.117 I DataStore-ToXmlDatei - Update Steam-ID: Start
  87. 28.05.2017 22:43:18.127 I DataStore-ToXmlDatei - Update Steam-ID: End
  88. 28.05.2017 22:44:43.201 I Reload All - Start
  89. 28.05.2017 22:44:43.210 I Start_Async - Start
  90. 28.05.2017 22:44:43.228 I Reload All - End
  91. 28.05.2017 22:44:43.258 I Start_Async - End Run, Load Files
  92. 28.05.2017 22:44:43.274 I Start_Async - End Run End
  93. 28.05.2017 22:45:08.772 I Telnet Connect: API SetStatus
  94. 28.05.2017 22:45:31.561 I Telnet Connect: API SetStatus
  95. 28.05.2017 22:46:00.684 I Start End
  96. 28.05.2017 22:46:00.775 I RequestHandler: DeInit
  97. 28.05.2017 22:46:00.795 I TMD: ModClient: Disconnecting
  98. 28.05.2017 22:46:00.805 I MDP: Closing
  99. 28.05.2017 22:46:00.814 E MDP: Connection closed while reading (Unable to read data from the transport connection: A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.)
  100. 28.05.2017 22:46:00.824 I MDP: Closing Connection
  101. 28.05.2017 22:46:00.832 I ModClient: DisconnectedDelegate called
  102. 28.05.2017 22:46:00.840 I ModClient: Disconnecting
  103. 28.05.2017 22:46:00.856 I ModClient: Connected with ModProtocol
  104. 28.05.2017 22:46:01.096 E Error: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
  105. at System.Tuple`2.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode(IEqualityComparer comparer)
  106. at System.Tuple`2.GetHashCode()
  107. at System.Collections.Generic.ObjectEqualityComparer`1.GetHashCode(T obj)
  108. at System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2.TryGetValue(TKey key, TValue& value)
  109. at System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2.GetOrAdd(TKey key, Func`2 valueFactory)
  110. at System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DependencyResolution.AppConfigDependencyResolver.GetService(Type type, Object key)
  111. at System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DependencyResolution.ResolverChain.<>c__DisplayClass3.<GetService>b__0(IDbDependencyResolver r)
  112. at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectArrayIterator`2.MoveNext()
  113. at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
  114. at System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DependencyResolution.ResolverChain.GetService(Type type, Object key)
  115. at System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DependencyResolution.CompositeResolver`2.GetService(Type type, Object key)
  116. at System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DependencyResolution.DbDependencyResolverExtensions.GetService[T](IDbDependencyResolver resolver)
  117. at System.Data.Entity.DbContext.InitializeLazyInternalContext(IInternalConnection internalConnection, DbCompiledModel model)
  118. at System.Data.Entity.DbContext..ctor(DbConnection existingConnection, Boolean contextOwnsConnection)
  119. at EmpAdminHelper.EAH_Struct_DatabaseContext..ctor()
  120. at EmpAdminHelper.MainWorkerthread.?????????????????????????????????????????(): Further Infos: WT - Check_EntityList -
  121. 28.05.2017 22:46:01.180 E Last Errors: Error: mscorlib: 5
  122. : Thread was being aborted.
  123. 28.05.2017 22:46:01.192 E Error: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
  124. at EmpAdminHelper.MainWorkerthread.?????????????????????????????????????????()
  125. at EmpAdminHelper.MainWorkerthread.????????????????????????????????????????(): Further Infos: MainWorkerThread -
  126. 28.05.2017 22:46:01.204 E Last Errors: Error: Shared: 5
  127. : Thread was being aborted.
  128. 28.05.2017 22:46:02.828 I DataStore-ToXmlDatei - Update Steam-ID: Start
  129. 28.05.2017 22:46:02.838 I DataStore-ToXmlDatei - Update Steam-ID: End
  130. 28.05.2017 22:46:02.848 I -----------------ENDE-----------------
  131. 31.05.2017 19:13:03.172 I Init_Tool - Check Path
  132. 31.05.2017 19:13:03.238 I Init_Tool - Save Config
  133. 31.05.2017 19:13:03.674 I Init_Tool - Init DB
  134. 31.05.2017 19:13:06.707 I Init_Tool - Load Config
  135. 31.05.2017 19:13:07.102 I DataStore-FromXmlDatei - Clean up old Data: Start
  136. 31.05.2017 19:13:14.848 I DataStore-FromXmlDatei - Clean up old Data: End
  137. 31.05.2017 19:13:15.268 I Init_Tool - Init EPM
  138. 31.05.2017 19:13:15.283 I Init_Tool - Init Backup
  139. 31.05.2017 19:13:15.294 I Init_Tool - Init CPU
  140. 31.05.2017 19:13:22.690 I Init_Tool - Done
  141. 31.05.2017 19:13:22.796 I MainWorkerThread Start
  142. 31.05.2017 19:13:22.805 I RequestHandler: Starting server
  143. 31.05.2017 19:13:22.829 I TMD: ModClient: Started connection thread. Connecting to
  144. 31.05.2017 19:13:22.922 I TMD: ModClient: Connected with ModProtocol
  145. 31.05.2017 19:13:24.901 E MDP: Connection closed while reading (Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)
  146. 31.05.2017 19:13:24.910 E Player_Cleanup - Player directory not found
  147. 31.05.2017 19:13:24.919 I MDP: Closing Connection
  148. 31.05.2017 19:13:24.930 I TMD: ModClient: DisconnectedDelegate called
  149. 31.05.2017 19:13:24.938 I TMD: ModClient: Disconnecting
  150. 31.05.2017 19:13:24.947 I MDP: Closing
  151. 31.05.2017 19:13:25.934 I TMD: ModClient: Connected with ModProtocol
  152. 31.05.2017 19:14:28.772 I Telnet Status: Connected
  153. 31.05.2017 19:14:29.010 I Reload All - Start
  154. 31.05.2017 19:14:29.028 I Start_Async - Start
  155. 31.05.2017 19:14:29.058 I Reload All - End
  156. 31.05.2017 19:14:29.130 I Start_Async - End Run, Load Files
  157. 31.05.2017 19:14:29.146 I Start_Async - End Run End
  158. 31.05.2017 19:14:29.279 E MDP: Connection closed while reading (Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)
  159. 31.05.2017 19:14:29.288 I MDP: Closing Connection
  160. 31.05.2017 19:14:29.297 I TMD: ModClient: DisconnectedDelegate called
  161. 31.05.2017 19:14:29.306 I TMD: ModClient: Disconnecting
  162. 31.05.2017 19:14:29.315 I MDP: Closing
  163. 31.05.2017 19:14:29.988 I TMD: ModClient: Connected with ModProtocol
  164. 31.05.2017 19:15:29.103 E MDP: Connection closed while reading (Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.)
  165. 31.05.2017 19:15:29.113 I MDP: Closing Connection
  166. 31.05.2017 19:15:29.122 I TMD: ModClient: DisconnectedDelegate called
  167. 31.05.2017 19:15:29.133 I TMD: ModClient: Disconnecting
  168. 31.05.2017 19:15:29.142 I MDP: Closing
  169. 31.05.2017 19:15:30.073 I TMD: ModClient: Connected with ModProtocol
  170. 31.05.2017 19:17:07.736 I Start End
  171. 31.05.2017 19:17:07.871 I RequestHandler: DeInit
  172. 31.05.2017 19:17:07.881 I TMD: ModClient: Disconnecting
  173. 31.05.2017 19:17:07.891 I MDP: Closing
  174. 31.05.2017 19:17:07.900 E MDP: Connection closed while reading (Unable to read data from the transport connection: A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall.)
  175. 31.05.2017 19:17:07.909 I MDP: Closing Connection
  176. 31.05.2017 19:17:07.918 I ModClient: DisconnectedDelegate called
  177. 31.05.2017 19:17:07.926 I ModClient: Disconnecting
  178. 31.05.2017 19:17:08.125 I ModClient: Connected with ModProtocol
  179. 31.05.2017 19:17:10.041 I DataStore-ToXmlDatei - Update Steam-ID: Start
  180. 31.05.2017 19:17:10.050 I DataStore-ToXmlDatei - Update Steam-ID: End
  181. 31.05.2017 19:17:10.059 I -----------------ENDE-----------------
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