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- -- Make some functions easier to write
- local floor = math.floor
- local sub = string.sub
- local gsub = string.gsub
- local rem = table.remove
- -- Our base64 value table
- local base64 = { ['A']=0,['B']=1,['C']=2,['D']=3,['E']=4,['F']=5,['G']=6,['H']=7,['I']=8,
- ['J']=9,['K']=10,['L']=11,['M']=12,['N']=13,['O']=14,['P']=15,['Q']=16,
- ['R']=17,['S']=18,['T']=19,['U']=20,['V']=21,['W']=22,['X']=23,['Y']=24,
- ['Z']=25,['a']=26,['b']=27,['c']=28,['d']=29,['e']=30,['f']=31,['g']=32,
- ['h']=33,['i']=34,['j']=35,['k']=36,['l']=37,['m']=38,['n']=39,['o']=40,
- ['p']=41,['q']=42,['r']=43,['s']=44,['t']=45,['u']=46,['v']=47,['w']=48,
- ['x']=49,['y']=50,['z']=51,['0']=52,['1']=53,['2']=54,['3']=55,['4']=56,
- ['5']=57,['6']=58,['7']=59,['8']=60,['9']=61,['+']=62,['/']=63,['=']=nil}
- -- Decimal values for binary digits
- local bin ={}
- local mult = 1
- for i = 1,40 do
- bin[i] = mult
- mult = mult*2
- end
- -- A buffer we will use to process the bits
- local buffer = 0
- local pos = 0
- local function clearBuffer()
- buffer = 0
- pos = 1
- end
- -- Shift all of the bits up in the buffer and put the base64 number on the bottom
- local function pushBase64(n)
- if base64[n] == nil then return end
- buffer = buffer * bin[7] + base64[n]
- pos = pos + 6
- end
- -- Get an int out of the buffer. This is tricky. The byte order is in little endian so we're going
- -- to have to isolate and cut the bytes out and then move them around.
- local function getInt()
- -- If our buffer isn't filled all the way then fill it with zeros
- while pos < 33 do
- buffer = buffer * bin[2]
- pos = pos + 1
- end
- -- Move the buffer position to just below the integer.
- pos = pos - 32
- -- Swap the first and forth byte and then the second and third.
- local tmp = floor((buffer%bin[33+pos-1])/bin[25+pos-1]) +
- floor((buffer%bin[25+pos-1])/bin[17+pos-1])*bin[9] +
- floor((buffer%bin[17+pos-1])/bin[9+pos-1])*bin[17] +
- floor((buffer%bin[9+pos-1])/bin[pos])*bin[25]
- -- We've got our integer so let's cut that portion out of the buffer
- buffer = buffer % bin[pos]
- -- Return the int
- return tmp
- end
- -- Get a byte out of the buffer
- local function getByte()
- -- If our buffer isn't filled all the way then fill it with zeros
- while pos < 9 do
- buffer = buffer * bin[2]
- pos = pos + 1
- end
- -- Move the buffer position to just below the byte.
- pos = pos - 8
- -- Cut out the byte
- local tmp = floor((buffer%bin[9+pos-1])/bin[pos])
- -- Delete the byte from the buffer
- buffer = buffer % bin[pos]
- -- Return the byte
- return tmp
- end
- -- Glues together an integer from four bytes. Little endian
- local function glueInt(b1, b2, b3, b4)
- return b1%bin[9] + b2%bin[9]*bin[9] + b3%bin[9]*bin[17] + b4%bin[9]*bin[25]
- end
- -- A Lua set that will filter out characters that aren't in the base64 table
- local set = "[^%a%d%+%/%=]"
- -- Decodes a base64 string into the given type
- local function decode(mode, raw)
- -- Make sure the mode is supported
- assert(mode=="string" or mode=="int" or mode=="byte", "Base64 decode - Invalid mode: " .. mode)
- -- Clear the buffer
- clearBuffer()
- -- Filters undefined characters out of the string
- raw = gsub(raw, set, "")
- local size = 0 -- Size of the returned type in bits
- local val = {} -- A table containing the data to be returned
- local raw_pos = 1 -- The position of the progress through the raw base64 string
- local raw_size = #raw -- The size of the base64 string
- local char = "" -- The current base64 character to be processed
- -- If we're expected to return an int then the bit size is 32, otherwise it's 8
- if mode == "int" then size = 32 else size = 8 end
- -- While we still have input
- while raw_pos <= raw_size do
- -- Fill the buffer until we have enough bits
- while pos <= size and raw_pos <= raw_size do
- char = sub(raw,raw_pos,raw_pos)
- pushBase64( char )
- raw_pos = raw_pos + 1
- end
- -- If a nil character is encountered the end the loop
- if char == "=" then break end
- -- Get data from the buffer depending on the type
- if mode == "string" then val[#val+1] = string.char( getByte() ) end
- if mode == "byte" then val[#val+1] = getByte() end
- if mode == "int" then val[#val+1] = getInt() end
- end
- if mode == "string" then return table.concat(val) end
- return val
- end
- -- Returns the functions
- return {decode = decode, glueInt = glueInt, base64 = base64}
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