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- #include "logic_shapes.h"
- #include <cassert>
- #include <functional>
- using Graph_lib::Point;
- using Graph_lib::Color;
- namespace Logic {
- SchemeShape::SchemeShape (const Point& pos, int width, int height)
- : Graph_lib::Rectangle{ pos, width, height }
- {
- set_color(BACKGROUND_COLOR);
- set_fill_color(BACKGROUND_COLOR);
- }
- void SchemeShape::attach (ElementShape& elem_shape)
- {
- elem_shapes.push_back(elem_shape);
- update_connections();
- }
- void SchemeShape::attach (OperatorShape& oper_shape)
- {
- oper_shapes.push_back(oper_shape);
- attach(static_cast<ElementShape&>(oper_shape));
- }
- void SchemeShape::draw_lines () const
- {
- Graph_lib::Rectangle::draw_lines();
- for (int i = 0; i < connections.size(); ++i)
- connections[i].draw();
- for (int i = 0; i < elem_shapes.size(); ++i)
- elem_shapes[i].draw();
- }
- void SchemeShape::update_connections ()
- {
- connections.clear();
- // determine all connections
- for (int i = 0; i < elem_shapes.size(); ++i)
- {
- ElementShape& from = elem_shapes[i];
- for (int j = 0; j < oper_shapes.size(); ++j)
- {
- OperatorShape& to = oper_shapes[j];
- // try to find connection
- const auto& to_inputs = to.parent().get_inputs();
- for (size_t k = 0; k < to_inputs.size(); ++k)
- {
- const auto& input_pair = to_inputs[k];
- if (&from.parent() == input_pair.elem)
- connections.push_back(new ConnectionShape{ from, to, k });
- }
- } // for j
- } // for i
- }
- ElementShape::ElementShape (SchemeShape& s,
- Element& e,
- const std::string& name,
- const Point& pos, // left top
- int width /* = DEFAULT_WIDTH */, int height /* = DEFAULT_HEIGHT */)
- : Graph_lib::Shape{ pos }
- , scheme { s }
- , elem { e }
- , w { width }
- , h { height }
- , label { pos + Point{0, -LABEL_MARGIN_Y}, name }
- , out_circle { Point{ pos.x + w + CIRCLES_RADIUS, pos.y + h/2 + 1 }, CIRCLES_RADIUS }
- {
- using namespace std::placeholders;
- Logic_callback cb = std::bind(&ElementShape::callback_func, this, _1);
- e.set_callback(cb);
- // set style
- label.set_font(LABEL_FONT);
- label.set_color(LABEL_COLOR);
- out_circle.set_style(CIRCLE_LINE_TYPE);
- out_circle.set_color(elem ? TRUE_COLOR : FALSE_COLOR);
- }
- void ElementShape::on_change (const Element& e)
- {
- out_circle.set_color(e ? TRUE_COLOR : FALSE_COLOR);
- }
- void ElementShape::callback_func (const Element& e)
- {
- on_change(e);
- scheme.update_connections();
- }
- void ElementShape::draw_lines () const
- {
- label.draw();
- // we should draw output circle if only output is inverted
- if (elem.inverted())
- out_circle.draw();
- }
- SourceShape::SourceShape (SchemeShape& scheme,
- Source& e,
- const std::string& name,
- const Point& pos, // left top
- int width /* = DEFAULT_WIDTH */, int height /* = DEFAULT_HEIGHT */)
- : ElementShape{ scheme, e, name, pos, width, height }
- , body { pos, width, height }
- {
- scheme.attach(*this);
- body.set_style(SHAPE_LINE_TYPE);
- body.set_color(
- elem.inverted() ? (elem ? FALSE_COLOR : TRUE_COLOR)
- );
- }
- void SourceShape::on_change (const Element& e)
- {
- ElementShape::on_change(e);
- body.set_color(
- e.inverted() ? (e ? FALSE_COLOR : TRUE_COLOR)
- );
- }
- void SourceShape::draw_lines () const
- {
- ElementShape::draw_lines();
- body.draw();
- }
- ConnectionShape::ConnectionShape (const ElementShape& elem, const OperatorShape& oper, size_t i)
- : line { elem.output_pos(), oper.input_pos(elem.parent(), i) }
- , dash { oper.input_pos(elem.parent(), i), oper.input_pos(elem.parent(), i) + Point{CIRCLES_RADIUS, 0} }
- , circle { oper.input_pos(elem.parent(), i), CIRCLES_RADIUS }
- {
- // determine if inverted
- inverted = false;
- for(const auto& inputs_pair : oper.parent().get_inputs())
- {
- if (inputs_pair.elem == &elem.parent())
- {
- inverted = inputs_pair.inv;
- break;
- }
- }
- // set styles
- line.set_style(CONNECTION_LINE_TYPE);
- dash.set_style(CONNECTION_LINE_TYPE);
- circle.set_style(CIRCLE_LINE_TYPE);
- line.set_color(elem.parent() ? TRUE_COLOR : FALSE_COLOR);
- dash.set_color(elem.parent() ? TRUE_COLOR : FALSE_COLOR);
- circle.set_color(elem.parent() ? FALSE_COLOR : TRUE_COLOR);
- }
- void ConnectionShape::draw_lines () const
- {
- line.draw();
- if (inverted)
- circle.draw();
- else
- dash.draw();
- }
- OperatorShape::OperatorShape (SchemeShape& scheme,
- Operation& e,
- const std::string& name,
- const Point& pos, // left top
- int width /* = DEFAULT_WIDTH */, int height /* = DEFAULT_HEIGHT */)
- : ElementShape{ scheme, e, name, pos, width, height }
- {
- scheme.attach(*this);
- }
- Point OperatorShape::input_pos (const Element& e, size_t i) const
- {
- Point left_top = point(0);
- const auto& elem_inputs = parent().get_inputs();
- if ( == &e)
- return left_top + Point{ -CIRCLES_RADIUS, int((i+1) * h / (int(inputs_count()) + 1)) };
- assert(!"wrong input");
- return left_top;
- }
- void OperatorShape::draw_lines () const
- {
- ElementShape::draw_lines();
- }
- AndShape::AndShape (SchemeShape& scheme,
- And& e,
- const std::string& name,
- const Point& pos, // left top
- int width /* = DEFAULT_WIDTH */, int height /* = DEFAULT_HEIGHT */)
- : OperatorShape { scheme, e, name, pos, width, height }
- , right_side { Point{pos.x + width/2, pos.y + height/2 + 1}, width/2, height/2 + 1, -90, 90 }
- {
- left_side.add(pos + Point{width/2, 0});
- left_side.add(pos);
- left_side.add(pos + Point{0, height});
- left_side.add(pos + Point{width/2, height});
- left_side.set_style(SHAPE_LINE_TYPE);
- right_side.set_style(SHAPE_LINE_TYPE);
- Graph_lib::Color c = elem.inverted() ? (elem ? FALSE_COLOR : TRUE_COLOR)
- : (elem ? TRUE_COLOR : FALSE_COLOR);
- left_side.set_color(c);
- right_side.set_color(c);
- }
- void AndShape::on_change (const Element& e)
- {
- OperatorShape::on_change(e);
- Graph_lib::Color c = e.inverted() ? (e ? FALSE_COLOR : TRUE_COLOR)
- left_side.set_color(c);
- right_side.set_color(c);
- }
- void AndShape::draw_lines () const
- {
- OperatorShape::draw_lines();
- left_side.draw();
- right_side.draw();
- }
- OrShape::OrShape (SchemeShape& scheme,
- Or& e,
- const std::string& name,
- const Point& pos, // left top
- int width /* = DEFAULT_WIDTH */, int height /* = DEFAULT_HEIGHT */)
- : OperatorShape { scheme, e, name, pos, width, height }
- , left_side { Point{pos.x, pos.y + height/2 + 1}, width/4, height/2 + 1, -90, 90 }
- , right_side { Point{pos.x, pos.y + height/2 + 1}, width/1, height/2 + 1, -90, 90 }
- {
- left_side.set_style(SHAPE_LINE_TYPE);
- right_side.set_style(SHAPE_LINE_TYPE);
- Graph_lib::Color c = elem.inverted() ? (elem ? FALSE_COLOR : TRUE_COLOR)
- : (elem ? TRUE_COLOR : FALSE_COLOR);
- left_side.set_color(c);
- right_side.set_color(c);
- }
- Point OrShape::input_pos (const Element& e, size_t i) const
- {
- auto pos = point(0);
- auto p = OperatorShape::input_pos(e, i);
- double rx = left_side.major();
- double ry = left_side.minor();
- double dy = p.y - pos.y;
- double y = std::abs(ry - dy);
- double x = rx * std::sqrt( 1.0 - y*y / (ry*ry) );
- return p + Point{ int(x), 0 };
- }
- void OrShape::on_change (const Element& e)
- {
- OperatorShape::on_change(e);
- Graph_lib::Color c = e.inverted() ? (e ? FALSE_COLOR : TRUE_COLOR)
- left_side.set_color(c);
- right_side.set_color(c);
- }
- void OrShape::draw_lines () const
- {
- OperatorShape::draw_lines();
- left_side.draw();
- right_side.draw();
- }
- XorShape::XorShape (SchemeShape& scheme,
- Xor& e,
- const std::string& name,
- const Graph_lib::Point& pos, // left top
- int width /* = DEFAULT_WIDTH */, int height /* = DEFAULT_HEIGHT */)
- : OperatorShape { scheme, e, name, pos, width, height }
- , right_side { Point{pos.x + width/2, pos.y + height/2 + 1}, width/2, height/2 + 1, -90, 90 }
- {
- left_side.add(pos + Point{width/2, 0});
- left_side.add(pos);
- left_side.add(pos + Point{0, height});
- left_side.add(pos + Point{width/2, height});
- left_side.set_style(SHAPE_LINE_TYPE);
- right_side.set_style(SHAPE_LINE_TYPE);
- Graph_lib::Color c = elem.inverted() ? (elem ? FALSE_COLOR : TRUE_COLOR)
- : (elem ? TRUE_COLOR : FALSE_COLOR);
- left_side.set_color(c);
- right_side.set_color(c);
- }
- void XorShape::on_change (const Element& e)
- {
- OperatorShape::on_change(e);
- Graph_lib::Color c = e.inverted() ? (e ? FALSE_COLOR : TRUE_COLOR)
- left_side.set_color(c);
- right_side.set_color(c);
- }
- void XorShape::draw_lines () const
- {
- OperatorShape::draw_lines();
- left_side.draw();
- right_side.draw();
- }
- } // namespace Logic
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