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- class Recipes:
- def __init__(self, ingredients, crafted_item):
- self.ingredients = ingredients
- self.crafted_item = crafted_item
- class Ingredient:
- def __init__(self, name, description):
- = name
- self.description = description
- # add any other relevant attributes, like rarity or cost
- def __str__(self):
- return f"{}: {self.description}"
- def __repr__(self):
- return f"{}"
- # create an ingredient instance
- mandrake_root = Ingredient(
- "mandrake root", "A rare and powerful herb with magical properties.")
- phoenix_feather = Ingredient("phoenix feather",
- "Taken from the plumage of the Fire Bird.")
- coal = Ingredient(
- "coal",
- "Slow-burned wood - contains a lot of potential combustible energy.")
- burnt_wood = Ingredient("burnt wood", "An inferior product compared to coal.")
- basilisk_talon = Ingredient(
- "basilisk talon",
- "A claw that was harvested from a perished Basilisk creature.")
- water = Ingredient(
- "water",
- "The most basic composite of life. Can be obtained anywhere there is life."
- )
- elemental_leaf = Ingredient(
- "elemental leaf",
- "An otherwise ordinary leaf, imbued with a unique type of magic.")
- oil = Ingredient("oil",
- "Rendered fat from an animal, usually a mammal or bird.")
- red_herb = Ingredient(
- "red herb",
- "Any herb that is pigmented dark red, and native to the high-elevation plateau in the North continent."
- )
- chimera_claw = Ingredient("chimera claw", "Hardened keratin product obtained fromh harvesting the paw of a chimera monster.")
- #next ingredient us both ingredient and finished crafted item
- dragons_breath = Ingredient("Dragon's Breath", "A common way to preserve the attributes of an elemental leaf; by soaking it in oil immediately after imbued with elemental magic, an alchemist can expect a week more of potency versus no oil treatment.")
- dandelion_milk = Ingredient("dandelion milk", "Procured by macerating the thicker roots of the dandelion plant.")
- #create Recipe instances
- phoenix_ashes_recipe = Recipes({"phoenix feather":4, "alterative ingredients":[{"coal":1}, {"burnt wood": 2}]},"phoenix ashes")
- basilisk_blood_recipe = Recipes({"basilisk talon":3,"water":1}, "basilisk blood")
- dragons_breath_recipe = Recipes({"elemental leaf":1,"oil":1}, "dragon's breath")
- health_potion_recipe = Recipes({"red herb":3,"water":1},"health potion")
- imbued_chimera_claw_recipe = Recipes({"chimera claw":1,"dragon's breath":1,"dandelion milk":1},"imbued chimera claw")
- # Define items and recipes
- inventory = {}
- recipes = [
- phoenix_ashes_recipe, basilisk_blood_recipe, dragons_breath_recipe, health_potion_recipe, imbued_chimera_claw_recipe
- ]
- # Check player inventory for item (in general)
- def has_item(item):
- return item in inventory
- # Function to add items to the player's inventory
- def add_item(item):
- if has_item(item):
- inventory[item] += 1
- else:
- inventory[item] = 1
- # Function to remove items from inventory
- def remove_items(item):
- if has_item(item):
- inventory[item] -= item
- # Check if player has required items in correct amounts for crafting
- def has_recipe_items(required_items):
- for item, amount in required_items.items():
- if item not in inventory or inventory[item] < amount:
- return False
- return True
- # Function to craft an item
- def craft_item(craftable_item):
- if craftable_item in recipes and has_recipe_items(recipes[craftable_item]):
- # If the recipe exists and the player has the required recipe items
- # Remove the used items from inventory
- for material, amount in recipes[craftable_item].items():
- if material != "alternative_ingredients":
- remove_items(amount)
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