
Thor Slay Hymir

Apr 19th, 2023
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  1. It is said that then the giant Hymir changed colour, went
  2. pale, and panicked when he saw the serpent and how the sea
  3. flowed out and in over the boat. And just at the moment when
  4. Thor was grasping his hammer and lifting it in the air, the giant
  5. fumbled at his bait-knife and cut Thor’s line from the gunwale,
  6. and the serpent sank into the sea. But Thor threw his hammer
  7. after it, and they say that he struck off its head by the sea-bed. But
  8. I think in fact the contrary is correct to report to you that the
  9. Midgard serpent lives still and lies in the encircling sea. But Thor
  10. swung his fist and struck at Hymir’s ear so that he plunged
  11. overboard and one could see the soles of his feet. But Thor waded
  12. ashore.’
  14. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘Have any greater events taken place
  15. among the Æsir? It was a very great exploit that Thor achieved on
  16. this expedition.’
  19. - Prose Edda, Gylfaginning
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